Chapter Two

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Rolling In The Deep - Adele || "The scars of your love they leave me breathless, I can't help feeling we could have had it all"

I spent the remainder of the class trying to stay out of Katsuki's line of sight, especially since I could see the familiar sparks in his hands when he's angry. Deku would look back at me every so often and I would smile, not trying to show too much to him or the class.

"Psst Ochaco" I quickly turn to see Mina smiling at me. "Lunch with the girls today?" Her smile had a devilish hint and I knew why. She totally wanted to know what in the world was happening. She loved being involved with all the drama. I smile at her and nod.

"Bakugou put that phone away and finish your Paper," Mr. Aizawa's monotoned voice echoed through the room. Everyone's backs straightened up from his demand as I looked side eyes at Katsuki.

"grr" I watch as Katsuki slides his black phone into his front pocket as Kirishima and Denki hold back their laughter as they attempt to cover their mouths. Hearing them he turns and flips them off before returning to his work.

The bell rings and everyone begins packing up quickly. As I pack up my things Mina pulls on my shoulder, "Are you coming with?" I smile, I just have to ask Deku something quick" I say watching as she giggles and raised her eyebrows.

"Ooooooo I see Ochaco we will meet you down there" she giggles as the girls all walk out. I feel my phone vibrate in my backpack and see a familiar number on the lock screen.

I quickly unlock it to see the message and feel my stomach flip.

As I stare down at my phone I feel the air escape my lungs

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As I stare down at my phone I feel the air escape my lungs. He hasn't texted me in months, let alone said anything to me other than a growl in passing. The last time we spoke was not the best, but I assumed he wanted nothing to do with me...

"Ochaco! Hey are you walking down to lunch?" I jumped looking up to see Deku smiling with Todoroki and Iida not far behind. I lock my phone quickly and drop it back into my backpack. Smiling at them awkwardly, "U-uh yeah I am, but I have to -uh- do a few things before I head down there" I blush a bit and wave, "You all go ahead. See you soon!"

The three boys wave and head out of the room with smiles on their faces. Deku looked back with a concerned expression. He always worried about the friends around him. Once the door slides shut I look around quick to see I am the last one left. I pull out my phone again and re-read the text. "Meet me at our spot"...

Throwing my backpack on I make my way down the back hallway, down the stairs to the basement level. My heart beat banged against my chest thinking about what Katsuki wanted.

As I walk the halls filled with fluorescent lights my mind races. I hate having to lie to Deku, but it was like I couldn't control it. I wasn't thinking straight. As much as this all scared me a bit, I still continued moving. It's as if my legs had a mind of their own walking instinctively the path they have taken many times before.

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