Unbreakeable Bond #Project Ni...

By RhodaKadri

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Nathaniel and Toun have been in love since the beginning of their first year in tertiary institutions but th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four

Chapter Twelve

463 91 0
By RhodaKadri

Nathaniel ended the call with Toun and he sat on the chair in his room looking out through the window, thinking about the decision he just made. He didn't have it in my mind to propose to Toun anytime soon. Not because he doesn't want to but because of her family. He didn't expect them to call her. So do she. And she decided to use the opportunity to tell them about their relationship.

To be quite honest, he was deeply scared. Damn scared when Toun told him that her father called her and wanted to talk to her. He thought he want to talk about them probably he had found out about their relationship and their child or to give her out in marriage like most rich men do all in the name of securing their wealth and position. The latter had scared him the most.

He don't know what he was going to do if Mr Joseph decided to force his daughter into a marriage she does not want. And in all honesty, they was little they could if that was the case except to run away. For him it might be easier to do so but it will forever taint his name. Toun father would make sure of it. His mother won't be at peace either and they can't take her away because of her condition. She was also attached to the house where she lives which belonged to her husband, his late father.

And also, there was their daughter. It was hard enough for her to see her mother two weekend in a month and moving from one state to another just to visit her own mother. They can't take the girl around all in the name of hiding from her own maternal grandfather. What kind of future will she have?

Toun was successful and her parents are wealthy and popular couples. Where on earth can they hide forever that they won't later find out. And most of it would be on Toun's head. She will be the one leaving ber family just for him. She would be the one who won't see her family again. She would be the one who becomes the black sheep of the family. She would be the one who disobey her parents. And she would also be the one making the hard decision and taking care of all the responsibilities until he get a job. And God knows until when.

It was very hard thinking about it. And everything seems overwhelming.

But fortunately, it was something else. But he think his worst fear would happen soon. Now that they have know about their relationship and are against it, they would do anything to take their daughter away from him. They would made her believe they are good men out there worth her time and who can give her all that he can't afford.

Thinking about it hurt. All this crossed his mind as he listened to her on the phone crying and at the same time telling him about what happened.

To please her and make her happy and also not to lose the woman he loves, he had to make a quick decision. He had to go against his own words and propose to her.

He knew Toun had always wanted to get married and be his wife. She had been waiting for the day he would eventually ask her. But he had been holding back because of his condition and her parents. He want them to give them their blessing. And he also wanted them to know about their grandchild. He did not want to do it behind their back. And that is why he never asked her.

But in that moment, the only thing that can give her hope and makes her happy was for him to grant her wish. At least, her parents already know about them, whether they didn't give their consent or not. They know.

They can't keep waiting for the day they will get to accept him. Which might never come. And he doesn't want to lose her either. If he didn't propose on time, she might thought he wasn't serious about their relationship. They've been dating for eight years and before her parents would come up with a way of hooking her with another man, he needed to act fast.

If he was told he would asked for Toun hand in marriage on the phone, he would have confidently disagree. He had many beautiful thoughts on how to propose to her since the day he knew she is the one for him, the woman he love and want to spend the rest of his life with. But he had to propose in the most awkward way ever. In the least expected way and deep down, it hurt him.

He knows he can't afford the kind of dream wedding Toun wanted or the kind that her parents would have given to her and he also proposed in the most awful way. He felt ashamed of himself. He felt useless. And somehow, he believed her parents might be right. He wasn't worth her or her love. She was too good for him. He can't give her what her man should. And the feeling hurt. Even if he never admit to anyone, he knew he was hurting. It was so damn painful. But he had to act strong and be a man for the women in his life.

He wiped away the tears on his face and sniffed. Then he stood up, went to the bathroom and wash his face with water. He doesn't want anyone knowing that he was crying.

Then he went over to the sitting room. His mother was sitting in the living room on an old sofa with her wheelchair beside her. She was watching news on the Television when he walked in and he went to sit beside her.

"Oko mi, is anything the problem?" She asked him when he sat down beside her on the old sofa.

"I'm fine momma." He said to her. She didn't believe him but there was no point arguing with her son. He was going through a lot and she understands that and she doesn't want to pester him too much. "Mommy, I have something to tell you."

The woman looked at him for a short while before nodding, asking him to go ahead.

"We are getting married Mommy." Nathaniel announced to his mother. He had made the decision and he wasn't backing out any longer. And the first person he need to tell was his mother.

"Getting married? To Toun?" Mrs Allyson, Nathaniel mother asked. He nodded in reply. "Does her parents agree to this or know about it?"

Nathaniel bowed his head, frustrated. Sometimes his mother have a way of hurting him without knowing. She knew more than anyone that they might never accept him but here she was asking him the question he dreaded.

"No." He answered flatly.

"No? And you want me to accept? What kind of marriage will that be? And you don't have a job yet. Didn't you said you aren't getting married until you get a job?"

"I know mom. I KNOW." He wailed. He was foaming with anger and pain. "You don't have to keep reminding me about it. I know. But I am tired. I'm tired of waiting. What if I lose Toun? What if she decides to change her mind because I am not ready to marry her? What if she gets a better man who is ready to marry her? Right now she want to get married and I am giving her that. And also because I love her. I'm tired of everything. Do you think that I am happy to know that I am marrying her without her parents blessing. Do you think I am glad with my current condition or the fact that I can't even take responsibility of my own family? What kind of man does that make me? The man that her parents have always been right about. Useless. Worthless and a nobody. DO YOU THINK I LIKE THAT MOMMY?" He yelled at his mother, clenching his fist, hurting himself in the process.

Then he stood up and walked away to the dinning. He dragged a seat from the front of the dinning table and he sat on it. Then cover his face with his hands as he poured out his heart. He wished they all know what was on his mind. The kind of battle he have to deal with emotionally.

Mrs Allyson stared at her son for a while. He was just like his father in many ways. Too emotional and he get hurt too quickly.

She didn't mean to offend him with her question. She just wanted to make sure he was sure about his decision. Nathaniel was the kind of person that always stick to his words but now he was going against it. She should have understand what that meant to him. She might never admit it, she knew his condition was less of his problem. He was suffering more emotionally than physically and there was little she could do to help except to give him hope. But he was already losing that hope. She shouldn't have tried to question him. Right now, he needs someone and something that would assure him and make him keep hoping not someone doubting him like she was doing.

She immediately regretted it. She pulled her wheelchair closer and she moved to sit on it before wheeling over to her son side. She placed a hand on his back and she patted him gently.

"It's okay Dotun. I'm sorry for questioning you. I understand how hard everything is. I'm sorry okay? Stop crying." She comforted him. She pulled him closer and embraced him. "It is going to be okay. It's just a matter of time. It's going to be fine. And don't worry, I support whatever decision you make. You have my blessings. You can marry Toun."

Toun's parents have been an hindrance to their relationship for a long time but she know them well and how much they love each other. She won't be the one stopping them now.

She heard him breathed out in relief before he said with a shaking voice.

"Thank you ma. E se. Thank you."

"It is the least I can do. I know you both love each other. I just pray that one day Toun parents would realized that." She said as she rubbed his back in a soothing manner.

How much she wished his father was still alive. Things won't be as difficult as it was now. He won't have live such a hard life. But she believes God have a reason for everything.

"Thank you mom. I love you." He embraced her tightly. She smiled in his arms.

"And I love you too dear." She said as tears prickles her eyes.

Toun was trying the new dress which she just sow and received from her fashion designer for her court wedding. Her court wedding is in a few days and she had put on the dress, staring hard at the old standing mirror in the room. She was staring at herself on the long mirror.

The cloth is a short blue gown in a form of cone. The upper part is decorated with stones and petals. And the sleave was three quarter. She already have the jewelry she would be wearing in it. And she was pleased with herself.

She was happy she would finally be joined together with Nathaniel after a long time but this was never what she pictured her wedding to be. She was  born into a wealthy home. She was raised and treated like a princess all her life. She was given the best dress, the best shoe, latest models and most expensive things. She always talked about a big wedding to her friends and mom when she was younger.

A big wedding.

A grand one.

She always told herself she would make her parent proud, that she was going to marry the richest guy in a grand style with expensive gifts. She had dreamt of a big wedding .... a grand wedding with all her family together and the man she loves.

But that dream isn't exactly what is about to happen. Aside from the fact that she was getting married to the man of her dream, no other part of her dream was coming true.

But whatever the case maybe she is happy. She have her daughter and the man of her heart. Nathaniel. And that was enough.

Nathaniel came into the room and the first thing he noticed was his fiancee standing in front of the standing mirror in a beautiful round gown.

"Whoa! Whoa look at you." He walked closer to her with a broad sincere smile on his face. He stood at her back, snaked his arms around her waist and together they stared at the mirror.

"You look gorgeous." He whispered to her ears and he placed a kiss on her head then on her temple. "You look like a queen."

Toun grinned and placed her hands on his. "Your queen."

"Yes, my queen." He answered, kissing her ear while she giggled.

"Toun." Nathaniel called her name softly.

"Yes." She answered still staring at their reflection on the mirror.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. His words sincere and hurt.

She quickly turned around shocking him. She cupped his face in her hand and stared at his eyes. His eyes were sad despite he was trying so hard so hard to look happy.

"You don't have to be sorry. This is not your fault. It's not our fault we love each other. You should never be sorry. I choose to be with you. It was my decision. Don't feel guilty about it." She said sincerely.

His heart breaks hearing those words from her. Sometimes he wished she never choose him. He did not deserve some one like her. She is nothing like her parents.

"I just can't help it. I know this is not the kind of wedding or life you pictured an.... "

She cut him short. "Stop saying that. I want this. I want this." She repeated. "To be honest this isn't my dream wedding but who cares? Dream wedding or not. I'm alive. You are here and I am here with you. You mean the world to me. You being here and I getting married to be your wife is my dream. That is what I want. It doesn't matter what my parents want or what anyone wants. This is my decision. This is what I want. And that is to be with you so I don't care about any childish dreams or what my parents want. And when I said yes, I knew what I was getting into and I'm still here because I love you."

Nathaniel closed his eyes to sink in the words she just said. He swear he love this woman and he doesn't know how to appreciate her enough because he is very grateful to have her.

"I'm speechless right now." He said when he finally open his eyes. "I'm just so lucky to have you. Thank you so much. I can't appreciate you enough. Thanks."

"It is okay. You don't have to. Just promise you will always be there for me."

"I promise." He promised without blinking. " I love you." He said, then he pulled her into a tight embrace.

Nathaniel and Toun finally did their court wedding ceremony and they moved into a new house. Mrs Allyson also moved in with them. Although it was quite hard for them to convince her to do so. To her, it was her husband only property that he left for them. And it means a lot to her because the house also have a lot of memories. It was both good and bad. But most of her husband memories were in the house. And her son assured her that they would not sell it. They might just rent it out to someone. Moreover, Annabelle their daughter was keen on staying with her grandmother if she did not go with them. The young girl had grown so attached to her grandmother and they were almost inseparable.

She loves the woman like she was her own mother. And she treat her like her best friend. Sometimes, Toun feels jealous of the woman but she knew it wasn't right to feel that way. The woman had practically been her mother since she was barely four months and she had been the one doing most of her job while she was away working.

Things changed a little for the family when they moved into their new home. Nathaniel had accepted his father and he had to stoop low to work as a factory worker with little pay just to keep himself busy and to be able to carry some responsibilities.

But he did not stop hoping for a better job and they managed with what they have.


Toun secretary entered her office after knocking on her door. She lifted her head up to look at the lady who just walked into her office.

"Sorry to bother you Mrs Adeolu. You have a visitor." The secretary said to her.  

"Who is that?" She said almost irritated. She was busy preparing for a new case for the following day and she had instructed her secretary not to accept visitors that day.

Rosemary, her secretary seems to understand the irritation in her voice.

"I know but I think you will want to see her." Toun arched a brow at her. "She looks like you. I think she is family related."

"Of course, I am." An high-pitched feminine voice said behind Rosemary as they heard the door open. And the two women looked behind Rosemary and their intruder appeared. Rosemary frowned a little at her. She didn't expect her to walk in like that. But she remained quiet when she saw the staring competition the her boss was having with the intruder.

"Hi, sister Toun." Eunice said as her  lips which was painted deep red, curved into a smirk.


Another chapter completed. Thanks for reading. I'm always grateful.

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Love 😍 😍 😍 you all.

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