In another world as my waifu...


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Follow Auros in his journey exploring a new world where he chose to be reincarnated as his waifu! He, now she... More

Chapter 1: When gods play, mortals die.
Chapter 2: Accidents happen even to gods...
Chapter 3: The answer is obvious.
Chapter 4: Read title for a hint
Chapter 5: Character creation takes time.
Chapter 6: The blessing of the gods
Chapter 7: (Ominous?) Arrival to a brave new world.
Chapter 8: They truly feel it better.
Chapter 9: The Goddess' surprise and the holy weapon
Chapter 10: Her exposition and a volcano
Chapter 11: Isekai bandit chapter
Chapter 12: Sometimes a new job means a new image.
Chapter 13: Shapeshifting Gacha is saltless?! Nerinne's new hobby is what?!
Chapter 14: The manly(?) way of gaining trust and base camp.
Chapter 15: Are you kidding? Eh?!
Chapter 16: Welcome to the castle of the Ever-Burning Will!
Chapter 17: At last! To the village of the beginning!
Chapter 18: Illumbee village investigation start!! And a massage?
Chapter 19: Night service and no, your eyes don't deceive you.
Chapter 20: Goddess what the hell did you tell her to do?!
Chapter 21: A Knight's night with her Lord and the beginning of her tale...
Chapter 22: ...or not.
Chapter 23: An eventful morning.
Chapter 24: Talking to a blizzard. Nothing serious.
Chapter 25: Village purification and a girl's decision.
Chapter 26: Sylvie's test.
Chapter 27: Resolve. Toast. Lap pillow.
Chapter 28: Isekai Villain Chapter
Chapter 29: Goodbye Illumbee village!
Chapter 30: Hello travel preparations!
Chapter 31: Having a Goddess girlfriend and a volcano daughter sure helps.
Chapter 32: Two weebs go into an onsen and...
Chapter 33: Surprising tastes? And a volcano learning about minerals.
Chapter 34: A Goddess' request and Maid-Knights' activities.
Chapter 35: The day has come! To the capital!
Chapter 36: Once upon a time in the Kyrie Kingdom part 1
Chapter 37: Once upon a little brother in the Kyrie Kingdom part 2
Chapter 38: Once upon a father in the Kyrie Kingdom part 3
Chapter 39: Once upon a childhood friend in the Kyrie Kingdom part 4
Chapter 40: Once upon a Foolish Prince in the Kyrie Kingdom part 5
Chapter 41: Once a bloody time in the Kyrie Kingdom part 6
Chapter 42: Once upon a Dragon Lord attack in the Kyrie Kingdom part 7
Chapter 43: Once upon an escape in the Kyrie Kingdom-the end.
Chapter 44: Isekai road trip with cute maids ¡yay!
Chapter 45: Demon Lords are good and Foolish Princesses are nice too.
Chapter 46: Capital on sight! But that a carriage in danger?!
Chapter 47: Of fleeting reunions and Gothic Lolitas.
Chapter 48: Welcome to the Capital!! Please beat some sense into us!!
Chapter 49: Cathedral My Love!!
Chapter 50: Bathing this Capital with blessings (shady plans)!
Chapter 52: Invitation for infiltration!
Chapter 53: Nobles and Merchants are weak to Maids.
Chapter 54: Sophie's revenge.
Chapter 55: Torture? Who needs it? I don't!
Chapter 56: A change in seiyuu that sealed his fate.
Chapter 57: Defenseless thighs and Hard Knuckles
Chapter 58: Manners maketh man... No manners maketh punched man...
Chapter 59: Something's happening? Wow, took you long enough.
Chapter 60: Breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day.
Chapter 61: Come one! Come six! It's Sophie's roulette! Maid parade included!
Chapter 62: Allegra's lab and a special chair.
Chapter 63: A good steak and a surprising reunion.
Chapter 64: Who says that a Father's love is lesser?
Chapter 65: A day in the life of Sylvie, the apprentice maid knight.
Chapter 66: Going to a cathedral in an isekai. Can you guess the check?
Chapter 68: A meal with the prince?! With a high chance of needles?!! NOPE!!
Chapter 69: The Goddess' Request II. A scolded maid. After needles, some fluff.
Chapter 70: I have a brain, therefore, I do this.
Chapter 71: Surprising a Goddess is bad for villains.
Chapter 72: The Gaze of the Violet Death
Chapter 73: A conversation in the starry night and the form of His blessing.
Chapter 74: Getting ready for the ball.
Chapter 75: A ball awaits. Dresses arrive. Mouths are left agape.
Chapter 76: To make an entrance and clear a misunderstanding
Chapter 77: A friendly conversation with a Prince.
Chapter 79: Such a sheltered-looking girl is no match for a bull, right? RIGHT?!
Chapter 80: Gotcha! You mad Raph?
Chapter 81: King Nothing and The Fallen Prince(ss)
Chapter 82: Teleporting Enemies. Siblings reunited. Part 1 of 2.
Chapter 83: Separated by Ice. Reunited by Ice. Part 2 of 2
Chapter 84: What part of "King of Storms" you don't understand?
Chapter 85: Winter's Fear and Fearless Moon.
Chapter 86: A maid's duty is the same in the battlefield!
Chapter 87: The one who is above Dragon Lords.
Chapter 88: Fly to the Moon and see how you fall.
Chapter 89: As two battles end, another one grows bigger...literally.
Chapter 90: The Red Scourge's strength and the Princess' Magic.
Chapter 91: The Legend of the Maid Knights
Chapter 92: Hello World! Here I am!
Chapter 93: Let onee-san reward you with a hug and a Knighting!
Chapter 94: Isekai celebratory feast manners!! Mika's shocking secret!!
Chapter 95: Dancing in the moon-less night.
Epilogue 1: The Pyrrhic Bet
Epilogue 2: Reverse isekai cooking and a new arrival.
Epilogue 2.5: A taste of another world and the fate of the Kyrie family.
Epilogue 3: The immediate future...and promised fanservice!
Epilogue #?∳⌶?ℌ⟱Ⅸ?⤀▆?: The Godess' Vision
GSS Chapter 1: A sweet and flowery start.
GSS Chapter 2: A tour through a lane of memories. Good and Bad.
GSS Chapter 3: A tea. A mirror.
GSS Chapter 4: Promised rewards? It's shopping time!
GSS Chapter 5: Dinner and...
GSS Chapter 5.5: ...a passionate, joyful night.
ESS Chapter 1:Time to go to sleep...but not before a bedtime story!
ESS Chapter 2: 1001 nights...minus 999.
ESS Chapter 3: Cliffhangers. Gotta love'em, right?
ESS Chapter 4: A savage spriggan savagely springing around cucuy village.
S-S END: A thoughtful battle and...Divine Cheating?!!
Volume 2: DDD (Dungeon-Dragon-Divine) Gift.

Chapter 51: Maid Express! Capturing suspects was never this easy!

2.4K 91 83

With Luca and the rest of her team taking care of their targets, it's time to talk about the last suspect.

But not before I take a sip of the nice tea Gabrielle brewed.

Ahh, she sure knows how to make a good tea that even I, of the coffee faction, can enjoy and praise.

Ok, let's continue.

"So, is the last suspect who I think it is? After all, barring that detail, I cannot think of any other reason to not mention him in the list of suspects."

While I say that, I put my teacup down and turn my gaze to Julian, who has now raised his eyebrows in surprise. He probably didn't expect us to know, but we know.

And now he is looking at Ludovica, a.k.a. the Gal Head of the Church, asking for permission, which she gives.

Although, looking at him, I can see that he is still cautious. Even after his boss told him about me being sent by the Goddess not too long ago.

Or maybe he just doesn't want to get in troublesome situations?

"We have good reason to believe that Prince Licht is related to 'New Glory' and that he is responsible for the disappearance of various nobles. The latest of those being Baron Cuhalin."


Hearing Julian's words, Erevain not only raises an eyebrow but also seems to be...sad. Meanwhile, the other maids react a bit more strongly.

I can see that Gabrielle's usual smile is gone while Erica has a frustrated expression, one that she is trying her best to reign in.

Worst of all, there is still a glaring absence in those suspects.

Is it that they are not counting them because they already confirmed it? Or is it the opposite?

My instinct is leaning towards the former, but I still must ask the question. After all, that is not the only strange absence that is irking me either.

"What about the King and Miss Hilde? Are they not suspects? Given what happened five years ago, it would be foolish not to suspect them. Or is the Church so gullible that you just swallowed whatever story they spewed?"

Not only do I apply some of the usual pressure to my words, but this time, I'm adding some real anger to them, one that is also shown in my sharpened gaze.


Of course, that immediately startles the Paladins. So much so, that one of them has instinctively reached for his sword and is about to pull it out, or that is what I would say if not for Julian strongly stopping him with his hand.

"Oooh~~, so you totes knew about it, Lady Argento."

So says Ludovica, killing the tension with her playful demeanor and showing how unaffected she was by my pressure despite being the closest to me.

She is no pushover; I'll give her that.

"Hmph, of course. So, are you going to answer my question?"

"Weell~~, I should, right?"

Grrr...this smug gyaru...

"We did not mention the King or Miss Hilde because...they are not considered suspects. They are confirmed to be part of it."

Oh, she has turned serious.

"But I suppose that is not the question you want answered since you already knew that, yes, Lady Argento?"

Nope, I was mistaken, her smile is back and is now a devilish one as she asks me that. Even her eyes are smiling like that.

Seriously, there is not a bit of piousness in the smile of this gal nun...only this shrewdness...

I can totally hear you Nerinne! You are giggling in the background while murmuring 'she reminds me of someone fufufu~~'!

This Goddess...

"Then, stop it with the games and talk."

I say so coldly, getting her startled by my lack of reaction to her smile

She even looks a bit dejected.

"Muuu~~you are no fun...fineee..."

Her expression changes from that of a playful, teasing gal to that of a responsible and serious adult.


"We did not do anything at that time because we were not able to. As simple as that. It all happened so fast and so sudden that when we were about to act, everything was already over. Including the escape of the Swords of Dawn from the Capital, which was something done even at the risk of worsening the situation."

Some of the Maid-Knights look as if they want to say something in response to that, but they are holding themselves back.

"Even before that, the King made sure of disseminating misinformation to the public while the attack happened. And even if part of the populace didn't believe him, it ended up turning into the 'truth' since there was no one capable to object."

I shoot her a 'seriously?' look and she lets out a wry laugh before continuing.

"Yes, even if I am the Head of the Church, I was incapable of objecting. That is because I cannot put myself in a position where every other country in Arte starts distrusting us after we oppose one King. Even if he is a dumb nut..."

I see.

It is no wonder why she looks so frustrated now.

But she is not finished.

"Me doing so would upset the balance between church and country that we have enjoyed for many years now. Thanks to the unification of the world's values and general beliefs that many people worked hard for, including the Goddess herself. One also done to avoid meaningless wars and focus on whatever real threats the future had prepared."

As she says that, I can see that Julian not only is looking down, but he is clenching his fist in frustration too. A frustration that seems more personal than just not being able to help as a Paladin.

"And I only chose not to risk that balance after deep thought and considering every other option. Of course, I even considered consulting the Goddess, but I cannot abuse my power. We mortals should at least try to solve our problems ourselves before asking the Goddess. That is one of the obligations that comes with our freedom. And confronting the King and 'New Glory' was not something that would bring more good than harm. Even if it was supposed to be the right thing to do. That is why..."



Ludovica...she just got up from her seat and is now bowing deeply to me. Surprising everyone.

"...I apologize for having to make the Goddess bring you here so that you may clean up the mess I helped create."

This gal...don't act so mature and responsible like that. You're making me feel like a villain...or worse, I'm starting to believe in this serious image of yours...

"Do not bow so easily. You are the Head of the Church, so act like it. But you are sorely mistaken if you think I came here to clean up your mess or anything like that. So do not misunderstand."

She does as I say, raises her head and...




"Neee, neee~~, Lady Argento. You are not being honest, right~~? You want to help me too, right~~? Because we are super best friends, right~~?"

W-wait where are you drawing circles with that finger!!

Paladins!! Look at her!! Do something!!!

Why are you blushing and looking away?!!!

Then, Erevain...wait...

Why are you smiling as if you are witnessing some wholesome scene?!!


"Fufufu~~. Oh Auros, you are such a tsundere. So cute."


"Hehehe~~~, what a cute friend I have."


"Now, now, dear~~. Calm down. You might say that you are not there to help her, but you still stayed with her and answered the questions that were eating away at her. That is what friends do."

You...! I was bound and unable to move!

"Details, details~~. Besides, the spell stopped working shortly after she fell asleep and you still did not leave her. All because you were worried about her. Deny it all you want, but you cannot lie to me, dear. Fufufu~~~."



But I am not a tsundere!!

"Whatever you say, dear~~~."



Meanwhile, outside of the luxurious inn named 'The Moon's Lullaby', a group of maids gathered as they discussed their plans with various opened scrolls on hand.

"I...will problem..."

"Translation please??"

Despite one of the maids trying her best to speak up with her whisper-like voice, the other one could not understand much of what she said and asked such question with an annoyed tone.


And yet, such annoyed maid was quick to avoid the eyes of the one she could not understand the moment she felt that they were on her, even if said eyes were hidden by bangs.

Their names were Luca and Sophie.


Meanwhile, a purple haired maid giggled delighted at the exchange, her name was Allegra.

Beside her, a green haired maid had somehow gotten her hands on an apple and was eating it without a care in the world. Such maid was known as Jules.

"Luca said that she would take care of the two objectives that are closest to one another and that it should be no problem."


Satisfied with such an explanation of her whispered words, Luca nodded happily. While Sophie, on the other hand, raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

"And you got all of that with what she said?"

"Of course. With enough deductive reasoning, one just needs to consider the context, current theme of conversation and, of course, their knowledge of the person in question. It's even easier when said person is a friend too."

As she finished with such words, Allegra smiled warmly at Luca and she paid in kind.

"I feel like you just said that I'm dumb in that first part."

Bearing certain suspicion, Sophie squinted at Allegra, who was smaller than her, but said purple haired maid just laughed and shook her head.

"Goddess no, I am a firm believer of different types of intelligence. Some are good at math, some at art, others at fishing and so on. Which also means that everyone has something where they could be considered as dumb. So, what I am trying to say is that you are smart but in something else."

"Tsssss, that's got to hurt."

Said Jules as she patted Sophie's shoulder and looked at her with sympathy. Of course, all while she was still eating an apple.

"I-I'll take that as a compliment! Hmph!"

So exclaimed a pouting Sophie as she turned her head in a dramatic manner.

"With that said, I will take the woman of the Royal Court. Is that alright?"

"Yeah, no objections from me."



Allegra asked such question as she grabbed the scroll that corresponded to such target from Luca's hand and showed it to her fellow maids, with both Jules and Luca giving her approval. One with words and the other with a thumbs up. All while Sophie did not answer at all as she was still pouting.

"If I remember alright, you had some beef with her, right?"

If one sharpened their ears, one could hear Jules repeating the word 'beef' at a much lower volume shortly after she asked such question. Furthermore, she even drooled as she did so.

"Mhm, you could say that. I mean it was quite frustrating when she denied me some much-needed funds for my research."

"Ah, I understand. I would already be tightening the ropes on her if she had done the same to me but with food."




While everyone seemed to be speechless at Jules' response, their faces had 'this glutton...' written all over them.

"Well, I will take this one since it is near of some good food stalls."

With that, Jules grabbed the corresponding scroll from Luca, took another bite of her apple and left while waving goodbye at her fellow maids.

"Then, I'll take this one. Lucky for me, it's near where I used to live."


Said Sophie, who instead of receiving the corresponding scroll, received a stare from both Luca and Allegra.

"I won't mess it up! Geez, have some faith in me!"


"Well, just do not forget to call us if things go wrong."

Said Allegra as she gave Sophie and Luca a nice smile and then left, giving the former the scroll that she needed as she walked past her.

The other two maids left the place shortly after that.


The Rupee noble household's home was one of the biggest buildings in the Capital and not because the owners of such building were making a statement of their opulence.

No, on the contrary, they noticed that they had too much free space and turned it into the headquarters of their multiple enterprises, with even some stores at every outside corner of the place.

Meanwhile, on the roof of such building, there was a garden and what could be said to be a 'modest' house for such a successful merchant and noble family.

One of the people taking residence there was a middle-aged looking woman with an intellectual air around her.

Lorelei Rupee.

Not only was she the current Head of the household, but she had no apparent need, or want, to give said position to her yet to be chosen successor.

Furthermore, she was also the one in charge of the economic matters of the Kyrie Kingdom, a post that she had worked hard to obtain.

As for her build, she was on the thin side of things, with not much to say about curves on either side. And although it was irritating for her to admit, she was already having problems with both the quantity of the grey hairs that were appearing on her head and the wrinkles on her face.

Maybe it was due to paranoia, but she also started to notice how it was getting harder for her to wake up in the morning in comparison with a few years ago, despite her not changing her usual sleeping hour.

It was not that she hated the idea of being old per se, no, not at all. What she hated was the idea of not being able to work as much as she wanted due to her age.

She did not want to end up as her father and grandmother, taken off their position as Heads because their ages did not let them work the hours their responsibilities demanded from them.

Nevertheless, she was still in her seventies, so she still had ample time.

Time she was going to use to work, just as she was doing that day.

So, having finished reading another budget proposal and putting it on the appropriate pile, she glanced at the towers of documents that were neatly organized on her desk and grimaced.

"The unfinished pile just keeps getting bigger and bigger..."

Her words ended in a sigh as she took a document from said pile and began to work on it.

Requests for funds, market value updates, tax reports, resource allocation, wages of public servants, projects of both advisors, the Orders maintenance costs, etc.

Those were some of the things she had to read, answer, read the response, answer again and so on, until everything was done and finally moved to the 'finished' tower.

Still, she liked numbers, she liked business, and the uses of money.

Yes, she worked hard for the good of her people, but she also wanted some glory for her.

She wanted her efforts to keep the Kingdom going to be recognized.

Maybe even taken as achievements by both the Kingdom and the Church.

She wanted to leave a mark in history.

Maybe not as the central figure, but as one of the people involved.

She wanted to hear something along the lines of 'without her none of this would have been as great.'

That is why she jumped at the opportunity to join the King's endeavor.

"Let us make history together, Lorelei."

That is what the King said to her when he revealed everything to her.

"Still...five years have already passed, and everything is going steadily as well. If there are no obstacles, we are going to be able to retrieve that thing in no time."

She said to herself while her voice was drowned out by the continuous sounds of movement in her office.

Normally, she was able to tune out the many 'with your permission's and 'if you excuse me's that came from the flow of maids entering and leaving her office. Maids that usually added more documents to the 'unfinished' pile.

Yet sometimes that was not the case and a headache would show its ugly face in her itinerary.

And that day seemed to be one of those.

As such, she massaged her temples trying to prevent it.

But then, something interrupted her as she did so, a different yet familiar sound.

It was the sound of someone placing a tray on the tea table of her office, one that had a teapot and a single teacup on it.


Finding it strange as she had not asked for tea at such hour, she looked at the one who had started serving her tea.

It was a purple haired maid she had never seen before, but that was not that surprising in and on itself.

After all, there was that endless flow of maids going in and out of her office, delivering documents coming from different houses and state offices.

So, there were always new faces as new maids took over from other maids that had either been moved to another area or were simply indisposed at the time.

"If I may, the tea mix I am using has a relaxing effect that helps relieve stress and prevent headaches."

Lorelei raised an eyebrow the moment she heard that, interested in said tea. One that had a light violet color.

"My master had sent this mix as a gift in appreciation for Miss Lorelei's hard work, but as I noticed the way Miss Lorelei massaged her temples, I could not help myself and used a bit of it. I apologize if it's a bother."

The purple haired maid tried to bow apologetically but was stopped by Lorelei as she both shook her head and motioned her to stop.

"No, no, it is fine. Thank you, I would very much like to drink some of that tea."

With that, the maid smiled and brought her the teacup, from which Lorelei immediately took a sip.

The tea had a faint sweetness to it and a refreshing fragrance.

It did not take long for her to feel its effects.

It could even be said that she began feeling them from the moment she swallowed it, for she felt more relaxed and without that pulsating sensation in her head.

Moreover, the tea and its effects felt...familiar.

"Ah, it is quite nice. You know? It kind of reminds me of a tea a certain person used to prepare for me every time he wanted funds for his research. Mind you, that was a bit sweeter, while this one tastes like an improved version of it."

She didn't know why she was telling that to the maid, but she was feeling like all her body had been rid of an incredible weight, so it was fine.

"Then that makes me glad because it took what? Five years to improve it?"


Lorelei was surprised by what the maid had said. So much so, that she almost spilled her tea.

Numerous thoughts began doing the rounds inside her mind, thoughts related to a certain knight of the Swords of Dawn, but her rational brain kicked in almost immediately.

'You are being irrational, that person is not here. If we were to just barely consider it, then she could have been his maid or assistant now on another job. Yes, she might be trying to get me to sponsor her via guilt or she is just playing a distasteful prank.'

With that in her mind she regained her composure...

"If you consider that we lived in exile in the depths of a certain forest after being branded as traitors, then it is quite the excellent result. If I do say so myself."

But it was gone the moment she heard that.

Her eyes then wandered to the door and saw that it was closed, a gaze that the maid noticed.

"No one is going to come through that door, Lorelei. I made sure of it."

"You...? How...? Why...?"

She couldn't believe what she was seeing, her eyes were showing her a young, purple haired woman, not more than twenty-three years old. Not the man that was arguably the oldest member of that forgotten order.

But those mannerisms...

That way of talking...

That posture...

Those eyes...

They were all telling her a name...

"Meister Allegro...?"

She said so still in disbelief of her own words and the maid smiled.

Said smile was one so gentle and kind that it even reminded Lorelei of her own niece, and yet she could only feel dread seeing it.

"It is just Allegra now. A maid in the service of my Master."

Hearing that, Lorelei's blood went cold.

She tried to summon whatever little mana she had, but it was useless.

"Please Lorelei, you know me. I am meticulous when it comes to planning for something, even a funds request. Because I always try to cover every corner."

Allegra started closing the distance towards her while she said that.

Her hands touching Lorelei's desk as she went around it.

"The tea that I just gave you has but a little side effect. One that I noticed when I was trying to improve its taste and medicinal effects. It weakens one's magic by just a little for over an hour. Of course, it is something tolerable for most people, but what would happen to those that already have little magic to begin with?"


That is when Lorelei truly became aware of her situation.

She had never trained her body nor her magic.


Her younger self asked.

'I have enough with running the family business'

She told her father at that time.

And because of that, she couldn't do a thing to save herself from the maid.

Her emergency magical artifact needed magic, even if little, to work, and with it weakened to the point that it was unusable, that option has been sealed.

She had no escape.

So, she took a deep breath and spoke.

"What then? Are you going to kill me? Poison me? What happened to you is regrettable, but as you can see the Capital and the Kingdom is better than ever."

She said with a piercing gaze.

"Even then, I did not take part in the plan. I was as surprised as anyone else when the King announced your Order's betrayal. If you want revenge, then I am ill-suited."


Allegra laughed while putting her closed hand near her lips and shook her head.

"Goddess no, kill you? No, I will not do that even if..."

In that moment, Allegra took out a crossbow bolt from seemingly out of nowhere and when sunlight shone on said bolt, it revealed its purplish glow.

The glow of being laced with poison.

That made Lorelei to swallow saliva in fear.

"...reasons for that are not lacking. You say you did not take part in the King's plan to get rid of us, but you did not oppose it. You even joined him. The same King who left his own son to succumb in battle against a Dragon Lord while branding him a traitor."

Allegra softly caressed Lorelei's skin with the bolt's tail as she said such things.

Cold sweat flowed from Lorelei's forehead while her breathing lost any semblance of a calm rhythm.

"Then you took part in a plan to defame the Goddess, telling villagers that their woes were caused by a curse casted by the Goddess herself."

The maid gave the bolt a quick turnaround, its point was facing Lorelei's skin instead of its tail.

"...! That...! It was—!"

"Shhh...I have not finished, Lorelei. Because you also did something as unforgivable as that curse and that was cooperating with not one but two Dragon Lords."

"That is nonsense! We—!"

"Yes, I know you do not know, but it is true. You have unknowingly been used by the master of the same Dragon Lord that attacked this capital five years ago. Violet Death."


"Those are all good reasons, but I was asked not to do so even if it was only implied. And about poisoning you...there are so many ways that I could have done so already. After all, poison can be ingested..."

Lorelei looked at the teacup.

"...smelled, and even by just touching the skin..."

As she said that, Allegra tried to put her index finger on the base of Lorelei's neck, but said woman tried to back away, to which Allegra laughed.

"...but there is another way, one I found most interesting when I was able to use it..."

Allegra then suddenly moved so close to her that she was at a whisper's distance from her ear.

"...and that is words. Just like that beast that can kill with its roar. [Poisonous Words:..."


The moment she heard that, Lorelei's body became tense and all her blood vessels became visible and colored with a strange purplish color.


Lorelei's world faded to black.

To be continued...(cue ad for Allegra and Luca plushie set!! Pre-order now and get and exclusive invisible pillow!!)

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46.2K 6.1K 48
Update - Tuesday and Saturday (2chapters A week)