Maybe It's Been You All Along...

By cresseeta

860K 20.3K 65.5K

"Secrets I have held in my heart are harder to hide than I thought..." AM AU More



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By cresseeta

She was dressed in all black, classy, and her hair was curled into an updo—a rarity for Rosanna.

  Alex stood and smiled as he walked over to her. The second her eyes fell on him, she beamed a smile. Rosanna ran in her heels to him as careful as she could and wrapped her arms around him. She was so proud of them all. Another album out after less than a year since they'd ended touring for their previous album.

  "I'm so proud of you!" Rosanna exclaimed and squeezed Alex in her embrace. He held her tightly and smiled so wide it reached his ears.

  "You look beautiful tonight," Alex complimented.

  "Oh shut up, look at you in your leather and aviators," Rosanna teased. "I feel ridiculously dressed up."

  "You know I'm low effort, love," Alex smiled. "Did you catch the cover?"

  Rosanna smiled, "I did and..."

  Alex waited for her reaction as she paused for effect.

  "I fucking love it. I really do. I love the simplicity of it," Rosanna said. Her excitement brought a wide smile to his cheeks.

  "No disappointment?" Alex raised a brow.

  Rosanna shook her head, "none."

  "I'm glad you like it," Alex smiled. He noticed the photographers around him and looked over at Rosanna who was still just that bit shorter than him. "Get a photo with me love," Alex said. "Gotta give you some credit for the title of the album at least."

  Rosanna rolled her eyes and stood by Alex's side. He wrapped an arm around her waist and they smiled for a few cameras then left them to their own devices back to the bar where Matt still sat.

  "Matthew!" Rosanna exclaimed and gave him a hug as she approached him. "How've you been, you slag?"

  Matt smiled and sipped his beer. "Fucking delightful. What about you, ya nonce?"

Rosanna laughed, "quite wonderful actually."

"Even better."

"Did you want a drink?" Alex asked.

"Sure," Rosanna smiled as she and Matt began a long conversation.

Alex waved the bartender over and ordered Rosanna a beer. He listened in on her and Matt's conversation and sipped his beer as he did so. His eyes scanned the venue briefly then returned to his two friends. He couldn't take his eyes off her for longer than a few seconds. She was enchanting and had him wrapped around her little finger without her even knowing it.

Matt laughed at something Rosanna said and noticed Alex's expression. He swore to himself. Alex hadn't looked at a girl like that in a long time. Matt could tell Alex wanted to say something to her but now that his feelings were in a blender, it felt harder to come up with anything to say.

  Shit he really must be in love with her. Matt said to himself and took a swig of his beer. He had that look that just screamed that he'd be a fool for her and that he'd let her destroy him and will still go crawling back to her. He used to look at Alexa like that, and maybe not even then. Sure Alex loved Alexa but when Matt thought about it, he couldn't pinpoint a time where he'd ever looked at her the way he was looking at Rosanna now. He's gone deep.

  "Alright, I'm gonna go find Nick. I'll leave you two to reek havoc on your own," Matt said and got up from his stool.

  "Alright see you Matt," Rosanna smiled.

  Alex lifted a hand as a wave to him and brought his attention back to Rosanna. God she looked beautiful.

  "Where's Andy tonight?" Alex asked as he sipped from his pint.

  "Has an exam tomorrow so he couldn't make it," Rosanna said.

"Damn I miss him," Alex said sarcastically. "Would you send him my love next time you speak to him?"

"Of course," Rosanna smiled and sipped her beer. "He'd be thrilled to know you're always thinking of him."

"Al! Rosanna!" someone called across the room. Both snapped their heads up and over to the source of the sounds. Jamie was waving at them to come over.

"Probably wants to show Katie off," Alex chuckled and got up off his seat. "Come on."

He and Rosanna walked over to Jamie and his girlfriend and greeted them cheerfully . The four started a conversation about nothing in particular, Katie was really getting into the glamour modelling industry and it wasn't hard to see why. She was a gorgeous blonde girl and the smile she and Jamie would give each other told their love to everyone in the room.

Katie and Jamie had an armed wrapped around each other, holding one another close by their side. Alex wished he could do that with the girl beside him but he knew he never would.

"You should do some modelling!" Katie said to Rosanna enthusiastically whilst on the topic of her own modelling.

Rosanna laughed and shook her head, "oh no, I don't think modelling's for me."

"Why not?" Katie asked with furrowed brows.

Rosanna laughed, "I don't know. I can't really imagine myself being one."

"I can!" Katie said. "Honey, you're absolutely gorgeous and your body is amazing, any modelling agency would pick you up in a heart beat."

"Oh god no, definitely not," Rosanna said.

"Oh come on Rosanna. Yes you are." Katie looked Alex dead in the eye and he immediately though, oh shit.

"She's stunning isn't she Alex?" Katie asked. "Don't you reckon she'd be an amazing model?"

Alex laughed nervously and looked at Rosanna. She gave him that look that said, don't egg her on please.

But he couldn't deny it either. He couldn't straight up lie and look like a dick to everyone but Rosanna. And what if she thought there was some truth in him saying what she wanted him to? Then he'd make her feel like shit. But he was scared that if he started on her beauty, he may never stop.

"I mean some work could be done," Alex teased then laughed and shook his head. "Nah I'm just kidding. You are very beautiful Ro, you should give modelling a shot."

He tried to say it in the most buddy-buddy way as to not sound like he was hitting on her but he wasn't sure if it came off that way.

Rosanna gave him a look that said both, thank you but also not thank you because now Katie will keep going.

"See?" Katie exclaimed. "Thank you Alex. Rosanna, you should give it a go, if you don't like it you don't have to do it again."

Rosanna laughed nervously and shook her head, "I don't like photos."

"But you're gorgeous!" Katie whined. "Imagine the photo shoots we could do together!"

Rosanna tucked a strand of hair behind her ear like she always did when she was uncomfortable or didn't know what to say. Alex felt guilty but before he could interrupt and change the subject, someone tapped his shoulder.

Alex turned around and saw Andrew standing behind him.

"Do you mind having a word?" Andrew asked. Alex shook his head no and turned back to Jamie, Katie and Rosanna.

"Sorry, if you'll excuse me, I'll be back in a few," he said and looked at Rosanna apologetically.

Alex followed Andrew to the bar where a man stood with a bottle in hand, dressed in a suit and had that typical asshole look in his face.

"Alex, this is Clive Flemming. Clive, this is Alex," Andrew said. For the second time that night Alex shook hands with a new acquaintance that Andrew had introduced him to. What did this guy want?

"So Alex, your publicist and our team have been thinking things over and your public image is not too good at the moment," Andrew said.

"I know," Alex said nonchalantly. Another one of these fucking talks.

"So to combat that, we came up with an idea," Andrew continued. He gestured to Clive, "Clive manages a handful of female clients that may be of interest to you. One in particular who could potentially bump up your public appearance. It doesn't have to be for long, just long enough to change the media's view of you as a heartbroken drunk."

Alex's expression turned sour. "Are you trying to set me up into a fake relationship?"

Andrew and Clive looked at each other then back at the singer. "We wouldn't call it 'fake'," Clive said. "More so a contractual agreement."

"You want me to sign a fucking contract to be with some stranger?" Alex said bitterly.

"Language Alex," Andrew said.

"I'm not signing anything. I'm not going to be in any fake relationships just to make me 'look better'," Alex retorted and rolled his eyes. He was pissed to say the least. "It's not happening."

"Mr Turner, you might like to think this over before you make your final decision," Clive said. Alex shot daggers at the blonde man from his eyes.

"I've made me fucking decision, I'm not interested," Alex said harshly.

"Her name's Arielle, she's a lovely, attractive young lady, I'm sure you'd like her," Andrew continued as if Alex hadn't said anything.

"Andrew, I'm not interested," Alex said. "It's never going to happen. I don't do fake relationships and I never will. Frankly I'm quite fucking pissed off that you thought I'd even consider it."

Clive pulled a piece of card from his pocket and handed it to Alex. "If you ever change your mind Mr Turner, this is my contact details."

Alex glared at the older man. He shook his head at Andrew with grit teeth and walked off, tossing the card onto the ground while still in view of both Andrew and Clive. Alex shook his head and swore at the two men under his breath.

They wanted me to sign a fucking contract to be in a fake 'Hollywood' relationship for publicity. I can't think of anything more repulsive than only being with someone for personal gain.

Matt saw Alex's expression as he passed him and jogged up to him. "Everything alright mate?"

Alex grinded his teeth and rolled his eyes. "Andrew just tried to get me sign a contract to be in a fake relationship with some random girl so that I'd look better in public."

"What?" Matt asked and furrowed his brows.

"The prick got someone here to try and make me be the product of some bullshit lies. They were trying to make me fake a relationship with some girl so that the media or whatever doesn't think that I'm a drunk hungup on Alexa," Alex said and crossed his arms. "It's so fucking wank I can't believe he thought I'd say yes."

Matt thought for a second then spoke. "Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing."

Alex's brows drew tighter together. "What?"

"Maybe it would be a good thing. Whoever the girl is might help you get over your thoughts towards Rosanna," Matt said.

"Are you fucking serious?" Alex spat.

Matt sighed, expecting this reaction. "You never know, maybe if you were with someone then you wouldn't be so confused about the way you feel about Rose."

"You've got to be pissing me," Alex said in disbelief. "'Y fucking serious Matthew?"

Matt shrugged. "Honestly. Yes."

Alex rolled his eyes and let out a frustrated laugh. "I'm not fucking confused about how I feel and I'm not going to use a random fucking girl as my way of coping that I can't be with her. I'm not going to corrupt myself and get into a fake fucking relationship just so that I look better to the fucking public. I don't give a shit what people think of me. I'd rather be the drunk, unstable frontman than a liar in a plastic relationship."

"Al—" Matt started.

"No fuck you Matt," Alex said venomously. "Who the fuck do you think I am? I don't care if I can't have who I want, I'm not having a relationship with someone I don't care about. I'd rather chase a girl I'll never have than a girl that I can have but know that it's all fake. Unless it's real I'm not fucking doing it. How shallow do you think I am?"


"Just fuck off mate," Alex said and stormed out of the venue.

Rosanna saw Alex engaged in a heated discussion with Matt through the corner of her eye and only really took notice when he stormed out. He looked beyond upset.

"I'm sorry, I'll be back," Rosanna apologised to the people she was talking to and headed straight after Alex.

  She pushed through the groups of people to the door and stepped outside into the cold. She looked around and spotted Alex sitting against the wall with his head in his hands. Rosanna sighed and slowly made her way over to him.

  "Al?" She asked carefully.

  Alex heard her voice and muscles both tensed and relaxed at the sound of it. He let out a loud exhale and knocked his head back against the wall.

  "What happened?" Rosanna asked and sat next to him.

  Alex shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. He ran a hand through his hair and stared up at the sky.

  "Fucking Andrew," he sighed. "Wants me to sign a contract to be in a fake relationship with some random girl for publicity."

  Rosanna's expression turned sour. "What? The fuck, why?"

  "Exactly!" Alex exclaimed. "It's fucking bullshit!"

  He threw his head in his hands and let out a long sigh. Rosanna wrapped an arm around his back and held him next to her.

  "And when I tried telling Matt about it, you know what he said?" Alex said angrily. "He said that maybe I should do it. Maybe it's a good fucking idea. Who the fuck does he think I am? I'm never going to do something like that!"

  "I don't think he meant it in that way," Rosanna said softly.

  "Then what fucking way did he mean it it?" Alex said harshly. "Fuck, I'm sorry Ro, I didn't mean to snap at you."

  "It's okay, just take a breather. The whole world isn't against you. Don't be upset at Matt. Don't be upset with Andrew.  They're just saying what they think is best for your even though it might not be," Rosanna said.

  "I just hate this whole 'reputation' thing. I hate being in the public eye. I hate having to change myself so that I look better to the media. I'm sick of it," Alex sighed.

  "You don't have to change yourself Al," Rosanna said.

  "That's all they want me to do. They can't just leave me fucking alone," Alex sighed and rested his head against the wall. "I'm sick of being 'famous'." 

  Rosanna could see his eyes watering and felt her heart ache. "Don't let it get to you Al," she said and brought him into a tight hug. He sighed and hugged her back.

  "I know, love, it's just one of those days," he huffed.

"If it makes you feel any better, I think this album is one of my favourites," Rosanna said.

Alex managed a smile, "I'm glad I have your seal of approval."

"I'm going to buy the record and sit and listen to it the whole way through the first chance I get."

Alex just smiled and relaxed in her embrace. "What would I do without you?" He chuckled without any humour.

"I ask myself that about you every day," Rosanna laughed. "Come on, you wanna go inside?"

"Might stay out for a smoke," Alex said as they both stood.

"Want me to stay with you?" Rosanna asked.

Alex shrugged. Love, I want you with me every second of my life. "Only if you want."

"I'll take that as a yes," Rosanna said. She began walking away from the venue and to her car, sitting on the bonnet. "Don't want to stink up the building."

Alex lit himself a smoke and sat beside her. The night was peaceful. The air was still and cool with barely a breeze blowing through. The sky was cloudy and reflected a dark orange from the light emitted from the streetlights around them. Alex felt almost at peace, the smoke seemed to drag out his anger and his worries and release them into the quiet night sky. In that moment, he didn't care about what Andrew said, what Matt said, none of it mattered. He was right where he wanted to be, under the hidden stars next to the girl hidden in his heart.

Alex took a drag and offered Rosanna the smoke. She smoked on the rare occasion and Alex hoped she'd join him on this one.

"I really shouldn't," Rosanna said, eyeing the lit cigarette.

"I'm only offering," Alex said softly.

Rosanna smiled at his politeness and took the cigarette and took a long drag from it, shutting her eyes as she exhaled it into the night sky.

"Andy hates when I smoke," Rosanna said and looked at Alex.

"He loves you regardless," Alex said, trying to convince himself that Andy was part of Rosanna's life, he couldn't just barge in and ruin what they had.

Rosanna handed Alex back the cig and he took a deep inhale. "I was expecting something along the lines of 'well he can get fucked' or 'prick isn't here so he won't know', but instead you're nice. Since when?" Rosanna teased.

"Since I didn't feel like making any snarky comments tonight," Alex chuckled and took another drag. "Why doesn't he like you smoking?"

Rosanna shrugged understandingly, "Doesn't like the smell."

  Alex chuckled, "baby."

  "There it is," Rosanna said.

  "Sorry I was having withdrawals, I had to," Alex shrugged and passed her the cigarette again.

  Rosanna took it between her forefinger and middle finger and lifted it to her lips. Alex watched her intently as she look a deep inhale and handed back to him.

  "Sing us a song," Rosanna said cheekily and looked over at him. "One of the new ones I haven't heard."

  "Thought you wanted to 'listen to the album in full'?" Alex said.

  "Yeah but it's quite out and why not?" Rosanna smiled in a way Alex couldn't say no to.

  "Which one?" Alex asked.

  "Surprise me."

  Alex exhaled and shook his head with a smile. "Alright...." he thought of a song to sing. "Did you want the whole song?"

  "Whatever you want," Rosanna shrugged.

  Alex smiled, "okay. I'll sing 'y 'The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala'."

  "The what?" Rosanna laughed.

  "No questions," Alex smiled, "you asked. You will receive."

  Rosanna laughed and nodded her head, "Alright. Blow my mind Turner."

  Alex smiled and tried to remember how the song went. "Just when things are getting complicated in the eye of the storm
  She flicks a red-hot revelation off the tip of her tongue
  It does a dozen somersaults and it leaves you supercharged
Makes me wanna blow the candles out just to see if you glow in the dark."

  Alex's soft voice echoed throughout the peaceful night. Adding to the serenity. It was a sweet tune, mirrored the others from the album.

  "Shalalala," Alex sang. He smiled at Rosanna who couldn't hide her smile. "Shalalala, Shalalala, Shalalala. I'm gonna cut it down for you," Alex said then began singing again, "and in a hellcat spangled cavern,
  When your judgment's on the run
  And you're acting like a stranger
  'Cause you thought it looked like fun.
  And did you ever get the feeling
  That these are things she's said before?
  Her steady hands may well have done the devil's pedicure
  What you waiting for? Sing another fucking shalalala."

  Alex sung and looked up into the night sky as he finished then moved his eyes over to Rosanna.

  "I have no idea what a Hellcat Spangled Shalalala is," Rosanna said. "But that was fucking beautiful."

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