Abyssal Attractions ( Yandere...

By Phantomheart8

541K 20.9K 12.3K

( yandere creature x Female reader) You are part of a deep-sea science team, sent down half a mile in the oce... More

Under the sea
A curious Find
Best of friends
That's what friends do
Stay together
Guess who's back
In deep water
Not when I can't trust you
Pressure Limit
No Idea What your dealing with
The clutch of the deep
The sun within reach
The beasts fragile heart
A Promise on Blood
Dinner with a Demon
The curious thing that found you
Good things still in the water
The love of a Monster
Learning to walk again
The Two Leviathans' Teeth
A Gruesome Aftermath
In the Darkness of the Storm
And they knew only eachother
The White Gas that Burned him so
A Strange Place
Archer, Butcher, and Seeker
Questions of a Beast Answered
A Battle of Five Colosalls

New face, same evil

15.8K 691 353
By Phantomheart8

You were climbing up the shaft. Sunlight far above your head, but getting closer every second. You were climbing up at a slow, and steady pace. This time you were in no hurry. Had you been in a hurry before? You couldn't remember. You just looked up to the ever-growing sunshine that was your destination.

You looked down the shaft below you, but there was nothing but darkness right at the base of your feet. Nothing penetrated it, not the light from the sun, not the light from your jar. Wait... where was your jar? Did you even need it? No.

You looked back up and continued your climb. You were in a rock tunnel, but it sounded like you were in the middle of the ocean. There was a low moaning that echoed all around you. It sounded like a whale. There was another sound here too. This one, however, you couldn't get a grip on.

It sounded like clicking, but, it was loud. It was as if it was right next to your ear. It was a deep clicking...like something with sharp-ended legs was walking all around you. But that was impossible, there was no room in the shaft for anyone but you.

You didn't sweat on it, however, and continued your climb. You were close now, very, very close. You were looking straight into the light, but it wasn't hurting your eyes. In fact, other than the light in your eyes. the shaft was almost completely devoid of light. It almost had a red hue in it.

You finally reached the top. Gripping the edges and hoisting yourself up. However, what met you wasn't white sand and palm trees. No blue sky and light breeze in your hair. No instead you floating up through the exit, gliding as though you were in water. Drifting off into an ever dark abyss that would not let you go, no matter how close the light was.

You looked down again, but there was no shaft. Nothing but the same darkness right at your feet, but this time it was all around you again. You looked up, but there was no sunlight to greet you, no the abyss took that away too. You looked down again, right as enormous jaws came up through the dark and clamped down on your leg. You screamed, but no sound came out. The tentacled wrapped around you and then it was all dark again.

_ _

Your eyes popped open. you were laying on your stomach on solid rock. Your mouth was open but nothing came out except air. You were silently screaming into the dark as agony rippled all along your leg. You couldn't move your head to examine the cause, however. You could move nothing but your eyes.

It was hard to breathe, from the pain shooting all throughout your leg and up your side, and because you were on your stomach. it was hard to concentrate through it as well. But you made out that you were in a little dip in a cave. There was a blue hue in the cave that offered little, but the only light you had.

There was the sound of trickling water somewhere nearby, and something that was moaning. Something that sounded like a whale. Suddenly three long, pale, spindly legs as thick as basketball poles and about just as long too, stepped into sight with a deep clicking. The moaning was louder than ever now. It didn't sound so much like a whale now but turned into a deep growl right above you. It was so close it sounded like it was coming from inside your head.

You were hyperventilating now. Hot tears stinging your eyes and pooling at your right cheek that lay against the ground. You tried with every muscle in your body to move, but nothing worked. The only thing you felt was your tears and the pain in your left leg.

Then, to your horror, one of the legs lifted off the ground and started to move over you. You could only watch helplessly as the leg moved down your body, out of the sight of your eyes, and started to prod at the wound on your thigh. Sticking its sharp point into the bite mark, exploring, and causing the wound to become bigger.

At this point, your body finally woke up a little and a light scream escaped your lips. It was quiet, almost inaudible. However, the beast above you seemed to have heard it, for the leg lifted out of your leg with a slight sucking sound. You could hear the dripping of your blood as it ran off the leg and hit the floor in droplets.

You heard the clicking of the legs as they shifted all around your body. The only thing you could do was make tiny squeaks of fear and pain and close your eyes. Then one of the legs wrapped around your waist and flung you over. You gave a grunt of pain and opened your eyes.

You wanted to scream but could do nothing but look at the monster above you. Lurking over your paralyzed form was a pale spider about the size of a truck. It was so close you were able to see the segments of its legs and every now and then little clear hair's that sprouted from its body. Its black eyes were only a foot from yours. There were six of them in total. Two big ones, with two smaller ones to the sides of them.

Its mandibles were longer than your forearm. Including long black fangs that dripped a black liquid onto your chest. The head of the beast moved slightly closer and you managed a small flinch, but that was it. It let out a low growl as its mandibles rubbed together with a chattering sound. You could've sworn you saw the flashes of small, pearly white triangle teeth from behind the mandibles as they moved.

" H-h-hoo..." You breathed out slightly. At the sound of your voice, even though it was still barely more than just air. The monster reared up, raising its front legs and it's mandibles wide. Exposing those sharp teeth you saw earlier. However, it didn't roar or make any sound for that matter. It just stood there, with its front legs raised, and it's mouth wide open, staring at you with those ever open black eyes. Then after a minute of that, it slowly lowered it's self down until it's face was only an inch from yours. It's mouth still hanging wide open.

" H-Hoola-n." You strangled out of your throat. When it heard you say its name the monster closed its mouth and let out a small whine, but one that sounded like it came from the vocal cords of a demon. Then it closed that gap between your faces and rested its teeth against your mouth.

It was only for a moment, for the beast pulled away and flipped you back onto your stomach. It wasn't as rough as when it flipped you over the first time, but it still knocked the breath out of you. Then you felt the fangs pierce the skin on the back of your neck. You were able to let out a fairly loud choked cry before your world went black once again.

- -

When you awoke next you were on your back. You were in the same little dip and it wasn't hard to figure out it was the dip Hoolan had carved in the rock for you to sleep in. Slowly opening your eye's, you had to give them a minute to adjust. All you saw was a dim blue blur from the phosphorescent rocks above you.

There was something else too... there was a hand that was stroking your hair. You blinked a couple of times to try and get your vision into focus faster and at that, the hand moved from stroking your chin to sliding down your face and cupping your chin. Finally, after a minute your sight went back to normal and you were able to move a little.

The downside to your sight working again was that your body still didn't seem to want to move, however, it still felt the agony that was in your left thigh. The back of your neck was numb, and overall you felt extremely weak everywhere where it wasn't numb. Your throat felt as if it was on fire and you felt like you needed to vomit to top it all off.

The grip on your chin tightened slightly, so you turned your eyes to the figure in front of you. You had never seen this man before in your life. He had chin length strawberry blonde hair and a beard to go with it. He had a couple of piercings in his ears and was a big man too. About six foot three and very well muscled. He had a tattoo of... Cthlulu on his right bicept and scars all over his knuckles. He was wearing a torn up grey shirt and a pair of jeans with no shoes on his feet. There was a slight trickle of blood coming from his right ear.

The thing that you absolutely recognized, however, was the pitch black orbs in his head that were staring at you wide-eyed and unblinking like they always were. There was no emotion on his face, but you were getting the vibes of it through his touch. Angry, disappointed, sad, a little worried.

You saw the mouth open, saying something that you couldn't quite make out. It sounded like you were under water. So you tried to read his lips.

" Y/N." You opened your mouth, trying to say something of your own, but no words came out. You were still too numb.

" Y/N." The mouth said again, this time, it sounded a little clearer.

" Y/N!!" The voice snarled loudly. Causing you to gasp and jump slightly in his hold. Your hearing came back in a slight painful pop as if your ear canals were being cleared of water. Hoolan let out a deep breath of frustrated air through his nostrils before leaning in closer to you.

You let out tiny whimpers as his face got closer to yours. trying to get your body to move away from him. The most you could manage though was slight twitches in your fingers and legs. His cold, awful breath washed over your face. His nose slightly tapped against your right cheek and his beard tickled your jaw.

He took a deep sniff of you in. still holding your chin in a firm grip, before letting the breath out before moving his head so that you two were looking at each other straight in the eyes.

"You're afraid of me." He said in a low, slow voice, and his grip got slightly tighter. " You should be." You were letting out little squeaks of fear with each breath you took. " Y/n... why did you do that?" He grew silent as he waited for your reply, but nothing would come out of your mouth.

" Polyp, I said WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" He yelled in your face. Your whole body was quivering now, even if you couldn't feel it. Another minute passed and another deep breath was blown from his nostrils onto your face.

" You still can't talk yet... that's alright, I won't take any excuses you try to throw at me anyway." he straightened out his back before continuing. " You hurt me Y/N, I thought you finally saw it, but you were faking it the whole time. Because of that, I had to hurt you. It hurts me to hurt your polyp. Don't you understand that? NO. You don't understand anything I try to tell you. I can only hope that this time you will finally get that you won't ever get away from me. I didn't want to do it polyp, but you gave me no choice. I had to destroy some nerves in your left leg. You can still use it but you can't run anymore. Let me tell you this though." His grip tightened to the point to where it now hurt " If you ever try to get away from me again, I'll make it to where you can't use your legs EVER AGAIN." You almost couldn't breathe anymore, you were breathing too hard. But then, to your surprise, he dropped his head on your shoulder and started to cry.

" Why do you do this to me polyp? I know what I have done to you is wrong but if you would just stay with me then I wouldn't have to hurt you so much, why can't you understand how much I love you?" His shoulders shook with sobs as he cried onto your still form. You didn't know what was going on. You didn't know what to do even if you could do something. he lifted his head and kissed you gently on your temple. Then moving down to kiss your cheek, then your neck. Then giving you a soft, gentle whisper of a kiss on your lips, as if he was afraid it would kill you.

" I'm sorry Polyp, I'm so sorry, I wish I could be different for you, I'm so sorry." He said while looking at you with pleading eyes. Then he broke down again and continued to cry.

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