Ace For Hire // BTS Reader In...

By tokki-maknae

909K 43.3K 22.2K

Who is Ace? Besides being the deadliest hitman on the market in the underground, whose really under the hood... More

Queen for Capture Intro


8.6K 480 181
By tokki-maknae

Popping your head up, you scoped out the area before going back down onto one knee. Nodding at Namjoon he made his way back over to the doorframe, looking out before giving you an 'ok' hand sign.

Both of you cautiously step out into hall before dashing towards any sign of the nearest exit. Namjoon mumbled something to himself that you only caught part of, "A member missing" Putting two and two together that whoever that guy was earlier, was probably watching you guys raid from a distance, it wouldn't be a surprise if he was his gang's flag bearer.

"Check that way!" You heard a feminine voice yell out from the top of the stairs were you were heading. As more shadows filled in you and Namjoon instantly backtracked, running for what had to be the cat and mouse chase turning into an infinite maze of circles.

"We're going to be hunted down like dogs at this rate. And if daybreak happens while we're still here, no killing rule expires and we'll be in serious shit." You grumbled as you jumped over the guard rail of a staircase as a short cut, Namjoon following in suit but stumbling a bit. Noticing compared to your graceful agility that Namjoon had some sort of clumsiness traced in his movements, as if he was a kid who shazamed into an adult body that has yet to fully control how to move around longer limbs and such.

Picking up speed, Namjoon began to pass you as he grabbed your hand to haul your ass along with him, his long strides threatening to leave your corgi sized legs in comparison behind. "We'll get out of here before then. Worst case I can distract while you make a run for it, find the others and-"

Gripping his hand, you dug your nails into his skin as a warning, "Not a chance, the gang's still a zero if you only minus one. Plus you are not doing whatever that Daniel guy did to his gang, we just need a chance to figure out something." Or anything at this rate.

Namjoon let go of your hand, pulling you out of your thoughts as you skid to stop as he ran over to a door. He inspected the door before testing the door handle, which barely budged seeing as it was locked obviously, "Steel door, has a lock, no mini built in door window. If we could bunker down for a minute or two, that'd be a good chance as any to plan something."

Pulling a bobby pin out from your ponytail, you've made the small metals a necessity after they proved useful when you broke into Kang's room, you dropped onto one knee as you unbent the pin with your teeth.

Getting to work, you snapped the pin into two and began picking the lock. As you worked you started hearing distant voices again, as you were about to take your eyes off the lock, you heard Namjoon whisper. "Don't panic, you got this." Inhaling deeply you nodded to him and yourself as you kept your nimble fingers steady. After a few trials and errors of hitting the wrong pin locks, you heard a loud click followed with the ease of fully turning the lock with your makeshift lockpick kit.

Nearly ripping the door open, you slip inside first quickly scoping out the darken room before pulling Namjoon inside. Gently closing the door with both hands, you heard the door softly click close as you turned the lock on it.

"Move back." Listing to Namjoon, you step away from the door, watching as Namjoon seemingly pulled an overfilled storage rack out of nowhere. Pushing it against the door he huffed a bit as he felt around the wall for a light, "That should buy us time if they find us holed up in here." He explained as he finally hit the light switch.

Turning around you're met with isles of storage racks filled with various supplies and boxes stacked against walls, "Not for long." As the words left your mouth, Namjoon turned to you before taking in the room as well.

"Is this?" Namjoon started.

Finishing his sentence you answered with, "Their supply room."

"Something's bound to be our escape in here." You kept going on, walking over to one side of the room. "I'll check things out from over here, can you cover the other side?"

"Already on it." Namjoon stated as he starting rolling his sleeves up.

Also you pulled out a few plastic bins filled with random basics like duct tape, bottles of water, flashlights, rope, and other mini sized tools. But nothing stood out to you or yelled 'Life saving device'. "Question." You spoke up, controlling the volume of your voice to make sure your words wouldn't bounce around the room too much.

A few clinks of metal and scuffling of another storage rack being moved, you heard him call back out with, "What is it?"

Somewhat thrown off, since you weren't use to a response that wasn't sarcastic just yet, you hesitated before asking, "Who exactly are we dealing with?"

"Daniel's from the newer gang Wanna One, the rest of his gang were the guys we all ambushed earlier. I knew one member was missing, I just didn't know he was using the rest of his gang as a scape goat. Oh and the girls are from a gang called Twice, they're best known for-

"-Their dealings with drugs, didn't they make a it big in Japan bringing over candy bong?" You had some limited knowledge about Twice, never meeting them before so you didn't even know you were dealing with arguably the biggest drug distributors on the streets currently.

You may or may not have destroyed a few of their shipments during your days when you were more of a freelancer before a professional Ace for hire. Remembering the job somewhat vaguely, something about your contact saying they need you to set back their drug competition, so you figured a few shipment burnings would do the trick. But you also knew for a fact that their best selling candy bong drug was an addictive rabbit hole. Pretty sure those girls' motto is something like 'Once you tried it, you were hooked twice as much'.

"Yup, biggest rival gang for any others trying to get their own take at the drug scene. How's thing on your end?" Namjoon asked, probably equally disappointed as you were in finding nothing useful. Not even weapon let alone a single bullet in sight anywhere. Must've kept their artillery supplies under a better lock and key than the practice lock on the door you just picked through. Also it's a smarter call overall to kept the deadly stuff in it's own isolated room.

Sighing somewhat in defeat, you finished checking everything out before telling him, "There's some pretty useful stuff but the items alone won't be any help." Walking over to meet him in the middle, only to freeze mid step as your eyes fell onto the crates against the wall. "You checked that out yet?"

"Nope," Walking over he checked out the box as he slide one off the top of a stack by the wall, "Give me a hand?"

Nodding, you walked over to his side and grabbed the same side of the lid as him. Helping him pry it off as the rusted nails roughly pulled out as the aged wood began to splinter out from where you were gripping. Finally popping the lid off, he took the top of the wooden lid from you. Setting it down on the floor as you carefully moved the hay straw packing around inside the box to find whatever could be buried inside.

Finger tips tapping against something cold, you cautiously pulled out a pink poorly spray painted gas canister. Just one of the other dozens like it inside the box. As the weight of the metal in your hand began to weigh itself, a light bulb went off in your head.

"I got an idea. But it's gonna require you trusting me, a lot, like a shit ton because I'm literally going to do something that just might turn your hair gray."

"Can you at least say something more reassuring?" He asked while pinching the bridge of his nose to fight off a potential headache at whatever half bake idea you were proposing.

"I can hold my breath for three minutes?"

"I don't see how that's reassuring."

"You'll see in just a second, so trust me?" You asked, nearly pleading as you awkwardly hold the freezing canister against your chest. As if you were asking a parent if you could keep the puppy you just found.

Letting out a sigh of reluctance, a smirk of sorts cracked on his lips as he told you, "Ah what the hell, what's your plan?"


"Where the hell is Rm?" A girl snapped out at you as a few other bodies filled into the supply room to corner you where you stood back against the furthest wall. Tossing the wrench you've been using to bang against the metal racks to get their attention. You host party announced, "Hello there drug dealers, and one pretty boy."

"Cut the shit, Ace. I know what you're doing. Where's Rm." Nayeon hissed out. While the girl was practically snarly at you, you could see the Daniel guy get flustered over you calling him pretty boy. Which quickly debunked any and all possibilities that he was a threat, causing you feel relieved in your odds now.

Slinging your weight onto your right leg, you perched a hand onto your waist as you cocked an eyebrow at her, "Really, do tell because I haven't the faintest idea of what I'm supposedly doing." You purposely asked as you oozed sarcasm from each letter.

"Okay Nayeon, I'll take over," Daniel roughly patted the girl's head, interrupting proudly as he started making his way over to you, "Listen, sweetheart-"

Pulling out the taser gun at him, you aimed it at his face before slowly pointing it to the floor, "And that's about as far as you'll be going. Take another step and all of you will find yourself in a shocking position, sweetheart."

When you emphasized the word shocking, you watched as one by one they hesitantly looked down to find themselves in a massive puddle of water with empty water bottles littered on the floor. Putting two and two together, Nayeon's eyes squinted in a mask of shitty bluffing. Noticing her and a few other's legs stiffen up at the idea they've walked into an electric eel trap. The only sound echoing in the confined room was you tapping your nail against the hair pin trigger.

Nayeon being the first to speak up from the water made trap they all blindly splashed into, "You're bluffing, you wouldn't take the risk. Even if you went through with it, we could still recover and it'd go back to being you versus all of us."

You sighed at her words, personally finding it disappointing to a degree when a powerful figure gets their confidence rattle and shattered over a wildcard being tossed in. Not that you were looking for a good gang brawl to get you back into the Ace of things, but because you weren't even trying and you had a whole room of baddies crapping themselves.

"Do you like, ever get tired of being wrong?" You asked somewhat genuinely as it caused her to shoot you a dirty glare as Daniel bit on his lip to stifle a laugh at your backhanded comment. "I'm not alone, isn't that right. Rm?" You called out to him as the door to the storage room slammed open suddenly, revealing said member. While they turned you did a quick look over the turned bodies to figure who was the flag bearer from Twice.

Before anyone else could react or turn their weapons to Rm, he suddenly chucked something into the room. As it was all done in slow motion, three pink canisters tied together with duct tape painfully bounced once onto the floor denting the edge of it as it came to a stretch of a slide into the middle of the room. Besides the small whistling from the pink painted metal nozzle, the room had a silence thick enough to hear a pin drop.

"Also, if you knew me as well as you pretended too, then you should know I take the stupidest risks." You told Nayeon, holding your breath right before the canisters released a powerful stream of pink gas. You heard the door slam shut from where Namjoon chucked the gas in from, signaling that he kept to his end of the plan.

Even though he fought you a lot on holding the door shut with you on the other side, he reluctantly agreeing with you in the end since it was the only plan you two had. Pocketing the taser gun into the back of your waist band of your pants, you took a few cautious steps back to avoid being blinded by the cloud of pink that was taking up the room now.

While a massive thick fog of pink started taking over the room, you began counting to three minutes in your head as you began your part of the plan. You began swiftly and silently taking out members one by one as they were either thrown off by the gas, or busy trying to find the exit as they held their lips together tightly. You made an effort to go after Daniel first considering he had to of have his gang's flag on him. Who was already falling victim to the gas, falling onto his knees, you easily swiped the light blue flag off the back of his belt.

Mostly just doing your perfected knock out hit tot he jaw or a swift choke out hold as you made your way over to the door. Besides keeping track of how long before your own air ran out, you also kept track of how many people you had left to take out. Either way if you didn't get them, knock gas would've got to them eventually.

After taking out one more girl that was taller than you, you quickly saw barely through the dense fog a blaze of a hot pink flag tied to her bag. Recognizing a similar styling to that of the bag you had on earlier with your groups flag tied to it. You unbuckled and slipped the fanny pack like backpack off her shoulder, you made your way to the door. Doing a certain pattern of knocks against the metal, the door was opened and you darted out fast enough for Namjoon to shut and barricade it.

Dropping your hands to your knees, you took massive gasps of airs once you were out of the room and certain Namjoon had blocked the door from the outside. As you stood up straight, Namjoon checked you out before asking, "You okay?"

Nodding after your breath caught up, you stood up. Noticing his attention moved over to the small flag and bag in your hand, you held it out to him. "I got both their flags, I think. I honestly just stole the bag off of some girl so it could be like drugs or something."

"You probably stole drugs?"

"Even if I did, I illegally stole an illegal substance, technically it crosses each other out. Therefore, legal."

As you spoke Namjoon started examining the two color pieces of cut fabric before nodding, "Nope, those are their flags alright. Also I would love to hear your reasoning hold up in a court of law." Namjoon laughed a bit towards the end.

Pride suddenly filled your senses as you stood straight somewhat, but then quickly played it off as if you still found the whole capture the flag idea childish. Causing Namjoon to react similarly as he tried not to show the fact that he found your horrible acting endearing almost. There was a comfortable silence as he tied Wanna one's flag to the bag next to Twice's before he took the bag off your hands. But as you started walking, you were thrown off by him putting the bag on you. Wrapping it around your back so one strap went over your shoulder as the other went under your other arm, buckling the two ends together over your chest.

"You're still our group's flag bearer," Realizing it sounded as if he was speaking on strictly business terms, Namjoon backtracked and explained, "You'll always be important to this gang, to us, and you're also the only one I'm confident in keeping those flags safe until morning." He flashed you a dimpled smile as he started walking to find an exit.

Getting somewhat flustered over his genuine unexpected words and action, you hummed in acknowledgement as you caught up with him. Knowing the brains of the operation would still get lost without you. Plus you didn't know how long the gas knocked the two of you out. So you weren't going to stick around to find out when a angry mob of screwed over gang members come at you with torches and firearms.

"The exit's this way." Namjoon called out as he started going down a stair well, taking two steps at a time to move faster without losing his balance. Hot on his trail, once you both reached the bottom, you made your way down a poorly lit hall. Finding a rusted door that was worn down as evidenced by all the paint chipping away from it, Namjoon carefully forced it open as it let out a dying creek.

Doing one check behind you, you followed him out into the freezing cold arm. Hands hastily working to keep your arms warm as you both sneaked through what had to be an abandon junk yard by the looks of it. Carefully maneuvering around massive scrap piles and old car carcasses, you both made it to a tall chain link fence.

Halting along with Namjoon, you both peered to the top of the fence to find coils of spiked wire protecting it. Knowing there's no way over it without shredding yourself to pieces, you started looking for an alternative. Having the same thought, you watched as Namjoon was already digging around the nearby piles of junk.

No we need something big or sharp to break through or cut the fence open. Trying to think of something, you leaned back against a cool plastic sheet material. Crossing your arms under your chest to think, you tried imaging all the different plausible methods to getting out.

Doing a trial and error in your head of maybe finding a way to use something to block the spikes from cutting you if climbed over. Even suggesting to use the blue faded tarp you were leaning against to thrown on the top. Not a chance, this kind of material gets cut by even the dullest edges. Patting a hand against the tarp as if to test your own theory, only to find that it was indeed brittle plastic at this point of its worn out life.

Hesitantly suddenly, you gave it a few more pats. Hearing a recognizable thumping of metal from under the cover, you stepped away and turned back to look at the tarp again. Using both hands, you practically ripped the tarp in half as you pulled it off, revealing a beaten up car. Unlike the rest of the cars here, this one look promising in a sense that it still had some miles left in it. Feeling stupid for not realizing earlier you were sitting on what could be your answer, you hurried and called Namjoon over to you.

As he jogged over while tossing aside whatever he was holding previously, Namjoon inspects the car barely before saying, "This could work." As soon as you nodded to him, he went over to the drivers side. Following him you watched as he opened the unlocked door and reached under the steering wheel area. After feeling around for a minute, he pulled out a wad of wires that you could barely make out in the dark lighting.

"Are you hotwiring it? Wait, how do you know how to hotwire a car?" You asked as you stood behind him, careful not to cast a shadow over where he was trying to see at the same time you were trying to watch. Interested in watching him hotwire a car, seeing as it could be useful later down the line as a skill you have.

Answering you, he casually explained, "It's kind of a habit slash talent I picked up at a gas station I used to work at years back."

"You worked at a gas station?"

"We all start somewhere," Moving over to create a small opening to get into the driver's seat, Namjoon told you over his shoulder, "I need you to give a little gas when I tell you when, it's got one more run in one shot but it needs a warm up."

Sliding into the driver's seat, you peeked under before finding the correct pedal to place your foot against, "Okay, I think I got it, just tell me when."

"On three okay, just a gentle press, anything harder might permanently kill it." He glanced up at you before back to the bundle of wires he held in each hand. "One, two, three-"

Hearing the engine roar to life anticlimactically, you both sided out in relief. Tangling the exposed wires together, Namjoon closed the driver's door before hopping into the passenger's side. "Okay, now give it a little more gas." He coached you as you listened and applied a little more pressure to the hair trigger pedal.

Running over junk and other bulky objects as the car ride was already off to a bumpy start, but you couldn't say it was your fault at all. Suddenly as you began pulling the car further away from it's resting spot, Namjoon pegged the question of, "Do you know how to drive?"

"I played a lot of Mario racing at the arcade." You answered him honestly, while also leaving out the parts where you'd go off track a lot and also end up in last place.

Pausing for a minute, he responded with, "Fair enough, you may not have the most orthodoxic methods when it comes to learning, but your skills are still pretty amazing anyways."

"Yeah, I think this time you might be wrong about that." Was all you said before flooring the gas pedal.

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