Sold as a bride to a vampire...


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Stormlyn is a teenage girl with the luxury life any teen would die to have, but her life changed after the be... Еще

Meeting the hot new guy
The Mall
Strange Sunday
Manic Monday
You have to be kidding
The hospital.. *dun dun dun*
History (part 1)
History (part 2)
Bitter sweet reality
Dinner for one?
Facing the world (part 1)
Drunken love talk
Unexpected events part 1
Unexpected events part 2
New beginnings..
The camping weekend (Part 1)
The camping weekend (Part 2)
The camping weekend (part 3)
The camping weekend (part 4)
The end of the camp
Facing the world again
Night of terrors
Nightmare on Elm Street
The pre engagement party shock
The engagement party part 1
The engagement party part 2
Input competition
In hospital
Unanswered questions
Traitor revealed
Another MF a/n
You're kidding, right?
Propoganda (continued)
So it begins..
Battle ready
Almost Lost

The big bonanza

4.9K 144 23

Chapter 3

Beep beep beep beep*

''Ugh...'' I groaned as I grab the phone and fiddle with it to put the alarm off.

4:00 p.m. Nice.. I push myself up from bed when I suddenly remember why I got up. A jolt of excitement shot through me as I quickly got off my bed and decided to take a quick refreshing shower.

Half an hour later I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me walking towards my closet. I dig through my pile of clothes and got out a dark skinny jean along with a black top that frills at the bottom sides with a piece of adjustable rope thingies hanging from either side. (Don't laugh at my weak descriptions... Hey! I said no laughing!) I decided to wear my high heel gladiator shoes with it and my necklace which is a Celtic cross on a black rope. I quickly got dressed and went to do my make-up next. Just as I sat down in front of the dresser, my phone beeped. I grabbed my phone and opened the message.

'Hi, it's Kaidan. I'm gonna be early. How's 6?'

I typed back:'Hi, how did you get my number? And sure.'

Beep* I open the text. 'My secret. See u in few.'

I stare at the phone in disbelief. I chuck it to the side and continue with my make-up.

I put on black eyeliner and dark eyeshadow. I applied some black mascara making my long lashes look even longer. I added some nice light brown lipgloss to make my lips look a bit thicker. I have petite lips haha. I rarely wear foundation and today is one of the days I'm not wearing any.

I comb through my hair and shake it to give it a bit volume. I put a little black clip to the side of my hair. I look at myself. Hmm not bad. I look actually good. When I'm done admiring myself and correcting with what I'm not happy, I glance at the clock. 5:34. Jesus christ! Where did the time go!

I quickly go brush my teeth and spray on some perfume. I brush myself off and pack my bag for tonight. Cell phone in my pocket, wallet and everything unnecessary a girl ever had in a bag, thrown inside my bag.

5:52. Beep* I quickly take my phone out of my pocket and read the text.

'Knock knock.' It reads. Really? He text me that? I laugh as I walk downstairs to open the door.

But... James already beat me to it. Great stuff. I wave them both with a smile as I approach them.

''Miss Mareu, this young gentleman claims he is here to take you out.'' James says in his famous butler tone. I start laughing.

''Yes James, that's correct. We're going out don't bother waiting up, relax and take the evening off.''

I said through the laughter while going over to hug him.

He laughs and we both turn to see a confused looking Kaidan. So I laughed even more.

''James this is Kaidan. And Kaidan, meet James. He's like family.''

''Nice to meet you sir.'' Kaidan said formally while sticking out his hand to greet James.

''We shall see, mister Kaidan. Take care of miss Mareu or there will be hell on earth.''

James warned just like a protective father. Makes my heart warm to know someone like James cares so much for me.

I looked over to Kaidan to see a surprised expression on his face.

I laughed all over again.

I grabbed Kaidan and waved goodbye to James as we walked down towards his car. Man, that Audi is just as gorgeous as him... And there I go again. Thinking inappropriate things.

When we got to his car he opened my side for me and waited till I was in then closed the door and jogged over to the driver side.

He started the car and off we went to god knows where. Soon after he spoke up.

''So James is an interesting character...'' He starts off. I laugh.

''Yeah, he basically raised me. I love him like a father.'' I said lovingly as I think of how protective James is when it comes to me.

''I see... Well then I have to prove to him I'm not here to hurt you.'' He says casually with a lopsided grin on that handsome face of his.

''Haha, yeah whatever mister.'' I laughed and we both kept quiet until we stopped at the local park.

But, only, there are all sorts of rides and stalls this time. How did I forget the fun fair was in town! Oh I know... Prob cause I didn't really care until a certain guy caught my attention. Now I'm getting excited. I love the fun fair!

I gasped as we pulled in and Kaidan just chuckle next to me.

''You are such a child.'' He teased me.

''Am not!'' I defended sticking my tongue out at him. We burst out laughing and got out of the car. He lead me toward the rides and I saw bumper cars. Yay bumper cars!

''I wanna go!'' I yell excitedly at Kaidan while pointing towards the ride. He laughs.

''Yeah okay come on miss Mareu.'' He teased me and I slap him on his arm.

''Ouch! What was that for??'' He mocked at me. Grrrr.

''Don't'' I said lifting an eyebrow.

''Don't what?'' He asked innocently. If that's not cute then I don't know what is..

''Call me that.'' I said sternly.

''Just call me Lyn or Stormlyn. Please.'' I said as we moved towards the ride.

''Alright, Lyn. Let's go bumpin!'' He shouted and started running towards the cars.

Really?! Haha I can just laugh. I met up with him shortly after and he paid for two cars. He insisted on paying for me as tonight was his treat. I reluctantly accepted and we both got in our bump cars.

''You're going down!'' He yells at me from across the floor.

''In your dreams woman!'' I yell cheekily back. We laughed and then we heard the siren and the cars start up.

I quickly hit the drive pedal and deliberately head for Kaidan's car and bump him.

''You were saying?'' I yelled over the noise and started laughing again. Wow. I haven't laughed so much since Danny.

I see him smirk and I hit the reverse pedal. Kaidan takes his chance and bumps straight into me and we both burst out laughing.

''I told you, you're going down! Buhahaha!'' He laughed evilly.

We kept bumping each other back and forth for like 10 minutes when the alarm goes off again and the cars stop moving.

I got out of mine when I suddenly felt Kaidan helping me. I blushed as I stumbled a bit into him and he caught me.

''Woah there..'' He jokes while laughing.

''Sorry..'' I blushed even more when I gazed into those watery blue eyes.

''Don't be. C'mon let's get something to nibble.'' He smiles as he takes my hand. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. His hand feels so soft and warm..

I got pulled out of my daze as he dragged me along with him to a close by pretzel stand.

''Want one?'' He questions cheerfully.

''Sure.'' I said with honesty.

When we got to the pretzel stand, Kaidan ordered me a peri-peri pretzel. Hmmm.

I love hot foods.

He paid the man and we started walking around.

''Didn't you want one?'' I questioned him.

''Nah.. Pretzel won't fill what I'm craving.'' He jokingly stated.

''Oh..'' I simply replied.

Once I finished my pretzel I didn't even realize we walked down a quiet path between rides.

Suddenly I got nervous being alone with Kaidan. My heart started racing and my breathing picked up.

I started to shiver. Not from being cold but from nerves.

''Hey are you okay?'' Kaidan questioned worriedly.

''Huh what? Oh um.. yeah yeah I'm... fine..'' I finished as I gazed up at Kaidan. He's taller than me. He's about 6'5.

I got lost in his eyes. Suddenly he closed the little distance that was between us and I backed automatically a bit. He kept on backing me until I felt something hard hit my back.

I gasped and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest.

''Stormlyn...'' He breathed as he lowered his face to mine.

''Kaidan...'' I breathed back.

''I need to tell you something about me..'' He started.

''You're a psychopathic serial killer?'' I asked shakily.

He let out a chuckle. ''Almost... I'm a vampire..''

I gasped. WHAT! What kind of sick game is he playing at? Is it like april fool's day or something?

''Excuse me? I didn't quite catch that. I heard you said that you're a vampire but I know I must've heard wrong cause everyone knows they're just a myth.'' I said annoyed as I try and push him away from me.

He sighs. ''Stormlyn.. I am real and I'm standing here in front of you. Must I prove it to you?'' He gently and calmly questions me.

''Are you kidding me?! What kind of psycho are you anyway? Going around telling people that shit. Now move so I can leave.'' I yell frustratedly at him.

He lost his cool and pushed me against the pole that was set up for keeping something up. I groaned in pain and tried to protest against his strong grip on me.

''Stormlyn just listen to me please.'' He pleaded.

I stopped struggling for a bit. I look him in the eyes and almost melted. My heart skipped a beat. He looked so sad and broken that I completely gave into him.

''So... You claim to be a vampire.. Why can you walk in sunlight? Where's your fangs? Why are you telling me all this?'' I exploded with questions. He just stared at me dumbstruck.

I breathed heavily. ''Well??'' I urged him to go on.

''Well firstly, vampires can walk in sunlight. Don't believe the shit you hear. Secondly, you want to see my fangs? And thirdly, I wanted to tell you. I like you for some reason.'' He started to explain.

''Will you show me?'' I question again. But this time fear is present in my voice.

''If I show you, will you promise not to scream?'' He asks me.

''Promise not to bite me?'' I shakily ask.

''Hmm.. I want to so badly.. But I promise I wont. Unless you want me to..'' He replies huskily breathing down on me.

My heart is racing like a runaway train. I don't know what to feel or think. My mind is in a jamble.

''Show me.'' I demanded.

He steps back a bit and opens his mouth for me to see beautiful pearly white fangs homed at the top row of his teeth. I gasp. But it could be fake?

''I think they are fake..'' I simply defended my stubborn ways.

In an instant he was in front of me and whispered in my ear:'' How sure are you?'' He asked in a husky voice. I shiver at his closeness.

''Pretty sure.. '' I kept my head held high.

He put his hands on both sides of my head leaving me trapped in front of him. He grins at me.

''Please let me go. I want to leave.'' I begged him.

''Are you scared of me?'' He asks amused.

''Not scared of you, just your actions...'' I said hesitantly, unsure myself.

He leans in closer and closer till he is so close to my neck I can feel his warm breath on my neck. I get goosebumps and start to shiver.

''Please don't hurt me Kaidan.'' I beg through a broken voice.

And then I feel it. His lips on my neck. A shot of tingles shoot through my body and I unwillingly let out a soft moan. Oh god..

I hear him chuckle and then I push him. This time I succeeded and he moved back a bit. I shot him a death glare and yell at him angrily.

''You are such a dick! Bastard..!'' I started to stomp off but he just grabbed me effortlessly and held me from behind. He leaned down and whispered in my ear: ''Stormlyn... want me to prove that I'm really a vampire?''

I froze. Is he going to bite me and suck my blood dry?

''How..?'' I questioned a bit scared to hear the answer.

''I'm fast. Just watch.'' And before I could say anything I just felt a gush of wind and when I swirled around he was gone.

''What the-'' And before I could finish I got twisted back around to see Kaidan grinning at me.

''How on earth.. You know what? I don't even want to know.'' I try to wiggle free of his hold when suddenly I saw his eyes turn like a yellow red glow.

I let out a small scream as I jump when Kaidan got closer and closer..

''Kaidan?! Please don't! Don't hurt me!'' I start to cry.

Oh my god! He is telling the truth! And now I'm going to die because I was too naive to believe him the first time. Great Stormlyn! I mentally curse myself.

''Stormlyn..'' He mumbles as he got closer to my face. But he didn't hurt me. Instead, he kissed me. Softly and gently on the lips. I was so shocked at first, I couldn't move. Then he backed me up into another pole. Dammit.

He pressed me harder against the hard surface behind me and deepened the kiss. I didn't stop him. It felt like electricity jolting through my body. Then I kissed him back. I couldn't help myself.

It felt amazing. I wanted him to do bad things to me at that moment. I grabbed his hair and tugged at his shirt. He looked hot by the way... Nice pair of bleached dark jeans with a dark blue button shirt. He wore black casual shoes along with that.

Suddenly he stops and grabs my hand which was playing with his shirt. We both breathed heavily from our little make out session.

''Stormlyn...'' He breathed out groggily.

''Hmm...?'' I mumbled back in a daze.

''We need to stop..'' He said in a low voice.

''But I don't want you to stop..'' I blurt out like some hormonal teenager. Okay, I am some hormonal teenager. Curse you puberty.

He smirks at my stupid response. I literally hate myself for that now.

''Come on Lyn, let's go home. If we stay here I might do something I regret.'' He says smiling while backing away from me.

Wow.. I feel so stupid.

''Like what?'' I ask, curiosity getting the better of me.

''Well, I might get so turned on that I could sink my teeth into your neck because of a rush of lust. Also I might just test how far you are willing to let me go with you.''

I stare at him. If only he knew how he makes me feel when he flirts with me.

I sigh. ''So... let's go then.'' I say softly as he gently grabs my hand and lead me out of the buzzing park.

Soon after we arrived at his car and he opens the door on the passenger side for me. I gracefully get in and relax into the comfy seat. Then I hear the driver's side door open and Kaidan gets in. But before he starts the engine he turns to me and spoke.

''I'm sorry.'' He said sincerely.

''For what?'' I asked surprised.

''I broke our deal. So I give you permission to hurt me now.'' He grins at me.

I laugh. ''Even though you first scared the crap out of me with your bombshell secret, I felt alive during that little session. I almost feel guilty for leading you on like that..'' I confess while blushing.

''You weren't leading me on..'' He smirked at me. Oh really now? Psh.

''Hmm I'm rather going to keep quiet. But that is never happening again. I don't want to get involved with someone right now.'' I stated.

''We will see...'' He said grinning at me.

He started the engine and we both kept quiet after that. As we drove my mind kept trailing back to that scene of us.

I got pulled out of thought when Kaidan suddenly spoke up.

''We are at your house.. Can I get a kiss goodbye?'' He hopefully asks as he brings the car to a stop.

''No.. But you can get a hug.'' I smirked at him.

''I will take it!'' He quickly jumps over to me and hug me.

''Let me walk you to your door.'' He ordered more than he asked.

''Um.. Sure.'' I said smiling as we both got out of the car.

He quickly came around and walked with me to my door.

When we got to the door he leaned in for a kiss and I stopped him.

''No more kissing.'' I scolded.

''But I know you want me Stormlyn..'' He cockily says.

''Yeah yeah goodnight Kaidan.'' I said as I opened the door to step inside.

''Night Lynie.'' Kaidan said gently as he turned around to walk back to his car.

I watched him as he drove off then closed the door and locked it. Must always be safe.

I went to my room and got undress and got into something more comfy. I yawned as I crept into my bed and closed my eyes drifting off to sleep with events of tonight in my mind.


Hi dear sweeties! Please tell me what you think! I thought it was quite an exciting chapter...

Anywho... Vote... Comment... Follow!!! Love u guys!!

Oh and uh.... I posted a pic of Kaidan on the side!!!! Whoo hoo!!!!

Freakynikki ^()^

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