Boarding School for the Rejec...

By everetet

63.6K 705 143


Boarding School for the Rejected -1-
Boarding School for the Rejected -2-
Boarding School for the Rejected -3-
Boarding School for the Rejected -4-
Boarding School for the Rejected -5-
Boarding School for the Rejected
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Boarding School for the Rejected -9-
Boarding School for the Rejected -10-
boarding School for the Rejected -11-
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Boarding School for the Rejected -14-
Boarding School for the Rejected -15(preview)-
Boarding School for the Rejected -15- (Full)
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Boarding School for the Rejected -17-
Boarding School for the Rejected -18-

Boarding School For the Rejcted -12-

2.7K 35 9
By everetet

Recap: "I don't want to be in the room when Damien comes back later tonight. I'm probably going to spend the night with Tristan and Bill or I'll find something." I said as I grabbed some clothes for tonight and tomorrow, my eyeliner, and was looking around for my sketchpad. "How about you stay with me and my roommate Joshua tonight?" I looked up when Zeke said that to see him holding my sketchbook looking at me curiously with his purple eyes. "I don't think that's a good idea Zeke. Damien will be even more pissed off." I said really not wanting to deal with Damien as pissed as he was today again tomorrow. "What do you have to be scared of from him? And he won't be able to start anything with you again after today because of Draemond. Don't worry." I looked into his eyes and nodded. "Okay yeah. What do I have to lose?"


I took Zeke up on his offer as I was now in the bathroom in his room. The clothes I had worn that day were folded neatly and sitting on the toilet lid as I was now in an old long sleeved Winnie the Pooh shirt and pink sweatpants. Eh sue me I wear to sleep what I won't wear during the day. I honestly don't even know where I got pink sweatpants from... I'm slightly scared... Blah, whatever.

I finished brushing my teeth after having that scary thought and cleaned my face up. I looked at the black framed mirror above the sink and the person looking back at me and quickly looked away. I was so disgusted with myself for so many reasons that I could not even look at myself in the mirror. I quickly grabbed a hold of my clothes which were on top of the toilet still and walked out of there.

I hadn't really paid much attention to the room when I first walked in, but I was now as I looked around with curiosity. It was similar to my room as it had the basics of a couple of beds and dressers and such, but on one side of the room there was a neatly done bed covered in forest green bed sheets. On top of the bed there were a bunch of pop CDs by artists like Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. I twitched a little staring at the CDs and was only slightly relieved when I saw a CD box containing Paramore. The rest of the bed was covered in various mangas a few of which I recognized, but I noticed the one that had the most volumes there was one called 'One Piece'. On the wall by the bed there was a glee poster and several pictures of Roronoa Zoro and lots of hearts. "Interesting..." I muttered turning my head away from there seeing that there wasn't anything else there that was interesting.

When I looked at the other side of the room I was actually a bit relieved to see Zeke there just to know that what I had just viewed wasn't his side of the room - although it was really just the music that bothered me the most- and was looking at him curiously as he seemed to be watching me with his purple eyes blank. I took small steps over to him sitting on the bed next to him. "What's wrong?" I asked looking at him oddly. He stared at me for a couple more seconds before replying. "... What are you wearing?" He asked bewildered. My face dropped looking annoyed. "I am wearing clothes." "Well yeah, I can see that by why those?!" I just shook my head curling up on the bed.

I then looked at what he was wearing since he wanted to criticize me and asked him the same question, "And what are you wearing? You're not planning on wearing those to sleep are you?" I asked him as he was still in black skinny jeans and purple and black striped shirt. He laughed, "No, but you ran into the bathroom as soon as you got here so I have not had a chance to change yet." I looked away, "Oh." I said sheepishly. He nodded laughing again as he then got up walking over to the bathroom.

I stayed on the bed turning onto my back staring up at the blank white ceiling as I listened to the ruffling of clothes and then water running. A light breath escaped between my lips as I then turned back unto my side as I curled up on my side my knees close up to my chest. I stared at the crimson colored sheets that lay on the bed ruffled by Zeke and me moving on and off the bed. I noticed a little music played on the bed where Zeke had been and picked it up looking at it. It was gray and small, but had a screen on it. I scrolled through it looking at his music and was happy with what I saw. He had several bands I liked and I had trouble choosing which I wanted to listen to. I ended up clicking on Blessthefall and put them on shuffle. The first song that played was Higinia. I smiled as I closed my eyes singing it. I don't like my screams; I think they need a lot of work so I changed the screaming parts to singing, which isn't the easiest thing considering you need to change the pitch in a way.

In the middle of the song I felt water dripping on me and I opened my eyes just to end up screaming as I was completely startled by a Zeke who was over me wearing nothing but boxers and his deep brown hair was soaked. I must say he did have quite a lovely body. He was extremely lean and had a six pack, but I was too freaked out to quite enjoy it. I pulled the ear buds out of my ears to scream at the grinning Zeke. "What the fuck are you doing? Gosh! Go put some clothes on would you? And get up from over me!" I yelled as I was completely freaking out inside as to what he was doing. He laughed at my outburst as he laid down next to where I was and then grabbing me and putting me on top of him my back to him. I went rigid in his arms. "Calm down and relax would you? I'm not doing anything to you." He whispered into my ear.

I was not comfortable at all with what he was doing and tried to push myself off of him. I listened to him as he just laughed again bringing his arm around me holding me tight to him. "Zeke let me go now." I told him with a stern voice. "If I do that though you'll leave, and I know you're immensely strong now, so please don't hurt me. I just want to have you close." He said softly. I stopped for a second thinking over his words and previous actions. He was saying one thing now, but he had been acting completely different earlier, and I couldn't help but get a feeling that he was not as scared as he made it sound he was.

I then gasped as I felt and saw both his pale arms wrapping around tightly under my stomach pulling me up more as he squeezed tighter and tighter there. I tried pushing his arms off as his squeezing was making my breathing shallow. I felt his chest vibrate as his laugh rung through my ears, "You're right I am not scared of you." He said as I am not sure how, but he squeezed even tighter. My breathing became more rapid as it had become even shallower and I couldn't get enough oxygen. "Stop!" I breathed out. He didn't and I soon became light headed and began to see stars. "Bastard." I muttered before giving up on trying to get out and passing out.

When my eyes opened I wondered how long I had been out, but had no way of knowing as for one I saw no clock around two I was tied up in a chair. A woman I didn't recognize came towards me. She appeared to be in her early twenties and had unnaturally white hair that fell in ringlets around her face. She had a pale tan, water blue eyes, a long thin nose, and a very slender figure. She was smiling to me and then opened her mouth to speak, "How did you sleep? I'm sorry if Aiden was too rough with you, I told him to be quick, and to try and not damage you." I stared at her puzzled. I wasn't sure whether to want to curse her out for speaking so lightly of everything that was going on or to ask who Aiden was. I decided to go for the latter, but as I opened my mouth to speak I was immediately cut off, "I am Aiden."

Zeke appeared right in front of me suddenly after that was said. I growled at him angry at him for doing this. I had actually gotten myself to trust him and he did this. I ended up getting slapped. I stopped growling at him, but a glare appeared on my face and I directed it to him. "What the fuck Zeke- pardon me Aiden," I spat finding even his name was a lie. "Why did you do this?" He looked as pissed off at me as I was at him, but he backed away from me and turned his attention to the woman, "Miriam, could you please excuse us for a few minutes?" He asked her politely although I did hear an edge in it, but I think it had been because of me. "Of course my dear," she said gently as she turned and skipped to a door with several locks upon it that I didn't notice. She pulled out a set of keys having a different key for each of the five locks on there and then walked out, and I heard all of them being relocked from the other side.

I looked back to Aiden to see him staring at me with an intense look on his face. I put up an emotionless façade, because honestly, I was not sure how I felt right now. "You wanted to know why I did this, right? Wanted to know why I did all of this?" I looked at his tall frame suspiciously before slowly nodding my head. "I was told to find out who you were when you got here and to get close to you so that I wouldn't have to do all of this," he gestured around, "I agreed, but when I saw you I honestly fell for you. I told them this and they told me they wouldn't hurt you or do anything to you at all if you actually loved me back. I tried to get you to love me. I wasn't truly sure how you felt which was why I had bit you. It wasn't to find out what you were; I knew what you were before you even got here. I was the one who had caused your introduction letter to the school to be ruined. I knew with Damien being an ass and me being there you were beginning to soften on me, but I just couldn't figure out how to get you to simply love me! Because for I have no idea why you are in love with that stupid fallen!" He said looking at me angrily. I opened my mouth shocked at what he said and was about to protest before he continued, "You are, you've been trying to lie to yourself that you aren't but for some reason you are. I was supposed to have till the end of the week like I offered you to get you to love me, but the people I work for cut my time short and today was the last day. I knew you would never truly love me like I love you so I gave up."

I stared at him my face blank as my mind tried to comprehend everything. Only thing I got was that Zeke- Aiden apparently truly did love me, that I was in love with Damien without realizing it, and I was now in trouble because I didn't love Aiden back. "Oh, no you were in trouble before I loved you. You just could have gotten out of it if you did love me." He said I looked at him annoyed. "Do me a favor and stop reading my mind and answering everything before I have a chance to ask it. But what "trouble" am I in?" I asked looking at him a bit worriedly.

"You are a Fallidrah. Your kind comes around once every thousand years. The only other Fallidrah alive today is Desmond Draemond. Your kind has an immense amount of power, but it matures over the years. I am a part of an organization that has been trying to get expose creatures to the humans, but we can't do it on our own or we will be killed by our government for 'treason'," he said rolling his eyes. "Really, we just want to stop having to hide. We don't want to control the humans like so many others do, but live among them. I realize this could cause problems, but we have ideas for every different problem that might come up. Why we need you is so that first to quicken up your maturity, and show it to the world and then to help us fight whoever will come after us after that. Yeah, so I'll just let the sink in for now." He said coldly as he walked away from me. I stared after him sadly. "I really wish you would have just loved me..." He whispered as he unlocked all of the locks and then walked out locking them behind again. I was on the edge of tears, and now just wished I was out of this chair.

Okay, so sorry for the wait I'm not sure how long delay for this chapter, but school had started, time just passed by really fast and I didn't truly have time. I hope this chapter was worth the wait though. :) And happy Halloween guys! :D The next chapter for this and for my other story "Emo Weird Girl + Emo Man Whore = Love?" Will be out in no more than two weeks.

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