Pinky Promise - Park Jimin FF...

By Bangtanboycrazy

1.3K 48 10

Just as easily as a promise is made, it can be broken. "Pinky promise?" I extended my pinky out to him with... More



46 1 0
By Bangtanboycrazy

One Week

*Jimin's POV*

Sang-Hee and I shared a few great laughs. Somehow she could just pull a totally random joke out of the air and make my chest begin to heave from the purest laughter in the world.

Jin would stop by our table from time to time to spit out a few of his own God-awful puns. Although they're terrible, I found myself cracking up as soon as he said them.

At this point, I was trying my hardest not to choke on my food as Sang-Hee and Jin participated in a head-to-head battle of wits before me.

"Hold on, Sang-Hee. Haven't you ever tried to eat a clock?!"

I watched Sang-Hee's eyes focus on Jin before widening to above her normal eye stance.


"It's- wait. What?"

"It's very time consuming."

A mischievous smile spread on her face. It would've been cute to me had it not looked completely sinister.

"Aish! You!" Jin crossed his arms over his chest defensively and sulked in my direction.

"Yeah! Me!" Sang-Hee flaunted her shoulders back and brushed the thick strands of hair, that had previously framed her proudly upturned face, back behind her shoulders.

Both of them were watching me with searching eyes. Meanwhile, I've been chowing down on my dinner before either punsters could come up with something snappier to add on.

My eyes locked with Sang-Hee's first...of course.

She had barely touched her meal, no thanks to Jin's superior distraction skills.

I mean, it's really his loss since it's his food.

Jin's distractions have often helped us in the midst of our more serious missions. However, I really don't believe Sang-Hee's all that dangerous as she was made out to be.

She's actually pretty cool, if I do say so myself. And yeah her cute little smile and unique laugh gives her some extra charming points from me as well.

I smiled at her and she started to laugh. "What's so funny?" I asked, still holding onto my growing smile.

"Why do your eyes disappear when you smile?" She blurted it out so fast, her hand couldn't clasp around her mouth quick enough.


My face relaxed a little bit and I glared at Jin's commentary.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Sang-Hee stood up from her seat and ran to hug me from behind. I blushed as her hands smoothed out against my chest before she brought her head down to lean in against my neck.

"Please forgive me?"

Her lips brushed against my skin and I could feel her hot breath rattle me as she spoke. Without thinking clearly, I grabbed her hands and lifted them up from around me while standing up, spinning her around in the process.

I laughed right in her face. . .totally ruined the moment, but. . .aishhh I'm so stupid.

"I will."

She exhaled quietly in relief.

"But only if you do the SUPER JUNIOR dance with me."

She pursed her lips and frowned at me. "Jinja?!"

She crossed her arms while wearing an equally cross expression. She whisper yelled at me. "In the middle of a restaurant?! Where people are eating?!?!"

I shrugged. "Dinner AND a show. Trust me. They're getting way more than what they bargained for."

Sang-Hee looked hesitant.
I don't blame her.
This is so unlike me.

I think I've been spending WAYYY too much time with the Maknaes.

Yah, Tae, I blame you for this one.

"Trust me. Hey. YOLO, right?"

She rolled her eyes at me and slowly trudged closer to stand in line with me. "I hope you know how much I seriously despise you right now."

" What's not to love?" I started flexing, knowing full well that I probably already look like an idiot. . .and I haven't even started dancing yet. "Ready-?"

"WAAAAAAAAIIIIIIT!!!" J-Hope's voice screeched until he stood next to the oddly silent Jin.

"What?!" All three of us called back.

It's funny. J-Hope's call can pierce through even the most rambunctious noise yet to exist and he still sounds no less than cheerful all the time.

"I so gotta get this on video." He pulled out his phone and started messing with it.

I groaned under my breath. "You have got to be kidding me."

Sang-Hee leaned over and whispered "Well. . .this was your idea."

"Yah! Are we gonna do this or not?" Jin snapped at us like a mother to her two misbehaving kids.

J-Hope counted us in and Sang-Hee and I began rubbing our palms together.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry..."

She didn't even get halfway through the first "sorry" before busting out into a fit of laughter. Once we finished the small piece, I sent a falsely stern look towards her.

"Hey, stob it!" Jin flicked me on the back of my neck with his fingers, causing me to retract in pain.

"Yowww! Excuji me?! What was that for, you crazy lunatic?!?!"

His eyes widened and I saw a small flame of anger ignite in them. "What'd you call me?!"

"Nothing. No one. Nevermind."

"Last I checked I was everything, someone, and THE worldwide handsome that's on EVERYONE'S mind. Get your facts straight."

Sang-Hee lifted her hand to caress the back of my neck with her soft, delicate fingers and I swear I almost melted from delight.

"Don't take it personally. He's just messing with you. I hope you're not in too much pain. If you are. . .then maybe I can make you forget about it for a little while."

I froze under her gaze like an ant under a magnifying glass.

Is she serious?
Pinch me, somebody, please.

I gulped and felt a lump form in my throat. I opened my mouth to speak, but my throat felt so sore and my tongue so dry, that nothing came out.

Suddenly, she playfully patted my stomach with the back of her hand, pretty much snapping me back to reality from wherever my brain ran off to.

"It's been fun, but I think it's time to go back home. What do you think, Jiminie?"

Still speechless, I just nodded my head. I was unaware the guys were still watching us, until J-Hope cleared his throat, putting his phone away.

"Well, it's been real. Um. See ya around, Jimin. And nice to meet you....?"

"Sang-Hee." Jin finished.

She nodded at J-Hope, practically sending him off on his way. Jin was quick to follow.

"Uh...I'll just put this on your tab, Jimin. It was nice of you to swing by. Nice to meet you again, Sang-Hee. You know, you're pretty funny. Stop by anytime." He winked at her before running off after J-Hope.

Sang-Hee and I looked at each other again, partially more conscious of what we're saying and doing. I slowly started to milk my way towards the exit with Sang-Hee following after me.

"You seem to get around." She remarked once we left the restaurant, walking back towards home.

I sent her a puzzled look. "What are you talking about?"

She giggled and shoved her hands into the pockets of the hoodie I lent her. "I mean all of your friends seem really nice."

"Oh! You've only met a couple."

She stopped in her tracks. "You mean there's more like. . . them?"

She emphasized the word "them" so much that it sounded like a whole different species. I chuckled at her reaction.

"Yeahhh they're pretty crazy, huh?"

" Not really." She stuck her arm around one of mine before continuing. "Not as crazy as you, at least."

"I'm not crazy!" I whisper-yelled at her. She giggled and hugged my arm closer to her.

"'re just cute."

I lifted my head up from the ground and looked at her, speechless.

"What?" she asked when I didn't respond.

"Y-you think I'm cute?"

She laughed and pushed me away from her a little. "Yah! Don't flatter yourself. You're like a puppy dog kind of cute. It was more of an observation than a compliment."

"You think I'm cute." I mocked her, much to her disapproval.

"Hajima! If I really thought you were cute, I would never be able to resist you."

"Who's to say you can't resist me?"

She folded her arms and looked cross with me before answering. "It's not that hard."

I stepped closer to her and whispered in her ear. "Prove it."

"Okay. Any ideas how?" She pulled the hood of my hoodie up over her soft, dark hair and pulled lightly on the strings under her neck. I thought for a moment.

I've got the perfect plan. This may be my chance to discover who she really is.

"Yeah. I got one. How date me for a week?"

"Oh my god, Jimin-" She rolled her eyes and turned away from me and speed-walked forward a few steps until I caught her by her waist, spinning her back around to face me.

"Hear me out."

She raised her eyebrow at me and sat deeply in her hip...looking like a BOSS mamacita.

"Go on." She exhaled, waving me to start.

"We'll go on dates, hold hands in public, talk to each other anytime we're around one another - just like a real couple."

She waited for me to say more. "But...?"

I guess she sensed a catch in our game. She's right.

"But...there are some rules. We have to tell each other everything. No lies. No real feelings involved..."

I stepped closer to her.

"No kissing."

She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Fine! Deal. No problemo. I don't catch feeling for cute little puppies. When do we start?"

Wait. Jinja? She said yes? Alright!

"How about now?"

We neared our neighborhood.

"Mmmm. Negative. I don't want to start when a day's already over. Let's start tomorrow."

"It's settled then. As of tomorrow, you're my girlfriend."

She suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"Wait. What happens if one of us actually does catch feelings for the other?"

I shuddered a little and pulled my lip in my mouth to moisten them. "That won't happen."

She stopped me from continuing on our walk. "Jiminie. For real."

I tried to avoid looking in her eyes for fear she could see right through me. Eventually I gave up and gazed upon her cheerful facial features.

"Then I guess that's when the deal ends. And if you fall for me, then I win my bet."

"Fine then. It's settled."

We stopped again in front of her door.

"Wait, Sang-Hee. We've gotta affirm this thing the right way."

A look of confusion flashed across her face until my pinky was brought into her line of sight. Her eyes left mine and focused on my extended phalange.

"Pinky promise?"

A small smile appeared on her lips before she wrapped her own pinky tightly around mine. She let go and turned towards her door, unlocking it.

"Hope you don't have any secrets I shouldn't know about."

Instantly my blood grew cold. "Like you're gonna find out about them."

"Actually I am."

She stepped inside her house and held the door open.

"HA! And what makes you so sure about that?"

She slowly closed the door between us. "You said so yourself: we have to tell each other everything. No lies. Remember?"

I tensed up.
I DID say that.

"Aish. You're right. That goes for you, too!"


The door finally clicked shut in front of me.

This girl is gonna be the death of me.

*Sang-Hee's POV*

Holy---is this really gonna happen?

A smile spread across my lips once more as I slowly slid down the door to my bottom, thinking about our deal.

He said no real feelings...but what if I already caught feelings for him before our game even began? Does that mean the deal's off the table?

Omo....does that mean I'm falling for him?

AN: Your girl just went to her first staff party at her first job! I think it went pretty well. I literally never stopped dancing all night long. And like, this large group of internationals who can REALLY dance, pulled me into the center of the dance floor. We tore up the floor. It was so much fun and I made so many new friends. It was the most fun I've had in quite awhile.

WC: 1,191

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