Dark Wings (Sandor Clegane)

By insomniacwriter3

224K 7K 410

With dark wings came dark words. Lady Jaslin of House Frost knew this better than most. Jaslin had grown up... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-eight
Chapter Forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two
Chapter Fifty-three
Chapter Fifty-four
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifty-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Chapter Sixty
Authors Note

Chapter Twenty-Four

3.8K 148 4
By insomniacwriter3

"Your stomach" Sandor whispered in his husky tone as he scanned Jaslin up and down and noticed the small bump.

"Is filled with your child. What did Lord Varys not tell you?" Jaslin hissed with venom as she began to place her supplies on one of the horses.

"No, are you seriously fucking angry with me woman?"

"What possible reason do I have to be pissed at the great fucking Sandor Clegane".

"Take that as a yes" he grunted back as he readied his saddle.

"You left me. You just fucking ran away. Do you have any idea what I've been through?" Jaslin snapped at him as she tried to jump up onto the horse.

"I tried to bring you with me, until you fucking ran off. I couldn't stay there woman, what was I suppose to do?" Sandor bit back as he went to help Jaslin up on the mare.

"Don't you dare. Don't you ever touch me again Clegane. I'm getting on this horse and then leaving. I don't need nor want you".

"Oh and where you gonna go huh? How you going to protect yourself. I ain't going anywhere. You may hate me woman, but that's my baby in your stomach, so your stuck with me".

"Robb Stark is still out there somewhere, Jon's at the wall and there all still those you are loyal to House Frost. I'll be just fine without you. Once I find them, I will find Arya and Sansa and be just fine without you".

"Well that's good to hear, but i still ain't leaving you".

Jaslin sighed heavily as she struggled to lift herself on the horse.

"Will you just let me help you up woman, before you hurt yourself"

Jaslin turned back to Sandor and looked him over. Sighing again, she gently nodded and Sandor approached her. At the touch of his large hands on her hips, Jaslin felt a shiver run through her body, which she tried to ignore as he lifted her with ease and placed her upon the mare.

Once Sandor was ready upon his ride, the pair kicked their horses and began their journey north. They needed to travel through the night in order to put as much distance between themselves and Kings Landing. Neither one spoke a word to each other the entire night, but as the sun slowly raised into the sky, bringing with it a new day, Jaslin began to struggle to stay awake and upright on the horse.

"We should stop, rest and carry on tomorrow" Sandor called out to her.

"No, we carry on till nightfall, we are still to close to the city and its not safe.  I'll manage just fine".

Sandor knew there was small point arguing with her. So as he pushed his horse up to the side of Jaslin, he pulled out some dried meat and passed it to her.

"At least eat something" he grumbled.

Jaslin was starving so quickly snatched the piece of meat from his hands. She could feel Sandor watching her as they continued onwards, but she tried not pay little attention and refused to look back at him. After continuing up the Kings Road, Sandor suggested they move away from the main road, they were more likely to come across Lannister or king guards if they carried on, especially as they neared Harrenhal.

By the time the sun sank into the sky, ending another day, Jaslin finally agreed to stop for the night. They made camp in the deep woodland off the main road and about a days ride from Harrenhal. Jaslin had not realised how exhausted she truly was until she jumped down from the horse and found her legs weak underneath her.

"Come on, sit down and I'll make a small fire. There more food in my bag" Sandor spoke as she lowered herself down to the ground and wrapped her cloak tightly around her body.

Although she would not admit it, she was relieved to have Sandor with her. She may not like him in that moment, but she knew he would protect her with his life. As Sandor went about securing the horses and making a small fire, Jaslin nibbled on the dried meat and hard bread. When Sandor had finally finished he sat down next to Jaslin and sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me before, if I'd known you were pregnant?"

"You'd what?" Jaslin huffed

"I couldn't have stayed Jaslin. I told the King to fuck himself. I left in the middle of the battle. If I'd stayed my head would be up in a spike by now".

"So you left and planned all of this with Varys?" She scoffed.

"Aye, we weren't sure how we would get you and Sansa out of there, but then that little cunt king died. We finally had our chance".

"And why would Varys help you and me?"

"He said he serves only the kingdom, and he believes the kingdom will need you in the future".

"Horse shit" Jaslin shivered as a wind suddenly blew through the camp.

"Either way you're out now" Sandor grunted and pulled his cloak off and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"You'll freeze" Jaslin gasped and tried to give the man back his cloak.

"You need to start looking after yourself. There a baby inside of you, my baby, and I'll be damned if anything bad happens... to either of you".

Jaslin stared at Sandor for a moment, studying the seriousness in his eyes. All this time she had thought he had left her, not caring for her anymore and lying that he ever had, but she was wrong, she knew that now and it made her want to cry.

"You didn't really believe I'd leave you surrounded by lions did ya?" He half smiled as though reading her mind.

"Yes" she whispered as a single tear fell down her cheek.

Sandor gently wiped away the tear with one finger and then ran his thumb over be chin. Jaslin quickly closed her eyes to his touch and felt herself melt.

"You're  stuck with me woman. That ain't ever gonna change, even when you don't want me. I'm your sworn sword now, your protector, your husband".

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