Not The Last {Rough Draft}

By EmilySeifert

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~Thank you for the continued love for this series! I was 13 when I began this book, and am now taking the tim... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Supplies
Chapter 3: The Hospital
Chapter 4: Felix
Chapter 5: Betrayal
Chapter 6: Collapsed
Chapter 7: Separated
Chapter 8: Not The Last
Chapter 9: Backstories
Chapter 10: Busting Noses, Specifically Trent's
Chapter 11: Crazy People and That Boy
Chapter 12: Happy Birthday To Me
Chapter 13: Birthday Gone Wrong
Chapter 14: Stay Strong
Chapter 15: Leaving Town
Chapter 16: Faster, Stronger, Bigger Zombies
Chapter 17: A Silver Lining
Chapter 18: Drowning Is A Bad Way To Die
Chapter 19: Ashley Stops Me
Chapter 20: When it rains, the CIA is there
Chapter 21: Empty And Not So Empty Threats
Chapter 22: Nightmares Are A Side Affect Of Trauma
Chapter 23: Rooftop Run
Chapter 24: Reunited With Old Enemies
Chapter 25: Hacking Into Systems
Chapter 26: The Granges'
Chapter 27: Zombie Dogs
Chapter 28: Zombie Bites and Familiar People
Chapter 29: Turning
Chapter 30: Withstanding Zombie Bites
Chapter 31: Tempers Rising
Chapter 32: The CIA Returns In Full Force
Chapter 33: Grenades Are Back In Fashion
Chapter 34: The Broadcast
Chapter 35: Working Together
Chapter 36: Sleep Is For The Weak
Chapter 37: One Or The Other
Chapter 38: Out Smart The Smart
Chapter 39: Chopper Stopper
Chapter 40: Destroying And Destroyed
Chapter 42: Giving In
Chapter 43: Torture Exercises
Chapter 44: Rescue Mission
Chapter 45: Hunting Expedition Success
Chapter 46: Game Of CIA
Chapter 47: The Hour Journey
Chapter 48: Averageish Beach Goers
Chapter 49: Celebrating Peace

Chapter 41: We've Been Broadcasted

1.4K 111 17
By EmilySeifert

  "You're insane! They'll kill you!" Miranda yelled in anger but I ignored her as I paced the room.

  "They need me alive. They won't kill me sooner then they have to," I said and I hoped that when they had to kill me was no time soon.

  "Yeah? Is that so? How do you know that? Nile might be dead," Miranda put emphasis on the last word and I swung around to face her.

  "He's not dead," I said angrily. It's funny how everyone deals with grief in different ways. Most people refuse to eat or move for days. I'm the complete opposite. Anger, rage, adrenaline. At that moment I was in between rage and adrenaline. I was hoping I would still have that rush when I faced the CIA.

  "Miranda, she's not going to listen to you. Believe me, I tried," Kyle said. He was sitting on the couch with Darwin and they were trying to come up with ways to bust me out of the CIA.

  "But she is going to get herself killed!" Miranda said angrily.

  "She's going to be fine," Darwin said and rolled his eyes.

  "She's right here!" I said as they continued to talk about me.

  "Hey, chill for a moment, you're exhausted," Kyle said and I glared at him.

  "Shouldn't you be telling Cory about Morgan?" I shot at him and Kyle flinched. I knew the last thing he wanted to do was face the person who had attempted to kill me and almost killed Nile and Miranda.

  "Hey, Kyle is right. You need to just calm down. You're way to worked up over this-,"

  "This is the death of one of my friends that I have known way longer than you!" I yelled at Darwin and he shut his mouth after hesitating, as if about to say something else.


  "No, I'm not calming down," I said and started pacing again   as Trent, Van, and Ashley walked in.

  "Yeah, when she's like that only Nile can calm her down," Ashley said. I didn't have the energy to glare at her or say anything offensive to her.

  "Nile is going to be fine. He's okay. If you calm down for a while-,"

  Ashley didn't get to finish because the Tv crackled to life and Parks was staring at us.

  "Greetings Dead America. Today we have a large lead on Astrix Richards and her band of followers. We also have something of theirs," Parks said and he smiled.

  "Of course, we have stated before that the penalty for working with these people is death," my heart dropped and I felt my face go pure white.

  "We won't kill him if Astrix turns in herself. She has twenty four hours before she sees Nile Dalson's dead body on live television. Your choice Astrix," Parks said and I flopped onto the couch and put my head in my hands.

  "Now for our second piece of business. The names of the people working with Ms. Richards. Ashley and Trent Marks, Van Styke, Kyle Weaver, Miranda Gilbert, and Cory Whitley. Also, Agent Darwin Treal is working with them. He did work with the CIA but turned against us. All of these people need to be caught and brought to us, immediately. Have a nice day Dead America," then the screen went black again. I felt dizzy and my stomach felt like it was going to fall out of my butt.

  "Well, we're screwed," Kyle said after a five minute long silence.

  "We're screwed? What about Nile?" I asked. I was still looking at the ground because I could feel tears in my eyes.

  "We need to worry about us right now," Darwin said and a hand was on my shoulder.

  "We're a family now. We aren't leaving anyone behind. Astrix has to go. She has to get Nile out of there," Ashley said and I put my head up in surprise.

  "Nile would do the same for us," Ashley said and hung her head.

  "Then what are we waiting for? Let's get Astrix ready and let's get Nile out of there," Trent said. A smile crossed my face and Trent nodded at me. I trusted these people more than I trusted myself at the moment. I knew they could get me out of there.



Aww, they're saving Nile. But is he already dead is the question.

I have absolutely no idea why I'm updating at 1:30 in the morning... or why I'm updating on a Thursday... or Thanksgiving for that matter...

Happy Thanksgiving guys. Eat lots of food and have a food coma. Spend time with family and friends and be grateful, because I know I am. I'm grateful for everything that I have and my 'talents' as a writer. I thank God for that. So have a great day everyone. :)

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