Paint My Love

By 28tomlinson

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What happens when a good girl falls in love with a bad boy? That's simple, they leave broken hearts, loved up... More

Paint My Love
Chapter 1:They call me Malik
Chapter 2: Never in your wildest dreams
Chapter 3:I hope it's gonna make you notice
Chapter 4:Let's go crazy
Chapter 5 : I can't escape this time
Chapter 6 : Does he know
Chapter 7: And time is frozen
Chapter 8 : The one that I came with
Chapter 9 : We've got all night
Chapter 10 : Nothing to loose
Chapter 11 : There's always room for common ground
Chapter 12 : He knows everything there is to know
Chapter 13 : I'll never be that girl again
Chapter 14:Now I'm asking you to stay
Chapter 15 : Oops
Chapter 16 : Let me kiss you
Chapter 17:I shouldn't have kissed you
Chapter 18:Words don't come easy, without a melody
Chapter 19:Need to take a break and figure it out
Chapter 20:You're looking at me I'm sure
Chapter 21:Can we fall?
Chapter 22:You've got this spell on me
Chapter 23:This is what the night is for
Chapter 24:Can I take you home with me?
Chapter 25:Baby you don't have to worry
Chapter 26 : I wanna be last
Chapter 27:I'm not scared of love
Chapter 28:They don't know about us
Chapter 29:Late night spaces
Chapter 30:If this room was burning
Chapter 31:I hope you won't get up and leave
Chapter 33:Hoping my love won't show
Chapter 34:You don't need to run
Chapter 35:Is this how it ends?
Chapter 36:Throw me a life-line
Chapter 37:I'm saying good-bye
Chapter 38:Packing up and taking off
Chapter 39:You're already on your way
Chapter 40:I've been watching you all night
Chapter 41:The words get trapped
Chapter 42:Do's & Don'ts
Chapter 43:Everything is new to me
Chapter 44:The poet and the beat
Chapter 45:Giving it to someone else
Chapter 46:I still get jealous
Chapter 47:Nothing's making sense
Chapter 48:Like I was in love again
Chapter 49:The stupid little things
Chapter 50:Falling Slowly
Chapter 51:Searching every lonely place
Chapter 52:Going back to the time
Zia: Part 1
Zia Part 2
Chapter 53:We're Fireproof
Chapter 54:Made all my plans
Chapter 55:Follow My Lead
chapter 56: Look how far we've come~!

Chapter 32:Snitch

160 5 6
By 28tomlinson

Priya's POV

We got to the beach and it was great. The weather wasn't half bad and the company wasn't half bad either. A couple more of the lads' friends (other than Ant) had come and I'd even invited one of my friends. So it turned out to be a nice get together. Until, I got a phone call that ruined everything. I was in the water with everyone else, while Zayn and Gia watched our stuff. Neither one on them can swim so they were on sand duty. So apparently my phone rang and Zayn answered it and then brought it to me. The phone call only last a coupla minutes but my mood was ruined by the time I got back to the two love birds on the shore.

Gia's POV

"Gia we have to go"

"What?" I looked at my sister surprised.

"She decided to come a day early and she's on her way already"

"Who is?" Zayn asked confused.

"Mishka" Priya sighed, her obvious disappointment clearly showin.

"Buh she's only supposed to come tomorrow" Zayn said standing up and handin Priya a towel.

"Yeah Zayn, that's Mishka"

"Ah she can't be thah bad if she's your cousin" he said extending his hand to me to help me up.

"Oh trust meh, this apple fell very far from the tree"

"So we havta leave?" Loueh said coming from the water.

"Yeah, I'm sorry babe" Priya apologized, handing him his towel.

"It's fine. Are you'll ready to go?"

We were on our way home within the next ten minutes and Louis was actually driving at an average speed; quite an accomplishment for him I'd say. Anthony was taking a ride with us since the rest of the gang had come in their own cars and were still at the beach.

"Soh Anthony, are ya excited?" I teased. He, Zayn, and I were in the back seat and I was in the middle of course.

"For whah?"

"To meet Mishka"

"Oh is thah why we had to leave earleh?"

"Yeah bro, where have ya been?" Zayn asked shakin his head at his mate.

"Oh man why didn’t' you tell me Gia? Look at how untidy I am"

"Don't worry; you look handsome as ever" I patted him on the shoulder and the rest of the car erupted in fits of laughter. Okay so he was in a bit of a mess, buh who isn't after coming from the beach? Yeah, I know the answer to that - Zayn. We got home just in time to spot Mishka's car pulling up at our driveway. Everyone went inside to welcome our guest, while Zayn and I lingered outside for a bit.

Zayn's POV

"Okay babe, just try and act normal"

"Why would I noht act normal?"

"I mean...don't let her know we're an item"

"Buh babe-"

"She's a bit of a snitch"

"Soh who am I then?"

"You're Louis' friend"

"Okeh goht it" I kissed her on the cheek.

"Ah I hate this" she moaned dragging her feet as we walked up to the door.

"Don't worreh Giashka, it'll be fine"

"Hmm I hope so" she turned around and gave me a quick peck on the lips just before we walked in. And Gia practically jumped out of her skin cause Mishka was like right in the doorway.

"Mish hi" Gia pulled her cousin into a hug.

"Oh I was just coming to look for you, thought you got lost" Mishka laughed.

Gia's POV

"Mishka this is Zayn, Zayn our cousin Mishka"

"Nice to meet you" Zayn smiled and gave her a hug. They started chatting, buh I didn't stick around to listen in on their convo. I mean, he was supposed to be just a friend. So while Zayn goht friendly with my cousin I went to keep Anthony company since he was lookin a lil lonely. Lou and Priya were in the kitchen unpacking all of our beach stuff.

"An-tho-neh" I drew his name out as I plopped myself down next to him on the coach.

"Gi-ash-ka" he did the same with a huge grin.

"So thah's Mishka" I gestured with my eyes.

"Yeah we met"


"And I dunno, does she have a boyfriend?"

"I dunno, you ask her"

"Okeh I will"

Soh he did like her; good to know.

Zayn's POV

"I'm gonna miss you"

"I'll call you"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't apologize"


"I love you"

"I love you too"

And then I kissed her and had to leave. I was just leaving Gia's room when Mishka appeared out of nowhere.

"Zayn, you should run, Louis' leaving"

"Uh yeah thanks, bye Mishka nice meeting you"

"Yeah you too, bye" she smiled and waved as I ran down the stairs. She really wasn't thah bad if you asked meh, buh I knew Gia wouldn't just seh all thah stuff for nothin. Soh I figured I didn't know Mishka well enough to make a judgement.

Gia's POV

The week past at a fairly fast pace and before we knew it, it was time for our parents to geht back. We'd had a pretty good time with Mishka and everything was great, except for the fact thah I couldn't see Zayn or leht her catch me talkin to or about him. Lou had stopped by a coupla times just to make sure we were doing okay and Mishka didn't seem to have a problem with it. In fact we'd been gettin along so well thah I actualleh considered tellin her about Zayn and I, buh luckileh I didn't. The day our parents were due to arrive, Priya and I made sure the place was very tidy and their dinner was ready. They came back well rested and happy and so we had a pretty nice dinner. It wasn't till after dinner thah I started gehtin a bit nervous. Priya and I were up in my room since Mishka would be sleeping in Priya's room. Mish was downstairs for the time being though and she was having a chat with my dad. My mom was in the shower.

"Pri, I'm nervous"

"About what? Zayn isn't going to propose anytime soon"

"About Mishka, you dork"

"What you think she's gonna bad mouth us to mom and dad? I don't think she's that bad Gia"

"I mean about me and Zayn"

"She doesn't even know about you and Zayn" she put her earphones in to lemme know she didn't wanna talk anymore.

"Let’s hope you're right..." I mumbled under my breath. If Mishka told them then it was all over.

Priya's POV

Okay Gia had reason for concern given the fact that Mish had seen Zayn leaving her room, but I was sure she wouldn't make a big deal of it. Well, I was pretty sure until I woke up the next morning. There was a lot of yelling coming from downstairs. I looked around and realized that Gia wasn't anywhere to be seen, so it was safe to assume that she had something to do with the noise.

I got up and tip toed to the top of the stairway so I could hear better, but someone else was already there. It was Mishka, she was trying to do the same thing I was. So I just stood there listening and didn't bother to say anything.

"That boy is not allowed in this house! Am I clear?!"

"Crystal" Gia mumbled and then stormed her way up the staircase. Mishka and I just stood there watching her until she got to the top and turned to Mishka.

"Snitch" she spat and then stormed off to her room.

A/N Okay so for all of you non-romantics like myself, the soppy bit is over. And here comes the drama so hold on cause things are about to get rough. Thanks for all the reads and love I've been getting for Gia, I had no idea you'd love her so much. Please keep reading and voting and commenting and all that jazz. Love you guys. I'm out.

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