Note From Me

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Hey everyone! 

I apologize in advance because I am about to get soap-boxy, but I felt the need. Feel free to scroll on to the next chapter - I promise I won't be offended! 

I wanted to take a quick moment to really thank all of my loyal readers, commenters, and voters. YOU are the reason I kept writing and have put my all into this story. I have interacted with a lot of you through personal messages or simply in the comment section and have so appreciated every connection I have made. The insightful interpretations and positivity you shared have really brightened my days. 

It's hard to not get caught up in the numbers and doubt your work when you feel passionate about something, but to know you all have enjoyed it so much has kept my head space so positive. 

To say I didn't cry writing the previous chapters would be a complete lie. I made some long on purpose and I hope you don't hate me for it. This story is so personal to me and my own personal struggles with opening up to people and the anxieties I face. I didn't even realize just how much it played into my own healing journey. Maybe it made you feel similar things or maybe you didn't, either way, I hope you truly enjoyed the story and at the very least felt something. That's all I can hope for! :)

Alright! I tried to make this as short and sweet as possible. I love love love you all. 

We only have one more chapter left in the story which is really hard to think about, but I had to dedicate a chapter to you all!  { The last chapter will be posted on June 21st.  }

I love you and I could never say thank you enough. 

- LifeAsWeKnowIt00

- LifeAsWeKnowIt00

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