Assassin (Mikey Way)

By brinleyelizabeth

6.3K 337 362

Claire is an assassin, taking after her parents who were also hitmen. While on the run after being caught, sh... More



343 18 26
By brinleyelizabeth

I was moved back in with Mikey, and Gerard was going to stay there for the next two weeks so he could 'protect' us. If anything, I would be the one protecting them.

We were about to go out to eat, when Gerard got a call. It was his wife, telling him that his daughter was demanding him to come home because she had just lost her first tooth. He smiled and said he was very busy, but he'd be home as soon as he could.

We were only going to McDonald's.

"Turn on Fall Out Boy!" I said, bouncing in my seat. Mikey chuckled and slid the CD in. Dance Dance came on and we belted out the lyrics.

We soon arrived to the resturant. "I'm starving." Gerard mumbled, getting out of the car.

"Me too." Mikey and I say in unison. We look at each other and laugh. He grabs my hand in his and intertwines our fingers.

"I honestly ship you two." Gerard says.

"Me too." Mikey mumbled. I smiled. I don't think he knew I heard him.

Once we got inside, ordered, and sat down, they said they wanted to ask me some questions.

"So, um, let's get into the questions." Gerard said. I nod. "What exactly did you do? Like, your job?" He asked quietly, eyeing the people around us and leaning on the table. I giggled at how he looked, which was like an alert stop sign, with his wide eyes and red hair.

"I was an assassin. Or hitman. Whichever." I say, biting back a laugh at Gerard.

"Ohhh. So you killed people?" He asked very quietly, still eyeing the people at the surrounding tables.

"Yes." I answer.

"Did you get paid for it?" Mikey chimes in.


"How many people did you kill?" Mikey asks.

"Probably around seven or eight. Maybe nine." I answer nonchalantly.

"Wow. Were they bad people? Or was there no reason?" Gerard asks.

"Yes. They were always very bad people. My dad killed a famous murderer once. I forget his name though." I say, chomping into my chicken nuggets.

"S-so, were our parents bad people?" Mikey stutters, looking at me worriedly.

"I honestly don't know." I say, trying to think.

"Do you think we could find out? Somehow?" Gerard asks.

"Probably. I could get some files." I say.

"Since you only assassinate bad people, why did you say your parents were bad people?" Mikey asks me. All the memories flood back.

"They also killed many innocent people. They took advantage of their boss, telling him that these people did bad things, when in reality, they proably only cut them off on the highway. The boss would track their license plate number and find their house and workplace. It was pretty bad. They basically became obsessed and addicted to killing." I explain.

"So were our parents innocent?" Gerard asks.

"I don't think so, they started killing innocent ones when I was about thirteen years old. I was five when your parents died." I smiled sadly at them.

"Then what could they have done?" Mikey asks quietly. I only shrug and lay my head on his shoulder.

Once we finished our food we decided to go to the park. We got there and found a bench to sit on.

"Should I call my old boss to send me files?" I ask them. They look to each other, then nod.

I dial Mr. McCoy's number. He answers and I put him on speaker.

"Hello, Claire."

"Mr. McCoy, could you please email be files for Donald and Donna Way?" I ask, immediately getting to the point.

"Yes. Or I can read them off to you right now." He offers.

Gerard and Mikey nod quickly, signaling to me that they do.

"Yes please." I respond.

"Donna and Donald Way, set fire to an orphanage in 1984. They were caught in 1987 and arrested, but shortly after escaped from prison. The orphanage consisted of 27 children, in which all of them, including the staff and owner, were killed in the fire. Jason McCoy was then hired to take them out years later." He explained. By that time, Gerard was silent with his face buried in his hands. Mikey was sitting straight up, staring blankly while a few stray tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Thank you, Mr. McCoy." I hang up. I set my phone in my lap and put my arms around the boys. Gerard began crying and Mikey began sobbing. I felt so bad for them.

"How could they do that? That's so terrible. How could they be so dumb?" Gerard became enraged. He stood up and I put my hand on his arm lightly. When people are mad there's no telling what they could be planning on doing. I knew Gerard wouldn't hurt anyone, but he could end up hurting himself. I took his hand and pulled him to sit back down. He didn't pull away or anything, he only sat back down quietly, while Mikey was still violently sobbing into my shirt.

My shirt is soaked.

"Let's just go home, okay?" I whisper, and they nod. I take the keys from Mikey and we drive home. The ride was silent, other than the occasional sobs from both the boys.

Once we arrived home, I told them to just go upstairs and to go to sleep. I follow them upstairs and go to my own room, getting into my night clothes. I here a light knock on my door and tell them to come in. Mikey pokes his head into my room.

"Can I sleep in here tonight?" He asks. "I can't get that off of my mind." I nod my head and smile sadly at him. We soon fall asleep, surprisingly, after the situation that just happened.

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