Chapter Thirty - Nine

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Arms - The Paper Kites || "What can I give that is all for you? My heart's no good 'cause it's split in two. What can I give that is all for you? These arms are all I have"

It had been a few days since Bakugou had walked in on Deku and my conversation. Two days to be exact. I have tried countless times this week to get his attention, anything to get him to talk to me again, but it was now Thursday and I was beginning to lose my mind. I should have never put myself in that position in the first place... Why did I have to ruin everything once again?

He has to know that I was serious when I told him I loved him. I love Deku as a friend, but I am so madly in love with Bakugou... I just- everything was a mess and spinning out of control. Things were going so great and I was so worried about pleasing everyone that I ended up messing things up more.

Sitting at lunch with Tsu, Iida, Todoroki, and Deku I felt myself become a bit distracted as I pushed around the food in my tray. I was trying to figure out how I could possibly get his attention. Looking up from my tray and across the cafeteria at Bakugou. He seemed a bit off as the rest of the boys around him joked, he had to miss me too right? As his eyes looked back over at me I flinched a bit. Smiling awkwardly I gave a small wave not caring if anyone saw. I watched as his shoulders lowered and a smile spread on his face as well. He mouther hi over at me as his smile deepened into his cheeks.

"Have you all talked yet - like really talked? " Tsu whispered in my ear and I jolted from her interruption.

"n-not exactly... Tsu, I don't know what to do. I know he still cares, I just think he feels hurt and needed some time alone to process his feelings"

Tsu nodded her head in an understanding way, "Yeah, but we need to figure out some way to ask him if he would like to see you and hopefully talk".

The funny thing is that I have been trying to think of something for a while. Bakugou is someone who shows his emotions with few words, I have yet to hear him go into length his true feelings even about me yet. I also never wanted to put him on the spot or try to approach him in a public setting because I was scared of his reaction. Plus I knew how in the wrong I was which made it so much more difficult.

"What do you have in mind then?" I say as the boys around us continued talking.

"Why not write him a quick note? Or maybe a text?" Tsu says shrugging her shoulders. "A note may mean more though.."

I never really thought about that. I had typed up a bunch of texts but quickly deleted them because I felt they didn't express my true feelings. I have talked briefly in the halls and in the dorms, but finding the right words really never was my specialty and someone always would interrupt it when I finally did gather enough courage.

"I'm sorry for pushing the whole, forgive thing.." Tsu said in a hushed tone because Deku was sat close to her. I wasn't exactly sure why she was apologizing, she probably just feels bad that she had a hand in this mess, but in reality, it was the right thing to do. I hoped Bakugou would be able to see it that way as well.

"Don't be Tsu, it was a good thing just the worst timing on my part." I dropped my head in my hand as I felt her arm wrap around my shoulder.

"It's all going to work out, I see the way he looks at you Ochaco ... he's just hurt is all"

The words echoed in my head because I never wanted to be another reason for him to have trust issues. I had never imagined his feelings being so fragile until now and it just made me feel even stupider for taking his toughness as strength.

Later on, in our last class of the day, I spent the whole period constructing the right note. It needed to be so few words but got the message across. I just needed to be alone with him, even for a few minutes. I now knew the words I needed to say and I couldn't go on being afraid. Afraid to say the wrong thing or let him see my vulnerability. If I wanted to really give this a fair shot I needed to keep putting myself out there so that when Bakugou did feel ready to express his emotions I would be there with open arms.

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