
By tigermoonbuddy

108K 5.5K 8.3K

Dylan may be our sun and Yue our moon, but they are also our stars who shine brilliantly. Eight years ago, D... More

1 - Fallen Star
2 - Moonlight
3 - Glimmer
4 - Lucida
5 - Sparks
5.1 - Sparks
6 - Supernova
6.1 - Supernova
6.2 - Supernova
7 - Clarity
7.1 - Clarity
8 - Streak
8.1 - Streak
9 - Kindle
9.1 - Kindle
10 - Crescent
10.1 - Crescent
11 - Ignite
11.1 - Ignite
12.1 - Light
13 - Glisten
13.1 - Glisten
14 - Vivid
14.1 - Vivid
15 - Fiery
15.1 - Fiery
16 - Somber
16.1 - Somber
16.2 - Somber
17 - Illuminate
17.1 - Illuminate
18 - Incandescent
18.1 - Incandescent
19 - Lucent
19.1 - Lucent
20 - Glow
20.1 - Glow
21 - Afterglow
21.1 - Afterglow
22 - Glare (Dylan)
22 - Glare (Jin)
22 - Glare (Yue)
22 - Glare (?)
22 - Glare (!)
22.1 - Glare
23 - Radiant
23.1 - Radiant
Before Anything Else...
24 - Stellar

12 - Light

2.2K 129 527
By tigermoonbuddy

"We are stars wrapped in skin. The light you are seeking has always been within."




2 years ago...

"I wonder if we'll ever get to reach a star." Yue said out of the blue, reaching up to the sky.

Dylan looked at her, remembering similar lines she had as Shan Cai. This time though, the look of wonder in her eyes were real.

"I have." He blurted out, which left a perplexed look on Yue's face.

Dylan smiled because he knew he was going to get an earful from Yue. They might be the only couple in this universe whose love language was bickering.

"What are you talking about Wang He Di?! I know you've done a lot of things already but reaching a---" Yue started on cue.

"You're my star, Shen Yue." he cut her. His heart was too full in this moment because he knew the words he spoke out were true.

Usually, Yue would roll her eyes or retort back at cheesy lines like this but the way he was looking at her left her speechless.

Dylan intertwined his fingers with hers and kissed her hand gently before pulling her in closer for a passionate kiss.

"I love you, Dylan." Yue said in a whisper with their lips still lingering close after the kiss.

When they parted, Dylan pulled her back into an embrace so they both were looking up at the sky again.

"I'm so proud of you, Shen Yue." he said to her hair. "My beautiful girl doing her first international drama. What's next? Conquer the world?" he asked with a smile.

"You're exaggerating, Didi." Yue snickered as she elbowed him. "People have to watch it and like it first."

"No, you have to film it first...miles away from meee..." Dylan whined as he pulled her back, toppling them down on the mat.

She needed to fly out to Singapore for at least 6 months to film her Netflix drama. This would be the first and longest time she would be this far from him.

Yue adjusted herself so that she was lying on his chest, listening to his strong and steady heartbeat. She will surely miss this. She will miss escaping to their rooftop for quiet moments like this.

"It's not that far, Di. I'm sure I'll be able to fly in from time to time. Like we always do." she assured him although she didn't know for sure. It was more of a hopeful declaration.

"Hmm. You better come back to me, Shen Yue. And you better not fall in love with...what's his name again?" Dylan teased.

Yue raised her head up to look at him. "Silly boy. It's Ross, and HE better not fall in love with ME." she joked cheekily, causing Dylan to sit up.

"Shen Yue!?"

She laughed, ruffling his hair. "I'm kidding. You know that will never happen. I am very much taken, Mr. Wang."

"Hell yes you are!" he berated. "You better tell him, or I'll fly over there and knock his teeth off if he tries anything funny."

"Stop acting like a baby, Didi. Of course I'll tell him about us." Yue laughed as Dylan continued to pout.

She sensed that his pouting wasn't just because of her joke.

"Hey. Even if the whole world still can't know about us..." Yue said, taking his hand and putting it over her heart. "The most important thing is my heart knows who it belongs to."

Dylan's expression softened instantly at her words. After a few seconds of feeling her heart beat in sync with his, he reached up to cup her cheek. 

"So does mine. It will always belong to you, Shen Yue. I love you." he said.

"You promise?" she asked as she smiled and leaned in to his hand feeling her cheeks getting warmer.

"Pinky promise!" Dylan said, taking her hand and lacing his pinky finger around hers. She laughed at his attempt to squeeze so tight.

"Wait no, that's not enough." he said letting go and started removing his beloved pinky ring.

"Wang He Di, no! A pinky promise was enough, I didn't ask you to actually give me a promise ring." she said realizing what he was about to do.

He didn't answer her and proceeded with placing the circular piece of jewellery on her left ring finger.

"You know promise rings can be worn on any finger right? And this ring means so much to you!" Yue tried to argue.

"Yes, but I wanted to practice for the time when I'll be placing something more permanent there." he said with a wink.

"Look, the universe seems to agree too. It fits perfectly on you." he said, raising her hand where he softly left a kiss on where his previously-owned ring now resides.


"There is nothing else I want in this world but for us to grow old together watching the stars like this, Shen Yue. I promise you we will." he said with eyes sparkling as bright as the stars that lit the sky above them.

Yue didn't know what to say in return, overwhelmed hearing Dylan talk about and even promise a future with her.

Her heart was overflowing with joy and she wanted him to know; she closed the gap between them with a kiss, with tears flowing down her cheeks, hoping she could express just how much love she felt for him in this moment.


1:45am. Yue tossed and turned on the bed. That was the third time her thoughts took her back to that promise on that rooftop.

When will she get some quality sleep? Her make-up artist is going to freak out again tomorrow, or later actually, when she sits on the chair bringing along her bigger eye bags and a sallow face.

She already couldn't count how many nights any signs of restful sleep have steered clear from her.

Sure, she was on her bed with her eyes closed the whole night, but instead of dozing off, her mind was filled with noise that kept her awake.

She even invited Xiao Wen and JiaQi for a sleepover tonight, in the hopes of distracting her mind from all the thoughts that were hounding her.

For a while, it kind of worked.

The two got her mind off things, cheering her up and making her forget her worries. But now that her best friends were sound asleep in the giant air mattress they positioned in the middle of Yue's room, she was left alone with her thoughts again, restless and bothered.

If only she could do something to forget Dylan telling her he still wanted to keep his promise.

Might as well add all the other things: that interview with Sally, the way he looked at her when he said he was proud, that tattoo she never knew he had gotten, when he asked her to keep the pinky ring...that kiss. THAT KISS.

Good thing they had a few days apart, as she filmed scenes with JiaQi and Dylan filmed scenes with Dee-jie. It made her dizzy again just thinking about all of it, what more if he was always near.

But that kiss, it wasn't an on-screen, 'made to believe', 'only for the story purposes' kind of kiss, like the ones they used to do for the first season.

It felt too raw, too real. Her cheeks burned up just thinking about it again.

Maybe it was just because she really knew how it felt to kiss him.

But why did it move her so much? Why did she cry?

"Because you still love him."

Xiao Wen had told her earlier, along with vigorous nodding from JiaQi.

She used her favorite line to get back at them. "Dylan said he wasn't here to win me back. It's nothing."

She even added some praise this time. "I guess he's just that good of an actor, right? He made me think it was real. Silly me."

Even Yue wanted to laugh hysterically at her own bullshit. Why couldn't she just admit it?

Because it will make her weak?

Will it make their break up her mistake?

Because it made her feel guilty about Jin?

"Hey." Xiao Wen whispered and touched her arm. "Still can't sleep?" her best friend hugged her tight.

Yue just shook her head in response.

"Penny for your thoughts? I can try to answer some of your questions, they just might go away. Who knows?" Xiao Wen offered, pointing a finger at Yue's cheek.

"Hmm...J-jin." she lied.

Yue actually wasn't speaking to Jin right now.

After much frustration from all his misfortune, he eventually lost control and argued with her about the interview, the kiss, every scene she needed to shoot with Dylan and practically every little thing that she thought he would understand. He promised he would try but always ended up picking a fight with Yue.

Yue had always been patient with him, aware that she had her shortcomings in this relationship too. But hearing him accuse her over and over when she hadn't done anything wrong pushed her over the edge.

Well, fine. If she were in his shoes and she watched that kiss (she still doesn't understand why he went out of his way to watch the kiss live the first place), she would freak out herself. But aside from that, she could see no reason why he had to accuse her like that.

Dylan got the tattoo, not her. That kiss was for a scene and she quickly left the set after that. She has even been trying to avoid Dylan again, which of course she couldn't do completely because they had scenes to film.

And yet, Jin made it seem Yue asked for all of this and she was quite frankly getting tired of defending herself.

"Really? Just Jin?" Xiao Wen asked flatly.

Of course Xiao Wen could see through her lie.

"Okay, no. It's not just him. But please stop asking me about the kiss okay? I have forgotten it already." she answered defensively.

"I'm not! You're the one bringing it up?" Xiao Wen laughed.

"Xiao Wen, just sleep if you're going to make me feel worse!" she whined and covered her face with a pillow.

As she said this, they heard JiaQi let out a loud snort. They both turned towards her and saw her fast asleep, snoring with her mouth open.

Yue and Xiao Wen giggled simultaneously, with her best friend hugging her closer and holding her hand.

"Is it really that bad to admit that a part of you still loves Dylan?" Xiao Wen asked her.

"Xiao Wen..." Yue answered considering what she'll tell her best friend. "That won't be fair to Jin." she finished.

"And you want to be fair with him now? After everything he's done and made you go through?" Xiao Wen could not understand where all this care for Jin was coming from when lately, after everything Yue has told her, he has been showing his true colors.

"But I don't want to end things just because Dylan came back." Yue argued.

"So staying with Jin is the right thing to do?" Xiao Wen asked.

"Are you saying you love Jin?" Yue and Xiao Wen almost jumped when JiaQi suddenly asked in her sleepy voice.

"Sorry, I woke up hearing Jin and Dylan's names again. My brain wants to join the argument." JiaQi said with a smile and heavy eyelids.

"Yue Yue didn't answer me the last time I asked her that. Good luck." Xiao Wen informed JiaQi.

"We're not even talking right now, actually." Yue admitted shyly.

"What did he do again?" JiaQi asked, already wide awake.

"A lot? He's getting so jealous of my scenes with Didi, he doesn't trust me. He keeps saying I wanted this to happen, that I asked for this situation with Didi." Yue sighed.

"Yikes. I'm sorry to hear that, Yue Yue. So what are you going to do about it?" JiaQi asked.

"I don't know...I want to ask him for some time to breathe and think things over. There are just so many things happening with filming...He's getting so affected. I don't want to make rash decisions just because we're stressed."

"It seems you're doing a whole lot more to keep him around though." JiaQi continued, rubbing her eyes as she faced the two resting her chin on her palms.

"He has been a good friend to me, guys. You know that. I can't just drop him like that. I just didn't know he was going to be like this as a boyfriend."

"But aren't you just going to make things harder for yourself with what's happening with you and Didi?" JiaQi asked.

"JiaQi, I haven't been talking to Dylan either. Aside from filming, none. And please, nothing is happening with us. This is all probably just me, because of our history, that's why I'm extra sensitive when he's near me and get all flustered when we have to kiss on set..." she word vomited.

Xiao Wen and JiaQi looked at each other trying not to react to Yue's words, eventually losing it with little squeals.

"Oh, you girls! Stop it!" Yue said covering her face with her hands.

JiaQi laughed some more and sat up to hug her best friend. Xiao Wen moved and did the same so that they sandwiched a blushing, very distressed Yue.

"We're just kidding, Yue Yue!!!" JiaQi squeezed her tight.

"Seriously though, don't you think it will be unfair to Jin if you don't tell him what you really feel?" Xiao Wen asked.

Yue dropped her hands on her lap and looked at both her friends who were waiting for an answer.

"If I tell him, he'll definitely get hurt. If I don't I'll be lying to him. I don't want to make a mistake or hurt anyone. I don't know what to do, or what the right answer is. I don't want to regret anything..." she trailed on.

JiaQi leaned on Yue's shoulder while Xiao Wen sighed.

"Yue Yue, you are the most selfless person we know. Maybe it's time you started thinking of yourself first. If you hide what you truly feel, then you will never be free of these thoughts and worries. You can never be truly honest to Jin and Dylan...if you aren't even honest with yourself." Xiao Wen sighed.

"I know you're scared of going through all that again. But it's okay for you to feel hurt, lost, in love. You're only human. You have feelings. You are currently in a somewhat troubled relationship but you also you have a very rich history with your ex... who came back and shared a steamy kiss with you that you can't stop thinking about. Oww!" Xiao Wen squealed when Yue pinched her.

JiaQi rolled in laughter again.

"Okay, okay. You're not. You are still trying to figure out your own feelings about both of them. It's normal to go through this. So really, you aren't doing anything wrong. Okay? Stop hurting yourself like this." she added, shaking Yue a bit.

Yue bit her lip. Xiao Wen was right... again.

"Take your time." JiaQi said. "You owe both of them NOTHING. If you need a break, then go for it. If they can't wait for you then they don't deserve you at all."

"Right! And just know we are here when you need to clear your head. And that whatever you choose to do, we'll support you." Xiao Wen continued.

Once again Yue was thankful she had her dear friends who supported her through and through. Tears threatened to fall again as she hugged both of them tight.

It was time to stop thinking about everyone else's happiness and think of herself for a change. It was time to be honest with herself - for real so she could get a clean break from both of them.

JiaQi was right, she doesn't owe them anything. She was stronger than this so they should not be affecting her like this. She should and will not forget herself.

"Just don't forget to be yourself in all of this. Don't force yourself to be something you are not." Dylan's advice to her echoed in her head.

She felt a sudden calm wash over her as she let go of her friends.

"Thank you girls. Seriously, what would I do without you?" Yue said, sniffling a bit.

"Just let me know if I need to slap any of them. My offer still stands, Yue." Xiao Wen reminded her, wiping her tears away.

The three girls laughed and continued enjoying the rest of their sleepover just like the old times.

Then finally, after days, Yue finally fell into deep restful sleep.

Xiao Wen nudged JiaQi when Yue was clearly out.

"Do you think Didi is still keeping his word though? About not fighting for her?" she whispered.

JiaQi contemplated on telling Xiao Wen what she knew.

"I'm not sure. But the way he is acting on set right now and with what Yue tells me, he really is being so forward with her again. I wouldn't be surprised if he changed his mind." she decided to answer, knowing it was Dylan's story to tell.

She also didn't want to risk Yue hearing it in case she was any bit awake.

"If he does want to get back together again, do you think Yue will be ready?"

"I do hope before that time comes, she decides on what she feels about Jin first. He may seem like a good guy but... this is not just because I am friends with Didi...but I really don't think Jin is right for Yue." JiaQi said.

Xiao Wen covered her mouth to stifle her chuckle.

"I feel you, JiaQi. I guess we just have to pray Yue figures it out for herself soon." she whispered.

"I'm sure she will. All we can do now is wait." JiaQi whispered back crossing her fingers. 


Filming a drama usually lasts around 3 to 5 months. Some break their production into phases depending on the number of shoot locations and timing. And because they don't always film the drama in the same sequence as the actual storyline, some producers set regular meetings to keep everyone in check. They always want to ensure that the actors are briefed well so they know where their characters are emotionally, for the continuity of the story and the success of the whole drama.

After a fruitful first two months of filming Meteor Garden 2, the producers and director called to sit down with the cast to discuss the next phase of filming. Although knowing the basic premise of the whole season, Dylan, Yue and the others did not know what the next phase would be all about yet, so everyone was excited to find out what was coming next for CaiSi, F4 and the rest.

As Dylan entered the Shanghai Star boardroom with Hao, he immediately spotted XiZe with JiaQi, motioning for him to occupy the empty seats beside them. Across the table from them were Kang, Jelly and Kuan seated beside each other, Jelly giving him a small wave which he nodded to in reply.

Dylan's eyes searched the room for the only pair of brown eyes he was looking forward to seeing today.

He finally spotted Yue beside Yangjin across. She gave Dylan a faint smile then continued her chat with Yang-jie. She looked like she hadn't gotten any sleep, which made his heart heavy.

He knew she was trying to avoid him and the thought that he could be causing her trouble worried him. Or was it...

His mood shifted further south when he saw who was seated beside her. Jin.

So he was still part of Phase 2.

Dylan pursed his lips and let his body drop to the chair. Jin gave a quick nod of acknowledgment to him which he replied to with a brief smile.

He looked at Kuan who was discreetly shaking his head, as if showing Dylan his same disappointment to see Yue's boyfriend still part of this mix.

Dylan wondered what Jin had done this time and if he was the culprit for Yue's weary appearance as it was visibly evident that he and Yue were not minding each other. They were beside each other, but that was about it.

Athena suddenly barged into the boardroom, taking Dylan's attention away from the couple across the table.

"Good afternoon, my dear cast." she chirped, as her assistant gave everyone copies of the agenda today.

The director soon entered the room with the production staff as everyone greeted him with small bow from their seats. He took the seat closest to the screen right beside Athena.

They all quickly browsed through the sheets handed to them.


Meteor Garden 2 - PHASE 2

1. Storyline/Details

2. Flights/Itinerary

3. Timetable

4. Promotional Efforts

5. Other concerns


Flights? They were going somewhere again?

"I wonder where we're going this time? Do you think it's still London?" Kuan nudged Yue with a whisper.

"Oh, London....I don't know! I hope it's some place new!" she said excitedly.

London. So many things happened in London. Would they go back?

She looked across the table at JiaQi mouthed "FLIGHTS" and wiggled in her chair in excitement, careful not to look into Dylan's eyes who she knew were searching for hers.

"Are we going to Barcelona? Isn't that where the original sequel was filmed?" Kang asked.

"Oooh, I wonder. Spain has such a colorful history too, I would love to tour around Barcelona. Lei approves!" Kuan said.

Whatever it was, Yue knew she couldn't wait to travel with this gang again. If their snow and beach of course London were any indication of how fun it was to travel with these guys, then this was sure to be another memorable one.

"So before we begin the meeting, I'd like to congratulate everyone for a job well done. As expected, it was an easy start for you guys who didn't need to warm up to each other anymore." Athena said beginning the meeting.

Everyone gave a polite round of applause.

"I'd also like to thank Jelly and Jin, for their solid performance so far." Athena said as everyone gave another round of applause.

"We have a few more scenes to shoot before we officially end phase one, but we'd like to take you through the storyline for phase two already so you can all prepare." the director helped Athena explain.

They flashed an outline of the story on the projector screen.

Much to the delight of Dylan's best friend, the first thing everyone saw on the list was that XiMen will be proposing to Xiao You.

"Ha! I told you!" Dylan said excitedly as he massaged the shoulders of XiZe.

The room erupted in "ooooh's" as JiaQi blushed and XiZe stood up to bow in thanks, making everyone giggle.

"Sorry Kuan, I guess it's not your turn yet." Yue teased.

"Sorry Kang, still no girl." Kuan said in turn to Kang.

The room erupted in laughter.

"Okay, so this is where No.2 in our agenda comes in." Athena said as everyone turned to her.

"For this portion of the show, our story will be unfolding in the beautiful islands of...drumroll please..." she teased as everyone locked their eyes on her in anticipation, doing mini drum rolls on the long table.

"Greece." she announced with pride.

The girls squealed. The boys cheered and clapped.

"Oh my gosh, it has always been my dream to go to Greece!" JiaQi said, ecstatic.

"Oh, that would be so romantic. XiMen proposing to XiaoYou while they walk around and tour most beautiful historical ruins! He could do it in The Acropolis? Parthenon? Aww. That would be great! Perfect for Mr. Tea and his love for history." Yue said looking at her best friend.

"That's right, Yue. The plan is to situate the proposal by one of the beautiful sceneries in Athens. We haven't pinpointed which one exactly but we want to backdrop the story with the many breath taking views and the rich culture of Greece, a perfect venue for the love story of XiaoYou and XiMen to take the next step." Athena informed them.

"You lucky man." Dylan patted XiZe's back who smiled, unable to hide his excitement.

As they carefully read the next lines, it was also revealed that Ah Si and Shan Cai would play a big role in preparing for the proposal.

"Of course the whole gang will be there meddling with how everything will go down! The proposal will be masked as a business trip for one of F4's joint ventures." Athena explained. "Ah Si and ShanCai, who is Xiao You's best friend will be in charge of making sure everything goes smoothly for XiMen to propose."

"So we all get to go?" Jelly asked curiously.

Dylan silently prayed that Athena would say everyone excluding Jin would be coming. What would Shan Cai's head chef be doing in Greece with them, right?

"Well, not really." Athena answered reluctantly. "Jin will already be finishing his last few sequences for Phase 1. I'm sorry again that we cannot include you in this portion." she said speaking to him directly. "But he has generously graced us with his presence to celebrate a good end of Phase 1."

The room grew silent at this information. Dylan wasn't sure if it was because of sadness or simply concealed excitement.

"Let's show him another round of appreciation again please." Athena finished as everyone started clapping for Jin.

Despite Jin grinning politely to everyone, it was pretty clear that he couldn't hide the disappointment on his face.

Dylan on the other hand, wasn't sure if he should smile because he could still see the discomfort on Yue's face from across the table.

"But, again, all of you won't be going there at the same time." Athena continued. "Because phase one isn't done yet, there will only be a few days where all of you will be together." as she said this, her assistant again handed out their itineraries.

"Aww, well, at least we still have days together!" JiaQi said as they all received their schedules.


Athens, Greece

March 19-27: Production Team/Crew

March 20-25: Dylan Wang and Shen Yue

March 24-27: Ceasar Wu, Nicky Li, Connor Leong, Darren Chen and Jelly Lin


Corfu, Greece

March 25-31: Production Team/Crew

March 26-31: Dylan Wang and Shen Yue

March 28-31: Ceasar Wu, Nicky Li, Connor Leong, Darren Chen and Jelly Lin


Everyone was busy sharing ideas of what Greece will be like, since none of them have been there.

While everyone talked about the possible hours they had to put in to work versus the time they could explore, Dylan was stuck counting...

That's next week already. 12 days with Shen Yue in Greece. 7 days with just the two of us.

That was all his brain absorbed.

"Someone's excited." Hao-ge whispered, causing Dylan to elbow him.

"What a lucky lucky man you are." XiZe teased from the other side.

"Shut up, man." he couldn't help but laugh as he answered XiZe with gritted teeth.

Yue's heartbeat was competing with her own noisy thoughts again. She couldn't concentrate on Athena who was already discussing the next part of the story.

Next week. 12 days with Didi in Greece. 7 days with just the two of us.

That was all she could think about.

Yue couldn't even concentrate on the fact that her boyfriend seated beside her was getting more agitated by the second, seeing that she would be spending so much time with the person he was jealous of the most.

"Jie? If we are doing XiMen's proposal, why do Didi and I have more days there?" she found herself asking out loud.

"Good question, Yue. Aside from this being a venue for the proposal, Ah Si and Shan Cai will also be treating this trip as their mini honeymoon. After all, they have decided that it is time to start a family." Athena answered with a bright smile.

Yue almost choked on her own saliva while Dylan almost spit out the water he was drinking.

"HA!" Kuan couldn't help but react. "I was right!" he laughed.

XiZe and Kang were snickering as Dylan glared at all of them to behave.

Yue could see Jin's hands ball into fists as he saw the itinerary Yue was holding. She could no longer focus on the meeting as Athena continued to discuss the promotional efforts and the remaining important dates.

12 days with Didi in Greece. 7 days with just the two of us. Honeymoon. Starting a family.

This was what she was worried about.

She looked at Jin beside her, knots on his forehead, as he quickly got up and excused himself from the table to exit the room.

Yue had to do something now.

"Jie, I just have to talk to him. I'll be back." she told Yangjin as she followed Jin out of the room.

Dylan noticed the worried look on Yue's face and was about to get up but Hao and XiZe held him down.

"Dude, no." XiZe whispered.


"Jin?" Yue caught up with him just outside the door, she grabbed his wrist to stop him from walking away.

Jin looked back and upon seeing her, took her by the hand to pull her to the nearest empty room.

His face was crumpled in a frown, full of hurt and sadness as he closed the door to face her.

Yue jumped in surprise as he moved forward to trap her in a hug. "I'm sorry, Yue. I know these past few days have been rough. I'm sorry. I miss you."

"Jin." she called out, stuck in his hold.

"I can't believe you're leaving next week. That's another 12 days. We haven't been able to spend time recently. I'm going to miss you so much." he told her, letting her go.

He looked so genuinely sad. But she had to tell him now, or it will just get worse.

"Jin. I wanted to talk to you...about us." she said softly, looking seriously at him.

Upon seeing the look she gave him, the color drained from his face.

"Let's not, Yue. Can we just forget all that happened? I know I was being so jealous but you really can't blame me. I'm sorry, it's just..."

"Jin. We're both actors. You know how hard it can be to immerse yourself in a role right? You know I need to give my 100% for this. I need to focus on filming." she reasoned with him, especially since they will be tackling more intimate scenes now.

"I know, Yue. That's why I'm supporting you. That's why I pushed to be part of this..."

"You don't understand, Jin. That's exactly it. You being here means there's so many things happening. I can't be bothered by us right now. It's like were treading on thin ice all the time. I can't keep going on like this. I'm already having such a hard time. I" Yue finally said.

"Yue-bear, are you breaking up with me?" Jin asked, the look in his eyes were painful see.

Yue looked down and took a deep breath. She couldn't say it. She didn't have the heart to.

"This is about Dylan, isn't it? That's why you want to be immersed in this role so much?" Jin said, combing his hand through his hair.

"No, no. You and I have just been going through a lot lately. Like a lot, and I'm getting so overwhelmed. You can't expect me to act like a married woman on a daily basis and at the same time assure you constantly, defend myself over and over just because you don't trust me? I'm getting tired, Jin." she said in frustration.

"Do you still have feelings for him?" Jin asked straight.

"Jin, this isn't about him. I may have had a past with him but right now, we're working. We have to do our best to sell our roles. This is exactly why we need a breather from us. I see how affected you get too. I don't want to hurt you. This is for you just as much as it is for me." Yue told him.

"Do you still feel something for him? Tell me, Yue." he said raising his voice.

She had to let him know.

"Yes..." she closed her eyes, not wanting to look into his eyes as she revealed the truth.

Jin shook his head. This couldn't be happening. After what he has been through to get to her, to open her heart. Was Yue really giving up because of this?

"I can't say that I don't feel anything, Jin. I'm sorry. I don't want to lie to you. But you know what happened to us so this means nothing. You have to trust me. I just need time." Yue tried explaining, trying to hold his hand.

From the moment they announced the sequel he knew this would happen.

Jin wanted to refuse but he knew it was inevitable that Yue had to work with Dylan in Greece. He was stuck.

His thoughts were swimming around that kiss of theirs he witnessed, remembering how he was on the edge then, what more with what was coming ahead? He knew he would crack but he wouldn't allow himself to jeopardize what he had with Yue further.

"Space? Is that what you want?" Jin asked with gritted teeth. He took a deep breath and maintained his composure.

"This isn't easy for me, Jin. I'm not making a final decision here but you just need to give me time to think everything through. You should too." she said trying to comfort him.

"Yue, I don't have to. I just know I want us to be together." Jin argued as he held both of Yue's hands in his, relishing the warmth that she gave him, knowing he wouldn't be able to do this for a while.

"You just don't know how much this hurts Yue..." he squeezed her hand gently. "But if this is what you want...then so be it. I'll give you space."

Yue looked up at him shocked that he easily agreed.

"You know I'll do anything for you. I'll wait for you until filming ends. Just like you said, you'll think this over and so will I." he said with tears falling down his cheeks, his voice cracking as he hugged her again.

Yue was stunned as she didn't expect him to be so calm. She was ready for another round of shots from him but instead she got this. And it filled her with more sorrow than relief to see him this way.

"Jin, I'm so sorry." she said with tears in her eyes as they parted from the hug, gauging how he was as she tried to look in his eyes.

She wasn't used to seeing this kind of Jin, wondering if their relationship had already broken his spirit.

Jin avoided her gaze and moved quickly. He kissed her on the forehead and whispered to her hair, "I will wait for you. Just don't give up on us yet, Yue-bear."

Then he quietly left the room leaving Yue at a loss for words.


Jin took long strides to his car, slamming the door. That was an abrupt decision that he knew he would never make on an ordinary day.

He actually stepped back. He was practically handing her to Dylan Wang on a silver platter.

But even though in any angle it looked that way, he wouldn't allow Yue to end up back with Dylan.

He'll make sure of it.

Jin knew he already loved Yue, but as things have gotten worse between them lately he didn't want to risk losing everything by forcing her to stay.

So he would give her space. He would give her time.

"But you will always be mine. We're not over, Yue. I'll make you see." he spoke to no one, balling up his fists at the steering wheel before driving away.



My loves, I apologize for the wait. ✌ I really have been swamped with work these past 2 weeks that I couldn't sit down and write. And if I did have time, it's in the wee hours of the morning, so my brain would be so dead tired it refused to come up with enough words to string into sentences.

I hope this chapter sits well with you. If you have participated in my Twitter poll the other day then, SURPRISE! This is what it was for. So to all those who voted for Greece, you'll hear more about it in our next chapters. (I tried to insert Spain there too!)

Again, I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart-- to those who keep coming back for more, for your heartfelt comments, to those who have reached out through tweets&DM, to those who have just discovered this story, to any of you who have given Stellar a chance at all and are still amused by my crazy ideas. THANK YOU.😭😍

I may have not been able to reply to all your reactions to the last chapter but know that I read all of them (and yeeey! I'm so happy you enjoyed that!). Knowing you all can't wait to see what happens next fuels me to write on and on.💜💛

Til the next one!

As always,

*DiYue Forever*

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