Unbreakeable Bond #Project Ni...

By RhodaKadri

18.7K 3.8K 154

Nathaniel and Toun have been in love since the beginning of their first year in tertiary institutions but th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four

Chapter Eleven

427 98 1
By RhodaKadri

Toun sat on her bed looking at empty space. She had wished her parents would be able to accept the news but her worst fear has happen. She don't know how she was going to tell the news to Nathaniel. He will be heartbroken. She don't want to add to his present predicament.

All she can do is hope and pray that her parents would have a change of mind the next day. But it's like wishing for the impossible.

While still deep in thought, she dooze off into sleep.


Nathaniel could not stop worrying since Toun called him that she has arrive at the airport. She hasn't call him since then and that has increase his worries.

He prayed so hard that the Adeyemi's will agree to let him marry their daugher. He is tired of their long distance relationship. He wants them to be together without anyone or anything in their way.


Toun woke up late in the morning. She had missed sleeping on her own bed and it was nice to be alone with no disturbance and luckily it was a weekend.

She rose and walked to the bathroom to take her bath and then she changed into the jeans and pink blouse she bought with her.

She remembered the previous day event and it hurt to know her parents won't accept her heart desires. She went down stairs in a hope that her parents might have thought about her request over the night.

But when she got down to her parents sitting room, it doesn't look like God had answered her prayer.

"Good morning daddy. Good morning mom." She greeted both her parents.

Her father groaned a reply meaning he was still angry but trying to hold it back. But her mother answered even if it was not the usual way she greet her.

"Good morning. Do you sleep well?" She asked. She answered with a nod.

They did not talk about their discussion of the previous night until she bought it up.

"Dad about last night. We need to talk about it." She said quietly.

"There is nothing to talk about Toun. My answer is final. You are not getting married to that man, not when I'm still alive." Her father said with so much authority.

"But dad, that is what I want. I want Nathaniel. He is the man I want. The man that my heart desires. Can't you want that for me?" She asked.

"We don't hate you my dear, we are doing it for your good. That man has nothing to offer you. He is just after your money." Her mother said.

She shake her head in disagreement. "You don't know him mom. Nathaniel is not that kind of person. He is a good man. He loves me and I love him the same. Please."

"You are just blinded dear. He can't give you what you deserve. With time you will realize that we are right. He is not worth you. He is nit the right man for you."

"He is mom. Yiu don't know him." She said ti them. "Yiu don't know him and yiu don't want to give him the benefit of the doubt. You won't even give him a chance. He is a goof man. He is half the man any guy out there. He cares about me, my feelings, he love me wholeheartedly. He have never chested on me. He is very faithful and humble. What else do you want me to have in man. He is the right man for me. I love him and you can't change that. What yiu can fo for is to support us. Is that so hard?"

"There is nothing hard Toun. Nothing. That man is not worth you. He have blind you. And I won't let him take aeay my daughter from me."

"Dad! No one blind me. Nathaniel did not blind me. I love him with no influence. Please understand that. I love him." She pleaded.

"It is useless. You are not in love. You are just blund and foolish." The man said hoarsely and tears filled her eyes at her father words. She can't denied that the words hurt her feelings. "There is no reason to plead. YOU ARE NOT MARRYING THAT BASTARD AND THAT IS FINALLY." Mr Joseph, her father scowled. He threw the newspaper he was reading on the center table very hard frightening her and her mother. Then he stood up and walked away angrily.

Toun turned to face her mother. She hold her hands. "Please mom, help me talk to dad. Nathaniel is the man I want to marry. I love him. I know you will understand me. I'm not being blinded. I love him. Can't you do this for me? Please." She asked almost in tears.

"I'm going to do anything for you but this I can't. Your father is right. That man is just using you for your money. He have nothing to offer you. I expect you to be more reasonable Toun. I'm disappointed. Very disappointed. That man is not good for you. Love someone else and I will support you. You will understand when you have your own children." She said and she stood up also and left her sad daughter. Toun shut her eyes as she weeped bitterly.


"They refused. They won't support us" Toun said on the phone to Nathaniel. He could hear her voice was shaky and he knew she has been crying.

It hurt to hear her cry and it was worst because he is the reason she was crying. He really hoped her parent would agree.

"We can wait, maybe they will change their mind." He said trying to reassure her. He didn't believe his own words. He prayed she did not hear the doubt in his voice.

"It's never going to happen." She disagreed confidently.

"We can't tell." He said.

Toun shook her head as tears form a narrow path on her cheeks.

"They are my parents Nathan, I know them more than anyone. They will never agree. They have made up their mind." She said almost in a whispers.

Nathaniel could tell how heart broken she was. Her voice was sad and it was rare to hear Toun sad voice. She is a cheerful and happy person. People love her because she is always happy around everyone and she makes you smile.

Honestly, he saw her cheerful and happy face when she was talking with a complete stranger the day they came to write their post utme exam. He had been attracted to her smile and hope he could see that happy face again but here she is now....very sad and heartbroken all because of him.

He wished more than anything that he never enter her life. She deserves someone better.

But still, she had been one of the most happy thing that have happen in his life since he lost his father and younger sister. She meant the world to him and he hope he was born differently.

"I guess we have to take the hard choice." He said with so much sadness. "Let get married without them."

"Really?" She asked sounding surprise and at the same time with doubt.

"Yeah. Yes, I am sure. I'm tired of waiting." He said which was the truth. He had been patient waiting for the day her parent will accept him and it doesn't look like that day will ever come. And he wants her to be happy.

She smiled to herself as fresh tears rolled down her cheek. But it was tears of joy. Her dream was finally coming true. She will be a wife.

Nathaniel wife!

At last. She was finally going to get married. She was getting married to Nathaniel Adedotun Adeolu.

Her parents were the onky thibg hindering them but thank God he was finally getting married to her without their consent. And that made her so happy.

"Are you really sure about this?" She asked him. She don't want him to do anything that he might regret or be forced to do something just to make her happy.

"I'm sure. So Adetoun Elizabeth will you be my wife?" He asked.

She closed her eyes as the tears flowed down her eyes. She never expected in a thousand years that ger proposal would happen on the phone. But she was glad it was Nathaniel and that dhe wss finally going to marry him. And that is what matters. How he proposed doesn't matter to her at all. She had been waiting since forever to hear those words.

"Adetoun are you still there?" Nathaniel voice woke her from her thought.

"Yes, I am."


She didn't let him finished before she answered. "Of course. I would be very proud to be your wife Nathaniel Adedotun Adeolu. Yes."

Nathaniel chuckled on the phone and they both laugh. They began to laughed.

"I would be proud to be Adetoun Adeolu." Toun said to him.

He smiled gratefully. "That is the most sweetest thing I have ever had. Thank you. I'm honored."

"You're welcome prince charming." She said. "You don't know how happy i am." She said, chuckling loudly.

Despite he was sad deep down, he was happy that she is happy. And he hope they won't regret their decision.

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