Ace For Hire // BTS Reader In...

By tokki-maknae

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Who is Ace? Besides being the deadliest hitman on the market in the underground, whose really under the hood... More

Queen for Capture Intro


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By tokki-maknae

"Eunbi got away, she gave me the slip and headed north, she's armed with a pistol so take caution." Yoongi spoke with a high pitched voice into the radio.

After a crackle of static, another male voice responded, "10-4, we'll start combing through the north area of the woods then."

"10-4." Yoongi repeated into the walkie talkie before smashing it in to pieces under his foot. Once he had them on a goose chase, he focused back onto you. "You look like hell."

Rolling your eyes at him, you untensed as you didn't feel yourself being in immediate danger anymore. "Yeah, you're not looking to great either- fuck." You cut yourself off as you bit you lip in pain, both hands frantically putting pressure over your wound as you dropped down onto one knee.

"Shit. [Y/n] you're bleeding. Hoseok didn't say you were bleeding." Yoongi kneeled down instantly, without missing a beat he told you, "Let me see it." Blinking a few times before breaking eye contact, you reluctantly loosen the belt and lifted the sweater that began to stick to your skin from all the blood it's been soaking in.

You watched as his intensely stared at it before gently touching the surrounding area with two fingers carefully. But that was still enough to send you reeling in pain. "Stop, stop, stop." You repeated in between wincing causing him to quickly retract his hand back.

"It looks really bad, good thing the clothes I stole was from the first aid guy." Yoongi explained as he began pulling medical stuff out from the large pockets on the baggy cargo pants he was wearing, or stole, which ever. As he looked for certain first aid supplies, he asked, "How come you didn't tell Hoseok about the bleeding, and don't try to bullshit me that you just got it because there's older blood dried up around the cut."

You avoided his stare as you tried to make yourself comfortable from where you were kneeling, ended up sitting on your heels while Yoongi sat crisscrossed next to you, "Because at the time, it wasn't as bad as it is now." Was all you thought of to reply with. Which earned you a glare from him as he pressed a cleaning alcohol soak cloth against your stab.

After a few seconds of intense burning, he pulled the once white cloth away to clean around the cut, carefully wiping away both the old and fresh blood. You hoped he knew what he was doing because before Yoongi's cell signal cut out he was able to tell the other's where to find us. Meaning the two of you were stuck together for an hour at least as you waited,

"Really? Because you wanna know what I think?" Yoongi started up his annoyed fueled rant as folded the cloth the other way.

Sighing out an exhale through your nose, you focused your attention to the surrounding trees. "No, but I bet you're going to tell me anyways-"

Cutting you off as he reapplied the cloth against you again, he practically spat out, "It's that stupid Ace pride."

"Here we go." You grumbled as Yoongi kept on.

"You're so hell bent on wanting to keep up this who untouchable bulletproof image you've always had- do you have any idea how selfish you are?!" He hissed out at you while making sure he wasn't accidentally putting to much pressure against your cut as he ranted.

"Selfish?! How the hell am I selfish?!" Snapping your attention back to him, just in time to see him roll his eyes. Causing your blood to boil a bit at the audacity he has to accuse you of being selfish. "When I'm constantly being used as your gang's freaking underpaid slave, you know, like I was given an option to join in the first place. So how does that make me selfish?"

"Because you forget were suppose to be members!" Yoongi raised his voice to a dangerously loud level, the sudden outburst caused you to flinch subconsciously. Realizing he was nearly yelling after your minor reaction, he huffed before speaking again in a more angrily hushed tone.

"You never rely on us, [Y/n]. Fuck, most of the time you don't tell us the truth, and you rather bleed out then tell us you got stabbed. You're one of us, whether you join us under better circumstances, you're still a member. We have to look out for each other because no one else is going to watch our backs like we do. Then you go rouge and try doing solo shit that backfires and," Inhaling deeply, Yoongi looked at you with an emotion you once doubted he had, his eyes were filled with genuine concern as he stared into yours.

"Just, what if you die? No more Ace, no more [Y/n]. What are we suppose to do then?"

Feeling a sudden weight come down on your shoulders, you had a faint sense of deja vu, seeing as you already had a similar argument with Jin over the same question. You didn't have a real answer for Jin then, and you still don't really have an answer for it now. Which probably didn't help you argue that you did have an awareness of your own mortality.

"I-I don't know, I just," Exhaling an exhausted breathe you reluctantly repeated what you told Jin in the past, "I don't know. But it wouldn't, it isn't going to be a problem for you guys, because from the start I was always expendable-"

Yoongi cut you off again in the middle of your somewhat depressing rebuttal to his question. Unlike the multiple times before where he would just cut into your words with his own, he took a more drastic measure of headbutting his forehead against yours when you turned back to him. Yelping a bit at the suddenly action you quickly reached up to rubbed your forehead with both hands.

"What the hell was that for?!" You asked him agitatedly as you tried to rub away the pain with your finger tips. Looking at him from the side, incase he'd try something stupid again, you watch him groan as he rubbed his forehead as well as muttering, "Holy shit your head's fucking rock solid.. actually that makes sense for a lot of things.."

Which only irked you more as result of his rash headbutt, "Yoongi!"

"Well it's not my fault you never shut up! So unless you want another fresh one, then just keep shutting up for another minute." Yoongi told you, moving his hands away from his forehead, revealing a red area on his expose forehead for a second before his bangs dropped back in place.

"Why do you always try to be Ace every fucking time? It's okay to be scared, it's normal! Why is it so hard for you to understand that we need you too, not just Ace. Don't you know how fucking selfish you are for making all of us care about you just so you could play chicken with your own goddamn life, then you act like it wouldn't effect us. But if you want to bleed out then go ahead and be my guest, because I can't keep arguing with you about this if you won't listen."

Pressing your lips together, you casted your eyes downwards as your hands slowly dropped from your forehead. "I never saw it that way, I'm not used to having friends or being cared about like that. I guess it's just scary that my relationship with you and everyone else isn't just Ace, but also with me." You reluctantly confessed as you started to subconsciously picked at your nails with your hands folded on your lap.

Having an unwanted enlightenment, you realize that you choose to be alone because after dad, you could never experience that sudden drop into being alone. I don't want to be abandoned again. A stray thought popped into your head as you dug your nails into the palms of your hands.

"I'm used to being alone. I'm used to saving myself, I don't know how to trust or rely on others. Ever since I've joined, it's harder for me to be alone. It makes me feel like I can't do anything by myself anymore." The confession hesitantly came out as you kept your head down to yourself.

Taking a breath, your voice turned softer than you wanted too as you continued, "Like when Eunbi's hitmen were taking me away I kept hoping one of you would come back and help me, for a second when I realized I was alone for the first time I started to panic. I've never panic like that before, or at least Ace didn't." Stopping yourself from spilling out anymore of your guts or any other body fluids, you bit the inside of your cheek as you shut yourself up.

Seconds turned into minutes as nothing but silence passed after your last words. Feeling somewhat fed up that you're dumping emotional baggage again on Yoongi, you snapped out "I'm just a little fucking baby whose scared of being alone more than she is of dying, okay? Is that what you wanted me to say?"

"No," Yoongi's voice almost sounded remorseful, "But it's a start, so from now on care about yourself more. If something's wrong just run away, and if you're hurt just tell us. There's no reason for you to get yourself hurt willingly," Gently brushing his slender fingers against the sore spot on your forehead, he moved from where he was sitting to be directly in front of you as he spoke, "You're not alone anymore, so you can rely on us okay?"

Holding your breath a bit, you nodded to him. Which thankfully was enough of an answer for him, giving you a small side smile he sat up straighter. "Now, besides your obviously stab wound, are you hurt anywhere else- uh, [Y/n]?"


"What are you doing?" Yoongi asked in regards to you suddenly covering his eyes with your hands. Still unable to find a grasp over your emotions, your chest kept painfully churning. Your eyes also started to sting and well up after trying to just blink the tears away, which only made it worst, you quickly covered Yoongi's eyes instead.

"I don't want you to see me cry again, it feels like every time we're alone together I always end up crying in front of you."

Moving his hands over yours, he gently moved your hands down to his upper cheeks to peek over your fingers at you. "I've told you already, you can go ahead and cry it won't change the way I look at you. You're still the [Y/n] I know." Yoongi told you with a surprisingly reassuring voice. Only for his eyebrows to furrow before covering his eyes again with your hands.

After a quiet sniffle, you ask while spreading your fingers apart to look at him, "What now?"

"I can't help but feel like a bad guy when I see you cry."

"Maybe I should cry more then." You teased as you pulled your hands away to wipe your eyes.

"Don't you dare, I feel guilty easily." Yoongi told you as he went back to tending to your wound. Taking medical gauze roll out as he reluctantly sighed seeing part of the sweater go stiff from where the blood dried up. "Hey, good news is it's not bad enough for you need stitches, but you could still bleed out if you over exert it again. So.. I need you to take your sweater off."

You admit you did get flustered at the sudden demand, but also you rationally pieced together that he was asking for stab wound related reasons. "Yoongi, this is hardly the time- and while I'm hurt too?"

"You need to stop spending time with Jimin, he's rubbing off on you- and not in that way, so don't you even try to make that a dirty joke." He told you as he took his, stolen, black jacket off. You started to take the sweater off only for Yoongi to turn into a flustered panic as he turned away quickly while holding the jacket back to you. "At least use this to cover up your, you know, woman.. assets."

"You can kill a man, steal his clothes, and headbutt the injured, but you can't say boobs?" You stated while putting the jacket on and holding it up above the wound so he could wrap it easier. "You can look, my boobs are covered up."

Yoongi hesitantly turn back and started wrapping the bandage around your waist while mumbling under his breath, "Whatever."

As he made sure the bandage was sure and tight he randomly popped the question, "So, you and Jimin?"

"Okay how did you hear about it?"

"When you left Jimin alone with us, Hoseok told him the same 'kiss and tell' thing when he teased you earlier." Yoongi recounted the conversation as he gently pressed the area of the gauze against your cut more.

"So what did Jimin say?" You slowly draw out your question.

Mimicking Jimin's voice inaccurately on purpose, Yoongi said, "A gentlemen doesn't kiss and tell, boyos."

"He seriously said that, well minus that last part, but seriously?" You were genuinely surprised, maybe you really weren't giving Jimin enough credit for his more decent traits.

"Yeah and then proceeded to gush about how cute you look when you get flustered and how soft your lips were."

"Im going to emasculate him when I get back, after I murder Eunbi of course." You groaned at the thought of that girl believing she got you to play right into her hands.

Also groaning in disgust at the mention of Eunbi, Yoongi scrunched his nose up. "You and me both, but enough topic changing, so you and Jimin."

"We only kissed- and it was a strictly work only kind of kiss." You explained to him, without realizing you were getting flustered as you let go of the jacket to let it cover the rest of your body.

"Then why are you blushing?" He hummed while sitting more lax with his arms crossed.

Thinking back to the kiss you brought the back of your hand to your mouth in reaction, "It was my first kiss, and I would've never thought in a million years that's how I would lose my first kiss."

"What?" Yoongi stiffen for a second, "Wait, that was your first kiss?"

Nodding you quickly added, "Don't tell Jimin, or anyone else that by the way. If anything that'd just be an unneeded boast in his ego."

"For once I agree with you, but does that explain why you were jealous of Eunbi."

You laughed at the thought, "Jealous of Eunbi? Me?"

"Yeah, Eunbi was all over Jimin for most of the time."

Wiping away a fake tear from laughter you responded with, "That's really funny, but like I said, me and Jimin don't have that relationship."

"I figured, especially with the whole 'No Dating Ace Rule."

"Woah, woah, woah, back up. A what rule?"

Yoongi sighed as he closed his eyes tightly, as if just enclosed private BTS only information to you when he shouldn't of, which is probably what he just did. "After we found out Ace was a girl, I know sexist you dont have to say it I can practically read you by now, Namjoon thought it was in the gang's best interest to not be involved with you. Romantically that is, so he basically made a no dating you rule."

"Huh, is that so, well now my murder list is Eunbi, Rm, Jimin, then Eunbi."

"You do realize you said Eunbi's name twice." Yoongi pointed out, only for you to give him a some what sadistic smile.

"I know, she's earned two spots and one shallow grave-" Cutting yourself of mid threat by biting your bottom lip in response to the immense pain shooting through you again.

Yoongi's face quickly contorted to once of worry, patting the pockets on himself in search for pain killers. Only for you to pull Yoongi behind you as ripped the gun out of his thigh holster. You may be wounded but you're still deadly and on alert. Droning out your own heartbeat and Yoongi's confused comments towards your sudden action, you focused onto the faint stumbles of footfall. Just in time to pinpoint the noises source as a figure suddenly skitter down the same hill you rolled down.

As you clicked off the safety and took aim confidently, the same figure threw their hands up as the cautiously yelled to you, "Don't shoot [Y/n], it's just me! Hobi! I followed Yoongi's tracker!" Once your eyes assured you it was in fact Hoseok, you dropped your shooting arm down as you went back to doubling over against your side. But for a split second before that you could see the Hobi's eyes widen in horror at your current state.

Quickly at your side, Yoongi called out to Hobi with urgency as he can see blood start to seep through again. "Hoseok, we need to get her out of here now." Yoongi started helping you stand up by carefully supporting your weight, while Hobi ran over to the two of you.

"Hyung, help her onto my back. Carrying her will be faster than the two of us limp walking her to the car." Hobi told his older member as he crouched in front of you onto one knee with his back facing you. Noting how his voice became stricken with seriousness and also from how he suddenly used honorifics with Yoongi.

Wincing a bit as Yoongi helped you onto Hobi's back, you tried reassuring Hobi as you carefully wrapped you around over his shoulders as he stood up. "I'm not bleeding out a lot anymore, I'm just in a lot of pain without any adrenaline being pumped over it."

Turning his head back only slightly, he responded with, "That doesn't make me feel any better that you didn't tell me you were bleeding out in first place. But I'll give you an ear full when we get to the car." He leaned himself forward as he secured his arms under your thighs, making sure you weren't going to fall off mid piggyback. 

The two boys nodded at each other before heading off into the direction from where Hobi came stumbling out of the trees from. Yoongi staying in front of the two of you as he kept the gun aimed for safety measures, sweeping the area along with the muzzle of his gun. Meanwhile, you were biting the inside of your cheek to avoid any more winces of how much pain you were enduring as Hobi had a somewhat rough pace while running behind Yoongi.

Glancing over at Yoongi you could tell what Hobi meant by tracking, seeing as his left wrist was wearing the same tracker that they put on you forcibly the first day you joined.

Suddenly taking in the shift of scenery as the three of you were coming onto a dirt road, you noticed a black truck parked in-between massive brushes to conceal itself across the path. As you came closer to the open road, the truck pulled out suddenly as it's headlights flared to life, only to come to a sudden halt parallel to the three of you.

Jin practically busted the driver's door open as he gave out basic orders of, "Yoongi drive, I'll take care of [Y/n]." Falling into obedience, Yoongi instantly settled himself into the drivers seat as Jin basically took you off Hobi's back and helped you into the backseats of the truck while Hobi ran around the front to slide into the passenger's seat. Once everyone was in, Yoongi floored the gas pedal as he booked it out of the forest area.

While Hobi gave him directions, Jin took out a car sized med kit from under the seat. Instantly taking a pain killer bottle from the white plastic box Jin opened, you popped two tablets onto your tongue as you dry swallowed them down.

"You're going to need a lot more than two pain killers." Jin told you as he gently felt against the small patch of blood seeping through the jacket as he pulled an assortment of first aid kit materials.

You would've rolled your eyes if you were actually listening and playing attention, but once again you fell back into a silent murderous state as you were ready to drop kick Eunbi into the next decade once you got your hands on her. Trust me, she's going to need a hospital once I'm done. You thought as Jin attentively treated you while the other two in the front kept shooting glances at you through the rearview mirror.

i really really liked writing this arc (ive literally have never wrote so many chapters straight in my life) so i decided to do a three day update for it since i also got a lot of goodfeed back (and one pissy editor lmao fight me in the pit karen ), plus i personally hate cliffhangers and i know for a FACt i do cliffhangers a shit ton. but yeah i really hoped you guys liked the three updates because im going back to normal weekly updates so my editor wont murder me (karen, fight me, in the pit)

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