Lestrade Academy

By LeahKillem

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Lestrade Academy consists of two parts with a high fence in between that seperates girls from boys. Each part... More

1. News
2. Last Week
3. Lestrade High
4. Distraction
5. Bruises
6. One More Day
7. Another Strange Event
8. Hospital
9. Unbruised
10. Mpuah
11. Cling
12. Possessive
13. Lovebirds
15. Realization
16. Daters
18. Talks
19. Sabrina
20. Lucid
21. Troubles
22. Reunion
23. What They Told Sabrina
24. Moderny
25. Paradise
26. Unexpected
27. Mess
28. Wanted
29. Unlocked
30. I Love You
31. Numby
33. Upcoming
34. Storm
36. Hidden
37. Lost 'n Gone
38. NewsMan
39. End of Some
40. End of All

14. Family

105 6 0
By LeahKillem

Chapter 14 :




He chuckled a heavy chuckle, "You will, one day, you will," he said nothing else.

I was about to give him money but he refused it, saying it was a favor to drive me. I looked strangely at the man before exiting his car and running inside as fast as I could.

It was Wednesday. The day started as different and as special as every other day in Lestrade High. Please, note the sarcasm.

When I got to school, Clary was standing in front of my locker, as usual. Was that girl coming at 7am or what? It was still 15 minutes until the bell and she already looked tired from waiting.

"Clary, are you okay?" I asked her as I opened my locker.

She nodded, "Yea, couldn't sleep last night. Found that crazy book and was reading it until 5:30. I fell asleep for an hour, but I guess it wasn't enough," she let out a tired giggle.

"Well, Clary, hold on because I am going to tell you something I probably had to split out yesterday, but couldn't decide."

Her eyes flashed with curiosity, "I'm listening..."

I leaned closer to her as she repeated my action so no one was hearing us, "Nick and I are dating!" I squeaked in whisper as possible.

"What?" her squeak wasn't in whisper as she made all the heads turn to us. She got her mistake before lowering her voice again, "How did that even happen?"

"You know, it happened before yesterday. Billy and I went to the McDonald's and the blonde clinger approached us. Billy, obviously, found out who he was and there was a huge fight one-on-one. Until the brunette one put a knife on my throat, threatening to kill me," I talked as emotionless as possible, ignoring Clary's gasps now and then, "So then the police came and everyone's great. And that day right after the accident I went at Nick's with Billy. Nick noticed my bruise and bandaged it. And then Billy entered and spilled everything to Nick. They planned to kill them after Nick's out of the hospital. So then Billy left and Nick was all like 'it will be okay' and then he went like 'will you be my girlfriend' and I was like YISS!"

"Oh God I'm so happy for you!" she squaked once more, "Did you tell about all the always-meeting thing?"

I nod furiously, "Yea! And he was like 'trust me everything will be fine' and I was like 'hell yea!' And look what we found," I said, holding up my clear wrist.

Her eyes went so wide, I actually started worrying if they'd fall out, "Oh my God!" she screamed, covering her mouth with her hand shortly after that, "What the actual hell?"

I sighed, "No idea. It's like Nick's wizarding on me! We thought about telling it to a doc to see if that was possible. But the bruise was gone and they'd hardly get us, so we talked ourselves out of it. And we saw the bruise being cured to little blue dots and we saw them disappearing."

"Oh my-"

She was cut off by a bell, signaling our Biology class. And I was pretty glad, I talked so much I got tired of my own voice.

It was 10 minutes until the bell that would signal the end of the Biology class. A girl's gasping turned my head to my right, seeing a brunette that I believed was called Katie a couple of seats away; she lived next door. She was gasping for air like asthmatic, her eyes wide and her hand on her chest as she tried to let air reach her lungs. Mrs. Walkins - the teacher - ran to her side as she was telling Katie to calm down and keep breathing calmly. I heard the girl gasping for one last time as she fell from her chair unconsciously, falling down on the light brown floor with a thud. The whole class circled her and Clary and I did, too, finding our way in the front so we could see Katie. I kneed down beside her, remembering what my mom used to do in such situations.

"We need someone for artificial respiration!" I shout.

"I'll come," a girl says that's known for being gay. Her name's... Beth?

"Know what to do?" I ask her, almost panicking myself.

"No," she says, obviously in panic.

I nod, "I'll hold her, you just blow air into her mouth without leaving a gape, like in a baloon."

She nodded and took a deep breath in.

"Clary?" I said before we started, "Call for the school's doctor!"

Then I put my right hand under Katie's neck, as I pinch her nose with my left hand so the air won't escape; I motion for Beth to start and she leans in, slowly blowing in her and then she starts pushing on her chest.

I stop her, "Whoa whoa! Stop! What are you doing?"

"That's what they always do in movies!"

"She hasn't drowned in the water! Just keep doing artificial respiration!"

She nods and keeps blowing in her. Suddenly, Katie gasps loudly for air and then fall back unconscious.

"What happened?" Mrs. Walkins asks me, eyes wide.

I tauched her nostril with my index finger, feeling her breathing in cold air, and then breathing out.

I sigh in relief as my panic I was trying to hide so desperately fades, "She's breathing," I say, "she's just unconscious."

"Thank lord!" the teacher says.

"Everyone, back off," I turn to the class, "she needs fresh air and you're blocking it!"

Everyone listens, taking a few steps back but still looking our way to see what happens. Suddenly, Clary runs back in with a doctor following her as they approach us. We tell to doctor what happened and she takes the poor girl to his office, saying she'd probably die if we didn't react fast and now she had to wake up soon enough.

The bell had rang already 15 minutes ago and the classroom is emptied soon enough, everyone rushing to their next classes.

After school Billy dropped me to see Nick for almost two hours, going on a date himself. Nick and I talked about almost everything starting from that Katie girl, ending with my bruise. We walked in park and ate McDonald's... We kissed... A lot... Then Billy came to take me so we could go somewhere with a few more guys from my last school.

Three more days flew by in a blur as I was doing one and the same things every freaking day: Classes, Nick, friends... Classes, Nick, friends... When Billy couldn't come for some reasons Clary and I were sitting in the backyard or mediatheque. And may I add, it looked perfect. They have changed the design completely, painting boring grey walls in white with some pointless pictures.

It was Saturday, the day when Nick was leaving hospital. Nick and I have exchanged numbers so we could contact each other even when I was in the Academy, or when he wanted to order something special in MCs. So that morning he texted me he was leaving at around 2 o'clock. I called Taxi at 12. He came after an half hour and I was in the hospital at 1pm, buying some ice cream on my way.

I knocked on the door and it swung open in 3 seconds, revealing Nick in his dark jeans and black V-neck that hugged his chest and biceps tightly, revealing his perfect muscles.

As soon as the door behind us was closed, I was pushed against it, Nick kissing me softly but hungrily. I put the ice cream at the table that stood close without opening my eyes, freeing my hands so I could wrap it around my boyfriend. My hands travelled from his upper back to his hair, messing them perfectly as I moved one of my hands to cup his cheek, second hand on his neck, pulling him closer. His hands never left my waist that was hugging his perfect abs, pulling me closer and closer.

We pulled away in unison, breathing in and out deeply as my burning lunges calmed down. It didn't even last a few seconds, Nick pulled me back in almost immediately, this time licking my lips, asking for entance which I gladly give him and his tongue enters my mouth, sparks flying everywhere.

At last we pulled out, our foreheads pressed against each other as I open my eyes, feeling him already staring at me.

"Come on, babe," he tells me softly and leads me to the bed where we sit down, out hands never breaking contact.

When I see him properly from the distance I notice how much I've messed his hair and how swollen his lips looked. Dashing.

I run my hands through my hair quickly, in case I look like him and grab ice-cream, waving it at him before speaking, "Got you some ice-cream today. Are you feeling like going out just yet?"

"Yea, I'm totally ready; this hellhole makes me puke," he said, wrinkling his nose.

"But are you feeling well? Enough to leave hospital?"

He smiles at me, "Absolutely, babe. Now, should we go to park? We have an hour."

He stood up, still holding my hand and leading me out of the door as I laughed, "We had an hour when I entered. Now I think there's an half hour left, no more."

He smiles back at me, "It's not my fault I missed you so much! Anyways, I can always go a bit later."

"Are you going home or academy?"


We haven't talked about that since last week when his parents were too busy to visit him, but I was utterly furious at them. Nick said they visited him once or twice and that's it! I don't understand, they love him, don't they? Their kid got freaking stabbed! If my kid will get stabbed, I'm gonna move to live in the hospital if not something worse! They called him a couple of times when we were together; they talked for 5 minutes or less and that was it! Of course, I didn't tell any of these to Nick, not wanting to offend him but his parents really pissed me off.

At park we opened our ice-creams which I was too lazy to choose and grabbed the first one that got to my hand. Nick's tasted like caramel and mine was almond. And yes, we tasted each other's ice cream.

"How are we going to meet at Academy?" I asked, swallowing a huge bite - or whatever it is for ice cream - and feeling my throat go all cold.

He looks at me and then down at his ice cream, "We'll find a way. We need to sneak in on either part and then we'll hide or something."

"Well, I know a good place behind my school. Clary and I once walked 3 times around the building just to waste time and I found it accidentally. If we manage to go there, nobody'll catch us."

"And I'll try to search boy's side."

"Okay," I said, giving him a peck on lips. He smiled after that, making me to, too as we keep on digging in our cold sweetness.

"My parents are taking me back to academy, by the way," he suddenly said. Wow, at least some worry from them.

"So are you telling me I need to sneak out before they come?"

"No, they don't know you, so there's no point. We'll present you as my girlfriend which you are," he said, grinning.

I smirked, "Already meeting your parents, Simon? And when I'm getting keys to your house?" I said, jokingly.

He laughed, "Um, want them?"

I laughed, "I trust you to not take whores to your house."

He smirked, "Really, Millery? You think I'm that trustworthy? There's strip club in the city not far away from my house..."

I punched his biceps playfully as he grinns down at me, "Do not make me jealous, Simon."

"Are you jealous, Millery?"

"I have lot's of old schoolmates ready to bounce into my arms..." He clenchs his jaw as I laugh at him. "You're so cute," I tell him, touching his jaw as it unclenchs immediately, smirking down at me.

And before I blinked, Nick had me holding by my waist, pushing me closer to him as he was kissing me hungrily. I wrapped my hands around his neck, absolutely not caring about people outside.

All of a sudden, a clearing throat tore us apart as we saw a man and a woman in their late 40ies, standing a meter away. A man had a proud smile on his face and a woman had her brow lifted.

"Oh, um..." Nick mumbled, "Hi, mum, dad..." WHAT?!? Great, now I'm blushing as hell. "This is Zoe, my girlfriend."

"Um, hi," I say, still feeling heat on my face. I bet even my forehead's red!

"Hi," his father said with a smile holding a hand for me to shake, "My name's Jack."

I smiled back, shaking his hand, "Zoe." Mr. Simon's eyebrows made a jump as his smile widened at my accent.

"And I'm Katherine," said Mrs. Simon, holding a hand, too. Although her expression was completely serious.

"Nice to meet you," I say, shaking her hand.

Could this get any more awkward?

"Son, why didn't you tell us you had a girlfriend?" Mr. Simon asked Nick.

Because you weren't fucking seeing him...

"I don't know," Nick shrugged.

"And how exactly long have you been dating?" asked Mrs. Simon, her one brow still lifted as she looked between us.

"5 days," we answered in unison, stealing a glance at each other before  looking back at the married couple.

They looked at each other, too; his mother sighing, and his father smiling.

"Is she coming with us, son?" Mr. Simon said, proud smile still on him. If he's so proud of his son, can't he at least visit him when he's in hospital?

Nick thought for a second. What is he thinking? They can't know I'm from Lestrade, too.

I was juat about to refuse myself, but Nick beat me, "Yea, she'll come with us."


My mouth fell agape as I made a 'O' with it.

"Um," I said, "Nick? Can I tell you something in private?"

"Sure," he said.

I turned to his parents, "Sorry, it'll take a minute." We moved a few steps away and I screamed at him in whisper, "What were you thinking?"

"Calm down, Zoe," he said, holding my arms, "We'll give you a ride. When we arrive, you can say you need to visit a sister or a friend at girls' side."

"And you think they'll believe?" I hiss.

"Well, you'll think something up."

I roll my eyes at him, crossing my hands over my chest, "It'd be a lot easier if I just caught a cab."

"And less time with me? No way."

I try to hold a smile that fights it's way on my face, but eventually, I give up, smiling at him like an idiot. "Whatever, I'll lie something."

He leaned in to peck my lips, but I turned my head, "Your parents are watching."

He gave me surprised look, but it quickly faded as he laughed before pinching my nose and we went back to Mr. and Mrs.

"Son," his father spoke, "Is everything okay?"

Nick smiled, wrapping his hand around my shoulders as I took a hold of his hand that hung from my shoulder. "Totally."

"Then we should get going. Go get your stuff and meet us at the entrance of the hospital."

"Okay," he said and we went back to his room.

I was right about his parents. They haven't even asked how he was yet.

"You okay babe?" he asked, halfway through packing a few clothes and some personal things.

I looked up at him, tearing a gaze from a random dot on the floor that I've been staring at since I sat down on the chair. "What?"

"Are you okay?"

I furrowed my brows at him, "Yea, why?"

"I don't know, you seemed dazed away."

"I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"You can't see my thoughts not for nothing," I said, stucking my tongue at him on which I still had that burning taste from a kiss before his parents showed up.

He rolled his eyes, "Come on, tell me."

"Nothing, really. Just thinking about your parents."

"What about them?"

I looked down at my hands in my lap, "Just... I have no right and probably shouldn't say so, but... I- I guess I'm kinda pissed they haven't been visiting you," I finished, looking up at him whilst chewing my lip.

He was staring at me like trying to guess what I'm thinking about, "They've got a lot of work to do."

"You- you're right, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, Zoe. It's just your opinion."

"Yea, but... I'm kinda judging your parents which I understand is wrong, I just don't understand... I'd probably go crazy if my child got stabbed."

"They were worrying a lot, Zoe."

"Yea, I'm sorry if that offend you somehow. They were working for you to pay for your education and all... Sorry."

"So you got pissed when you thought my parents weren't worrying about me?" he said cockily, smirking.

I laughed, "I'd feel just the same if it was someone else."

He smiled a genuine smile, coming closer and kneeing down so he was at the same height as me, "Don't deny it Zoe, you worry about me."

I smiled, "I don't."

His expression was hurt, "You don't worry about me?"

I smiled wider, "No, you stupid! I meant that I don't deny it."

He smiled at me, leaning in and kissing me gently.

"Your parents are waiting," I said after we pulled out and stood up.

He put a tooth brush and an iPad in the bag before zipping it and throwing over his ahoulder. "Let's go."


The doors of the elevator opened, revealing the first floor of the hospital. We moved to main entrance, our hands never letting go of each other as we stepped out, immediately noticing Mr. and Mrs. Simon in front of ML.

ML. Impressive, quite impressive.

Mr. Simon was talking on the phone about some business so we sat in a car without another word, Nick and I holding hands on the backseat.

"So, Zoe," His father said in the middle way as soon as he hung up, "Where did you meet my son?"

My heart sank to my stomach as I looked over at Nick for help. He was panicking, too.

Come on, Zoe! Lie something!!

"I-ah... We..." I stuttered, "Um... My friend and I were at the mall where there was a fight. That one when Nick got stabbed... So, she- she passed out and we took her to the same hospital as Nick. So I visited Nick after she left the hospital and... I guess we liked each other," I finished, glancing over at Nick, who was smirking at me.

"So you're dating after knowing each other for a week?" her mother asked, shocked.

"N-no!" I quickly defend myself, "We've met before, my friend, Cole knows him. So we've met quite a lot of times before, but never really talked."

Her mother nods, still eyeing me from the side mirror suspiciously.

"And how old are you?" his father asked me, he still looked proud.


"Good, so is my son! Where are your parents working?"

I felt like on a family dinner with my boyfriend's family. Which wasn't very far from the truth; we just needed food and that was it.

"Dad..." Nick said, looking at his dad from the mirror.

"What?" he asked innocently, "I'm just trying to get to know her."

"Aren't you over-"

I cut Nick off, "No, it's alright. My dad is the director of the business company. And my mom works, too. She's main manager in Avon."

He looked impressed, thank God! "Very well. How much in a year?"

"Dad," Nick beat me, "Isn't that enough?"

"I'm asking her, Nick, not you."

"Much enough, Mr. Simon," I tell him, not wanting to tell the number out.

"How much, exactly?" he pressed.

"Dad, maybe she doesn't want to tell?" Nick interrupted again, he was pissed.

"Nick, haven't I taught you to not to interrupt someone else's dialogue?" he asked, eyebrow raised in a parental way.

"Dad, it's not your business, we're not getting married!" he said, his voice rising.

I wouldn't wanna become a reason of a family fight, so I cut in, "It's okay, really. It's 1 million and half in total, sir."

I could see Nick's widened eyes on me, but I refused to look at him, looking at the back of the passenger seat instead.

"I'm sorry," his father said, "My ear isn't used to British accent. How much did you say?"

"1 million and half in total," I repeated.

His eyes widen for a second, too as he made sure he heard me properly the first time. "Well that's twice as much as I work for in a year," he commented, "I must admit that I'm impressed."

"Very impressed," her mother cut in with a smile; she used to not like me until I said the number. "You should definitely marry her, Nick." Her voice reflected no joke or sarcasm, at all.

What the-

His dad spoke again, "I like you a lot, Zoe. And Nick, I hope you're treating her very well, son. You should think seriously about her."

Did they just offer their son to marry me in the future because I am rich? In front of me?

"Dad!" Nick exclaimed, his grip around my hand tightens.. Very, very pissed.

"What?" Mr. Simon returned, "You don't like her enough? Well, you should start, she's very good girl and I wouldn't want her to get heartbroken!"

Oh my God! I was right about them! They don't care if their son loves me or not; they don't care whether he's happy or not - because I am rich and they need money?! What kind of parents are they?!

"Stop talking like that!" Nick told his father, his voice rising. His hand was holding mine so tight it hurt, but I felt like he needed comfort, so I didn't let go.

"Do not talk to your father like that! The girl deserves respect!"

I think I actually saw dim coming from Nick's ears, "You are right, father, she does!" he snapped, his voice loud enough to call it a fight. "She deserves respect, but not because of the money his father has!"

And I'm officially a reason of a family fight.

"Don't talk to me like that, you are my son!"

Oh, God...

Fine... Well... I started it, I have to finish it...

"Please," I said before Nick blurted out anything more offensive, "There's no need to fight because of me."

Please, God, just let them calm down for good, please...

Nick either calmed down, or just noticed how strongly he held my hand, because his grip immediately loosened.

"I'm sorry, Zoe," Nick told me, regret and guilt in his eyes.

I think my heart has just melted.

I shouldn't have gone with them... I shouldn't have...

"It's okay," I tell him, smiling.

His left hand left his side to hold mine, both of his hands holding my left one. This felt strange; my hand was small enough for his one hand, let alone two...

The rest of the road went silent, not even radio, nothing. We arrived after 10 minutes, the car stopping in front of boys's side's gate.

All of us climbed out. Nick's parents gave him a quick cold hug which he hasn't returned. They acted like they've been chatting friendly the whole way.

These guys made me puke.

"Let's go, Zoe," told me Mrs. Simon.

"What?" I asked her, confused.

"Are you gonna stay here?" she said with a laugh, "We're leaving."


I was so distracted by all the fight thing, that forgot to think about the lie that let me stay here.

"Oh, Mrs. Simon, I-" Come on! You have to think of something! "I have to see my other friends at Academy. Don't worry, I'll just call for Taxi."

"Does Taxi even come here?" his father asked with a "joke". "I won't let you go with Taxi, we'll just wait and then go together."


He just needs my liking for money.

"Dad, let her stay," Nick said in dangerously low voice.

Oh, man, what did I do? I should've insisted and came with Taxi.

"Son, it is not about you," Mr. Simon said, "I just want to drive her home."

"Well, she doesn't need to," Nick replied.

"Mr. Simon," I cut in, "Thank you very much for such care, but I need to stay for some time. You don't need to wait me; I might be very late. So, it was very nice to meet you."

Mr. Simon nods and I barely hold myself to not to let out a relieved sigh.

"Okay," he says, still nodding, "I didn't get it at first, sorry. You are a good boy, my son," he said before going to his car, her wife already in. He turns back to us before opening the door to the driver seat, "And remember to use protection!" he called out and sat in, leaving me with wide eyes and open mouth.

I looked over at Nick to see his jaw clenched. When I looked back at the car, they were already driving away.

"I'm sorry for them," he said, turning to me and cupping my face with his hands, "I'm sorry about everything they said and everything I said... I'm just sorry."

I looked deeply into his eyes, "You don't need to apologize. I shouldn't have agreed in the first place," I say, looking down.

"I shouldn't have agreed. I was being selfish, sorry. Will you forgive me?"

"There's nothing to forgive you about."

"Just forgive me..." he says, making me chuckle.

"Forgiven," I reply with a smile.

He smiles back before looking down at my lips and returning his gaze back to my eyes. He leaned in the slowest he could as I couldn't wait more and quickly pressed my lips against his, making him chuckle in a kiss.

Ive been messaging with him the whole day long, talking about anything that popped into our heads. I've got his name masked under 'Norah' instead of 'Nick' so it wasn't suspicious. I don't know why would someone check for my contacts, but Nick had my number masked, too. I was 'Zayn'.

So, Norah and Zayn have been messaging nonstop. Suddenly, another message popped on my mobile, lighting the screen up. I looked down to see a response to my question which I asked after Norah decided to hang out on Monday:

Zayn: Where to?

Norah: MCs ;)

I quickly typed an aswer:

Zayn: :P Seriously, Norah girl. Not MCs, I got no luck there.

It didn't take him an half minute to reply:

Norah: Maybe we could c a movie? In the backseat?

Zayn: Sounds better. Any more ideas?

Norah: Zoo.

Zayn: Good idea, I'll leave u with monkeys. U won't get bored, I promise.

Norah: Haha u r soooo funny. Then let's just eat ice cream and then go wherever we want.

Zayn: Fine sounds gr8. I just really need to sleep right now. It's 1am already.

Norah: Goodnight, beautiful.

At that text my heart started beating twice as fast.

Zayn: Goodnight, lover.

And the dialogue was ended like that. Although, after his last text I seriously could not fall asleep.

I knew holding our relationship in a secret would be very difficult to accomplish, but it was so worth it! I seriously met the boy a week ago. Of course, we've met before that, but it didn't count: we've never had an actual dialogue. Although, I have to count in the fight he got into for me; and the way I worked his bruises out. That time Nick was nothing but a kind stranger to me - I had absolutely no feelings for him. But as we met and met and met, they started to exist. And the time he got stabbed was so totally unbelievably stressful... I thought that my life was ripped out of my hands. And all the strange events we've shared... He twice cured my bruised wrist in 24 hours, for God's sake! And I was starting to think we're meant to be...



Did I do a good job?

I am soo excited about Nick and Zoe!

Here's comes the ship name: Zick, or Noe? It is up to you guys! Comment down below which one do you prefer so we can choose one with the most votes and ship Zoe and Nick!

I hope none of you ships Zoe with the blonde clinger, or even the brunette one...

That'd be too weird to be true.

Maybe you're shipping Zilly/ Boe? Choose that one, too!

I don't know what you think about Billy and Zoe's relationship, but I think it's very siblingly situation. But you could have a differrent thoughts - who knows? Could Billy actually be in love with Zoe? They know each other from kindergarten, after all... Idk, but Zoe actually shows signs of her thinking about Billy like his brother, right?

So, I am thinking about throwing the clinger back in the story in 16th chapter - so prepare!

I seriously hate throwing spoilers at you - I just can't help myself!

So my school starts in September 15th, this monday, and tomorrow I'm going to shop for all the notebooks and pens and shit... And I am ssooo lazy to do that! I think I'll need at least 50 bucks I waste soo freaking much on pretty notebooks! I'm not even gonna buy a pencil case! I just throw my pens in a pocket inside my bag! Which is black leather backpack for now!

I guess I'm actually talking too much...

So yesterday my friend and I were walking in front of an apartment and there was this worker that was doing restavration, kneed on the windowframe, smoking cigarette. I whispered to my friend "I'll be laughing my ass out if he falls out" (It was first floor, anyways), so I guess I was being louder than I thought and that guy called out "Heard' ya!" and as we passed by, trying to hold back our laughs he was shouting, pretending to be falling out and he even jumped down and we were laughing so hard I think I peed my pants!

So I just told it to you bcz the last time I promised to talk a lot... ^_^

So, I love you guys and don't forget to vote and comment!

Love you,



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