~Nefelibata~ [COMPLETED]

By -krxsty

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[COMPLETED] 7/2/19 ~Nefelibata~ ~One that lives in the clouds of their own imagination, an unconventional per... More

The Dragneel_Twins Challenge
My Erza
Another Dragneel_Twins challenge
The School Shooting
When Life Gives You Lemons...
For @Nicole-Heart
You Guessed, It's Another Dragneel_Twins Challenge
Yandere Neko-Constella
Tagging and Challenges
I Need Help Seriously...
Snow Sucks!
Imma Queen!
Fun Constella
School Constella
Levy McGarden
My Cousin is A Princess!
Fall Constella
Should I?
Now Nicole's Tagging
New Art Style?
My Ships!
The Tags are Back!
I'm So Sorry...
Anime Pickup Lines (kinda I guess)
Special Day
You Are The Best
Tagged Again...YAY
My Poor Baby... I'm So Sorry...
Back With Drawings
Happy Fourth of July!
SEASON 3?!?!
In Need of OCs
My Sweet Yamaguchi
What Have I Done...
Happy Birthday Sharpshooter
Update on OCs
Where's Tagging???
30 Day Anime Challenge
Day 1: Very First Anime You Watched
Another Book?! Important News!!!
Day 2: Favorite Anime You've Watched So Far
Day 3: Favorite Male Anime Character Ever
Best Day Ever
Day 4: Favorite Female Anime Character Ever
Day 5: Anime That Your Ashamed That You Enjoyed
Day 6: Anime That You Want To See But Haven't
Day 7: Your Anime Crush
Thank You So Much
Day 8: Favorite Anime Couple
Season 7 Has Ruined Me
Day 9: Best Anime Villian
I Have A Stupid Idea
Let's Play Some Mafia!
The World Is Ending
Day 10: Favorite Fighter Anime
Day 11: Favorite Mech Anime
Day 12: Saddest Anime Scene
Roleplay book
Day 13: Anime Character That You Are Most Related To
Day 14: Anime That Never Gets Old No Matter How Many Times You Rewatch It
40 Followers and almost 1k reads
New Kid In School
Tagged and I'm Lazy
Day 15: Favorite Animal Sidekick
Day 16: Anime With The Best Animation
Day 17: Favorite Supporting Male Character
Day 18: Favorite Supporting Female Character
A Mafia Book!
A Cover For The Mafia Book
Day 19: Most Epic Scene
Day 20: Anime Character That Gets On My Nerves
Day 21: Favorite Goofy Anime Character
Day 22: Favorite Armor Used In An Anime
Day 23: Favorite Attack In Anime/Day 24: Scene That Most Shocked You In Anime
Day 25: Saddest Anime Death
Ship Theme Songs: OCs
Face Reveal???
Tagged again by dis amazing child
Summer Art
I'm Hungry... Thats Bad
Thx <3
100 Followers Special Pt.1
100 Followers Special Pt.2
Many Things
I'm Getting My Own Room + Erza Funko Pop
Tagged :3
Cough cough
StOrY tImE
Haikyuu x BTS
Proverbs 18:24
BTS Trash
Double Tag
Nother Tag + Rant
More BTS
:3 *wiggling eyebrows*
Screenshots from Pinterest+more
Boys Sometimes...
The Friend Post
Thanks Miym
Lmao Idk what to name these anymore
More Opinions
This Face
Wish Me Luck!!
I Feel Slightly Offended

I'm Bored

18 3 6
By -krxsty

Why am I doing this? The title explains it all. Lets start!

1. 5'

2. I'm a child... That would be illegal wouldn't it? Anyway yeah I'm a virgin

3. ... ˢᴵᶻᴱ 3... My feet are small okay! -3-

4 - 6. No. Again I'm a child...

7. Probably 14 because of how mature I act.

8. Nah

9. Yeah when I'm older. I want the love yourself hearts on my left arm and the Gemini constellation on my right wrist.

10. Earings. I got them when I was a baby- oh wait that didn't answer the question.. Yeah I have piercings.

11. Um. I think a belly button piercing would look good on me in the future but for now no!

12. Honey yes shall I list all of them? I'll list them to most important to least important. But they are all important to me dont worry! Saarah, Miym, Brooke, Sunishka, Maddy, Lanni, Sammy, Prisha, Corey (wow the first boy congrats Corey!), Lillianna, Amelia, Anika, and Gabi!

13. A single cookie. A fat Santa ate all of the other cookies. Which is good because I have survived.

14. Foreplay and dirty talk

15. T o y s a n d c h o k i n g (cough cough I'm turning into Jin-)

16. Love, Simon however I read the book and watched some of the movie but its really good. Another one that I actually watched was Night School. Its really hilarious. I dont watch movies often so :/ I do want to watch Five Feet Apart. It looks so sweet and cute

17. You have food, you love BTS as much as I do, and if you like me because of all of my traits and looks.

18. My Grandma T-T

19. I'm very aggressive. My friends and family agrees. Anika says when I jump rope, I'm very aggressive.

20. My body. My family says I'm fat and I can see it. I need to lose weight but I like food too much and I'm too lazy

21. My smile :) and my hair even though I do t like brushing it because it is a pain

22. A writer or music producer

23. Me and my brother fight a lot, but we still care for each other and have fun a lot. Today we were playibg Super Mario Party together and we were having a snowball fight outside afterwards. Then I made got cocoa for both of us uwu

24. Um its hard to talk about my parents... Even though it looks like I like my mom the most, I really like my dad the most. When they found out that I cut myself he helped me through it and I opened up to him and he wasn't pressuring me or anything. The exact opposite of what my mom did. It sounded like she was trying to make me feel guilty and regretful of it even though I already was. My dad doesn't talk about it much but my mom brings it up once in a while. My personality is like my dad's and I look more like my dad. Though my dad is kinda scary...

25. Me and my bed. Howevr for an actual date, take me to star gaze and milkshakes and then we can walk in a park and use the swings.

26. Not closing doors. I h a t e i t! My family never closes my door except my dad

27. I have no crush :/ sorry (I'm serious.)

28. She is cocky and a bitch to Sunny (Sunishka) she hates her for no reason. And I dont understand how Gabi can hang out with her. Smh. And anytime I talk to her, she ignores me like bitch tf I was talking to you

29. I have actually never lied to any of my friends- actually no I lied to Prisha about reading our assigned book for historucal fiction because it was boring but luckily she never read it as well. (I now have 666 words from the last word "well."XDD)

30. We dont have enoguh time to be at our lockera and get to our classes. My science class is on the opposite side of where my locker is and it sucks because we only have 2 minutes to get to our classes. I have science after lunch as well :(

31. "Oof"

32. "Your fat." "You need to lose weight." - both from my mom

33. My best friends :)))

34. Their caring and mother like instincts

35. Again, their caring and mother like instincts (well some boys- like Corey! He's sweet and kind! ^^)

36. With my best friends in an apartment. Well at least me and like 3 of my best friends and then the others can be in the apartments next to my one

37. I dont say things when I know what the answer is because I'm scared to be embarrassed infront of people and they might not likr my answer. One time I was yelling at my friend AJ (he's like 17) because we were doing this trivia thing in our Youth Group and he said 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel was letters and appesals (Idk how to spell it), and the Book of Acts was gospel when I told him that both of them were History and I was correct. (It asked what were the Genres of those books of the bible)

38. Dentist... Gross

39. Cookies and cream!

40. Cough cough all of BTS cough cough

41. In the living room eating but ita 9:40 in the night and our deadline to eat is at 8 pm.

42. Fries from Popeyes

43. Taehyung-

Okie done with the first one. Onto the second one because I dont want to write the next chapter of Chat Room Is Now In Session even though no one reads it or even enjoys it :')

1. Spiders and being alone

2. Alcohol and coffee even though I sometimes dream of having a small coffee shop

3. Canned foods. I h a t e t h e m.

4. Me cutting myself

5. Like I said before, I dont really watch movies but, FUCKING INFINITY WAR! THEY KILLED OFF ALL THE GOOD ACTORS LIKE TFFF. That and Twilight and Fifty Shades series

6. Um I actually dont have any TV shows that I hate because I dont watch TV that much because in always on YouTube.

7. The Kardashian Family. They are famous for no fucking reason. But Kim is tolerable.

8. ARMY!!!

9. Yoonmin, Namjin, and of course TAEKOOK!

There's also Klance and AoKise

10. Irl: Zodiac by Romina Russell

Wattpad: umm Whose Idea was this by imhyungry 10/10 amazing book btw


The King Likes Men by Crys_Tells

Also an amazing book! I'm waiting for the next chapter :)))

11. Idk waitress I guess??

12. Same as the one that I said for the other question

13. Pink and sky blue

14. I want to say Seoul but I've never been there nor do I know what it looks like so I'll say Paris :))

15. Heathers and Dear Evan Hansen however I've seen Heathers bur never Dear Evan Hansen. I want to read the book because Brooke has the book so I'm really eager to read it!

16 - 18. No

19 - 20. Yes

21 - 23. No

24. Twitter

25. Pepsi

26. Tumblr

27.  Purple

28. City

29. Dogos

30. Drawing

31. Supernatural (heard its really good and have seen clips of it)

32. Movies

33. Summer

34. L.A

35. Mariah

36. USA

37. Personal?? Wtf does that mean?? Um... Something personal... I daydream about how I died from a car accident and my best friends go to a fan meeting with BTS and I wrote them letters about my life and my best friends give them the letters. Each of my closest best friends have one for each member. Saarah has Suga, Maddy has Taehyung, Miym has Jungkook, Sunishka has Jimin, Brooke has Hobi, Gabi has Jin, and Sammy has Namjoon. In those daydreams I always see Saarah and Sunishka crying and comforting each other and Brooke and Gabi are looking down. Miym and Maddy are on the edge of crying, and my wifey is just a mess of crying and anxiety.

38. 12

39. June 7th

40. Kristen

41. Dark brown that turns to Purple at the ends

42. USA

43. N o t c l o s i n g d o o r s

44. Idk I think my best quality is my smile and my protectiveness

Also ohemgeee The King Likes Men just updated XDDD OKIE GOOD BYE NOWWW!!!! :)))

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