Normal | Scott McCall

By adventures_ofme

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"Stop hanging out with my friends" Not extremely accurate More



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By adventures_ofme

"You're skipping cross country practice?" Jude asked his sister, hoping she'd say yes.

"Yeah. I already told coach." Rita said, slipping her jacket on.

"And he's okay with you skipping?" Jude asked, trying to play it off.

"Yeah." Rita shrugged. Jude gave her the car keys and watched her walk out before dashing to meet up with Scott and Stiles. Rita watched teachers and police officers rush kids out of a school bus and rushed to Sheriff Stilinski.

"What's going on?" Rita asked.

"There's a kid holding a bomb in that bus." Stilinski said. Rita's eyes widened and saw Mr. Yukimura go out of the bus.

"Do you know if it's real or not?" Rita asked.

"We're sending in one of our deputies." Stilinski replied. He was fond of Rita, saw her as a daughter. He knew he could trust her to not do anything impulsive or insane like his son so he gave her information he was allowed to give. A blonde guy, suited up to go into the bus, came out and approached Stilinski and Rita.

"Miss." He greeted. Rita stared at him, liking what she was seeing, as he spoke to Sheriff. She saw his name tag, 'J. Parrish' she repeated in her mind.

"I can do this sir, I was in the military for two years." Parrish reassured. He glanced at Rita who was still looking at him, hopelessly, and gave her a quick smile making her giggle. She recollected herself after she watched him go into the bus and remembered she was going to visit Isaac.

"I have to go, Sheriff. Good luck." Rita said and jogged to her car.

"J. Parrish." She said, laying her head back on the headrest. Scott came into mind and her head shot up.

"Would this be cheating on him?" She asked herself.

"No. He's not my boyfriend- but we did go on that date and it was really ni- why am I talking to myself?" She rambled. She turned the car on and drove to the hospital. Melissa let her into Isaac's room and she saw him laying there.

"Hi, Isa." Rita whispered, sitting next to his bed. She fixed his hair and put her hand on his cheek.

"We have to keep you looking cute. Never know when Allison might come." Rita smiled. She sat back down and took his hand.

"Scott and I went on a date yesterday before we came to see you. It was really nice. We ate pizza and got to know each other more. I learned that he's never seen Star Wars and that he loves fortune cookies because they always come with a little surprise and a lot of other things. I really like him." Rita rambled.

"And today, I saw this really hot deputy. His name is J. Parrish- I don't know what the J stands for but it's gotta be something cute." Rita smiled, playing with his hands.

"That's not like cheating with Scott is it?" Rita asked, looking up and Isaac's face.

"You're no help." Rita said and pulled out her phone to google whether thinking someone was hot considered cheating or not. She got tired of reading google articles and sighed.

"I really miss you. I miss your voice and you putting your arm around my shoulder all the time. I eat lunch alone again, too. Allison sits with Lydia and I don't think Lydia likes me much." Rita said. She pursed her lips and pulled the corner table towards her so that she could start doing homework.


"Jude, are you crying?" Rita asked, coming into his room.

"Stiles put himself into Eichen House." Jude said, sniffling. Rita's eyes widened in shock and went to hug Jude.


"He's possessed by a nogitsune and he doesn't want to hurt anyone else." Jude said. They sat silently, hugging, like they always did when either of them was sad.

"You should see him. Stiles is getting destroyed by that thing. He doesn't deserve it." Jude cried. Rita started singing 'Let it be' quietly as she ran her fingers through his hair. Their mom used to sing it to them when they were upset and it was something they now did with each other to calm themselves down. It's also how she kept him calm during his first full moons.

"Everything will be okay, Jude. You guys have defeated many things before, don't let yourself think that this is different." Rita said, noticing he was falling asleep.

"Jude. We need you." Scott said, opening the door to Jude's room. Rita put her fingers to her lips as Scott came inside.

"He just fell asleep." Rita whispered.

"We need him to help us." Scott said.

"Jude's stressed out, Scott. He was crying about Stiles- can you leave him out of tonight's plan?" Rita asked, looking up at Scott with pleading eyes. Scott looked down at Jude then and Rita. He had never seen her so protective of Jude and he respected it.

"Alright." Scott whispered and got closer to Rita.

"I'll see you at school." Scott said and kissed her cheek.

"Stay safe." She whispered as he walked out of the room. Rita laid Jude down, tucked him in and went to the kitchen after leaving his door open just incase.

"Mama, can you make shrimp curry?" Rita asked, going into the kitchen.

"Why? You're allergic to shrimp." Padma said.

"I know but Jude really likes it and he's not the happiest person. Hopefully it'll cheer him up." Rita said. Padma nodded and took out the ingredients.

"I'll make the rice." Rita said. She knew she couldn't help Jude much because she didn't really know her way around the paranormal world but she did know how to cheer him up so she made sure to do her best.

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