In another world as my waifu...


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Follow Auros in his journey exploring a new world where he chose to be reincarnated as his waifu! He, now she... More

Chapter 1: When gods play, mortals die.
Chapter 2: Accidents happen even to gods...
Chapter 3: The answer is obvious.
Chapter 4: Read title for a hint
Chapter 5: Character creation takes time.
Chapter 6: The blessing of the gods
Chapter 7: (Ominous?) Arrival to a brave new world.
Chapter 8: They truly feel it better.
Chapter 9: The Goddess' surprise and the holy weapon
Chapter 10: Her exposition and a volcano
Chapter 11: Isekai bandit chapter
Chapter 12: Sometimes a new job means a new image.
Chapter 13: Shapeshifting Gacha is saltless?! Nerinne's new hobby is what?!
Chapter 14: The manly(?) way of gaining trust and base camp.
Chapter 15: Are you kidding? Eh?!
Chapter 16: Welcome to the castle of the Ever-Burning Will!
Chapter 17: At last! To the village of the beginning!
Chapter 18: Illumbee village investigation start!! And a massage?
Chapter 19: Night service and no, your eyes don't deceive you.
Chapter 20: Goddess what the hell did you tell her to do?!
Chapter 21: A Knight's night with her Lord and the beginning of her tale...
Chapter 22: ...or not.
Chapter 23: An eventful morning.
Chapter 24: Talking to a blizzard. Nothing serious.
Chapter 25: Village purification and a girl's decision.
Chapter 26: Sylvie's test.
Chapter 27: Resolve. Toast. Lap pillow.
Chapter 28: Isekai Villain Chapter
Chapter 29: Goodbye Illumbee village!
Chapter 30: Hello travel preparations!
Chapter 31: Having a Goddess girlfriend and a volcano daughter sure helps.
Chapter 32: Two weebs go into an onsen and...
Chapter 33: Surprising tastes? And a volcano learning about minerals.
Chapter 34: A Goddess' request and Maid-Knights' activities.
Chapter 35: The day has come! To the capital!
Chapter 36: Once upon a time in the Kyrie Kingdom part 1
Chapter 37: Once upon a little brother in the Kyrie Kingdom part 2
Chapter 38: Once upon a father in the Kyrie Kingdom part 3
Chapter 39: Once upon a childhood friend in the Kyrie Kingdom part 4
Chapter 40: Once upon a Foolish Prince in the Kyrie Kingdom part 5
Chapter 41: Once a bloody time in the Kyrie Kingdom part 6
Chapter 42: Once upon a Dragon Lord attack in the Kyrie Kingdom part 7
Chapter 43: Once upon an escape in the Kyrie Kingdom-the end.
Chapter 44: Isekai road trip with cute maids ¡yay!
Chapter 45: Demon Lords are good and Foolish Princesses are nice too.
Chapter 46: Capital on sight! But that a carriage in danger?!
Chapter 48: Welcome to the Capital!! Please beat some sense into us!!
Chapter 49: Cathedral My Love!!
Chapter 50: Bathing this Capital with blessings (shady plans)!
Chapter 51: Maid Express! Capturing suspects was never this easy!
Chapter 52: Invitation for infiltration!
Chapter 53: Nobles and Merchants are weak to Maids.
Chapter 54: Sophie's revenge.
Chapter 55: Torture? Who needs it? I don't!
Chapter 56: A change in seiyuu that sealed his fate.
Chapter 57: Defenseless thighs and Hard Knuckles
Chapter 58: Manners maketh man... No manners maketh punched man...
Chapter 59: Something's happening? Wow, took you long enough.
Chapter 60: Breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day.
Chapter 61: Come one! Come six! It's Sophie's roulette! Maid parade included!
Chapter 62: Allegra's lab and a special chair.
Chapter 63: A good steak and a surprising reunion.
Chapter 64: Who says that a Father's love is lesser?
Chapter 65: A day in the life of Sylvie, the apprentice maid knight.
Chapter 66: Going to a cathedral in an isekai. Can you guess the check?
Chapter 68: A meal with the prince?! With a high chance of needles?!! NOPE!!
Chapter 69: The Goddess' Request II. A scolded maid. After needles, some fluff.
Chapter 70: I have a brain, therefore, I do this.
Chapter 71: Surprising a Goddess is bad for villains.
Chapter 72: The Gaze of the Violet Death
Chapter 73: A conversation in the starry night and the form of His blessing.
Chapter 74: Getting ready for the ball.
Chapter 75: A ball awaits. Dresses arrive. Mouths are left agape.
Chapter 76: To make an entrance and clear a misunderstanding
Chapter 77: A friendly conversation with a Prince.
Chapter 79: Such a sheltered-looking girl is no match for a bull, right? RIGHT?!
Chapter 80: Gotcha! You mad Raph?
Chapter 81: King Nothing and The Fallen Prince(ss)
Chapter 82: Teleporting Enemies. Siblings reunited. Part 1 of 2.
Chapter 83: Separated by Ice. Reunited by Ice. Part 2 of 2
Chapter 84: What part of "King of Storms" you don't understand?
Chapter 85: Winter's Fear and Fearless Moon.
Chapter 86: A maid's duty is the same in the battlefield!
Chapter 87: The one who is above Dragon Lords.
Chapter 88: Fly to the Moon and see how you fall.
Chapter 89: As two battles end, another one grows bigger...literally.
Chapter 90: The Red Scourge's strength and the Princess' Magic.
Chapter 91: The Legend of the Maid Knights
Chapter 92: Hello World! Here I am!
Chapter 93: Let onee-san reward you with a hug and a Knighting!
Chapter 94: Isekai celebratory feast manners!! Mika's shocking secret!!
Chapter 95: Dancing in the moon-less night.
Epilogue 1: The Pyrrhic Bet
Epilogue 2: Reverse isekai cooking and a new arrival.
Epilogue 2.5: A taste of another world and the fate of the Kyrie family.
Epilogue 3: The immediate future...and promised fanservice!
Epilogue #?∳⌶?ℌ⟱Ⅸ?⤀▆?: The Godess' Vision
GSS Chapter 1: A sweet and flowery start.
GSS Chapter 2: A tour through a lane of memories. Good and Bad.
GSS Chapter 3: A tea. A mirror.
GSS Chapter 4: Promised rewards? It's shopping time!
GSS Chapter 5: Dinner and...
GSS Chapter 5.5: ...a passionate, joyful night.
ESS Chapter 1:Time to go to sleep...but not before a bedtime story!
ESS Chapter 2: 1001 nights...minus 999.
ESS Chapter 3: Cliffhangers. Gotta love'em, right?
ESS Chapter 4: A savage spriggan savagely springing around cucuy village.
S-S END: A thoughtful battle and...Divine Cheating?!!
Volume 2: DDD (Dungeon-Dragon-Divine) Gift.

Chapter 47: Of fleeting reunions and Gothic Lolitas.

2K 93 46

""Spirits of nature and light hear my pleadings, [High Heal]!""


"Gratitude be upon you..."




Gabrielle and Bertia had rounded up all the escorts and provided first aid to them while everyone else was fighting.

But now that the battle ended, they could focus completely on healing them with their magic. It doesn't take too long to hear their words of gratitude and relief, besides some compliments of course, heh.

" problem, it is our job as healers so..."

Bertia laughs awkwardly while healing her part of the elven escorts.

"Marry me...oh smiling maiden...for words are insufficient for these feelings to be conveyed in..."

"My, if you have strength to say such things, then you must be fine, right?"


Meanwhile, Gabrielle promptly shoots down the elf who has proposed to her via poetry with such words and he is now silent.

How cold...

How nice!

Nevertheless, I am currently walking towards my Maid-Knights while maintaining a dignified expression, one worthy of my waifu and my cover story.

"I should have restrained myself...I did not know that our power was this great..."

Says Erica still a bit shaken after pulverizing one of the S.Spriggans with that ultimate looking skill.

"No, it is my fault for desiring to test all of you in this combat. I needed to see if you had become accustomed to the power residing in your bodies while we were at the village with My Lord. That is why I did not ask any of you to hold back."

Erevain not only says that to Erica, but to all the Maid-Knights, as they are all standing in the usual horizontal formation, except for the healers and, obviously, her.

What a good sight.

It certainly gives off this knightly feel, but at the same time it also gives off this 'maid waiting for their master' feel.

"I mean, I trained as Master asked, but I was still surprised when I was able to keep my [Lightning Step] spell up for all the battle! It was awesome! Being able to move like that and without ending up like a log afterwards is amazing!! Although, I did think it was a bit strange for you to ask me to get their attention, Leader. So, I thought it was something like a test! How did I fare? Did I beat Mika?!"

Look at Lucy, she is all hyper after the battle. I guess it fits with her magic being lightning and all.

"It is not a competition, Lucy! Besides! I know I did better than you and you know it!"

Mika really doesn't like losing, huh.

Still, she looks quite cute when she makes that annoyed look.

"I have to say that this feeling of lightness that fills my body still surprises me, even after training. It is cool too."

Says Jules while moving the arm with which she was holding her bow and yeah, I agree with her. Seeing her easily do all those acrobatic movements to dodge the S.Spriggan's seeds made me think of her as one with the weight of a feather.

In my case, I was not as surprised. But that is because I have been studying my body in depth since Master asked us to train and get used to it. I can say that it is indeed a big leap from our past selves."

With what Allegra is saying, I can totally imagine her having an entire notebook filled with notes of herself and comparing that data with how she used to be.

It might be an interesting read for a nerd like me, so I will ask her if she can give me a copy.

"It is weird...really weird...but I think I will try to do my best from now on."

Nice Sophie, I am glad you said that because it also acts like a good prompt!

"That is what I wanted to hear Sophie; you did good despite your initial attitude. Keep working hard."


She gets surprised by my praise but then she quickly makes an awkward smile and nods.

"Yes, Master. I'll really try..."

"Good. Also, your is somewhat different than everyone else's. Did you learn it in a particular place?"

"'s something my dad taught me when I was a kid...and...amm...yeah..."

"I any case, I shall repeat myself and tell you that you did good. I am looking forward to your growth, Sophie."


I don't need to describe the expression she was making as she was answering my question to tell you that she clearly didn't want to say anything more about that, so I decided to praise her one more time instead of pressing for more.

After all, this is a moment to congratulate! Not interrogate!

And holding that very thought, I turn to everyone and say this:

"Well done everyone. You did not disappoint and are more than worthy of praise. I am truly glad to have you with me."

With that, I smile, genuinely satisfied of their performance and they seem happy for the praise, some are even blushing.

"Now come, we cannot leave Gabrielle and Bertia waiting by the carriage."

""""Yes, Master!"""""

Ahhhh, this, this is heaven.

I love it when they do that.

We walk towards the carriage and there we find our healers, all while the elven escorts behind them are forming a wall in front of said carriage.

I must admit that they are really dedicated to their jobs, even after what happened to them. They up after being healed and resumed their activities as normal.

"We are done, My Master. All of the escorts have been properly healed and their leader is speaking with the one in charge of them."

"Good work, Gabrielle, Bertia."

"It was nothing, My Master."

"No problem, that is our job as healers, Master!"

Bertia is blushing while giving me a thumbs up. She is so cute too.

Gabrielle, instead of cute she just looks gorgeous. Like wow...

Oh, someone is coming out of the carriage.

They are an elf wearing a similar armor than the one the escorts are wearing.

It screams 'elvish' armor with all that green and leaf patterns.

But this guy's looks slightly better with its golden hues. So, yeah, it is their leader.

He looks exactly as you would expect from an elf, pointy ears, clear skin and blond long hair. Although some of the other elves have chestnut hair and even red so there is some variety.

He stays silent for a bit while looking at me. As he does, his face begins to turn beet red and his legs are starting to shake, but he quickly tries to calm himself.

Man, my [Sublime Charisma] and [Royal Presence] skills are doing their job quite well.

"My name is Fen'Ru-el and...I am in charge of these people. I suppose you are the master of these maids?"

He asks with a respectful tone despite his choice of words. I guess he is just doing his job by being cautious.

"Indeed. You may know me as Auros."

I say so while I do a traditional noble greeting bow, just like the ones Erevain does.

Then he 90 degrees deep...and fast...

Is his neck alright?

"Then, you have my deepest gratitude, Lady Auros. Not only for risking your people's lives to save us, but also for healing my comrades."

"It was nothing, raise your head. Everyone is safe and sound, that is what matters."

I try to sound a bit gentle but at the same time as my besto waifu.

He does as I say and steps aside from the door.

"Very well then. My contractor also wishes to give his thanks personally."

A human man steps out of the carriage as Fen'Ru-el speaks.

He looks old with his white hair in both his head and mustache, but at the same time he has this other feel about him with his slick black formal suit, monocle and perfect posture. a butler.



Erevain and Erica seem slightly surprised and agitated for some reason, but now that they have noticed me glancing at them and they have reigned themselves in.

"Let me introduce myself, Lady Auros. I am Charles Bastion. I saw everything from inside the carriage and I am truly grateful to you and your attendants for aiding us. Their strength is truly something to admire. How can I repay this incredible favor?"

Says Charles while doing a butler-like bow...wait...Charles? Where have I heard that name?


"In Erevain's story, dear~~."

Yes! That was one of the attendants of her sister, right?!

"Fufu~~, yes."

And judging by Erevain's and Erica's reaction, then that means...

"That another flag that you set has come true, fufufufu~~~."



Chotto a minute...that means that Erevain's sister might be in there.

Should I do something?

Instinct is in favor of that and I bet they could be useful in the now obvious part when Princess Euphemia does her homecoming event.

"We were just at the right place in the right time. As I told Mister Fen'Ru-el, all that it matters is that you are safe and sound."

He shakes his head at my words.

"I am afraid I cannot accept that. Please, let me repay you for the lives that you have saved."

Here I am trying to sound all heroic and selfless, but he is not going to back down, huh.

Ok then, let's go with a bit of alter cunning.

"If you insist, then I ask of you to return the favor when the situation calls for it. Because I have a feeling that we will be seeing each other again in the Capital, Mister Charles."

I give him an honest smile while he sharpens his gaze as if trying to guess my motives are not getting a thing.

I maintain my smile for a few moments and his expression changes to a respectful smile.

"If that is what Lady Auros wishes, then I shall comply."

"Excellent, then I hope that your master is satisfied with this too. Everyone has their own circumstances, so I can empathize with her for not greeting us. Please, give her my best regards. Have a good day."


Erevain reacts to my words and I nod lightly, confirming her thoughts.

As I start walking away and pass just beside one of the windows of the carriage, I catch a glance of a teenage girl with black and white hair moving quickly towards its door.

I can hear the voice of Charles and Sistina, the other attendant, as they try to stop her but to no avail.


A certain girl's voice makes Erevain stop in her tracks before I or anyone else does.

I turn around and there she is.

Euphemia, Erevain's little sister, now a beautiful teenager with the clear aura of a princess to her.

Erevain turns around too and I can see a faint smile on her face. She is trying her best to hold back her emotions.

"Even if I am not able to tell you my name, I swear upon it that I will return the favor. So please, can you tell me who she is?"

Oh, I didn't expect her to ask about Erevain so directly.

Then...what shall I do?


"Thank you, My Lord. For letting me take care of my sister...if only to talk to her for moment. Even if brief."

We are back in the carriage.

Everyone was surprised by the sudden appearance of Princess Euphemia, who was believed to be missing and even dead...

But obviously the person who was most affected was Erevain, her once elder sibling.

"There is no need to thank me. I put my trust in your good judgment, not only for the sake of the mission but yours."

Indeed, I decided to let Erevain answer her sister's question of 'who' was she. And Erevain managed to hold herself back and told her that she was my head-maid, born and raised in the same country 'I' come from. As in the 'me' of the cover story that we made up with Nerinne.

She seemed not too keen to accept that and wanted to push a little more though. I guess because of the Moonlight attribute magic that Erevain used, but in the end, she just said, 'I see...' and again promised to return the favor before saying her goodbyes.

As for why Erevain used that cover story, it is simple.

She came to the same conclusion as me after noticing the strange circumstances of her entourage and reappearance. Her sister had come in secret and with an objective in mind. She was probably risking her life doing so and revealing her identity to her might bring unexpected problems. So, she let her go without knowing she had just talked to her elder sibling.

Using my instinct, I had the feeling this was the safest choice too. One that gives Erevain and Euphemia the chance of truly meeting again soon.

"Even so...thank you, My Lord. Because if we had not met at that road, I would not have been able to see and talk to my little sister once again. And she has grown up to be such a beautiful young woman. But most importantly, she looked healthy and strong, and still with the same fire in her eyes. I am truly glad."

Says Erevain with a pure and joyful smile.


Meanwhile, in the carriage of Princess Euphemia...

"Princess, what you did back there was dangerous! If that person were to have spies stationed in the vicinity our plan of infiltrating the city would have been ruined!"

Exclaimed Charles in his usual scolding tone.

"Princess, you know we have been planning this for a year."

"I know, Charles, Sistina. And I am sorry, but...she...that woman...she just looks so much like mother and...she even has the same magic attribute as her, but most strange of all...she sounded just like Big Brother when she chanted her magic..."


Silence reigned in the carriage for a moment after that.

Even if her attendants tried to deny it, they couldn't, for they thought the same.

Furthermore, the meeting with that woman had brought to the surface many emotions sealed within Euphemia.

Emotions that caused the little girl in her heart to come out for a moment.

"Big Brother...I miss you..."


We are here.

As in, we are on the way towards one of the Capital's gates.

I can already see the line of carriages that we'll have to wait on though.

"Dear, are you ready? I will equip you with the outfit that I have prepared for your arrival in the capital."

Ah! Yes, the Gothic Lolita!


"Fufufu~~~, there it goes dear. I hope you like it."

Ooh my clothes are shining!

Heh, everyone is surprised.



Ooooh!! It is identical to the besto waifu's Gothic Lolita outfit!

It looks so cool!

It is mainly black with some white in the dress, black stockings, boots, frills near the wrists and I can also feel the black bow on the back of my head. feels so nice and soft to be using it, Nerinne. So comfortable too...

It doesn't even feel tight in the chest area at all, regardless if it looks like it with them being this big.

Also, this perfume smells quite nice even if it is a bit...familiar?

And I can feel the softness of the under dress with my nude buttche—



To be continued...(cue fanservicey illustration of Auros in her new outfit! Pre-order now for the limited invisible poster version and get an invisible Auros mousepad!!!)

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