The Unexpected || Bakugou x U...

Per LifeAsWeKnowIt00

172K 6.3K 3.9K

"Most people want to be circled by safety, not by the unexpected. The unexpected can take you out. But the un... Més

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty - Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty - Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty - One
Chapter Forty - Two
Chapter Forty - Three
Chapter Forty - Four
Chapter Forty - Five
Chapter Forty - Six
Chapter Forty - Seven
Chapter Forty - Eight
Chapter Forty - Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty - One
Chapter Fifty - Two
Note From Me
The End

Chapter Thirty-Two

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Per LifeAsWeKnowIt00

Carpet - FRENDSHIP || "She gave me the time when shit got rough. A little more time could've been enough I ran out of time and lost my luck. A little more time could've been enough for us ;; I said it's not even. You ended up just leaving me and your feelings lying on the carpet floor"

BAKU P.O.V. :)

"What the heck happened today man?" Kirishima yelled as dunce face and Sero walked two steps behind us on our way back to the dorms. I kicked a rock in the middle of the sidewalk as I ignored his question.

"Earth to Bakugou..." Kirishima spoke a little softer waving a hand in front of my face. I quickly swat it away and growl at him.

"GOD YOU ARE SO ANNOYING!!! - WHAT FUCKING PART?" I snap continuing my strides home.

"The whole thing with Deku.. what was up with him" Kirishima amazed me how he could always continue a calm tone with me.

"FUCK IF I KNOW!" I yell causing Kirishima to laugh before continuing "Just a pathetic loser who can't step up when he needs to." I soften my tone a bit thinking about school today. As Kirishima nods his head before speaking, "It just seemed odd though, like something seemed weird to me.." I ignored him as my mind immediately thought back to class this morning when Ochaco caught me staring at her.

It has been quite some time since the whole episode in the dorms and shit still hasn't calmed down. It was upsetting to see Ochaco so down. All she does now is mope around the halls, it fucking pissed me off. Especially because I have to sit idly by like a moron as fucking Deku just completely ignores Ochaco every day. If I had it my way I would have pounded that loser so far into the ground he wouldn't be able to speak.

Sitting in English class earlier I couldn't help thinking about how everything had gone down and if I should have done something more. It has been tearing me up since it happened. How could I say I care about her, but haven't done anything to help her out. Before I knew it I was turning around to look at her in the middle of Present Mic's English lesson.

Averting my eyes slightly to the back of the class I watched as her face remained the same sad and pouty expression. She was spacing out with such sadness in her eyes that she looked like she was on the verge of tears. It just pissed me off more. Looking back to the front of the class I tried my best to pay attention but once again avert my eyes back to her. Her brown hair fell in front of her doe eyes as Present Mic's voice became a distant murmur. All I could think about was how badly I wanted to push back the hairs from her face and kiss those pouty lips. As her eyelashes fluttered I watched as those adorable big eyes slowly looked up to meet mine. I instinctively smiled at her, which seemed to shock her, before she mirrored my expression. I watched as her nose crinkled slightly from her genuine smile which made me my stomach flip. I was just happy to see her smiling.

As the rest of the class turned to face me I was then confronted for causing a disruption, but I didn't even care. I would get in trouble a hundred times more if I got to see her smile again. She is such a beautiful loser when she smiled.

I smiled to myself as I continued walking with the image forever stamped in my head. The losers beside me were too distracted as they fucked around with each other to even realize I was in my feelings.

"So any plans this weekend boys?" Sero chimed in

"We should throw another off-campus party, remember the last time we did that Bakugou??" Kaminari chuckled elbowing my side.

"Fuck off. We almost got in so much trouble remember!" I yell rolling my eyes but smile because it really was a great party. It was during our first year and we supplied the beers and a place to crash. It was especially nice because Ochaco and I were able to sneak away due to everyone being a bit out of it. Thinking back to that night made my stomach flip because it was the night Ochaco and I also had our first kiss. Almost a year ago this month.

"Well, I know where we can get the supplies again!" Kaminari continued, there was no stopping him once he was started. That dunce face would do anything for a good party.

"Come on guys, it's just a small group!" Sero yelled as we all stopped in a circle just a few steps from the dorms. We looked like a bunch of kids circled up hollering out our plans like we were in the middle of some sports match. Kirishima looked over at me shrugging his shoulders in defeat.

"We can all crash at my families lake house if we need to again?" Kirishima said hesitantly as the boys cheered. Now everyone was giving me their dumb fucking puppy eyes waiting for my answer. Why did it always have to come down to what I thought?

"Pfft. Stop fucking looking at me like that you dorks.." I scoff turning my chin up at them.

"Come on Bakugou" his voice sounded winny making me annoyed, "might be a good time" Kirishima sighed giving me a toothy grin.

"Fuck...Fine whatever. You all organize it then because I want no part in the planning and logistics.."

"YAAAAAASS!" The three losers all high fived each other running into the dorms as I stood back shocked. They were like children, so easily pleased. Shaking my head I follow after them passing by Deku who was sitting on the stairs. He looked upset and I had a bad feeling already building in my stomach. Before I opened the door I looked back in the distance towards the school and saw Tsu and Ochaco walking back. I decided it was probably best to stay in the main living room because I knew shit was about to hit the fan any minute.

Walking into the living room I overhear Kaminari already letting some people know about the party we literally just talked about two minutes ago. He really couldn't contain his excitement which made me laugh.

"So well have drinks and a place to stay - same as last year! This Friday!" His hands flailed around at Mina and Momo who gave him a thumbs up smiling big.

"YAY! I was hoping you all would do this again!" Mina jumped up clapping as Kirishima wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Couldn't have another school year without a good ol' party hosted by the boys!" His stupid toothy grin flashed at them as everyone started laughing before he yelled across the room at me "Right Bakugou!"

I was a bit distracted as I watched Tsu walk in alone looking a bit concerned.

"Uh- yeah sure," I say dropping my school bag on the floor sitting on the couch. There was a big chance that something was happening outside and within minutes I was proved right. I watched as Ochaco tore through the front door like a bullet train.

Gripping my hands on the arms of the chair as I watched her storm upstairs clearly crying. I tightened my grip holding myself down from running after her for fear of everyone suspecting something. Everyone's expressions were similar to mine as they watched her run off. That fucking loser Deku just broke her heart.

As the door swung open that stupid green haired shit rag walked through with a solemn expression. I was fighting the urge to yell something at him, I knew he knew Ochaco and I kissed, the last thing I needed was for him to get mad and tell everyone here - which honestly wouldn't be terrible, but I know that would hurt Ochaco.

Everyone else remained silent and it drove me wild. Was no one going to say anything? Was Deku some fucking golden child who was going to get away with his actions this week?! First causing a scene in the dorms now fucking making her cry?! I couldn't hold back any longer as I felt the steam coming out of my ears as my body pushed up from the chair.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!?" I yelled jumping out of my seat. Everyone looked surprised at me but looked back at Deku wanting a response.

"This doesn't concern you Kattchan.." Deku says softly uncomfortable from the attention and slightly nervous from my confrontation.


Deku had no response as he stood there and the rest of the gang looked to the ground. Everyone knew not to jump in when it came to Deku and I. I was tired of looking at his face as I walk past him bumping him roughly with my shoulder, "fucking dumbass". I say brashly as I walk up the stairs.

I wasn't really sure what I would say to Ochaco to make her feel better, I truthfully couldn't believe I was walking to her room right now. Pushing my sweaty palms into my pant pockets I make my way down the long hallway until I reach her room. Lifting my hand slightly I knock gently on the door hearing her sniffles from the other side.

"Not now Tsu!" Ochaco yelled at the door as I take it upon myself to turn the nob.

"It's not Tsu.." I say softly not wanting to make eye contact as I close the door behind me. I knew it was wrong to just barge in, but I couldn't just sit there and let her cry in her room.

I watch as Ochaco's head turns up to look at me. Her tear-soaked face shined a bit in the setting suns rays just outside her window. I walked slowly towards her taking her silence as an invitation for me to stay. Leaning against her desk beside her bed I give her a soft smile, I really wanted to run over and scoop her up and give her a hug but thought it wouldn't be right.

"I don't want to talk right now.." she sighs looking down at her blankets below her face. I just stare at her watching as the tears continued to roll down her cute round cheeks. It took everything in my power to just stand back and give her space.

My silence seemed to bother her as she wiped away the tears sitting up on her bed staring at me. I shrug my shoulders keeping my hands in my pockets, "You don't need to tell me anything.. I just came here for support.. I mean- erm if you fucking need it or whatever.." feeling my face blush slightly I look away not wanting her to see me be vulnerable.

"That's all you're here for? Oh, that's rich," Ochaco's tone was cold as I turn my head. There were no words, I had no idea what to even say to her because I was a bit taken back from her sharp tone. I don't know what she could possibly be mad at me about, but then again I probably did something that pissed her off. I probably have been too forward like last week when I told I was happy Deku knew about everything.

Ochaco scoffs due to my silence as she continues, "It's over, happy now? You just couldn't let me be happy could you?"

I was beyond shocked as her venomous words spat at me. Did she actually think I was happy seeing her crying like this?

"Ochaco.. I have no idea what you're talking about like I said, I just came here to be a good friend.." I cringed as the word "friend" escaped my lips. I know that Ochaco and I were close, but to label us just friends was hard for me. Then again, I deserve to be in this position after how I treated her last year.

"Whatever, if you would have just stayed away as you've always done and left me alone none of this would have happened.." Ochaco stared at me angrily as my body tensed up. She was partially right, as pissed off as I was at Deku - I did play a part in Ochaco's sadness right now. Dropping my head I try to find the right words to say, but all that comes out was the first thing that came to my mind.

"I'm sorry for everything I've ever put you through" I exhale letting the words escape me. The room was silent for a while as I bring my gaze to hers. She stared at me intently as her lip quivered. "Any bit of sadness I've ever put you through, I wish I could fucking take back. I care about you Ochaco and when I see people I care about upset, I need to try and help.."

Ochaco's expression softened a bit as she listened to my words. As I stared at her soft face looking up at me with those beautiful button eyes I felt my heart beat quicken. I would give anything to walk over and kiss her but held myself back. She nodded her head slightly, "I-I'm sorry Katsuki... I just- I just don't know what I'm feeling right now.." She covered her face as I quickly sat down beside her on the bed hoping she wouldn't start crying again but was proven wrong.

Hearing soft sniffles and hiccups escape her I pull her in close letting her use me as a shoulder to cry on. There was so much I wanted to say to her right then... like how much regret I carried for how I treated her last year, for ruining her relationship with Deku, how beautiful I thought she was when she smiled and how I was completely and utterly falling for her all over again... but she clearly only saw me as a friend.. plus it would be crushing to open up and her reject me... That's something that I would never bounce back from and would completely ruin what we have right now. I already have walls up so for me to break them down this much only for me to get hurt would just fuck me up even more than I already am...

I held her like that for the remainder of the night until I felt her softly breathing against my neck. Looking down at her face I watched as her eyelids fluttered against her cheeks as she drifted off. Just when I thought she was most beautiful when she smiled I was now in awe at the way her features completely softened up from being deep in sleep. Bringing a hand to her cheek I rub her smooth skin smiling as her nose twitched from my touch. Laying her down gently in her bed I pull the covers up and make my way out of her room. Turning off her over headlight I slowly close the door behind me..

"Night Ochaco.."

Continua llegint

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