Unbreakeable Bond #Project Ni...

Oleh RhodaKadri

20.2K 4.1K 156

Nathaniel and Toun have been in love since the beginning of their first year in tertiary institutions but th... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four

Chapter Four

552 121 5
Oleh RhodaKadri

𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐 𝑭𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝑨𝒍𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒔,

Here comes chapter four of Unbreakable Bond

Dive in and Enjoy! ☺️


𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑


"WHAT IS it, Nathan? Just say it already," his mother urged him on. Her voice was soft and sincerely concerned.

"Mommy... Toun is pregnant with our child." He finally broke the news to her, looking at her face to see her reaction.

She was quiet for a while. He stared at her, pleadingly, to say something.

"What do you just say?" the woman asked calmly but it was obvious from her undertones that she was angry.

"Mom, I... I impregnated Toun," he repeated.

"How could you, Nathaniel? How? Why?" she asked, loudly. She was almost yelling. Her expression had morphed into a disappointed one. "Didn't I tell you to stay away from that girl?"

"Mommy, you know I can't. I told you I love Toun." He tried to calm her down and explain things to her.

After what happened between him and her parents years ago, shadow warned him to stay away from Toun. She believes their relationship is going nowhere since her family will never accept him due to his background.

"And what has that love done for you? What do you gain from the stupid love? Ehn? Answer me," she yelled at him, pained. "It is this stupid love that put you to shame and pain. I already warned you and now you have gotten yourself into a big problem.

"What do have to be a father? Do you think it is easy to raise a child? You are barely taking care of yourself and that lady that you claim you love and now... a child. What kind of stupid mistakes do you put yourself into, Nathaniel? What were you thinking?" she kept asking as tears streamed down her face. Her voice was laced with a deep form of disappointment.

She wiped the tears that were falling down her eyes away.

"I'm sorry, mommy," Nathaniel apologized. He was sincerely hurt and he felt regretful. He hated to see his mother look at him that way. He never wants to her suffer.

He nevermeantn to hurt her in such way. But the deed had been done.

"I'm sorry mommy. I didn't mean for it to happen, but it has. And I have accept the child," he told her.

"I told you to break up with that girl long ago. She is nothing but trouble to you. What's so special in her? I told you to look for a woman of your standard. You can't even afford the hair she make. I told you over and over again especially after what her parents did to you. Don't you have dignity and respect for yourself? Can't I talk to you anymore?" she said as tears slowly form a path down her cheek.

She was truly hurt by the trouble her son had put himself into. She understood that he love her but the family of the so called girl doesn't like him. They don't want him for their daughter. But her son failed to understand that.

She knew it was only a miracle that will make them accept him as a husband to their child. They can't keep having a relationship with a goal of marriage when her parents doesn't have a consent in. It can't be fruitful.

And what hurt the most was the fact that Toun parents had disgraced her son in his school at a particular time. She had told him to end whatever was between him and their daughter because she would never forgive herself if he was to be expelled from the school.

The school was their only hope. She knew those rich people have the power to do whatever they want. And she couldn't let them jeopardize her son's future and destroy her only hope because he was all she had.

She was depending on him to finish from the university to get a good job and change the condition of the family.

"I didn't expect this mom but I can't take it back. I love her," he explained to her, hoping she would understand him.

"Your love will destroy the both of you. We barely have enough for ourselves. Do you know how much I hate watching you struggle to pay your school dues and now you want to start a family. How do you want to take care of her and the child. What are you going to do? We barely have enough for ourselves," she stated.

"I will find a way, Mom. God will provide. I will double my hustle. But I can't reject the child. Please mom," he pleaded with his mother.

He believes he can't do anything without his mother support. She was the reason he was still alive, fighting and not giving up on his life. He want to make her happy. His wish was to fulfill her dreams and he intend to do everything for her and not Toun or his unborn child can stop him.

She wiped her tears away, then opened the purse on her thigh and bring out some bundle of money.

"Here, this is for your transport and other expenses." She threw the money at him and she turned to leave but he hold her back from moving her chair.

"Please, Mommy," he begged, "do this for me. The child is your grandchild. I promise I will be fine. I will find a way. I promise."

"Well, there is nothing I can do. The deed has been done. But I will never forgive myself or that girl if anything happens to you," Allyson, his mother said with finality.

Then she turned her wheelchair around and left the room leaving her sad son.

NATHANIEL AND his band were in his room practicing for their next show that night and they were all busy playing their instruments.

"Wow, that was great," Emmanuel, the pianist said and others nodded in agreement. A smile spread on Nathaniel's face, pleased with the performance of his group.

"I'm hungry," Chidera complained.

He was beside Nathaniel, and he had his saxophone hung around his neck.

"Can't you ever fast?"

"That means you want me dead," he retorted and the others burst into laughter.

"Dude, I noticed Toun is pregnant." Prince, the bass guitarist sitting next to Charles stated, looking at Nathaniel.

"Abbah, that's not true. Toun pregnant ke," one said in disagreement and the others said their own thoughts. All in disagreement, refusing to believe what Charles had mentioned.

"But she is my course mate and I see her almost every day," he told them, sounding very confident and certain.

"Well, it's been a while since she come here but I doubt that. Right, Nathaniel?" Emmanuel asked, turning to look at Nathaniel who had been quiet.

Heaving a sigh, Nathaniel gazed at each of his band members and responded. "Charles is right," he answered.

A look of sheer surprise masked their faces except from Charles that had an 'I told you' look.

"Who is the father of the child?" Chidera asked.

Emmanuel hits him on the head.

"Why are you acting so dumb? "

"Who else is going to be the father?" Charles asked him looking at Nathaniel.

"Have you told your mom?" Lanre, Nathaniel best friend and roommate asked with concern. He knows about his mother disapproval of Toun due to her parents.

Nathaniel nodded sadly. "I have but she have been angry with me ever since."

"You can't blame her, Toun parents molested you in front of thousand of students," Lanre stated and the others agreed.

"No mother will be happy about that,"  other one added.

"You can't blame him, he loves her." Charles said. "Love is blind."

The group went round saying what they think about the situation.


TOUN FINALLY get a house about five months ago which her best friend visit occasionally. She bought a lot of baby stuff from the money her parents send to her. Nathaniel also did his best to assist her but she was fine without him.

She did not go home for holidays and she never mention her pregnancy to her parents. And since they never visit, they did not know she was pregnant.

Finally it was nine month. On a Friday morning when she was preparing to go for lecture, she began to feel uncomfortable and her water broke. Lucky for her, Tobi had spend the night with her. They tried calling Nathaniel but he wasn't answering his call.

Tobi ordered an Uber and he drove them to the hospital few meters from the school.

Nathaniel saw his missed calls after his lectures for the day. He saw that Toun has called him so had her best friend, Tobi.

He quickly called back. "Hello, Tobi. I saw your missed call. Is Toun okay?"

"Where have you put your phone? I've called a thousand time," Tobi replied agitated.

Worry etched on Nathaniel face hearing her voice. "What's wrong? What happened? Is Toun okay?"

"I don't think so. She has been in the labor room since eight in the morning and I'm worried. You should come over," Tobi said almost in panic.

And that made him really scared.

"Which hospital?" And she told him on the phone. "Alright, I will be there very soon," he said nervously and he ended the call.

He hurriedly left the school, ignoring his friends and his course mates that were calling him on the way.

He was worried about Toun and he hoped she would be fine. He was afraid of losing her and their unborn child. 

What will happen when her parents found out? He had tried everything to convince Toun to tell her parents about the child but she always ignore him.

She was scared of what they will do when they found out but he was more scared than her. And just like at the moment, he doesn't want anything to happen her. Firstly because he love her so much and also because of her parent.

He doesn't know how he was going to explain to them about the child if anything happened to Toun. He had told Toun to tell them about it and later they will face the consequences. But Toun will never do it. And he knows it was because of him.

He was grateful for it because deep down, he was scared shit of what those people could do to him. And he don't want to lose her either. But what was he going to do if he loses her and the child through child birth?

It wasn't going to end well.

He keep praying to God till he got to the hospital. He met Tobi waiting in the reception room.

"How long have you been here?" he asked Tobi heaving deeply when he got to the hospital.

"Almost six hours and the nurses and the mid wife are still inside with her. They have been going in and out," Tobi answered.

She looked exhausted and she kept pacing back and forth.

Nathaniel worry grew and he began to make silent prayer in his mind as they both waited till evening. The nurse just kept telling them to hold on.

Later in the evening, a clumsy woman in a cream and navy blue nurse uniform came to meet them. She gazed at Nathaniel.

"I guess you are the husband," she stated.

"No, I'm her boyfriend," he said almost in a whisper.

"Okay." She nodded. "Your girlfriend is in pain and we've tried our best but she can't give birth to the child on her own. She needs to undergo surgery immediately."

Nathaniel ran his hand on his head, frustrated and worried. Tobi noticed his worries. And she said to the mid wife.

"Please, go ahead with the surgery," Tobi said to the mid wife.

She nodded. "Okay then. I'll go tell the doctor in charge. Go see the cashier for the payment. We will begin the surgery soon."

And then she walked away.

Nathaniel turned to look at Tobi when the mid wife walked away. She knew what he wanted to say so, she quickly put her hands up to stop him

"Toun already made preparations. She suspected such thing. I'm with her ATM card. I will see the cashier. You stay here and wait for any news."

Tears filled Nathaniel eyes. He was shocked that Toun could think of this and did not ask for anything. He was also hurt he had to accept without doing anything because he couldn't afford such money.

"Don't worry. She understands," Tobi comforted him seeing his expression and understanding what was going on in his mind.

She could see the conflicted and pained expression on him. And she felt for him.

He nodded sadly. She stood up to leave.

"I have to go now," she said.

"Tobi, thank you for everything. I owe you," Nathaniel appreciated with tears filled eyes. He couldn't control himself any longer.

"Just know that I will be the god mother of your child," she said with a smile and for the first time since he got to the hospital, he smiled.

She smiled back, glad that he could lighten up a little. She always liked and admired him and she knew he meant a lot to her best friend.

"It's nothing. I know Toun can do more than this for me. I will go now."

Then she left.

Author's Note: That's all for now.


I await your response in the comment section ☺

Next chapter would come up next week.

Until then...

Don't forget to drop your comments and reactions. It's highly appreciated.

𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜!

𝑨𝒍𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝑶𝒇 𝑳𝒖𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔

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