collaborate - ber.

By jetblackrosa

15.7K 920 166

"I should probably thank Spotify. If they didn't mess up our playlists I'd never have met you." In which a bu... More



387 24 10
By jetblackrosa

Blossom closed her eyes and listened to the soothing sounds of the song. It was weird, she pondered, that she was here, in the car, with Blake, also known as some random guy from the internet, and she apparently trusted him enough to close her eyes while being in a small, closed off space with him.

They listened to the song, both being silent. But, at some point, Blake quietly started singing along to the music that was so close to Blossom's heart. His voice sounded beautiful, comforting, and seemed to go perfect with the song.

"You have a great singing voice," The brunette sighed when the song ended. She saw Blakes' cheeks get red as his mouth curled into a smile. "Thanks." They both were silent for a few seconds.

"I had a lot of fun seeing you again," the girl said. "Me too, I hope we'll be able to see each other again soon."

Blossom nodded. The boy cleared his throat, "I guess it's time for me to go now." "Yes, I think so," she agreed, even though she did not want him to go. But asking, sort of demanding from him to stay longer, seemed like too big of a step for now. It felt like they were walking on ice. Every step that was slightly too big could make everything slip and fall down.

She turned around to face him and saw a doubting look on his face. "I don't want to go." There were so many things Blossom could have done or said to let him know that she also did not want him to go, that she wanted to spend the rest of her day with him, that she wanted him to stay in the car, listen to Harry Styles, and just drive around the city, but the only thing she said was: "oh."

"I'm going now," Blake said, after a brief silence. He opened the door and cold wind blew into the car. "Bye, thanks, I had a lot of fun," she spoke, a smile appearing on her face. "See you soon, Blossom," right before he wanted to close the door, he seemed to think of something, making him lean back into the car, his arm on the roof, "one thing before I go. You look beautiful today."

Without saying anything, or waiting for a response, Blake closed the door and walked away.

Fuck. Blossom did not want to admit it to herself, but somewhere deep down she knew it. It was soon, probably too soon, but, oh boy, she was falling for the brown-haired boy, at who's back she was staring right at that moment. 

The drive home was filled with so many different thoughts, emotions and confusion, that Blossom was quite surprised when she parked her car in front of her brothers' house. It did not feel like one and a half hour had passed since she said goodbye to Blake, and the moment she left home that morning seemed so long ago, yet so close.

Blossom did not know how to describe how she was feeling. She was feeling kind of... dazed. Dazed and confused were the only two words she could think of that kind of resembled her mood, and maybe annoyance at herself since Blake had literally said that he did not want to go yet, but she had let him go.

Also, she could not stop thinking about Blake's voice, that had sounded so familiar when he was singing.

She greeted her family, had dinner with them, watched some tv, and decided to go to bed early. But, when she laid down and closed her eyes, she could not fall asleep. Too many thoughts.

Blossom figured out that she could listen to some music to comfort herself, so she opened Spotify and scrolled through her playlists. She chose to listen to one that she hadn't listened to in a little while. Shay kept stealing her phone and adding songs to this one, so Blossom did not know half of the songs in it.

Usually, she just skipped the unknown songs, but this time around, she didn't, hoping that the new sounds, unknown voices, and yet to be understood lyrics would distract her from her own overthinking. One of Shays songs started playing again, but Blossom actually knew this one. Shay had kept on forcing her to listen to it until she had liked it. 

A familiar sounding voice seeped into her ear. Blossoms eyes shot open. What? That could not be who she thought it was, right? But that voice, it brought her right back, to that day, in her car, with Harry Styles playing, and the boy next to her singing along. 

She unlocked her phone and stared at the image that was on her screen. It took her eyes a few seconds to adjust to the sudden light, but after what seemed like an eternity, she saw it. 

Three guys, two blonde ones, and one with dark hair standing in-between them. 

"Fuck," she whispered. The middle one was painfully recognisable as the boy she had coffee with, not that many hours ago. 

The dark-haired guy was Blake. 

*  *  * 

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