Pinky Promise - Park Jimin FF...

By Bangtanboycrazy

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Just as easily as a promise is made, it can be broken. "Pinky promise?" I extended my pinky out to him with... More



39 2 0
By Bangtanboycrazy

So Close

*Yoongi's POV*

After the short-lived interaction with Felix, I shot Taehyung a quick text asking him for information on Choi Sang-Hee. I tried to stop my old foe from seeing my patient with Jimin, but Felix had other plans. Those plans resulted in his heart breaking.

Now, as I watch Sang-Hee break down in tears and Jimin hold her close, my heart softens ever so slightly. I slipped out of the room and back to the break room, hoping to finally get some peace.

I threw open the door to the empty room.


I threw myself onto the couch of the room. I slouched into the cushions and pulled out my phone, turning it back on. I dialed Taehyung's number and held the piece up to my ear. Immediately, he picked up.

"Hyung! You'll never guess what I found out!"

I sat up a bit straighter. "I'm listening?"

"She's not who she says she is. . ."

*Sang-Hee's POV*

I felt horrible for crying on Jimin over some other boy. And for something so silly as temporarily forgetting that simple someone. I dried myself up and scooted away from him, his arms draping down to my elbows.

"Sorry." I whispered.

He squeezed my arms gently. Not hard enough to be painful, but enough to gain my attention.

"Why do you keep apologizing?"


He waved me off. "You need to understand that none of this is your fault. You're the victim here. You shouldn't be the one saying 'sorry' every two seconds."

I frowned and looked down at my lap. He let go of my arms and placed his hands on either side of my face, tilting it up to face him directly.

"Sang-Hee. I'm gonna find out who did this to you. And when I do, I give you my word that I'll reassemble their face. Because I cannot bare seeing you so mad at yourself. So mad at them. I will fight for you."

His fingers pushed my hair behind my ears as his eyes gazed into mine. He smoothed his thumbs over my cheeks with a small smile on his lips.

Jimin's head started getting, that's not right.

Ohmygod. He's leaning in closer to me. My heart started beating against my chest like crazy. His eyes left mine and looked down at my lips. His front teeth bit down into his own lower lip the closer he got to me.

I, too, began leaning in. We were a few mere centimeters away from each other at this point.

But low and behold, someone decides to burst through the door at the worst possible moment.

I push Jimin away and lean back, away from him. He looks hurt for a moment, but straightens out once he realizes why I pushed him away. We both turned to look at the intruder in slight annoyance and anger.

"Soung Areum, I presume?"

My eyes widened at the mention of my true name.

"H-how did you-?"

Yoongi shook his head. "Nevermind how I found out or what else I found out. I'm giving you a chance to explain yourself."


I looked over at Jimin who was sitting in bewilderment and shock, staring at me.

"I...I had to."

Jimin still sat in confused silence.

"Had to what?" Yoongi asked, crossing his arms. I sighed.

Not even a whole day has passed and you're already in a pickle.

"My father's insane. Mentally and thoroughly. I had to change my name for protection."

Hey. None of that was really a lie. I'm just...bending the truth a little bit.

Jimin relaxed and sent me a sympathetic smile. Yoongi wasn't phased.

"Mhmm. I believe that your father's crazy, but you left out some important details."

I tensed up.

He knows, doesn't he?

"Now. I'm not gonna bring them up just for the time being. If you feel the urge to share, I suggest you do so before someone else decides to spill the beans." He raises an eyebrow at me.

My eyes grew wider and wider the longer the silence grew. Suddenly, he burst into laughter. I sat shocked and a little uneasy.

"You should've seen your face! Did you really think I had dirt on you, Sang-Hee?"

I nervously laughed. "What? Nooo. I just thought out something even I don't know."

Jimin started nervous laughing, too.

Ohmygod. That was so close.

Yoongi rubbed his forehead with his fingers and cleared his throat.

"Anyways. I really came here to tell you Sang-Hee...I mean Areum-"

I blinked. "No! Please. Call me Sang-Hee. Areum was my mother's name. Hearing it makes me think of my father. That's why I changed it."

Actually truth. I like my cover name WAY better than my real one.

My doctor nodded. "Sure thing. Anyways, as I was saying. . .you had a fractured rib. We had to perform surgery on you as soon as you got here." I nodded.

This isn't news to me.

"Do you remember anything about who hurt you prior to your arrival here?"

I slowly shook my head, then abruptly stopped. "Wait! Yes! I do. It was a girl from school. She was in one of my classes. If I can see her face, I can point her out."

Jimin's face fell.

"Jiminie? What's wrong?"

I took his hand in mine. He pouted. "I can't hurt a girl."

I gave him a soft chuckle. "Who ever said violence was the answer?"

He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Awww. You two are so cute."

We shot Yoongi a warning glance.

"Aish! Okay, okay! I get it. I'll leave. I'll be back in a few with your test results from earlier."

I nodded as he ducked out.

Why do I get the feeling this war isn't over?

*Yoongi's POV*

This isn't over, Sang-Hee.
I know who you really are now.
You may have Jimin wrapped around your little finger, but that won't last very long. One way or another, he'll find out your dirty little secret.
I wish this didn't have to end like this.
I really thought I could like you as who you are.
I thought maybe I'd be able to trust you.
If you had only come clean when I gave you the chance.
Your little boyfriend, my little brother, is gonna be crushed - humiliated - when he finds out the truth about you.

The truth.

The bloody truth!

The fact that you're only getting close to him in order to find out what hurts him is sickening.

That's messed up.

Why even get to know someone if you're just gonna drop him once the right time comes?
Why get information you won't even need?
Why do you paint a brighter target on your back?
Why don't you just be honest?

I want to trust you.
I really do.
But knowing your past now. . .

How can I?

*Jimin's POV*

I'm so lost right now. Is something going on that I'm unaware about?


Does Yoongi know something? Please don't let my instincts be correct.

She can't be dangerous.
She just can't.
I know her.
She's too gentle and kind and sweet.

Now that I think about it. . .
She was like that, too.
I never expected her to be evil.
And yet, she still hurt me.

Sang-Hee, please don't be like her. Please be different.

"Jimin?" Her voice cracked halfway through my name. I formed a small smile.

"Mm?" I answered, looking away.

"Are you okay?" She turned her head over to try and maintain eye contact.

"Yeah. What do you mean?" I looked down at my hands.

"Nothing. You just. . .you seem uneasy. Did I do something wrong?"

I looked up at her. "N-no. Not that I know of."

It looked like something clicked in her mind.

"Jimin. I need to tell you something. Something extremely important. Like... A matter of life and death."

My eyes widened. "Yes?"

"I. . .I can't tell you here though. The walls are far too thin and there's too many listening ears."

I nodded slowly. The horrified look on her face truly frightened me. This isn't the same Sang-Hee I met yesterday.
Or is it?

That same look.
That same fear illuminated her crystal eyes once masked by a smile.
No longer a smile, but a thin line formed on her pale face.

"I can trust you. Right, Jimin?"

She can. . .right?

I nodded. She relaxed a little bit, but I can tell the stress is eating at her. Wrapping my arm around her shoulders and leaving the other draped over her waist, I pulled her into a reassuring embrace. But the tension was still there.

I looked down at my injured flower and smiled. I could feel her body moulding into mine as she gave into the pull. Her head slowly lifted up to me.

She saw my smile and pouted subtly. I returned the pout before kissing her creased forehead. Her pout instantly changed into a shy smile as she burrowed her head into my chest as if hiding her embarrassment.

I smiled at her adorable actions and let out a small chuckle.


I fingered her hair gently as I felt her smile against my skin.

*Sang-Hee's POV*

I'm gonna tell him.
I'm really gonna tell him.
Please understand, Jimin.

His hold on me was welcoming. He was careful not to touch my rib where the surgeons had operated on. I pushed my head up off his chest and leaned back into the gentle crevice of his folded elbow.

My inside arm divided me from my best friend and my outside arm rested against my new favorite spot on him - his rockhard abs.

Look, I know what you're thinking.

Uhhh...that's kinda weird, sis.

And I don't blame you for thinking that.
But, I'm sorry.
If you're in a room alone with a boy as hot as Park Jimin who's holding you this close to him, wouldn't you start touching him in different areas, too?
Yeah...that's what I thought.

Knock, knock.

Neither of us moved from our incredibly comfortable position. We just shifted our eyes to look at the door as it slowly opened, revealing a gummy-smiling Yoongi.

"Super good news, Sang-Hee. Your body's healing fairly quickly for your condition. And as long as you're careful with your injuries, you should be able to go back home and heal in peace."

He turned a little to look at Jimin. "I think you should know that my old friend, Jimin, here, was highly worried for you."

"Hyuuung..." Jimin groaned, holding me closer.

"He even broke down in tears for you."

Jimin's eyes widened. "Hyung!"

Yoongi whispered lowly to me. "Just between you and me, I think he's taken a liking to you."

"Okay, that's it." Jimin untangled himself from me and pushed Yoongi back. He started playfully fighting with Yoongi. I began giggling like a fool.

But, then I realized something. There was something different in Yoongi's voice. It was deeper. Much deeper. Almost as if he was speaking to me in a warning tone.

I really need to tell Jimin.

My laughter soon returned as Yoongi finally got Jimin trapped in a chokehold and began ruffling his once perfectly styled blonde hair around with his knuckled fist whilst shouting

"Noogie from Yoongi!"

We all burst out into crazy, boisterous laughter until we couldn't feel our lungs.

"Stop, stop! It hurts to laugh!" I cried out, holding my ribs carefully.

The boys stifled their laughter enough to make sure I was actually okay. Yoongi straightened up and took a breath.

"Choi Sang-Hee. You're officially released from the hospital. ChimChim, if you could please kindly take her home."

My laughter subsided at the tone he used on me. Jimin nodded at the doctor.

"Sang-Hee. I suggest you take good care of yourself. If you need anything, Jimin is always right nextdoor. I stop by every so often. Oh, trust me, Sang-Hee. This won't be the last time we see each other."

He said that last statement in a cheerful voice. But something tells me it was meant to be more passive aggressive than cheerful.

"See ya later!" Yoongi then ducked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I sat in thought for a moment.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go home!" Jimin said, walking over to where I was sitting in my hospital bed.

I leaned back to stretch myself out a little bit. Something chimed and I turned my head over to see my phone going off. I leaned away from Jimin and reached for my phone.


I turned around quickly to face Jimin.

"What happened?!?!"

Jimin started rubbing his eyes with his fists and yelled. "I SEE LONDON! I SEE FRANCE! I SEE SANG-HEE WITHOUT HER UNDERPANTS!!!!"

I squinted my eyes and shook my head in misunderstanding.



Oh mY GOD!

My blood turned to freezing and I looked around frantically for my clothes.

All the while, Jimin was whining like a little child. I got extremely aggravated and threw my hands down on my bed.


He finally stopped his squawling and sprinted over to the dresser on the opposite side of the room and threw the clothes from on top at me.

It hit me in the face before landing in my lap. Jimin then turned around to face the wall while I changed. I shook my head.

I picked up the clothes and began putting them on. The panties were pretty easy to put on as was my skirt. I picked up my bra.

Oh, no.

I tried bringing the clasp together in the back, but my arms just wouldn't let me. I mentally whimpered. I sighed.

"Jimin. . . I need help."

He angled his head over to me, his eyes tightly shut. "With?"

"I can't clasp my bra." I growled.

He hiccuped. "Oh..."

I sighed again. "Jimin, they're covered. I literally just need you to clasp it shut." I turned around and waited for him to approach me.

I felt his fingers reach blindly for the clasps. He kept fuddling with them. I realized his eyes are probably still shut.


The clasp finally tightened shut and I felt myself being spun around to face him. Jimin's face was very close to me. He leaned down even closer and whispered in my ear.

"You really shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you."

His lips brushed against my ear playfully, sending shivers up and down my spine. I froze as his fingers traced small patterns along my exposed sides.

"Unless of want them to bite back."

His raspy voice had returned and was making my insides turn amongst itself. I let out a small gasp as I felt his teeth bite down around my earlobe. He then started pulling lightly on it.

It would've been kinda hot. . .if he hadn't started growling like a puppy dog along with it. Instead, I laughed and pushed him away from me.

"You're such a weirdo."

I grabbed my top and threw it on over my bra. I pulled the collar down and looked back up at Jimin. He pouted slightly before I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry you had to see my ugly ass."

He wrapped his own arms around my waist. "It wasn't ugly."

I felt him go frigid under my embrace. He began fumbling for his words. "I mean, not that I enjoyed looking at it. I did, but I-well, you know...I-I wasn't trying to look at it. It kinda just happened so I kinda just let it happen. It's, well...I-you've got a cute butt and all, I just-"

I laughed in his face. "Park Jimin, can you ever just shut up and accept an apology?"

He smiled mischievously. "Not when there's no right reason for you to apologize."

I gave him an odd look. "But there was. I showed you my ass."

"Who says I didn't want to see your ass?"

I gave him a surprised look before tightly sucking my lips into a Tinkerbell-worthy pucker and clocking him across the shoulder.


He moved away from me and rubbed his arm in pain. "Ya know. For an injured girl, you've sure got a strong arm on you."

"That's not the only thing strong on this girl."

His eyebrows raised. "Oh? Care to show me more?"

I scoffed. "I'd like to go home first."

He smirked and nodded before leading me out of the room, backpacks flung over his left shoulder and his right hand holding on tightly to my left one.

"You'll show me at home, then, right?"


Another punch was hurled at his arm.

AN// summer was quite interesting...but now school has started. That means time for writing therapy....
Time to start a new story😂😂

WC: 2,848

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