Tell Me I'm an Angel (Frerard)

By SeraphStarshine

258K 19.9K 20.4K

Gerard thought that committing suicide would finally end it: no more pain, no more sorrow - nothing. The last... More

Entry One: First Day After Death
Entry Two: Three Days After Death
Entry Three: Thirty Days After Death (give or take)
Private Angel Log Entry One
Entry Five: His Name is Frank
Entry Six: He actually came for me...
Entry Seven: Why did I have to kiss him?
Private Angel Log Entry Two
Entry Eight: My Worst Nightmare
Private Angel Log Entry Three
Entry Nine: What am I becoming?
Entry Ten: The best laid plans often go awry
Private Angel Log Entry Four
Entry Eleven: Fighting to survive
Entry Twelve: Just let me die
Entry Thirteen: Heaven on Earth
Entry Fourteen: The World is Ugly
Private Angel Log Entry Five
Entry Fifteen: Love will save you
Entry Sixteen: A bitter pill to swallow
Entry Seventeen: The friction in my jeans
Entry Eighteen: Infinite hope and finite disappointment
Private Angel Log Entry Six
Entry Nineteen: Arguments and Apologies
Private Angel Log Entry Seven
Entry Twenty: Return to Hell
Private Angel Log Entry Eight
Entry Twenty-One: Angel Wings
Entry Twenty-Two: Fire and ice and pain
Private Angel Log Entry Nine
Private Angel Log Entry Ten
Private Angel Log Entry Eleven
Private Angel Log Entry Twelve
Private Angel Log Entry Thirteen
Private Angel Log Entry Fourteen
I don't want to forget
Private Angel Log Entry Fifteen
Private Angel Log Entry Sixteen
Private Angel Log Entry Seventeen
Private Angel Log Entry Eighteen
Private Angel Log Entry Nineteen
Private Angel Log Entry Twenty
Private Angel Log Entry Twenty-One
Private Angel Log Entry Twenty-Two
Private Angel Log Entry Twenty-Three
Final Private Angel Log
So this is goodbye for now
Sequel ^_^
Three Halves of a Whole

Entry Four: First Angel Sighting

6.7K 582 174
By SeraphStarshine

Entry Four: First Angel Sighting (I am beginning to lose track of the days)

Today I thought my wish was going to come true. When I gazed into that gorgeous angel's piercing eyes, I thought my wretched existence was finally going to end, but I am getting ahead of myself...

I was just out on another routine assignment, hiding in the rafters of an old barn where my target had taken refuge so he could mutilate his arms in peace.

I typically didn't interact with them, I just let my aura do its thing, and within a day or two, they usually gave up on living. That was when I saw him...silhouetted in the window with the sun illuminating his glorious wings.

Before today, I had not had any encounters with an angel, and Bob told me that wasn't an oddity. Apparently their numbers were decreasing rapidly, because when you went to Heaven, you could choose to be an angel and continue to carry out God's will on Earth - which means you also run the risk of dying the final death by demon hands, or you could choose to ascend, which basically means you can live out your life in Heaven in peace, but you can never go back to Earth again. According to scout reports, more and more people were choosing to ascend, making the demon to angel ratio unequal.

By instinct, I knew that the angel had made himself invisible to the human, but my demon eyes could still see him. I will try to describe him, but words don't do him justice...he was so beautiful, even if I hadn't known about all this supernatural crap, I would have thought him worthy of the title angel.

The light streaming behind him cast most of him in shadow, but from what I could tell, he was stunning. Tattoos covered his exposed arms, and there was even a scorpion on his neck; I never imagined angels would have tattoos, but they suited him perfectly. His hair was dark, and his bangs swooped across his forehead. I couldn't determine the color of his eyes besides the fact that they were dark and glistening as if they held unshed tears.

And his wings...I ached to have wings as magnificent as his. He was short in stature, but he appeared tall with his white appendages surrounding him, each feather fading at the end to a dark grey, as if they had been dipped in ink that hadn't completely washed out.

As I drank in the sight of him, he unsheathed a massive sword from a holster behind his back. Raising his dark eyes, he made contact with mine. A small smile formed on my lips, and I held my arms out wide, giving him permission to end my life.

Confusion flashed across his beautiful face, I am sure he never had a demon react this way to the sight of him before, but as Bob was always telling me, I was not an ordinary demon.

I would miss Bob, but I think he would understand why I chose to die here. We had become very close, and even though he didn't empathize with my moral dilemmas, he knew how much I struggled with this life. He had been a good friend, and my only regret was not being able to say goodbye to him properly.

I refused to close my eyes, I wanted the last thing to see before I died to be this beautiful man.

But the strike never came...I waited with bated breath, but he didn't move a muscle. I yearned to scream at him to hurry up and end it already, but the human would hear me, and I didn't want to reveal my presence. So I settled for pleading with my eyes, hoping he would understand.

Finally, he made a move, but instead of flying toward me and plunging the blade into my heart, he sheathed it instead. What was he doing? He was supposed to do what I could not!

He made an about face and began to slowly pump his gorgeous wings. I silently cried out at him not to go, and as if he heard me, he shot me a backward glance.

Uncertainty was written all over his features, he looked so torn, I had the absurd urge to fly over and comfort him, but before I could do anything stupid, he shot out of the window, causing a miniature flurry of dirt and hay to whirl around the small barn. When the dust settled, he was gone...

I cannot stop thinking about him. When I close my eyes, his conflicted face is there, he haunts my every moment, waking and sleeping. I am almost eager for my next assignment...but only because of the slender hope that I might see him again, and maybe the next time we meet, he will end my dark days.

UPDATE WHOO!! You can all go thank KheriaSkyes (my new favorite person) because all her comments inspired me to put out not one...*drum roll* but two updates tonight!!

So Frank is finally in the picture :) I have been meaning to ask if you guys want smut in this story or not? I haven't written any in ages, but I can give it a go if you guys want some.

Until next time :)

<3 star

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