The Girl Behind The Mask (Nar...

By FrenchiOrtiz

37.5K 982 97


The Girl Behind The Mask (Naruto Fan Fiction)
Wake up call
Last Fight
Unwanted Guest
Not With Out You
So long Ago
It's About Time
First Days Are Always The Worst part 1
First Days Are Always The Worst part 2
What?! Oh um thanks.
New Friends
Too Tired To Try
Lets go
Showing Up The Show Off
Peice of the past
This Bitch
The Truth Be Told
I'm fine...
Sleepless Night
Skin Deep
Without Your Help
The Day Off
Waking Up

New Strength Or New Weakness??

1.3K 37 0
By FrenchiOrtiz

~Chapter Elevin~

Kimi's POV 

(Hokage tower)

I knocked on the door.

"Come in." I walked in and closed the door behind me. "Ah. Kimi, what brings you here?" Lord hokage looked up from his pappers and his smile dissapeared as he took in my appearence. "Sit down and tell me what happened." I sat down in the chair infront of his desk and took a deep breath. I let out a hummorless laugh as I ran a hand through my bangs.

"Where do you want me to start?"

"The beginning, please." He gave me a sad smile. So I told him everything from when I woke up to when I skiped class and finaly my 'vistion' I guess you can call it that, then to how I got here. Through out my whole speach he stayed quiet, indiffrent smoking out of his pipe. He sighed and set his pipe on his desk, he then grabed a file and handed it to me. I gave him a puzzled look.

"That is a file on the Akimoto clans' kekkei genkai. From what I've read only a few in the clan have addtional, gifts. They are not always the same and there has been only one other with your type of gift." I looked from the file to him.

"Can you tell me about them?" He smiled and knodded. He took a deep breath.

"Her name was Mai Akimoto. She had the same gift as you, but she was able to look farther into the future. She fell in love with a very powerful, very dangerus ninja. She had a vistion about him destroying everything she held dear to her and tried to stop him. He killed her but not before she helped us defeat him. He was Madara Uchiha."

We sat there in silence untill an AMBU came in and old man hokage told me to go home and rest, and if I don't feel up to it, to not go to school. Well at least I got ONE good thing outa this.

I just got in the house and was suprised to find that Vasili wasn't home yet. I desided that I would skip dinner and get some sleep. As I steped into my room I walked past my full lenght mirror and stoped. My hair was all tangled and oil-y looking, my naturaly tan face was pale and clam-y, also my eyes were dim and had light purple bags under them.

"I guess that vistion took a lot outta me." I sighed and grabed some close to change into after my shower. I turned on the water and let the warmth take over my body. I turned off the water after I was all clean and put on my neon green bra and panties with black lace. I grabed my black t-shirt and threw it on, it was my brother's so it reached about an inch or two above my knees. I combed through my hair and put it up in a messy bun. As I walked back into my room I tossed my dirty clothes in my white clothes hamper and jumped into bed.


Next morning

The sun was determined to piss me off by shinning in my eyes. I turned over and squinted at the alarm clock, It said it was 1:06 P.M. I jumped up from my bed but got tangled in the covers and fell off it to the floor instead.

"Ooph.." My head hurt from the fall so I stayed down but then my door was slamed open.

"WHAT HAP-" I looked up to see Vasili in his pj's stairing at me. As soon as our eyes met he was on the ground laughing. I got up and sat down on the bed.

"Haha, that was sooo funny." I crossed my arms over my chest as I blew my bangs outa my eyes. He got up and sighed.

"That was funny. Now move." He walked over to me and droped himself on my bed. I sighed and desided to take the old man's offer. So no school for me today. I got up and stretched.

"Hey, aren't you suposta be at school?" I turned around and smiled at my idiodic but loveable brother.

"Nope, old man hokage said I can take the day off." I turned and walked to my mirror. My face was almost back to its normal color and the bags under my eyes were gone. I grabed my powder cover up and applied a little to my face and then some black eye liner.

"Why? I thought you HAD to be in the acadamy." 'Oh yeeah. He dosen't know bout the vistion.' I turned around and gave him a closed eyed smile.

"Soooo how bout brakefast?" He got up and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Kimi." He said it in the same warning tone dad use to use. My eyes widened a little and I bolted out of my room and ran from him. He cought me before I made it to the front door. He fliped me over and stradled my stomack. He held my arms at the sides of my head.

"Tell me why he let you stay home." He narrowed his eyes even more than before.

"No. It has nothing to do with you now leave me alone." I whined as I tried to get out of his hold. His grasp tighted and I stoped before it hurt. He gave me a scarry grin.

"I tried the easy way." He started to sniff and hauck up a lugi. My eyes widened and I started to thrash under him. He let it drop close to my face, then he sucked it back.

"OK, ok I'll tell you. Just DON'T spit on me!" He spit it in the trash can but didn't get up. He knew me too well, cause I would have ran again.

"Well long story short. I found out that I can get vistions of the future." He looked like he didn't believe me. I sighed, 'I wouldn't believe me ether.'

"The old man gave me a file on our clan. Apariently there are certain people in our clan who have aditional 'gifts' other than the Shoraigan."

"Oh, like what?" He got off of me and held out his hand to me. As I got up I shrugged.

"Haven't bin able to read it yet. You wanna read it with me?" I walked into the kitchen to grab an apple for myself and I tossed one to him.

"Nahh, I gota go and train with my team, you can tell me later." He ruffled my bedhead hair and walked back to his room. I blew my hair outa my eyes and took a bite of my apple as I walked to my room. I closed the door and walked to my closet to pick my outfit since I didn't have to go to the acadamy. I grabed dark grey shorts and a bright blue spageti strap tank top. I took my hair out of its messy bun and combed through it, I desided to leave it down. I grabed the file and put it in my big purse/bag thingy along with my drawing pad and my pencles. I finished my apple and tossed it in the trash as I left the apartment. I walked to Sasuke's 'secret' spot and sat down on the grass by the river. I opened up the file and picked up the first page.

Clan: Akimoto

Kekkei genkai:Shoraigan  

Abillitys: To create multiple outcomes of combat, in mere mila-secents, in order to choose the most affective one. 

Eye Discription: The conjunctiva changes from white to black and the iris changes from its origonal color to a bright green.

There is a 15% chance that a baby born of Akimoto blood may have additional powers. These powers all have something to do with the brain and may very from reading minds to projecting their mind out of their bodys.

"Wow, why couldn't I get the cool one and read everyones mind." I pouted as I set the paper down. I desided I might as well read the hole file.

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