The twins & triplets of Kenda...

By Priceisrightrusher

11.4K 232 79

As per requested this is triplets it is going to follow Kendall, Logan, Peter, Allie and the triplet boys and... More

Kendall goes into labor & finding the twins
The twins get adjusted
First offical day with the twins
Logan might be in labor
Logan and Allie get admitted
Logan's on bed rest
The girls are born part 1
The girls are born part 2
Talking to the therapist
The girls are born part 3
The girls are born part 4: Emily is born
Preview: Caitlyn is born
Caitlyn is born (finally)
Allie bonds with Caitlyn preview
Allie bonds with Caitlyn
Molly is born preview
Valentine's Day
Mollie is born
Mollie is born part 2
Mollie's heart trouble
Logan sees Mollie
Logan and two of the girls come home
Getting the girls settled
Peter sees Mollie
Happy Thanksgiving
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
Happy V Day and Happy Easter
Allie gets checked out
Results preview
Happy Halloween & Thanksgiving everyone
Part 2
Part 4
Allie sees her baby
Mollie and Allie come home
Getting settled and more talking
Wishing everyone merry christmas and happy holidays
Part 2
Part 3
The baby gets released
Severe weather
Part 2
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Happy Easter
Back on schedule next week
On hold
Part 8
Still on hold
Doctors appointment
Part 2

Part 3

92 4 1
By Priceisrightrusher

"The blood work came back and I am sorry to say this Allie is pregnant, and I don't know if we can do the abortion on her cause of the laws," the doctor says to Kendall and Logan

"Is there a pill she can take or something?" Kendall asks the doctor cause he did not want to have another baby now cause they have Allie, Peter and the triplets

"I can see, and maybe we can do surgery to take care of the baby," the doctor says to Kendall and Logan as he was going to see if they could end the pregnancy right that minute

Kendall and Logan were going to hold their breath and were hoping the baby can be taken care of cause Allie is far too young to be a mom and they will have to raise it as their own

"Okay we can take her to surgery to save her life, and take the baby from her," the doctor says to Kendall and Logan as he came back in the room to tell them the news

Kendall and Logan signed the right papers for the surgery to go forward for little Allie cause her life was going to be at risk, but first, they were going to see how big the baby was and will it survive outside of Allie

"Where I go now?" she asks as her bed was moving now

"To the ultrasound room to see what is going on in your body baby," Kendall says as he looks at her as he was trying to remain calm for her

Allie squeezed Logan's hand cause she was scared out of her mind at the time

"Papa is right here princess," Logan says cause Kendall stayed with the boys and was going to check on the girls to see how they were doing at the moment, and then he was going to be Allie before she goes into surgery

The baby was the right size where the abortion will not be possible, but there was a chance that the baby was going to survive outside

"Don't worry we are going to pursue charges against the father now cause of this whole mess, and everything she has to go through now to forget about this cause this is not right at all. She is way too young to be a mom at her age" the doctor says as Allie was going to get ready for surgery

Logan was holding her close cause he wanted to carry her in

"Can one of us be with her during the surgery?" Kendall asks the doctor

"Yeah only one while the other one is in the waiting room," the doctor says to them

Logan was going to go in with her while Kendall was in the waiting room with the others

"Papa is going to go in with you baby girl," he says as he was getting the surgical scrubs on over his clothes and he was helping her in a hospital gown to wear for the surgery

Allie was glad Papa was going in with her to make it all better

"Daddy will see you after the procedure, okay princess," Kendall says to her as he was going to give her a kiss

Kendall was going to take the strollers to the waiting room and he was going to take Peter as well so he can wait to hear what the baby was

"Okay baby," Logan says as he was going to pick her up and hold her close to him

Logan waited until they were ready for the surgery


"We are ready for her," the nurse says as he came in the room to get them

Logan headed out with her and she was crying on his shoulder

"Allie I am going to be right there with you," he says as he was talking to her as they headed to the operating room

(Operating room)

"We will take her," the nurse says to Logan

"Princess they are going to give you some medicine to help you so you don't feel it," he says as he was trying to keep her calm

Allie still wanted Logan

"I will be in there soon okay princess," Logan says as Kendall came with the two girls that got released

"Wait here cause they took her in, so when they call me to go in my place, and I will join her," Logan says as he was going to nurse the girls that were hungry

"Will do Logie," Kendall says as he was looking at Allie who was getting her medicine

Kendall wanted to be in with her, but he was glad Logan was going to be with her

"Have they called me in yet?" Logan asks as he came back still nursing

"No, they just laid her down to get her stomach ready," Kendall says as he was still looking at her

Logan and Kendall burped the girls and Logan went in to be with Allie cause they were ready for him

"Hey Allie," Logan says as he kisses her as they were going to get started with the c-section

Allie had a mask on her face to help her breathe a little better

"I am right here baby," he says as he was comforting her as she was crying a little bit

Logan stroke her hair as the surgery was happening

"Okay here comes baby," the doctor says as he got the baby out

"Time of birth 8:45 pm," the doctor says as he was telling the nurse the time

Logan was trying to get a picture of what the baby was, but the baby was taken away quickly

"You are all better Allie you did so well," Logan says as he was comforting her as she was crying a little bit

Logan was going to go with her to recovery and he was going to have the nurses show Kendall and Peter the baby

"Papa is going to go home that way you can sleep baby," he says once she was settled in recovery and was sound asleep

Kendall and Logan took Peter and the babies home, and Logan was going to come back to stay with Allie for the night cause once she woke she was going to be scared of where she was and everything


Logan brought the two girls with him that night, so Kendall did not have that many babies to take care of that night

"Here we go girls," Logan says as he was going to get the new ones situated cause Allie was moved from recovery to a regular room

Logan was going to make his bed for the night as he was watching her sleep a little bit in her hospital bed, but he was going to sleep next to her just in case she had a bad dream and it woke her up

"Allie I'm going to be right here all night long baby girl" he says as he got in with her

Allie snuggled closer to mommy Logan cause she loved mommy Logan a lot

"I'm here sweetie" he says as he kisses her

Part 4 will come I promise

Part 4 is up 

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