Chapter Thirty-Four

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Lost - Blake Rose || "No, I don't wanna wait. I don't wanna say, "Remember what we used to be?" 'Cause I don't wanna live that way. So tell me that it's not too late. So lost for you, so lost for you" 

"I'll bring down some sleeping bags for you," Bakugou said as he made his way up to the house. As I crawled into my tent I wondered what would happen when he returned. Thoughts clouded my head as I fidgeted with random things inside the tent to make myself look busy. Looking around I realized that this was one of the biggest tents I had ever been inside. There was no way Kirishima was expecting me to sleep in here alone... maybe that was his plan all along.

Hearing the zip of the large tent door I continue fidgeting, not wanting to look up due to my face being a deep red from all my investigative thinking. The door zipped up again and I knew Bakugou was right behind me. I had to say something or this would get extremely awkward fast. Sitting down on my knees I turn my head to face him.

"Thanks, Katsuki - I mean for the help" I smile brightly as he stares back. I took hold of some of the blankets spreading them out on the hard floor.

"Oh uh it was nothing.." he sighed scratching his tricep awkwardly, "I just grabbed a shit ton of stuff so whatever you use or don't fucking use just keep in here I guess.." Bakugou leaned over his long body trying to set up the room as he followed my lead by placing pillows around. 

Why was this so awkward between us. I wanted to say so much but was really holding out hope he would be the one to speak up. This was the second year in a row we were in this position, but so much has changed since then. I've learned so much about him, his family, and our relationship. Maybe he was too nervous to make the first move since the whole Deku breakup was so fresh...I also wasn't the kindest to him last week when he was trying to console me. 

"Well, I better get going. Sleep tight Ochaco, text me if you need anything else" he smiled getting up to unzip the tent. Oh no, this couldn't end like this, I wouldn't allow it. As his body turned away from me my body reactors without thinking.

"Wait!" I yell forgetting that there were others around us. Grabbing hold of the back of his black shirt I cover my mouth and blush from the sudden outburst hoping that I didn't just ruin everything. Bakugou's head whipped around to look at me as if he was about to yell until his eyes met mine. As his expression softened he turned his head in a questioning way.

"What is it?" His whisper was deep as I stuttered to find the words. I reacted so fast that I didn't plan out what I was going to say after telling him to wait. My eyes darted back and forth as my mind tried to quickly whip up a plan of action. 

"I erm want to go for a walk?" He stared at me with a raised eyebrow and I quickly began speaking again before he could say no, "I um I'm not really tired yet.." I lied as I looked away from his gaze. He had to have seen how desperate I was and it was embarrassing.

A long pause enveloped the room making the air stiff as I waited for his response still gripping the back of his shirt.

"Sure" he says as my heartbeat quickened. 

As we slowly moved out of the tent we quietly walked away from the others. The crickets in the distance were the only sound as our feet glided across the sand. Walking beside Bakugou felt nice even in the silence, I wondered what he was thinking in this exact moment as our hands would lightly brush from the quick strides. We walked down until the campsite was only a small light before Bakugou cleared his throat.

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