Pretending to be Married (des...

By sophiew67

530K 21.5K 9.8K

A case comes up at a councelling retreat and Sam, Dean and Cas go to check it out. Sam snatches up the only j... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48: the ending
Thank you for the love

Chapter 37

7.4K 265 192
By sophiew67

Dean woke up mid afternoon to a text from Sammy, sent 6 minutes earlier, "alive?" he smiled at the fact that Sam had remembered the sleeping pattern of a hunter as he sent one back briefly explaining the case and that, yes, he was definitely still alive.

Dean also had a few texts from Cas. 37. All of which just said "hello." he laughed at how ridiculous it looked. It was sweet, the concern behind it, but it was obvious that Castiel was a stranger to showing concern over texts. He decided to call him.

"good morning" he smiled down the phone, "where on earth have you been it's 2pm I've been so worried I almost came to find you!" Cas did not sound happy. He'd been worrying since he woke up at 9am. Dean ignoring his texts was not unusual, but surely he couldn't ignore 37, surely he wouldn't ignore them now?

Castiel's worry just seemed to annoy Dean."you used to hunt with us and you know we'd usually never be awake til the afternoon because we'd been out all night, do you not think?" Cas was taken aback by the response. He'd been worried, he thought that was normal. "apologies Dean, have a good day" and he hung up, feeling deflated.

Dean threw his phone down and headed for the shower, grumbling an "afternoon" to Bobby, who rolled his eyes at what he'd just heard. Before he had a chance to say anything Dean snapped "leave it" and locked the bathroom door.

Cas got out of bed, threw on some clothes and headed for Sam's apartment. He hadn't been before but Sam knew how to fix things and make Cas feel less shit.

He caught Sam just leaving, heading out to work. "you okay buddy?" Sam asked as soon as he saw the angel. Cas explained as they walked together about how he'd worried and Dean snapped over nothing and it felt like the past few weeks hadn't happened and he was scared he'd ruined it. At this Sam told him off," you have not ruined anything, you showed concern as any partner or friend would. Dean blows everything up and reacts like a child. Don't you feel bad. Go get some breakfast and ill speak to him."

Sam didn't know if to hug Cas or not so awkwardly patted him on the back before they went their separate ways. He sent Dean a quick text why do you have to be a dick! knowing full well he wouldn't get a reply, he shuved his phone back in his pocket and carried on towards the shop.

Cas went for breakfast. On his way there Meg caught up with him. "good morning Clarence," she smiled as she settled in to the same pace as him. Cas cocked his head, "my name is c-", "I know your name cas, I just think Clarence suits you" she shrugged back. Unsure of how to respond castiel nodded. "mind if I join you for breakfast, you look lonely and sad and pathetic. Its depressing to see Clarence."

The pair made it to the canteen, loaded up on too much breakfast food and took a seat. Cas was quiet and Meg didn't want to pry. Partly because it wasn't her place, also because she didn't want to deal with crying, also because she still wasn't good at the whole being a nice, friendly, caring human. She might not be a demon anymore but apart from the powers she hadn't changed that much.

They sat making odd comments to each other. Meg's mostly mocking other people, Castiel's mostly trying to defend them or giving up and agreeing. "oh my god I can't stand this anymore, what on earth is up with your angelic mug castiel?" Meg finally burst, even she couldn't ignore it forever.

Cas huffed, not saying anything for a minute. "I'm not asking again." at this Cas huffed again and started to explain that Dean had been rude and he felt like they were straight back to where they were. He was worried and missed Dean but didn't feel like Dean felt the same and that he couldn't tell him because he'd get moaned at. Meg sighed, "men."

She got up and nodded at Castiel to do the same. "where are we going?" he asked after they left the canteen. "the place that fixes all problems," Meg laughed, "or makes them worse..."

They arrived at the pub. Unsure of whether this was a good or bad idea Cas followed her inside and grabbed his first drink.

The mood slowly turned from mopping to cheerful. Cas still sad about Dean now also felt annoyed and made sure everyone in the pub could hear. Through her laughing Meg managed to get castiel to stop yelling about how his husband SUCKED and was RUDE.

"this was a good idea" cas thought outloud. "Dean is the worst. But and this is a secret! I might love him, maybe a lot but that's a secret. DON'T tell him," and with that cas sat back and closed his eyes for a minute. "I'm glad you've found your unicorn Clarence, I'm going to go and find you water," Meg sighed. "why do you call me Clarence, Meg?" as she walked off she turned back, "would it kill you to watch a movie or read a book?"

They sat and continued drinking, Cas mainly on water, Meg whatever was closest. Chatting as if they were two old friends. It confused Cas somewhat that they got on so well, Meg was a demon after all. He decided he didn't care, he liked her.

Meg guided Cas back home in the late afternoon, the angel wobbling less than he had been earlier. He was sweet, Meg liked the innocence of him. She led him up to the steps, watched him go in and turned to leave. "I think you might be my first proper friend Meg which is somewhat confusing as our kinds will do anything to kill each other. But I don't want to kill you. I think we should drink again." she turned back and smiled and the tipsy angel. "sleep off the drink Clarence, see you in the morning."

Cas made his way upstairs, stripping off as he went. As soon as he flopped on to the bed his eyes closed. In his happy tipsy state he drifted off.

He had 3 missed calls.

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