Red Moon [2]


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They already have the power to rule, got their brother back, and one of them found love. Thet got united with... More



113 3 0


"Okay so, which way do we go? Hoshi hyung?" Chan asked.

We are getting farther from the entrance of this cave and we can't find a way to the witch.

"We should go on left." We all followed him, until we reached a cauldron filled with a liquid.

We looked at the surroundings, the walls being filled with books, bottles and everything that witch could use.

"She escaped." Suho hyung said.

"I can still smell her tracks" mark said.

"Damn it. Why is she making it hard for us?!" I shouted.

I was eager to save sophia, i know it wasn't going to be easy.

"Be patient. We can still find her. " Seungcheol hyung tap my back.

We walked on the long hallway, in hopes of finding that bitch. I will give my all if i get my sophia.

"Looking for me?" Someone spoke at our backs and strike an attack at the back of vernon. Vernon collapsed and we prepared for the worst.

She laughed and suddenly she strike another attack on us. We managed to dodge it, however she managed to seperate our group.

She trapped us in a big room. I can still here some of us left there fighting her.

I know why she seperated us. She can't take us all.

"Shit! We left them!" Chanyeol exclaimed and he started to attack the wall so we could get free.

But i know it won't work.

"It's no use... We cant get out." Kai banged on the wall.

I can't think straight as well. What should we do..

We heard a loud pound outside, and we found ourselves free from the room.


as the others were set free, they had joined the fight. Seokmin's conclusion was right ; the witch cant take all of them.

The strategy they were discussing before were not followed.

"Chan! Grab her necklace!!" Luhan shouted.

Chan is the nearest one to the witch, he can easily grab it. Or so they thought.

Chan tried his best to stand up after being thrown by the blocks on the ceiling. The others are also doing their best to distract the witch.

Chen did made sure she is electrocuted withe joshua's help. Baekhyun managed to blind her for a few seconds, kris and luhan managed to tie her hands and feet and the others are keep on attacking her.

Chan used his ability to fly to reach the witch faster, however the witch sensed his presence on her back.

"Enough!!" The witch managed to release from the bindings.

Their attacks wasn't powerful.

"I had enough games with you brats!! It's my turn!" The witch reached for her staff and threw all of them away at once.

Once they are already incapable to fight, the witch escaped.

Most of them are already knocked out, while chan, seokmin and seungcheol are the ones who are awake.

"S-she escaped! What should we do?!" Chan manage to get up while seokmin and seungcheol is struggling.

"Damn it!! How should we find sophia, we can't even manage to fight her!" Seokmin shouted in frustration.

"Calm down seokm-"

"How can i calm down! Sophia is missing! My sophia! I am not there when she needed me! I am useless!!"

The three of them could do nothing but pick up their friends and bring them straight home.

Meanwhile, mark and his brothers are about to go to where he found cornelia but he was stop by her.

"I am sorry but you cannot follow them. They are going to die."

"What the hell? I couldn't care about them, but this is about saving sophia."

Cornelia sighed.

"My mother escaped from them. She could be hiding somewhere near at them. Don't be involve anymore, she might target you-"

"Who is this, mark?" Jaebum asked.

"Well..she's cornelia."

"Just tell them the truth man." Jackson said.

"Fine. Everything i said about marriage is a lie. I just used sophia so i could get back to those vampires and cornelia personally likes one of them."

"What the hell mark? Dad did not teach us how to get revenge!! We are better than that!" Jaebum spat in anger.

"I'm sorry okay? I did not go any further! All i want is to save the girl!"

"Well, i wanted too. However, your actions are going to have consequences."

"I told you to stop this, now, you are possibly going to become outcast!!" Jinyoung shouted.

"Can you all stop being mad at me?! Cornelia, just tell us where is she." Mark pleaded.

"Fine. I just want all of you to suffer but i am not that bad. But mother will be very disappointed."

She waved her hand in the air, and a ball suddenly appeared in her hands. The ball showed us a green locket with an orb inside.

"That's her soul. The body...i don't know where her body is, i'm sorry. Time is running out. Help them quickly. But remember, my mother is just nearby. Stay out of her view."

"Thanks a lot."

"Ah one thing mark, her soul is in my mother's necklace."

Meanwhile, everyone started to wake up. They were already brought outside by chan and seokmin.

"What happened?" Wonwoo asked.

"The witch escaped." Seokmin simply replied.

"Shit. What now?" Mingyu asked.

"Well, i don't know. That bitch must be nearby." Seokmin answered.

They all became wary of their surroundings as they feel that the witch is still there, hiding.

Suddenly, mark and his brothers came to aid them. Chan hugged mark in delight.

"I can't believe i am saying this but i am glad that you are here. " Chan said.

"Too early for that. I already have a clue. Listen close." Chan pulled seokmin and seungcheol.

"Her body and soul are seperated. We need to find the body. Her soul is at the witch's necklace. "

"She made it hard for us. She could die. If we don't act now, she...she..." Seokmin started to stutter.

"Hey hey.. everything's gonna be alright-"

"No! You already said the clue, it's not alright! We need to find her body i don't know where the fuck it is!"

"Seokmin i think you need to stay out of these-"

"No. I'll find her. I'll find my sophia." Then he looked at mark.

"Even if it cost my own life."

And he left to find the body.

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