Chapter Fifteen

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Honestly - Cartel || "So I guess I'll see you, I'll see you around. I'm spinning, while I'm falling down. Now you know why I'm begging you to stay"

Deku and I made our way up the steps and to the front door. Saying I had an amazing time tonight would be an understatement. He treated me like a princess and I couldn't have asked for anything more. I stopped before opening the door pulling Deku back.

"What is it?" He said putting a hand to my cheek. I smiled at him to reassure him that everything was fine. "I'm great, everything was so amazing Deku... I just - "

"What- what is it?" He grew impatient. "I just know when we walk through those doors it's going to be a circus and I hate that, I just want this night to stay you and I as long as possible". I meant every word I was saying to him. I knew everyone was going to be sitting in the living room waiting for us to come back, waiting to bug us on what happened and ask if we were boyfriend and girlfriend now... which honestly I had no clue about.

"I understand that..." he sighed rubbing his thumb on my left cheek "we have to face this head on though, that's the bad part about living with everyone, but whatever happens it doesn't change the fact that we had an amazing night.." I nod in response as he leans in, similar to earlier in the evening, planting another soft kiss on my lips. My heart fluttered as I kissed him back not wanting it to end. As his lips parted from mine I heard myself softly whimper knowing we had to go inside now...

"Everything will be fine.." He held my hand to his mouth giving it a soft kiss before leading us through the front door. As expected everyone was in the living room.

"THERE THEY ARE!" Mina yelled.

"THE TWO LOVEBIRDS FINALLY MADE IT BACK!" Kaminari hollered from the kitchen.

We both awkwardly waved before taking a seat on the couch with everyone, everyone except one person. I looked around and saw no Bakugou. It was expected though, he never really liked hanging out with everyone in the common area. Tsu smiled at us and looked at me, "Did you all have a good time -RIBBIT?" I squeeze her knee and smile, "yes! We had a great time".

Everyone continued with the questions rapid fire and Deku sensed my anxiety rising as he attempted to answer the questions for me. I felt sick like I could projectile vomit any moment. I was shown first hand why Bakugou felt so strongly back in the day on the subject of not wanting everyone knowing...

"Enough questions, leave them be" Todoroki's deep voice quieted the masses like a prophet as groups began dispersing towards their rooms.

"Night guys, glad you all had fun!" Kirishima waved heading up the stairs. I exhaled heavily, it felt like I had been holding my breathe the entire time as I leaned my head back on the couch.

"Well, it wasn't as bad as I expected." He laughed and I shot him an evil look which only lasted a second. I couldn't stay mad especially after seeing his expression. "I am drained after that. what about you?" Deku nodded stretching his arms out and pulling me close. "Wanna sneak over to my room and snuggle with me tonight??" I shot my head up to look at him, this was so unlike him. I didn't even recognize him, but I wasn't opposed to it.

"I-I mean you know... since well- you said you didn't want the date to end"  I continued staring at him as he began mumbling starting to play around logistically with how it could work. I quickly cut him off, "Sounds good to me" He smiled so hard his eyes squinted "Ill figure out a way no worries, I'm going to go now and get changed and Ill be there in an hour or so?" He nodded kissing my forehead before we both got up and went out separate ways.

Deku wanted me to come to stay in his room tonight? I still couldn't believe that was even brought up. I was so excited as I ran up the steps and into my room. I quickly changed into a Big T-shirt and short boxer briefs. Pulling out a makeup wipe from my drawer I scrubbed away the makeup on my face and sprayed a little perfume. It was always so fun sneaking around, the thrill of maybe getting caught was so fun to me.

As I tiptoed out of my room I realized it was perfect timing. It seemed like everyone had gone to sleep as I slowly stepped down the hallway hiding behind corners anytime I heard a small noise. My heart was beating roughly against my chest and my hands grew sweaty from being nervous. I was so close to his room all I needed to do was turn down this hallway then take a left, then it was the third door to the left. It was almost too easy.

"What the fuck are you doing?" A deep voice hummed behind me causing me to jump covering my mouth. Praying I don't scream. I froze up as I slowly spun my body around. A tall figure stood covered by the hallway shadow before taking a step forward in the window light. "Did you hear me? What the actual fuck do you think you're doing?" Bakugou looked angrier than usual as I lowered my hands from my mouth.

I didn't know what to say, I had no idea what he was thinking as I stood there dumbfounded..  Bakugou crossed his arms across his black tank top gritting his teeth causing me to become more nervous. I needed to say something.

"W-well I uh I actually was coming over to see someone.." His face softened slightly...

"Better not be coming over to my-"

"I was going to Deku's room" Bakugou swallowed turning his chin up at me "I mean just to stay the night since we had a great date and all, nothing too crazy just like cuddling or whatever" I didn't even recognize myself. I was whisper talking so fast and divulging way too much information. Bakugous face looked disgusted as he stared at me.

"Fucking A... I didn't need all of that information you floaty fuck..." his voice trailed off a bit, was that a hint of sadness in his tone? He took a step closer to me. Keeping his gaze on me as he stood before me. "So did you actually have a good date?" His whisper seemed aggressive and I feared someone walking around either corner and catching us...

"Yes, I had a great time.." I sighed looking away from his eyes, they were like a hypnosis trick he knew worked every time. "Glad to hear it..." he walked past me and made his way down the hallway turning around not far to whisper "if you morons wake me up I'm coming over there to personally kick both of your fucking weak asses..." I flip him off and watch as he scoffs before turning down the hallways to his room.

I watch him go as I quickly dash towards Deku's room. Pushing the door open I was met with Deku sitting up on his bed playing some game on his phone. He quickly jumped up making his way towards me pulling me close once he was in reach.

"What took you so long??" I smiled against his hug, loving the fact that he was openly saying he missed me.

"I was trying not to get caught silly" I giggle before kissing his cheek. Letting out a big yawn Deku takes my hand leading me to his bed. "Looks like you're tired, lets head to bed ok? We can do something together bright and early just you and I. How about it?" I smile climbing under the covers wrapping my arms around him.

"Sounds great to me" I nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck and feel his fingers run through my hair calming me to sleep. My eyelids grow heavy as the warmth of his body causes me to drift off. As my mind wanders the first thing it thinks about is Bakugou. His blonde spiked hair filled my head as Deku's fingers continued to run through my short brown hair.. very similar to the same way Balugou had done in the past. Stupid Bakugou.

Why did he seem sad earlier when I told him I was not going to his room? Wasn't he the one who said he did not want me coming up to his room? He was even repeating himself before I cut him off just now. I couldn't stand the way he purposefully made things complicated, it was as if he enjoyed causing problems in not only my life but most importantly Deku's life.

I just hoped he was not planning on telling the administration about this in the morning, but honestly, I was too tired to think about anything else. I had Deku beside me and we had plans tomorrow, just him and I. This is what I had always wanted for us, wasn't it?

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