The Dragon Father

By The-Dragon-Hearted

340K 9.3K 7.5K

Dragon of the apocalypse, black dragon, master of death, dragon king; Acnologia has been called many things t... More

A Chance
The Three "Punks"
The Dreyars - and the Messed Up one in Between
Apprentice and Master
The Poison Dragon Slayer
The Beginning of Complete Insanity
The Lightning Dragon Slayer
What it Means to be a Dragon
What is Ours
Day 1 of Training
And so it Begins
The 1st to be Spared
Kids from the Tower
Fight, Cry, Sleep
Imitatia's Salvation
Do you, Still?
Remember him?
Well Merry *Input word* Christmas
The Strauss Siblings
Bickslow and Freed
Couple old, Couple new, Couple years
Lucy and Lisanna
Phantom Lord
The Tower of Heaven
The OraciΓ³n Seis
Tenrou Part 1
Tenrou Part 2
Serena's sorrow
Beginning of the Grand Magic Games
Raven Tail's Damnation
Sting and Rogue's "Betrayal"
The End of the Grand Magic Games
Fairy Tail's Party
The Dragon's Life
The Sun Village
Fairies vs Demons
That which you did not Kill
The Life of a Young Dragon Saint
You want us to... WAIT!
Jackal and Seliah
Do Demons Dream?
Curse? Nah, Friends.
The Beginning of Alvarez
Retake Fairy Tail!
Fairies vs Spriggans
It's Time You Face Your Demons
E.N.D's Awakening
After Alvarez
Dragon's Teeth
The First Mistake
Stay with Me
Hang in There
Do Not Test Me
Last Straw
What Have You Done?
A Dragon's Soul
Dragon's Rage
I'll Never Forgive You Brats!
Your Punishment
The Plot
The Clue
The Hunt
Natsu's Return
Tyregenium's Influence
There are so many ways to Win.
A Life of Memories
Acnologia's Tale
The Council's Ruling
A Guild Divided
You Do Not Have To Fight Alone
The War
Dragon Fight
Stand Up.
The Price to Pay
More Time
A Victory Ensured
I Know Who I Am
. . .
A little Thank-You (Not a Real Chapter!)

The Death of a Saint

1.3K 47 72
By The-Dragon-Hearted

Acnologia growled as he grabbed one of the god dragons and forced them to the ground, it was the one that he had ripped the leg off of. He lunged down and sank his fangs into its throat before ripping it open. His snout now was covered in blood. He dodged another attack and batted the third dragon away with his claws.

Serena watched as the two dragons circled him keeping his hands at the ready. One dragon roared a huge amount of water at him at a high pressure which was most unfortunate... for the other dragon. Serena touched the water and manipulated it to his advantage firing it at the second dragon and sending that dragon crashing into a nearby mountain. The water dragon roared and lunged on Serena who disappeared in a flash of light only to reemerge above him and come down with a Gale Dragon Crushing Fang.

Acnologia pushed one dragon to the ground but roared in pain when the second jumped onto his back and began to claw at his scales, almost succeeding in breaching them. Serena looked back at Acnologia who was struggling and in that moment of distraction was crushed by the second dragon's tail. Serena gritted his teeth as he lay in the rock and pushed himself to his knees.

One was dead... but the other four weren't about to go down easily.

Acnologia and the two dragons he faced were in the form of a catfight; jumping on each other, snarling as they clawed and bit at each other's scales and wings. Serena was simply jumping from one dragon to the other attacking and retreating all while trying to remain alive.

Tyregenium watched and thought about the dragon slayers that were only a few miles away. He wondered if he should've gone out a killed them... he shook his head and settled back down... he wanted to watch this. He roared lazily, calling for a dragon and it came quickly hovering a few feet beside him.

"There is a wounded dragon slayer to the south, send dragons. There is another weakening one to the north, order the fifth generation dragon slayers to focus there. I want them both dead in the hour," Tyregenium sighed. The dragon bowed his head and took off towards the battle. Tyregenium chuckled as he settled back down. He wondered how Acnologia would act when he won against these gods only to find that all of his other children had been slaughtered. The very thought made him smile and his tipped tail flicked madly with excitement.

Sting took cover behind a few rocks and swore, holding his leg. The blood was soaking through Rogue's makeshift bandage and Sting knew that sooner or later he'd collapse due to blood loss. There was a beam of fire to his left and he pushed his back against the rock. A dozen dragons had descended on him and there were more coming... they were hunting him.

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He refused to die here.... not yet anyway.

A shadow overtook him and he looked up to see a dragon peering down at him. He readied his next attack as the dragon lunged.

Erik jumped avoiding another attack of stone and landed unsteadily. He couldn't keep this up. He coughed and held his chest.

"My, that looks rather painful," the space dragon chuckled walking up, her comrades jeered and snarled.

"Let's put him out of his misery," one smiled.

"Oh no, I want to have one with this one... he killed Quill," the space dragon smiled walking up to Erik who tensed, "I'm going to make sure he pays for it."

Ur was running.

She had left the others behind because she had seen the huge attacks going up in the air. They had started only a few moments after Acnologia had fallen to the ground and she had a sinking feeling that his battle wasn't going too well. 

Ur wasn't afraid to die and so she ran towards the fight.

Serena screamed in pain as one dragon pinned him down under his claw and pierced his skin with its claw.

"SERENA!" Acnologia roared pushing one dragon off him. He roared at the dragon pinning Serena down forcing him off it. The dragon braced itself against the ground and when the roar ended it shivered and slowly straightened now steaming. 

Acnologia was pounced on by another dragon while the one he had been fighting previously lunged for his neck from below. Acnologia caught the latter with his claw and pinned him down but the other gripped his back and bit into the plated scaled on the back of his neck.

Serena leaped over the steaming dragon, his shoulder bleeding. He brought his hands together making the ground below the dragon collapse. Then the dragon was encased by water only to be hit with a vast amount of flames. Then the second dragon that Serena had been fighting smacked Serena with its tail sending the wizard saint into the side of the mountain where he left a large indent. The dragon Serena had attacked recovered, opened his mouth, and roared a huge amount of water at him. Serena opened his eyes lazily in time to see the water rushing for him. 

He braced himself for the attack by bringing his hands up to protect his face and chest. There was a hiss as a mountain of ice shot up in front of Serena who looked at it in shock.

"I must say, you two don't seem to be doing too well," a voice chuckled. Ur made the ice vanish as she walked up to face the dragon.

"Ur," Serena laughed in relief jumping down, "Thanks for that."

"Pleasure," Ur smiled bringing her hands together in her ice-make position.

The two dragons they faced roared before charging towards them.

Ur let loose a whirlwind of ice shards that flew into on dragon's scales. It was ineffective until one hit it's eye and it roared in pain.

Serena used his gale dragon magic to propel himself towards the other charging dragon. He roared and raised his hands over his head.

"VENOM DRAGON STRIKE!" Serena yelled his arms glowing a pale cream. He brought his fists down on the dragon's head. It's scales cracked under the pressure and the white substance glowing on Serena's hands seeped through the cracks. The dragon roared in pain and reared throwing Serena off. It stumbled back and hissed as the venom began to take effect.

"Yeah, venom just bites doesn't it?" Serena chuckled.

"Oh poor little dragon slayer, he thinks he can best a god dragon just like that" Tyregenium chuckled.

The god dragon roared in a challenge and lunged for Serena who jumped out of the way. Ur's did something similar.

Acnologia continued his tussle with the other two. The three of them were basically at a standstill that involved claws, teeth, and blood.

Tyregenium stood and stretched, "I suppose I've had enough fun, it's time this ends," he spread his wings and looked down at his apprentice, "Let's see how well you can defend your children once I've ripped your wings off."

He launched off the spire and dove towards the fight. Acnologia stood on top of the two dragons pinning them down, his wings out to offer balance. Tyregenium readied his claws but a yell caught his attention.

"BACK OFF YING YANG!" Serena yelled crashing into Tyregenium. Tyregenium faltered for a bit in the air before gaining altitude and circling the battlefield. Serena had fallen back down to earth and was now occupied with his previous opponent.

"You dare touch me?" Tyregenium hissed to himself. He dove, now heading for Serena. Acnologia watched it out of the corner of his eye and suddenly the adrenaline kicked in. He shoved the two dragons down and leaped spreading his wings. He crashed into Tyregenium and locked onto him. The two dragons he had been pinning down got to their claws and moved towards Acnologia who was once again fighting with his old master in the air.

"Serena," Ur yelled running past the wizard saint, "Deal with mine."

"Your what!?" Serena cried.... the god dragon she had been fighting then landed on his other side. Serena looked from his previous opponent to Ur's old one and sighed, "Oh... that."

Ur planted herself in front of the two dragons and took in a deep breath as they barreled towards her.

"I know this won't hold you forever.... but it'll hold you long enough for Acnologia to win this!" Ur yelled getting into the stance that she knew all too well.

"UR! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Serena cried.

"NO!" Acnologia roared in protest, he was promptly shut up by a claw to the face; courtesy of Tyregenium.

'This is how it ended last time,' She thought as the magic power built up. The world seemed to slow as she watched the dragons grow closer. 'Except... I got to watch them grow...' Ur smiled. She thought of Ultear, of Gray, and of Lyon. 'I got so much more time, so many opportunities to enjoy my family... And that was all that thanks to you... Acnologia.'

"NOW LET ME REPAY THE FAVOR!" she yelled pulling her arms apart.

"SERENA STOP HER!" Acnologia ordered.

Serena punched a dragon and looked to where Ur stood.

"NO!" Ur yelled, "You two are our only hope! Please! LET ME GIVE WHAT I CAN!" She was yelling as her body glowed. The dragons began to struggle as the ice built up around them. "I will seal these two for as long as I can... You two just must win in that time!" Ur ordered a side of her face cracking.

"SERENA!" Acnologia cried. Tyregenium bit into his neck making Acnologia roar in pain. He pushed Tyregenium's snout away and growled continuing to grapple.

Serena looked to Ur and then back to his two opponents.

"Do what you will Ur," Serena choked, he clenched his fists as the dragons came from either side, "But don't forget that you were offered the title of wizard saint," Serena yelled sending both dragons flying with a gale attack.

Ur looked to the Wizard saint who was now fighting the dragons viciously. "Maybe I wasn't in your guild! But you could have been one of us and in my mind, that's good enough!" Serena yelled landing a nasty blow on one dragon's snout. "You are my nieces and nephew's family... and in the eyes of the wizard saints you are one of us... That makes you my family too!"

Ur smiled as she began to fade.

"SO I'M GONNA MAKE THESE OVERGROWN LIZARDS PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID TO MY FAMILY!" Serena roared white magic circles covering the ground around the two dragons he was facing.... core dragon magic circles.

Ur gave a happy sigh and looked up at the sky, 'Ultear... Gray... Lyon... Meredy... Juvia... I'm sorry I have to go... but I know you can do without me... I love you all. Please, live.' She prayed as she faded away. The two god dragons became completely encased in ice that Ur's life kept sealed.

"CORE DRAGON!" Serena yelled tears building up in his eyes, "REVENGE!" The spheres glowed and erupted into pure power. The god dragons screamed in agony and writhed. "IT'S TIME TO GO GOD BYE BYE!" Serena yelled slamming into the earth and sending the dragons tumbling into a chasm.

For a moment the silence was peaceful. Serena stumbled and fell to his knees, he looked back to the tower of ice and closed his eyes.

It had taken most of his strength to simply beat those two down for a moment... but it had taken Ur's life to hold them back.

Lyon and Gray pushed their bare backs against one another as they faced their opponents.

"Wonder where Ur ran off to?" Lyon chuckled sending his ice eagles flying.

"Probably causing chaos somewhere," Gray grinned.

"Ultear too," Meredy added sending her swords across the battlefield.

"Juvia is sure they are fine," Juvia agreed slashing out with a water claw.

"Yeah," Gray chuckled, "ICE MAKE LANCE!"

Ultear was holding back sobs. The magic power; it was familiar... Ice Shell.

She was running over the battlefield to where she saw Acnologia fighting with Tyregenium in the sky... that was where she had sensed it... Her mother's final spell.

Ur was gone.

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