GoT Imagines One-Shots and Dr...

By TeaAndSympathy

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GoT Reader Inserts. Imagines, One-Shots and Drabbles. Credit for the book cover goes to Nothing_But_A_Thief More

Unexpected (Jon Snow x reader) - Part 1
No Words (Robb Stark x Reader Drabble/One-shot)
'My Gendry' (Gendry x Reader One-Shot)
A Real Love (Jaime x Reader Drabble)
Southern Lady (Tormund x Reader Drabble)
An Urgent Confession (Sandor x Reader Imagine)
Change of Plans (Tyrion x Reader Imagine)
Always Have (Tommen x Reader Drabble)
Unexpected (Jon Snow x Reader) - Part 2
Distractions (Oberyn Martell x Reader One-Shot)
Everything (Sandor Clegane x Reader drabble)
Conflicted - Part 1 (Ramsay Bolton x Reader)
Gone (Jon Snow x Reader Drabble/Oneshot)
Highborn Love (Tormund x Reader One-shot)
Carrying Jon Snow's baby would include (Headcanons)
Carrying Tormund Giantsbane's baby would include (Headcanons)
Carrying Robb Stark's baby would include (Headcanons)
Carrying Gendry Waters' baby would include: (Headcanons)
Carrying Jaime Lannister's baby would include (Headcanon)
Carrying Jorah Mormont's baby would include: (Headcanon)
Carrying Podrick Payne's baby would include (Headcanons)
Carrying Oberyn Martell's baby would include (Headcanons)
Having a baby and being with Yara Greyjoy would include (Headcanon)
Trueborn (Jon Snow x Baratheon Reader) Part 1 of 3
Always and Forever (Sansa Stark x Male/Female Reader)
Trueborn Part 2 of 3 (Jon Snow x Baratheon Reader)
One Good Reason (Sandor x Reader Drabble/Oneshot)
Trueborn - Part 3 of 3 (Jon Snow x Baratheon Reader)
Not Such A Lady (Sandor Clegane x Reader - One shot)
Searching (Tormund Giantsbane x Reader)
The Tolling In The Tower (Jaime Lannister x Reader) Part 1 of 2
Home To You (Edd Tollett/Dolorous Edd x Reader - Oneshot)
More Than Enough (Ned/Eddard Stark)
The Tolling In The Tower - Part 2 of 2 (Jaime Lannister x Reader)
Northern Nights (Tyrion Lannister x Reader)
Theon Greyjoy encountering you, a mermaid, would include:
Return To Winterfell (Robb Stark x Reader)
Perfect Lady (Tormund Gianstbane x Reader)
No Burden (Ned Stark x Pregnant Reader)
Conflicted - Part 2 (Ramsay Bolton x Reader)
Restless Nights (Tyrion X Reader) Oneshot
Unbroken (Jon Snow x Reader -One shot)

Carrying Sandor Clegane's baby would include (Headcanons)

5.4K 120 2
By TeaAndSympathy

Credit to the gif creator

Warnings: None

A/N: Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

- When you tell Sandor you're carrying his baby, he goes painfully silent making you wonder if he is upset, but when you take a moment to look in his eyes you can see they're filled with undeniable joy.

- Placing his large hands over your hips, he pulls you close before moving his arms around you, almost as if he was protecting you from harm.

- Finally he spoke, his voice quiet with emotion, "I didn't think I'd ever have kids."

- Seeing his face transform from amazement to apprehension, you placed a hand to his cheek, knowing what thoughts were running through his head. He was worried about making a terrible father.

- "You're going to make a wonderful father, Sandor," giving him a little wink, you added, "If not a little grumpy, but I know you will love your child with all your heart."

- Giving you a half smile, he leaned down to kiss you, just a little kiss but it was his way of showing you he was happy.

- Early on, when everything made you sick, he surprised you by sending for the Maester, asking him, "Is there anything to stop her from chucking?" You were so unwell and tired, but you couldn't help but laugh at his bluntness.

- Being concerned about making love, he was worried it may cause the baby or you harm. You having to assure him that it was fine, in the end having to get the Maester to speak to him about it. You had never seen him so embarrassed.

- Even though he never said it, you could tell he loved your growing belly. Often he would come up behind you just to give you a cuddle, resting his hands on your tummy and rubbing tenderly in circular motions.

- If he ever thought you were doing too much, he would pick you up in his arms and carry you to your favourite chair before plonking you down, "will ya just rest, the chores can wait till tomorrow." After resting your eyes for ten minutes, you would open them up to see him finishing whatever you had started.

-As the birth drew near, you could see his apprehension and excitement grow, never wanting to be far from your side and making sure, you had everything you needed and wanted.

- When the day finally arrived, you had never seen him so nervous, the concern was written all over his face, realising he was worried about losing you.

- He hated seeing you in so much pain, in the end, the Maester sent him from the room.

- If you weren't so preoccupied, you would have heard him outside your chamber pacing up and down the hallway. Every time he heard you scream, he wanted to barge through the door and make sure you were okay.

- When he heard the baby cry out for the first time through the door, he felt his heart sore, it was the most welcomed sound he had ever heard.

- After waiting what felt like an impossibly long time, he rushed into the room sighing with relief at the most beautiful sight in the world. There you sat holding a precious bundle wrapped in furs, looking up at him with exhausted yet joy filled eyes.

- Crossing the chamber, he wiped the beads of sweat from your forehead before placing a kiss to your hair. With a smile, you passed the tiny bundle into his arms, watching as his expression filled with awe, your words bringing the sweetest smile to his lips, "My love, say hello to your son."

- Sandor was hardly one for words, but he doubted there was even a way to express what he was feeling.

- All he knew was this tiny little person who he had only just met, owned his heart. There was nothing he wouldn't do to keep him safe from harm, knowing his life was forever changed, never wanting it to return to the way it was.

- Looking up to you, he gave you a smile you had never seen before, his eyes filled with gratitude and pride. Leaning down he kissed you again, this time on the lips, his two simple words bringing a tear to your eye and a lump to your throat, watching him inhale deeply, he barely spoke in a whisper, "Thank you."

Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

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