[Slow Updates] Beasts (Tomoe...

By DoloresMika

76.5K 2K 346

You are the Beast Goddess. As the name suggests, you rule over all beasts, including animal like Yokai. What... More

The Stray God
The Beast God in a Shrine
The First of Many Disasters
Damn Snake
Back in Hell
The Angel in Hell
Inside, We Are All Beasts
Decent into Hell
The Tomb
Visiting the Past
I Can Never Love
First Day of School
I'd Call This a Bad Day
Humans are Strange
Not an Update!
A Little of the Old Spirit
Not an Update
Beach Bonanza
The Dragon King's Eye
Glimpse of the Past
Invitation to Izumo
Not an update! Important question!
The Divine Assembly
The Night
At the End
Return to Shrine Life?
Why Can't Life Be Easy?
Never Ending

Izumo Dilemmas

546 29 6
By DoloresMika

When you finally woke up, you were laying on a futon. You pushed yourself up, and looked around. Your body hurt all over, but you didn't care at the moment. Forcing yourself to stand, you headed out the door. Before you could get more than a few steps across the porch, Nanami turned the corner. She held several fuketsuda in her arms, and a determined look on her face. When she spotted you, her eyes widened. 

"(Y/N)! You're awake!" Nanami ran to hug you, but decided against it given your wounds. She stopped, and looked at you with tear filled eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just left you behind like that." 

"Don't worry about it. It was too dangerous for you to stay, and it was my choice to send you off with Tatakai." You smiled at her, before looking around. "Where is everyone?"

Nanami's face fell. "About that..."


"Get out of my way unless you want to get hurt." You growled at the stupid rabbit who blocked your way. 

"I can't allow you to enter the prison!" The rabbit squeaked.

"I warned you." You growled. You grabbed the rabbit by the ears, and hurled it over your shoulder. With a satisfied nod, you entered the east prison. 

You walked fast, scanning each cell as you passed. That's when you spotted them. They were each locked in a cell, side by side. Ryuu leaned against their adjoined wall, while Tomoe's back rested against the cell front. "You two just don't know how to stay out of trouble, do you?" You chuckled. Ryuu and Tomoe turned to face you.

"Milady!" Ryuu called. He grabbed the cell door, the chains around his wrists rattling, and looked out at you. "They wouldn't tell me what happened to you!"

"I'm fine, just a little worn out." You smiled at your old familiar. "So then, it seems that when I passed out, someone attacked Ikusagami in order to get into the Grand Shrine."

"It was the fox's fault! He insisted that he didn't want to try negotiating with Ikusagami!"

"But you also attacked Ikusagami." You noted.

Ryuu flushed. "Yeah... I mean... that's true... but he said some unforgivable things about you..." Ryuu muttered. 

You sighed. "What am I going to do with you?" You turned to Tomoe, who had been silent this entire time.  "So, is it safe to assume that some of your attitude came back with your yokai powers?" You called to him.

No answer.

"Oi, I'm talking to you!" 

Still nothing.

"Fine then." You took a step forward, and transformed in an instant. Your body shrunk until it was that of a tiny mouse. You ran through one of the holes between the bars, and came to a stop in front of Tomoe. You turned back to your human form, and sat down opposite the fox yokai. "This is a gift from Nanami. It's peach pills. She was worried about you." You placed a small bottle full of pink pills in front of him. "So, why are you still in here? If you renewed the familiar contract they would probably let you go. I understand why Ryuu is here, but what about you?"

Tomoe glanced at the bottle, then turned away. "I don't need anyone's help." He finally spoke.

You frowned. "Ryuu, explain?"

"He's brooding because he doesn't know if he wants to be a familiar again." Ryuu called to you.

"Got it." You nodded, before smiling. "Ryuu, break a hole in the wall so you can come over here if you want." You called.

"No problem." There was a loud bang, and a chunk of the wall went flying over your head. Ryuu stepped through the dust cloud. 

"Now then, until Tomoe comes to a decision, I'll be staying right here." You stated, before laying back and resting your head on the ground.

"Why would you do that, Milady?" Ryuu asked, as he sat down against the cracked remains of the wall.

"Because, you two are in this situation because of me. I let Amatsu get the better of me, and got hurt because of it. Besides, it's not like I have much to do right now. I have no shrine so most of the Divine Assembly is pointless for me." You explained, before turning your head to look a Ryuu. "Ryuu, I want you to seriously consider whether or not you want to become my familiar again."

"There is nothing to consider!" Ryuu protested.

"That may be, but spend some time without the contract. Who knows, you might find you enjoy the freedom." You shrugged.

"Very well." Ryuu nodded. "However, Milady, is it really okay for you to stay in here with us? You are still badly wounded."

"I'm fine. Amatsu wasn't trying to kill me. If he wanted me dead I wouldn't be here right now."

"What exactly happened?" Tomoe spoke again.

"Ooki instructed Nanami to watch the gate to Yomi, while he sent me to reinstate the barrier around the Grand Shrine. When I finished my work, I went to keep Nanami company. When Amatsu came, I had Tatakai carry Nanami back to Izumo, but I couldn't leave Yomi completely unguarded." You started.

"That was too reckless, Milady! Restoring the barriers is an extremely tasking job for multiple gods to complete!" Ryuu chastised.

"I'm aware. I tried to use the sword passed on to me from my mother, but it was no use. He overpowered me, so I tried to use my godly form. He used a human to keep me from attacking. That's when I got most of these wounds. After that, I let Sora take over."

"Sora?" Tomoe questioned.

"The dragon that's sealed inside of me. He doesn't actually have a traditional name, that's just what I call him." You explained. Tomoe nodded. "Sora was doing pretty well, but Amatsu expected that too. He probably had Munakata torture some creatures. Since it's still my body, Sora felt the pain that I normally would. Before the transformation wore off, he did his best to get me on the other side of the barrier. The transformation wore off midair, so I fell." You finished.

"And that's why we found you in that rut in the ground." Tomoe noted.

"Exactly." You sighed. "Honestly, I would've died if Sora hadn't had the foresight to get me past the barrier." You let out a soft chuckle. "Some goddess I am."

"Please, don't speak like that, Milady!" Ryuu protested.

"Anyways, if either of you decide you don't want to reinstate the familiar contract, just let me know. I'll make sure Ooki doesn't punish either of you for my weakness." You continued.

"There is no need for you to put yourself in such a difficult position for us!" Ryuu replied.

You smiled, and shrugged. "It's not a difficult position when it's for someone important."


A few days passed, and you refused to leave the cell. Several attempts were made to forcibly remove you, but all of them failed in the end. After what seemed like an eternity, one of the messenger rabbit dudes came. He bowed to you through the cell door.

"Lady (Y/N), I have come at the behest of Lord Ookuninushi. He requests that you help escort the prisoners to their sentencing."

"Alright." You nodded, before looking to the two yokai. "You two are to follow me to speak with Ookuninushi, and stay until your punishments have been decided." You instructed, lacing your words with your godly power. You stood back, while the rabbit undid their restraints. When they were freed, you led the way out of the prison.

The rabbit directed you Ookuninushi's main hall. When you entered, you were surprised to see, Ikusagami and Otohiko. "You sure decided to make a spectacle out of this, didn't you Ooki?" You muttered, as you led Tomoe and Ryuu to the center of the hall.

"I simply felt that it would be beneficial to have other parties involved in the discussion." Ookuninushi replied. "Now then, I've spoken with the other gods, and we have come to a decision."

"No matter what they say, just let me handle it." You whispered so only the two yokai could hear you. Ryuu nodded his head a fraction, but Tomoe just glowered at you.

"The dragon yokai Ryuu. Since you don't have a history of such blatant disrespect towards the gods, we have agreed to give you minimal punishment. You shall henceforth aid in the protection of the Grand Shrine." Ookuninushi called. "As for the fox yokai Tomoe, there were several requests for your execution. However, due to your clear record over the past few centuries, we have agreed that life imprisonment would be more appropriate."

"Sorry, but I'm going to have to refuse." You stated, earning a glower from Ikusagami.

"Oh, what might you suggest?" Otohiko hummed. "Do you intend to make them into familiars?

"I will not make them do anything they do not wish. I will let them decide whether or not they wish to continue as familiars. Whatever their decisions are, I will support them." You stated. "Henceforth, Tomoe and Ryuu are under my protection. I will take responsibility for their actions."

"Milady..." Ryuu started, but was interrupted.

"Preposterous! You expect us to let that treacherous fox go because you vouch for him!" Ikusagami growled.

"I will not permit any harm to come to the two of them, and I will not allow their freedom to be stolen." You snapped.

Ookuninushi seemed to think on your words for a moment. "Should they go out of control once again, how will you take responsibility?" He questioned.

You took a deep breath. "I'll once again accept my full responsibilities as the guardian god."

"Milady, you can't!" Ryuu protested. You shot him a glare, and he fell silent.

You turned back to Ookuninushi. "I will become the weapon of the gods, should either of them lose their composure."

"Lord Ookuninushi, you can't honestly be considering this!" Ikusagami protested.

"Either the two of them will be of use to the world, or she will serve the other gods. I see no reason to refuse." Ookuninushi pondered. "Very well, I will agree to your terms. However, I wish to witness their answers to your question."

"Fine by me." You nodded, before turning to the two yokai. "Step forward, Ryuu." He did as requested. "I asked you earlier to seriously consider this, now I will ask you one last time. Do you wish to become my familiar once more?" You asked.

Ryuu knelt before you, his head bowed low. "Nothing would give me greater pleasure. I offered you my life once before, and I will never go back on that."

"Very well then." You crouched down in front of Ryuu, and turned his head up. Without another word, you kissed him. You pulled away, the familiar contract once again reinstated. Satisfied, you turned to Tomoe. He had an irritated look on his face. One that far outshined his usual annoyance.

"Tomoe, step forward."

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