Harry Potter females x reader

By NotAnAmerican

272K 3.9K 1.2K

I will be writing one's shots for both genders and posting on this story. There will be a boy and girl versio... More

Intro and Requests
GN 1. Luna x Reader
F2. Hermione x Ravenclaw!Reader
M 2. Hermione x Ravenclaw!Reader
F 3. Ginny x Ravenclaw!Malfoy! Reader
M 3. Ginny Weasley x Ravenclaw!Malfoy!Reader
F 4. Luna x Reader
F5. Pansy x Malfoy!reader
M5. Pansy x Malfoy!Reader
F6. Hermione x Lovegood!reader
M6. Hermione x Lovegood!reader
New Book!
F7. Hermione x Bellatrix's Daughter!Reader
M7. Hermione x Bellatrix's Son!reader
F8. (Cont. of 7) Hermione x Bellatrix's Daughter!reader
M8. (Cont. of 7) hermione x bellatrix's son! Reader
Dating Luna Lovegood would enclude...
Bellatrix x Slytherin!reader
F9 hermione x reader
M9 Hermione x reader
F10. Ginny x fallen angel! reader
M10. Ginny Weasley x Fallen-Angel!reader
I got tagged!
F 11 Hermione x reader x Pansy
M11 Hermione x reader x Pansy
F 12 Pansy x Slytherin!reader
M12 Pansy x Slytherin!reader
M13. Hermione x 5thyr!Slytherin!reader
F14. Penny Haywood x reader
M14. Penny Haywood x reader
F15. Mercula x Demon!Reader
M15 MerculaxDemon!Reader
16 Re!F to M. Hermione x 4th year!reader
Re!F17 Hermione x Reader
F18 Hermione x Weasley!Reader
M18 Hermione x Weasley!Reader
F 19 Penny x reader
M20 (Cont of 7&8) Hermione x Bellatrix's son! reader
F21. Bellatrix x Riddle!Reader
M 22. re!Hermione x reader

F20 (Cont of 7&8) Hermione x Bellatrix's daughter!Reader

3.6K 80 3
By NotAnAmerican

A/n: so I was going through all my old stories fixing them up with Grammarly aka a life saver, 10/10 would recommend. And anyway I am really bored so I thought I'd try writing another part to this little story. let's do it. Holy heck! This turned out a lot longer than I ever thought it would, anyway hope y'all enjoy it. 

Word count: 1922 

Recap since I wrote this literally forever ago:

'I don't want you hurting yourself.' Her voice was soft, her eyes level with mine. 'I have a feeling someone will come soon to get me. Cast a knockout spell on me, make it look like I passed out from torture. Then take me back to the dungeon. Come back tonight and request to take me somewhere private for something special. Say you have some new spells or something and want to test them on me. Come up with some clever reason, I know you will if you really are the same girl I fell in love with.'


Y/n was pacing back and forth in her room, the knife she had taken from her mother still in her hands. She turned it over and over again in her hands, feeling every grove and every dip in it's meticulously carved handle. Y/n remembered this knife from before the scare-faced man took her mother. Y/n had chosen the metal from a selection her father laid out in front of her and the handle the same way. Bella had given it to her daughter the night she was taken away, y/n scared and confused gripped it in her hand refusing to let it go until she was allowed to keep it. 

The girl felt now like she had then, scared, confused and alone. She sank down to the floor, tears stinging her eyes when a loud knock came from her door. "Come in" she mumbled as she straightened herself out. In the threshold of her door stood her father. He looked sick, too pale and too skinny. Azkaban had done him no good and neither had coming back here. Wordlessly he strode into the room and sat beside his daughter, putting an arm over her shoulder. "Dad, I... I need to tell you something, you can't tell anyone." Her y/c eyes level with his. "Not even mum. Okay?"

Rodolphus nodded, the intensity of his daughter's eyes told both him and Bellatrix just how much of their daughter's life they'd missed. 

"I'm going to run away. I can't stand to be here any longer. I missed how things used to be with you and with mum but that can't ever happen again and I can't be here while my friends struggle out there, they need my help." Everything had changed so much, and as the two sat on the floor of y/n's bedroom they came to a silent understanding. Dobby had talked to y/n n a few quick notes so she had been tipped off to the fact that something was happening tonight, she had to talk to Hermione and then she was leaving. She needed to tell someone though, slipping away in the night somehow seemed wrong, no matter how much she hated it here she couldn't just leave them like that. So she shared part of the plan with her dad, he asked to come with her so they established a plan. 

Rodolphus nodded to his daughter as he left, she waited a minute before heading down to the dungeons, waltzing up the guard she demanded to see the prisoners alone. The death eater was a new recruit no clue who this child was, he scoffed at her request telling the 'little girl' to run along and go play with her dolls, A kick to the back of the knee and pulling her mother's knife to the mans throat scared for his life he allowed her in, y/n still knocked him out for good measure. knowing that she was going to leave she took a moment to leave a gift for her former family, y/n kneeled down on the floor she took his arm from beneath the robe, and over his dark mark, she sliced a word into the skin, Traitor. A cold grin plastered on her face, maybe she was her mother's daughter after all. 

The devil's smirk splitting her face a bloodied knife by her side she stepped into the dungeon room, slamming the door behind her she approaches a crouching figure. She gripped them by the hair bringing the goblins face to look at her. Cold fire burned in her eyes that scared the goblin beyond anything he'd seen in his life. "Where is she?" The girl released her grip pushing him to the floor. 

He scrambled away knowing full well who the crazy girl was asking for. The other captives started in slight horror of the girl who stood so calmly among them. Hermione stood from her huddled spot talking to Luna. 

Y/n grabbed Hermione by her arm leading her out of the dungeon and into the main room, leaving everyone else dumbfound at the assurance. 

The Gryffindors eyes bugged in horror when she saw the guard making the connection to the bloody knife still in y/n's hand. tenderly she reached out to take y/n's face in her hands. y/n's voice was choked in her throat, "We are getting out of here, tonight. I promise my love."


"I have help, help from the outside." y/n gave a brief pause before continuing, "I can't tell you everything now but I promise it will all be better soon. Come with me, please. I..." Tears choked her throat. "I can't lose you, not again. Please, Mione."

Tears were streaming down her face, y/n tried to turn away but Hermione held her face firmly in her hands, she wiped away her tears as she leaned in. She was taking the feeling of her soft lips pressed perfectly against y/n's chapped, bitten ones. A near bruising force, oh how she'd missed this, she wanted to get lost in this. She had been dreaming of for months but Dobby would be here soon, she pulled away from Hermione. 

Hermione's eyes stayed closed for a second after her girlfriend pulled away, y/n took in the image before her. Blood and dirt still covered her face, her lips were swollen from how hard she had been kissed. "We need to go." the death eater girl spoke in a low voice, she took Hermine's hand and brought her back to the cell, her dad was waiting for her and Dobby stood in horror of the body unconscious on the floor, blood pooling around his arm. 

"I can explain that dad..." 

The latter male brought a finger up to silence his daughter. The new death eater had been chasing after Bellatrix trying to get her in bed with him, completely disregarding Rodolphus and y/n. Bella wasn't the most faithful wife and Rodo, honestly didn't feel like he was leaving much behind him, simply allowing Bella to do what she always wanted with him out of the picture. "We can discuss it later. For now, we really need to go"


After the famous manner scene

Bellatrix stormed into the dungeon to see not only where the captives all were taken but her husband and daughter where apperating out of there with that bloody house elf, Bella reached for her knife but her hand came away empty, y/n held up her mother's silver dagger. The girl's where filled with her mother's nightmares, the crazed glint was gone, a cold mask covered her face, she had said goodbye before and this time she just snarled. A low hiss escaped her mouth, Bella had done unforgivable things and y/n was done trying to forgive her. The three blinked out of existence, they left the manor and it all behind them to find themselves standing on a lonely cliff face, everyone else behind them. 

That was when y/n cracked. A shattering noise came from the girl's mouth as she sunk to the floor. The knife in her hand, covered in blood that wasn't her own, she dropped it on the floor. Her hand ran across the mark on the inner side of her left arm, her mark was covered by her black sweater the others hadn't seen it yet only Hermione. 

Rodolphus herded the kids towards Bill and Fleur's seashell cottage, with the little he actually knew about his daughter he knew she wouldn't like all of these eyes on her. Something about the way this girl with the bushy brown hair was looking a y/n told him that she had something with y/n. 

Hermione's point of view

Dobby had dropped me off and when back for y/n and her dad, the view here was incredible. Standing on the edge of the cliff, her mind was numb. She looked down at the word carved into her arm, then the image of y/n came into her mind the little girl sitting on the sun-soaked shores of the black lake to the girl who minutes ago took the same knife that did this and carved words into somebody else's skin, the y/n whose fiery eyes scared even Voldemorts  most insane death eater and y/n who melted at the slightest touch of Hermione's hand. 

The air was split when Dobby returned with y/n and Rodolphus by his sides. I watch in horror as y/n sunk to the ground. The sound she made broke my heart, a cry of utter loneliness split the air. y/n's dad herded everyone towards Bill and Fleur's before I knew what I was doing I found myself rushing forwards. 

I reached down to stroke y/n's hair, being careful of y/n knife I sink down to the ground beside her. I pull her towards me resting her head on my chest. I put my arm around her shoulders rubbing her arm softly. "It's okay, it's going to be okay. Let's go inside, love."

y/n nodded, she pulled herself up before holding a hand up for me to get up. After a second of thought, she reached down to pick up the knife, the blood was drying brown on the blade. 


We all try our best to clean up. Y/n looks so different now, she is quite and no longer covered in blood, she cleaned the knife too still fixating on it. She gave me her black sweater opting to simply wear her black undershirt, the cottage was warm. Once everyone is cleaned up a little, we all find a place around the couches. I take up residence on an armchair, y/n occupying one of the plush arms, her father standing in a corner not far, everyone is eyeing the two of them wearily. Bill brings everyone up to speed, y/n was still fixating on the knife. Dobby would have been dead if y/n hadn't had it, Bellatrix tried to find it so she could throw it at Dobby. The elf was still alive and very thankful to the death eater girl, probably one of the few reasons she was still here and hadn't been kicked out. The death eater knew Harry was travelling with Ron so all the Weasleys were targeted, y/n would occasionally interject with tidbits the order hadn't gotten yet. Once Griphook and Mr Ollivander recovered they would be moved to a safe house. 

Harry and Ron needed to talk to both Griphook and Mr Ollivander, I thought it would be better to leave the boys to it so I could spend some time with Y/n. 

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