Hired for Honesty

By Honeyboo_loves_you

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Have you ever heard of being hired because you were honest? Well, this is a first! Emma: a proud, sarcastic... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to my life
Chapter 2: Everything happens for a reason
Chapter 3: Surprise!!!!
Chapter 4: Smooth the contract
Chapter 5: Meeting the Boss
Chapter 6: What a night!
Chapter 7: Consequences of listening to the devil
Chapter 8: Regrets and Disappointments
Chapter 9: DIVA Alert!!!
Chapter 10: Socialising/ Networking in the Business World
Chapter 11: Cinderella, Prince charming and Mr Bad ass
Chapter 12: Almost a kiss
Chapter 13: Ain't that Awkward
Chapter 14: Nurse Time
Chapter 15: First Kiss :-*
A/N : Author's Note
Chapter 16: Fancy
Chapter 17: Double Date
Chapter 18: Hint of Jealousy
Chapter 19: Truce
Chapter 20: His Family
Chapter 21: Babysitting
Chapter 22: Shopping/Girl's Time
Chapter 24: We 're not meant to be/ Talk that talk
Chapter 25: First Date
Chapter 26: Willkommen in Austria!
Chapter 27: First Time
Chapter 28: Goodbye Austrians!
Chapter 29: The Threat
Chapter 30: The Decision
Epilogue: Let it go
Bonus Chapter: Team

Chapter 23: Back off Bitch!

11.4K 364 18
By Honeyboo_loves_you

Emma's pov

For those who haven't guessed who's waiting for me, it is the Queen of Barbie land (Victoria Wells). "Well, isn't it a surprise seeing you here! I guess you can't handle not seeing me for so long!" I remark slyly. "If only that was true, my dear. Aren't you going to open the door and let me in? Haven't you heard of entertaining your visitors?" She states like a smarty-pant. If only she is one! "The thing is that uninvited guests are not welcomed here." I add with a sickly sweet smile. "Anyways, it doesn't matter. It's not like I want to be seen in a dump of a house." She exclaims. "Then why did you ask me to let you in if you are not intrested in going in?" I fire back.

"I am not here to bitch fight with you but to talk reasonably." She replies back. Someone slap me right now! Did she just say reasonably? "Yes I just said reasonably and don't be surprised that I know the word. Btw, I so don't mind slapping you." She says. Oops, did I say that out loud? "Yes you did and I am seriously wondering who's the dumbo between both of us." She comments. "Yeah whatever! It's just surprising you know the vocab 'reasonably'." I try to annoy her. "She ignores my remark "Anyways, I just want to tell you to back off bitch because Nick is mine. Don't think by any chance that you are going to get him by sucking up to his family because it's not going to work! Also, stop being a shameless flirt!" "What do you mean by sucking up to his family?" I play innocent. Well, am actually innocent! I was merely doing his family a favour.

"Don't try to play innocent with me! You must be really foolish if you think I didn't know about your escapades with his family. You better enjoy it while you still have the chance because it wouldn't be long!" She adds. Okay, who the fuck does she think she is? "What are you talking about? He's my boss for fuck's sake! I can't bloody have an affair with him! Stop being so paranoid of your relationship! Am sure you 're driving my boss crazy with how paranoid you are!" I defend myself. "I am not paranoid so shut the fuck up! He is and always will be mine so back off bitch!!!" She screams possessively. "Are you really sure that he's yours and yours alone?" I taunt her.

"What sort of a stupid question are you asking me? You will only end up with a broken heart!" She threatens. How is she so sure of it? The curious side of me questions "How are you so sure that I will end up being heart broken?" "To that I can't say much! But please beware of him for your safety and don't even think of out-smarting me because you will end up looking foolish!" With these words, she blows me a kiss and leaves while I am left standing there like a lost soul.

I open the door and step into my flat. I have to fix things. I need to call Nicholas and he needs to explain our situation because I don't want to keep doing what am right now. I bring out my phone and dial him. He picks up after the first ring "Did you miss me that much?" "I am not in the mood for your flirty comments! I want us to talk serious business." I reply sternly. "So what do you wanna talk about that is so serious?" He asks. I clear my throat and answer "I want to talk about you and I. What am I to you? A kissing booth or what? Do I even mean anything to you?"

Nicholas Taylor's pov

Wow! The question is finally here. I knew she would ask some time but I didn't expect it to be so sudden. Is she something to me? Am I ready to give up my playboy life style for a girl? Is she going to be worth it? Fuck!!! Why does it have to be now for heaven's sake? I try to say something but my throat is so dried that I can't utter a single word. Am I ready to grow up? Can I live with out parties, booze and free fuck??

I snap back to reality when I hear her say "Are you still there??" Finally I say "I am still here, Emmy!" I take a huge breathe "I really like you and I would like for us to try this dating stuff but I can't promise to be perfect because this is the first time I am ever dating a girl. However, that doesn't me I wouldn't give it my very best!" I hear her sniff a few times before she exclaims "If only you know how happy you have made me, Nicholas. Can I call you Nicko?" "Sure thing!" I answer. Then she continues "I can't also promise to be perfect but will try my best to keep us together. Also I really like you Nicko!" In order to try and lighten the mood, I comment "Why does this feel like I am already taking my marriage vows in the church?"

She bursts into laughter. I don't know if this sounds weird or something but hearing her laugh, just makes me feel so fuzzy deep down in my heart. 'You are whipped for good, my boy!' Suddenly out of the blue, she asks "What are we going to do about Victoria and Charlie?" "I plan on meeting up with her tomorrow and ending this. I think you should do the same with Charlie. We need to end things with them so that we can be together!" I state. "Yeah, I will probably do the same!" She exclaims. Emmy bades me goodbye and I begin with my mission of breaking up with Vicky.

Victoria Well's pov

I got a text from Nick and he wants us to meet up at City Park tomorrow! Why do I have a feeling he's going to propose to me? 'But I have one about him breaking up with you!' Shut the freak up subconciousness! I am not going to let you make me feel paranoid. I am the only one he's dating so there's no hecking way, he would break up with me! 'Is there a word like hecking? Coz the last time I checked a dictionary, there was no word like it!' Quit acting like a smarty pants! It so doesn't suit you! That stupid Emma of a girl, isn't half as sexy as me so there's no way he will dump me! Even if he does, they won't last long because I would put my plan to perfect use. Muhahahahahahahaha!!!!

Charlie Eskimo's pov

I just finished making an appointment with Emma for tomorrow. I am planning on ending things with us because we are never going to work due to a bunch of reasons. First of all, Emma is in love with Nick and I don't want to be the one that ruined her happiness. Secondly, I have seen the way Nick looks at her and talks about her. In all my life, I have learnt that if you really love something, it's best you let it go! So that's what I plan on doing for Emma's sake. It may take a while for my heart to heal but I know I will surely survive it! 'If only you know how much you make me proud, Charlie! Someday, you shall find the girl who drives you crazy but loves you as well.' Anyway, I still plan on being friends with her! That's if she agrees. All I can do is wait and see what's in store for me tomorrow.

Emma's pov

I received a text from Charlie before I could send one. Why do I have a feeling that he has figured out things are never going to work out between us as a couple? I like Charlie as a friend but not as a boyfriend. I hope he would agree to keep on being friends. Charlie is basically the perfect guy every girl wants. I am not perfect. Therefore, I want Nicko because he also isn't perfect. We are compatible according to what I have noticed so far. The real stuff is that Charlie and I lack chemistry and that's something Nicholas and I both have.

In order to take my mind off things, I boot my laptop and play the movie "Clueless". I love the movie eventhough I have an outrageous opinion on it. I heat up dinner with my microwave and settle down to eat while watching the movie. My phone vibrates and I have a text from Nicko with him wishing me a good night and also telling me not to miss him too much! Talk about being cocky! Anyway, that's among the reasons why I love him. Oops! I meant like and not love! It's too early to start thinking about love! I reply wishing him the same. By the time I finish watching the movie, exhaustion has already taken it's toll on me so I prepare myself for bed. Immediately I hit the hay sack, I drift off to dream land.


It's a new update and I just couldn't resist pressing the button! What do you guys think so far? What do you think Vicky means by her plans? Do you ship Emni or are you for Novic? Anyway, I have got something to ask you guys! There is only 10 more chapters left and I was planning on doing a sex scene! I don't know if I should make a new book called restricted chapter or just add it to the book! I don't know the age of my readers so I can't really decide and was hoping you guys could be of help.

So I just want to tell the following people that they are effin amazing! (Sorry but I think the swearing in this book is rubbing off me and turning my mouth foul! I guess I don't mind some washing with soap!) My thanks as far as I know goes to Temtemcandy, eterysz, Khalenn, gloria1985, deliasolisxx and lastly lisadawn88. Oops! I almost forgot caseyddw! I love to thank those reading/supporting my book so pls let me know somehow (either by voting or commenting) so I can tell you a BIG thank you!










I love hearing your comments so please with a cherry on top fill me in with your opinions. Btw, I promise to upload all the songs that are missing in some of the chapters at the end of the book!

Till my next appearance!

Could you guys maybe make it 5500 reads :D?

Am out!

But that doesn't mean I will stop guarding you'all!!


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