Taken by the First Order -A K...

By herondaleproperty

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"You think I don't care about you?" Kylo asked, his voice breaking. "I care more about you than there are sta... More

Chapter One: The Beginning
Book I: Taken
Chapter Two: Interrogated
Chapter Three: Snoke's apprentice
Chapter Four: Escape
Chapter Six: The anger within
Chapter Seven: Testing
Chapter Eight: Guilt
Chapter Nine: Training
Chapter Ten: Progress
Chapter Ten: Hologram fighting
Chapter 11: Kidnapped...again
Book II: The Resistance
Chapter Twelve: The Resistance
Chapter Thirteen: The first connection
Chapter Fourteen: Vulnerabilty
Chapter fifteen: Poison
Chapter Sixteen: Turmoil
Chapter Seventeen: Ambivalence
Book III- Conflict
Chapter Eighteen: Conflict
Chapter Nineteen: The Force
Chapter Twenty: Change
Chapter Twenty One: Fire and Ice
Chapter twenty two: Electricity
Chapter Twenty Three: Underestimate
Chapter Twenty Four: Under our stars
Chapter Twenty Five: Goodbye's
Chapter Twenty Six: Selfless vs. Selfish
Chapter Twenty Seven: Trouble comes in two's
Chapter Twenty Eight: Unsaid phrases
Chapter Twenty Nine: Long live the Supreme Leader
Book IV: A New Supremacy
Chapter Thirty: A blessing
Chapter Thirty one: Bonded
Chapter Thirty Two: A Warning
Chapter Thirty Three: Symptoms and causes
Chapter Thirty Four: Cold hands
Chapter Thirty Five: Gone
Chapter Thirty Six: New friends
Chapter Thirty Seven: A message
Chapter Thirty Eight: Suffocate
Chapter Thirty Nine: Reunited
Book V: Change
Chapter Forty: Coming home
Chapter Forty One: Trimesters
Chapter Forty Two: An alarm
Chapter Forty Three: The loyal and the unloyal
Chapter Forty Five: Waiting Game
Chapter Forty Six: Aurelia
Chapter Forty Seven: A Truth Revealed
Book VI: Palpatine
Chapter Forty Eight: Adapting
Chapter Forty Nine: Parting Gifts
Chapter Fifty: Into the Desert
Chapter Fifty One: The Wayfinder
Chapter Fifty Two: Palpatine
Chapter Fifty Three: Don't leave me
Authors note

Chapter Five: Unmasked

11.4K 237 168
By herondaleproperty

Aerolynn's pov
I was floating in darkness, in a sea of pain. Everything hurt, but I could center the pain around my abdomen. Why did it hurt so much? I wondered, I racked my brain but I couldn't remember. I tried to move but I was stuck. I tried to call for help but I couldn't even do that. I was imprisoned in my own mind. I floated aimlessly around in the black until it was lifted and I could open my eyes again.

I took in the room around me, squinting slightly since the bright fluorescent lights hurt my head. I wasn't in my cell anymore but what looked like a hospital. I was in a hospital bed, with wires hooked up to my wrists that clear liquid was floating through. I tried to pull my wrist to unattach the wire from my skin but I found that my arm was cuffed to the frame of the bed, in fact both of my arms were. I pulled harder but they wouldn't budge. I laid my head back down on the pillow in defeat. I wanted to inspect the condition my stomach was in, but I couldn't when both my arms were restrained. My stomach was starting to really hurt, it was almost like I had done an intense ab workout followed by twenty suckerpunches to the gut and then finished off with forty roundhouse kicks, multiplied by ten. I groaned, why was I so stupid? I'd never be able to escape now.

"She's alive." Someone said, I looked up and saw no other than Kylo Ren. He was in his normal get up of the black dress and armor, and he still had the mask on. The mask aggravated me, why wouldn't he just take the damn thing off? I went through a list of things in my head that may have been the cause of him keeping it on, each getting more crazy than the last.

"No, I dont have some weird alien life form growing on my forehead." He said, blandly, and sat in the seat that was in the corner of the room. I glared at him, my eyebrows furrowed and my lips puckered.

"What? How did you-" And then it hit me, he had used the force on me... again. I rolled my eyes, how did he do it so subtly? Was he always reading my mind, if he was I'd never knew about it. The thought haunted me. I looked up at the masked man, curiosity getting the better of me. "Take it off." I whispered, knowing that he could hear me.

"You are in no position to make demands-" Kylo started, but I interrupted him before he could finish.

"Just take it off!" I said, knowing once the words had come out that I had made a mistake. Kylo Ren stood up his muscles tense, his hand hovered just above his belt where his lightsaber was and I felt myself freeze. But instead of attacking me, his hands reached up to his helmet and with a click the lower part opened, and he slid it off, and placed it at the foot of the bed. I felt my jaw drop, and I was too stunned to close it. I could hear the heart monitor beeping quicken considerably.

Why would anyone want to cover such beauty? I took in his features, slowly, trying to soak it in. His skin was pale and smooth, with no blemishes or flaws. His eyes which I thought would be a dark black color were actually hazel, with subtle hints of gold. He had plump pink lips, and brown hair that fell just above his shoulders in dark waves. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as I realized he was very handsome, I looked down, feeling awkward. But just because he was gorgeous it didnt dissolve the anger towards him that still burned brightly inside of me.

"Are you happy with what you see?" He asked, sitting next to his helmet on the bed. I tried to scoot away from him, but winced in pain, my blaster wound throbbing. "Are you alright, Aerolynn?" Kylo Ren asked, leaning towards me, his eyes scanning my face. I shuddered at the sound of my name on his lips.

"Get away from me!" I yelled, leaning as far back away from him as I could on the pillows, not caring that my wound throbbed painfully in protest. He got off the bed and loomed over me, his tall figure intimidated me and I sunk back into the bed.

"Do not yell at me!" He yelled back, jutting a gloved finger towards me. "If you weren't as stupid as you were then you wouldn't be in here right now!" He said, his breathing rapid.

"Well I wouldn't feel this way if you hadn't murdered my family and treated me like I was trash you picked up on the side of the road." I said, tears were dripping down my cheeks but neither one of us acknowledged them.

"Your better off here than on that dump of a planet. Here you can actually be someone, someone powerful, back on Tatooine you would have just stayed there on your moisture farm eventually rotting away into nothing." He said, his voice stabbed at all my vulnerable spots like sharp glass.

"How dare you?" I asked, "I never wanted to be here on this ship with you, you ballistic tyrant! And now I'm here against my will and my family's dead all because of me and my powers!" I said, Kylo Ren opened his mouth to respond but I couldn't stop, I had kept so many things inside of me that it was just a continuous flood. "I had tried for years to keep my powers a secret, and it worked, I was happy with my old life, I loved my family and they loved me and now their gone, their gone, they did nothing wrong. The First Order is evil, and you, you Kylo Ren are a tyrant. I will never, never, be happy here and you will never make me be a part of your corrupted order." I said. My stomach was now flaring in pain, tired from the extrenuise yelling.

Kylo Ren's face was red and I could tell he was contemplating hurting me or not. "Go ahead." I said, smirking. "I have nothing to lose anymore."

"You will never talk to me like that again, do you understand? And you will learn to be a part of the First Order even if that means you have to bite your tongue and bow your head." He said, "If I were you I'd choose your next actions very carefully, Aerolynn." He said, before turning on his heel and walking briskly out of the room.

Oof. That was intense, I know it feels like there always fighting but I promise you its going to get good. I have a track meet on Wednesday and I have to run the 1600 (the mile,) and the 800 (two laps around the track,) which I am super nervous for since it will be my first ever track meet ever, so wish me luck. Until next time, friends. :)

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