Do You Love Me? ||neymar jr||

By secrettown

6.1K 244 147

Vanessa Morldon is a 22-year-old, African American/Brazilian actress, and singer. She has two older brothers... More

-Before I Start-
Chapter 1: To UOC
Chapter 2: Different Conversation
Chapter 3: Here He Comes
Chapter 4: Bang Bang
Chapter 6: Hiding Feelings
Chapter 7: New Ride
<<Note to Readers>>
Chapter 8: At The Beach [N.R Pt.2]
Chapter 9: Surprise Surprise
Chapter 10: Secrets & Dating
Chapter 11: A Broken Heart [S&D Pt.2]
Chapter 12: Party It Up
Chapter 13: Jealousy
Chapter 14: Breaking It Off
Chapter 15: Lonely
Chapter 16: Already Moved On
Chapter 17: Shut Up & Drive
Chapiter 18: Not Interested
Chapter 19: Victoria's Birthday Bash
Chapter 20: What Was A great Night Turned Into A Bad One

Chapter 5: Timmy's

264 14 12
By secrettown

A few weeks later...

Neymar's P.O.V

I just finished surfing with Rafaella. I was so tired.

"Can we go now? I'm tired!" I complained.

"Come on Ney, I just want to take some more pics please wait!" she begged.

"Nooooo!" I whined.

"Please, please, please Ney?"

"Ok, fine. You're lucky you have such a kind hearted brother!" I bragged.

"Yeah, I guess I am!" she rolled her eyes chuckling.

"I'm done now! Do you want to take a pic with me?" She asked.

"Sure." I walked over.

We took many pictures then headed to Tim Horton's. We entered and took our orders. I looked over to see Vanessa sitting at a table by herself. I thought I should say hello, so I told Rafaella that I was going to.

"I thought you said you were tired?" she said looking at me curiously.

"Please Rafa?" I begged.



"Fine, but you have to do something for me!" she smiled.

"What?" I said eagerly.

"I'll tell you later, I need to think of something."

She went browsing while I approached Vanessa.

"Hey!" I greeted.

"Hi!" she replied.

"How's life?"

"It's good. You?" she asked.

"Great!" I said cheerfully.

"That's good!" she smiled.

"So, I just caught some waves, at the beach you?"

"I was supposed to meet a friend but she said to meet at her house whenever. So, I just wanted to finish my drink and be on my way."

"Oh." I said looking around.

"You surf?" she questioned sounding surprised.

"Yeah, how about you?" I asked curiously.

"No I don't know how to." she said looked down.

"I can teach you if you want?" I said hoping she'd say yes.

"Ok!" she answered.

"So do you want to go surfing on Friday?" I said rubbing my neck nervously.

"Sure!" she said happily.

1 hour later...

We talked for so long! We went from subject, to subject, to subject!

"Ha! You're hilarious!" she giggled.

"I know!" I exulted

She grinned.

"I came here with my sister!" I said breaking the silence.

"Really? I feel bad I mean we've been talking for so long! Did she wait outside for all this time?"

"No worries, she went shopping so it's fine!" I said.

"Oh ok, that's good! So I'll see you Friday?"

"Yeah! You're probably going to do great, saying that you're learning from the best!" I gloated.

"Uh huh sure!" she rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious!" I said chuckling.

"See you later!" She smiled brightly

"Bye!" I simpered.

I walked out seeing Rafaella coming towards me.

"You took forever!" she complained, "Not that I'm complaining! I saw so much nice stuff!"

"That's good!" I said smiling.

"So I passed by and saw you smiling a lot. What's up?"

"Nothing, we were just talking! And, were also going surfing Friday!" I said walking.

"Can I come?"


"Why? Is it some sort of date? Huh?" she joked winking.

"I know what you're thinking!"

"So then..."

"We've only known each other for a few weeks!" I protested.

"I know but still..." she trailed off.

"Not happening!" I said firmly.

"I bet you're thinking about it!" she said making me stop.


She was right.

I continued walking and went to the car. We got in and drove home. It was a silent drive. I didn't want to admit it but yeah I actually was thinking about it. So far, she seemed like a great girl. But, I've only known her for a few weeks, so I should wait a while before making up my mind.


Sorry if this wasn't that good. I'll try to do better :)

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