Lost Innocence

By CynthiaJose101

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Christine is the new girl in town. Paul is the weird loner that no one likes, but there's a reason he is a lo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty Four
Chapter Fourty Five
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Fourty Eight
Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Four

62 3 0
By CynthiaJose101


As I watched her walk away I leaned my back against the cold lockers and sighed.
"What was that all about?" Janet asked coming up to me.
"Why would I tell you?" I asked. No one knew what exactly it was that went down between Janet and Paul but we knew it wasn't pretty. "Excuse me for trying to be nice once, guess I won't even bother." Janet said.
"Wait...I'm sorry but you are well aware that I'm Paul's best friend and while I don't know what went down between you two it changed Paul." I said.
"I'll tell you what happened." Janet said looking at me. I was a little unsure of it because I didn't know how Paul would feel if he found out that I knew what really went down between them two.
"Fine tell me." I said looking back at her.
"Not here." Janet replies before taking me by the hand to the empty music room.
"It's a long story. Paul and I knew getting into things that it was just supposed to be fun, no strings attached just friends with benefits...we fucked so many times that I actually lost count of how many times it happened. We started to fall for each other." Janet stopped for a moment. I could tell she was hesitant about continuing.
"I haven't told anyone this and I don't even know why I'm telling you but one day I found out I was pregnant with Paul's kid so I panicked and told him I didn't want to keep seeing him and that my feelings were never real. I fucked him up, I'm the reason he quit football and has become the way he is now." Janet said. Shit. No wonder why Paul never told us what happened it probably hurts too much.
"Does he know about your pregnancy? How far along are you?" I asked.
"No and I'm 8 weeks." Janet replied.
"You need to tell him, he has a right to know." I said looking at her.
"You think I don't know that?" Janet said turning back into the cold hearted girl she was around everyone else.
"I'm sorry, I'm well aware but I can't...at-least not until I'm ready." Janet said looking down. "I wouldn't wait too long, you'll start to show soon." I said.

POV Steven

It was finally here. Friday night and our first big game. The first big game of my senior year. I knew I had to do everything in my power to win. Whatever it took.

Hard work and summer practices do tend to pay off. We won and by a landslide too. I noticed Christine still on the field by herself looking around and t the board the displayed the scores.
"Hey beautiful." I said.
"Hey, you played well, congrats on the big win." She said.
"Thank you, thanks for cheering me on." I said with a wink.
"Well that is my job." Christine said smiling. Christine was different, not like most girls I knew. There was an innocence to her that seems to draw me in every time I had an encounter with her.
"Would you like me to accompany you to the door of the girls locker room since I technically can't go in?" I asked her.
"I'd like that." Christine said taking my arms. As we walked back I heard giggling and faint conversation. When I turned around I saw our football coach. Coach Taylor and another cheerleader by the name of Sunshine. I saw them kissing and then looked at Christine who had the same shocked expression as my own. "Do you know her?" I asked.
"I've spoken to her a few times. Do you?" Christine asked.
"Sunshine? Yeah I know her. Sunshine is my ex." I said looking at her.
"Oh I'm sorry." Christine said looking at me. "Nah, don't be we ended on good terms and we still talk from time to time." I replied.
"Her seeing Coach Taylor though that's shocking, I mean he's not that much older than us but he's still an adult and she's a minor, I just hope he isn't taking advantage of her." I said looking away from the pair.
"Sunshine seems like a nice girl, other than Sophie and Emily she has been the only girl on the cheer squad that has treated me with kindness." Christine said looking down.
"Hey, it's all gonna be ok. You have plenty of friends here. You got Sunshine, Sophie, Emily, Joe, Paul, and you'll always have me." I said lifting her chin up. Christine smiled and once we reached the locker room she kissed my cheek and walked inside. As I made my way back outside I heard a car drive past me and I hear a long bang before everything went black.

POV Emily

After the big game I made my way to an empty classroom where I met John. John was a special boy in the marching band that I've been seeing secretly. John had short brown hair and beautiful blue eyes that needed glasses to see. John was thin and stalky but I was drown to his kindness and I like that he cared for me. I felt terrible that I made him keep our relationship a secret but I didn't want to risk losing my reputation and I knew that made me a bitch. Once I made it to the classroom he had been there waiting for me.
"Hey you." I said walking closer to him. John looked up at me this time there was no smile. "Is something wrong?" I asked.
"Emily, how long are we going to keep doing this? Sneaking around? I care about you a lot and I don't just want to be some game to you." John said. I knew he was right. What I was doing was so wrong and I cared about him too but I didn't know what to do.
"You aren't a game to me John." I said looking at him.
"I feel like one Emily, you are hiding our relationship and it feels like a game. I can't keep doing this." John said looking right back at me. John stood up and walked right past me and stood at the door to look back at me once more before walking out leaving me standing there all alone. I stood there all alone in the dark room as I began to cry. A few moments I hear a long gunshot. Fear took over my body as I dropped to my knees. I heard running footsteps running towards me and closed my eyes tightly scared to death. I felt arms around me and John's voice again.
"Emily? Emily are you ok, are you hurt? I heard a gunshot." John saying fast. I could tell he was as scared as I was.
"We have to get out of here." I said holding onto him. We both looked at each other and took each other's hands as we walked quietly towards the exit of the school. What I saw next was horrific. I screamed loudly as I saw my brother Steven on the ground bleeding from a gunshot wound.
"Steven! Somebody help us!" I screamed out as I heard Christine and Sophie come out and saw me by my brothers body. John grabbed his phone and quickly dialed 911 and we waited until an ambulance arrived.

Less than an hour later my brother had to have surgery and luckily he made it out of it alive. My cousin was with me, Paul, Christine, Sophie, John, and Joe at the hospital. We were still waiting for the doctor to tell us when we would be able to go in to see him. I walked over to John and sat next to him to stop myself from pacing back and forth.
"Thank you for being here." I said to him with a tinge of sadness in my voice. John looked over to me and put an arm around me to comfort me. I leaned my head into his shoulder and put an arm around his waist.
"I'm sorry." I started to say.
"Don't be. We don't have to talk about that right now, let's just focus on your brother." John replied.

A few hours later the doctor gave clearance for us to go in and see him but said he wasn't conscious yet. Paul and I went in first. I started to tear up and Paul quickly grabbed my hand in comfort.
"Steven too stubborn to leave us." Paul said as he hugged me. We sat with Steven for a few minutes and decided that we would let our cousin stay with him and call us if he heard anything. We all went home after that night but I couldn't sleep.

The weekend dragged on and we visited Steven for the whole weekend but he still wasn't conscious. By the time Monday rolled around I got ready to go to school and when I got there I noticed Joe talking to Janet which seemed strange. They didn't seem like the pair that would ever be strange. After I saw Joe walk away I walked up to Janet and yanked her to my locker.
"I'm sick of not knowing what the hell happened to you and my brother so tell me right now." I said with anger in my voice. I have never shown that type of aggression and I felt a bit bad but I needed to know what the hell happened between these two.
"What the hell is with you?" Janet asked.
"Look Janet I've been your friend through your bitchy moods and when you had no one else because you pushed them all away with your attitude, I even continued to be your friend after you did what you did to my brother." I said looking at her.
"You don't know what you're talking about." Janet said looking away.
"Then tell me dammit!" I yelled not realizing how loud I was being. I noticed the bell rang and it was just us two in the halls while everyone else headed to their classes.
"I'm pregnant with Paul's baby which is why I lied to him and pushed him away. I panicked." Janet said. Before I could say anything else I heard a voice speak.
"You're what?" Janet and I both looked over at Paul who was standing right behind Janet. Janet looked at Paul and looked down.
"I'm pregnant." Janet said.
"Ho- why? Why didn't you tell me instead of fucking lying to me?" Paul said.
"I panicked!" Janet said looking down.
"I cared about you Janet I wouldn't have left you and now... fuck." Paul sighed.
"I'm sorry I just didn't know what to do." Janet said as she teared.
"I don't know how I'm supposed to raise a baby on my own." Janet said starting to cry.

POV Paul

I was lying down in bed looking up at the ceiling. In a matter of second my life had completely turned upside down. One thing was for sure I couldn't leave Janet alone like that. I sat up when I came to the realization of something heartbreaking. What was I gonna tell Christine? Fuck. I was going to have to let Christine go. As much as I loved her I couldn't let Janet do this on her own. If I was going to be having a kid I needed to be there for him or her. I wasn't going to be a disappointment or a deadbeat dad either. I wasn't happy about having to keep being with Janet but now I had a responsibility and I had to own up to it.

The next day when I got to school I saw Christine by her locker and dreaded what I was about to do next. I walked towards her slowly. "Hey can I talk to you?" I asked. Christine smiled at me with that beautiful smile of hers and nodded. I took her to the empty music room and paced for a moment.
"What's wrong Paul?" Christine asked.
"Janet's pregnant...with my baby. Janet and I were together this summer and that's how I'm assuming that's how it happened. I have to figure out what I'm gonna do with her meaning we can't be together at least for now." After I said what I said I dreaded to see her reaction. When I looked up I could see the pain that flooded her face. I could see the tears that were welling in her eyes and the way she clenched her fists. Seeing her in this much pain hurt me as much as it hurt her.
"Christine I'm so sor" I was cut off when I felt her slap me hard with tears streaming down her cheeks. I didn't blame her I know I deserved that. I knew I just broke her heart except my heart broke too.

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