Wet Dreams || Yoonseok

By saucemastuh

8.1K 571 41

Yoongi and Hoseok didn't know their dreams weren't just dreams. Top!¡ Hoseok Bottom!¡ Yoongi (Discontinued) More

I'm here
telling them
figure out
Beer and pizza
found him
to the park
first day
ice cream
The Jungs
The Jungs2
well sh!t


285 20 1
By saucemastuh

this gonna be high-key crappy chapter, I'm literally half asleep trying to write this, I hope you enjoy anyways.


Yoongi's birthday passed, he celebrated it with his mom, Taehyung and Seokjin, he finally got to meet jin's special someone, Namjoon.  in his 'dream' he celebrated it with Hoseok by eating cupcakes, Sex  and  then cuddling. Its already been two months since his birthday, this is the last month of school till summer break.

For Hoseok it meant finals, graduation and college applications. and that also means limited sleep. he stayed up studying late into the night, he was also trying to get into an elite art school for dancing the entrance exam was also coming up so he was working his ass off to improve his dancing skills (even though he don't need it) and working on his dance routine. The last time he had a dream about the younger was about a week ago. During the last few months he and his girlfriend moved in together, because she wanted to be closer with him. Hoseok bought the apartment because she said it would prove his love. Jungkook and Namjoon was of course opposed to the idea. Hoseok didn't listen too his friends though. It was all good till, she started wanting to have sex daily and disregarded his feelings. and if he'd say no he'd be left in the apartment alone till late in the night. Even though his feelings were becoming questionable, and he started to have feelings for a non-existent boy that he dreamt about, he still held on to his now 9 month relationship. until, one day when he understood what kook and Namjoon were talking about.

It was a very long day for Hoseok. studying, rehearsals , and he also had to visit his parents, since he hasn't seen them in awhile. his muscles were sore from all the practice so he chose to take the elevator instead of the stairs. he walked towards his door and took the keys out of his pocket clumsily dropping them. 

"Jesus give me the strength." he whined out as he bent down to pick them up. finally managing to open the door. he didn't see Myla's shoes by the door. 'she must not be home' he thought. walking into the living room he seen that the TV was on. 'never mind she must be home then'. setting his things down onto the armchair he made his way to the kitchen and got a bottle of beer. drinking it he walked back into the living room, but stopped when he heard a noise come from down the hall. it sounded like thumping. he went to go check what made the noise. 'its coming from the room' getting suspicious he opened the door, only to be greeted with the sight of his 'girlfriend' being fucked into THEIR mattress. he didn't know what to do. after all this time he defended her against his own best friends. Buying her things she wanted. Trying to keep her happy, now this is what he gets, seeing his soon to be ex-girlfriend moaning under another man. For some odd reason he wasn't heart broken because she chose someone else more like betrayed because of all the shit he did for her, accepted her, gave her what she wanted and even bought her an apartment 'what an ungrateful bitch' he thought irritatedly. with a blank expression he threw the half bottle of beer at the wall that was over the bed. the glass shattered, startling the two. Myla screamed and covered her face. the guy jumped out of bed holding part of the sheets over his lower half. the two look terrified seeing Hoseok standing in the  door way starring daggers at both of them especially Myla. "oh sorry to interrupt but I didn't want a hole in my wall." he said in a bored voice. 

"H-hoseok." Myla started. her lover began getting his clothes on and rushed out the door, Hoseok didn't even bother stopping him 'whats the use'.

"H-hoseok." he mocked back. "what, what possibly could you say that could make this situation better. I'm sorry? it's not what it looks like? it won't happen again?"

"Oppa please, I-"

"don't fucking oppa me, I'm not even interested in hearing any of your excuses. Just leave!"

"Hoseok please." she cried out, starting to produce tears.

"NOW YOU WANT TO FUCKING CRY, AFTER YOU WERE THE ONE THAT CHEATED!" He yelled walking out of the room. Myla careful got out of the bed that was covered in glass throwing on her shirt to follow Hoseok. But before she could even take a step towards the door he came in with garbages bag.

"Hobi wait wait wait, let's talk about this." she said trying to advance towards him only to flinch and freeze when he starts yelling again.

 NAH BITCH GET YOUR FUCKING ASS DRESSED, GET YOUR SHIT, AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!           YOU CAN TAKE ALL THE SHIT I BOUGHT YOU BECAUSE I DON'T WANT ANY REMINDERS OF THE WHORE I USED TO DATE." He yelled emptying out her side of the dresser and threw more bags at her. "AND LEAVE MY HOUSE KEY ON THE TABLE." with that he walked out of the room leaving his crying ex.

He walked to the kitchen getting out another bottle of beer chugging it he took out another leaning on the counter he waiting for her to walk out of the room. she was carrying multiple bags.

"leave the keys to the car I bought you." he said nonchalantly taking a sip of his beer.

"but how am  I supposed to take, my stuff back home." she said panicking.

"That ain't my problem now is it. Maybe you should call the guy you were just fucking. or one of the guys you fuck. there's probably more huh. you're such a slut."

"Why are you being so mean." she asked crying.

"what kind of question is that Myla, how stupid of you to think that you had a right to ask me that.  Let me ask you something, was it so hard to be loyal to me or do you just like letting random guys stick their dicks in you, when you already had someone who'd do almost anything for you! YOU KNOW WHAT JUST GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY APARTMENT I DON'T EVEN WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE ANYMORE." all she did was stand there and cry. With a sigh Hoseok slammed his bottle onto the counter, walked to the girl, grabbing her bags and her wrist dragging her to the door of his apartment and threw her and her stuff out. shutting the door, he sighed rubbing his temples. "I need a drink."

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