Chapter Ten

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**WARNING: This chapter goes back and forth a lot between Bakugou and Ochaco's perspective. Sorry!**

You Had Me At Hello - Day To Remember || "What have I gotten into this time around I know that I had sworn I'd never trust anyone again but I didn't have to You had me at hello"

Today was the day. The Sports festival. I hadn't spoken to Deku in a few days other than some texts here and there. I knew that it was because he and All Might were training every day for this and I didn't want to interrupt. It would have been nice though to hear him ask how my training was going through...

Sometimes he treated me like I wasn't a threat like I was not someone to worry about. No use in being upset about it for long, but it weighed on me. As the rest of class 1A entered the arena we were all asked to complete the same tasks as the year before. The obstacle race and the cavalry battle. 1A as always really showed out and it was impressive, to say the least.

I watched as All Might stayed stoic on the sidelines watching Deku and the rest of our class, though we all knew he was really paying close attention to Deku. It had always been this way.

Now it was time for the first round of the one-on-one fighting tournament. This was the moment everyone was waiting for, the moment we needed to prove how far we have grown since our previous fights. Majority of our audience has already seen our skills and especially our quirks, it was now the chance to show that we have developed them and even learned some new skills. It was the only way to get scouted and receive good internships.

As the names rattled off we all waited patiently to find out who we would be competing against. As my name popped up I already noticed I would be competing against a student from Class 1B, Shiozaki. She didn't scare me too much so I was more than prepared. As we made our way to the stadium my heart began to beat so fast it felt as though it would explode.

Why was I nervous? The arena erupted with cheers as my eyes squinted from the bright light. This was going to be a piece of cake I thought. As she bowed across from me I immediately took my stance ready for the buzzer to initiate the fighting.

Ibara looks up giving a half smirk in my direction as the buzzer sounds. Quickly her vines shoot towards me as I quickly jump away, perfect timing I thought. The vines now whip back in an attempt to grasp on to something. As my body floats, I immediately drop and start running at her. As the vines from her hair shoot out at me I am quickly swerving in each directions trying not to get hit.

All I needed to do is touch her and it would be easy from here. Once I was close enough I begin using one of Gunheads techniques for head to head combat. After competing against Bakugou years ago, I had quickly realized I lacked in my close range fighting. So when I am up against someone I need to have more than just my anti-gravity ability.

Grabbing hold of Ibara's hand I quickly use one of my takedown techniques. As he head smashed the floor the arena erupts with cheers. Before I can take in the excitement I felt the vines wrap around my ankle taking hold as I fly through the air. Activating my anti-gravity I immediately catch my own fall. Laughing I watch as she stumbles up from the ground. I knew it would only be a matter of time.

My feet softly touch the floor and I smirk at her weakened stance. Ibara wiped her bloody nose and took a stance, preparing for her next attack. Before I could allow that to happen, I push my fingers together and activate my anti-gravity on her.

Lifting her high enough then bringing her down hard. I repeat this only once more before I notice she has passed out. Stopping myself I hear Present Mike yell out across the speaker "OCHACO WINS OCHACO WINS!! I knew she would!" The arena hollered as my picture appeared on the Jumbotron. Smiling big I began jumping up and down waving at the crowd.

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