Stucky One Shots

By Mamuah10

29.9K 671 714

Stucky one-shots! They'll be happy, angsty, angry, or all of the above! I hope you enjoy! Also, feel free to... More

Author Intro!
The Look
The Truth on the New Kid Pt. 1
The Truth on the New Kid pt. 2
My Favorite Office Chair
Inner Demons
Hello Again
Happy Birthday
Laser Tag
Your Gay is Showing pt.1
Your Gay is Showing Pt. 2
Your Gay is Showing pt.3
Happiest Place On Earth
Admit it
Stop Doing That
Hello. Explanation Time...
October Shoutout & Thank You
Halloween Party
Nov. Shoutout and Other News
Liars to Lovers pt.1
Food fight
Liars to Lovers pt.2
Admit It pt. 2
Best Present
Dec. Shoutout
Writers Block pt. 1
Tag and explanation
Writer's Block pt.2
Not Your Classic F-Boy
Late Jan. Shoutout
Wanting This
Cupid pt.1
Cupid pt.3
Escaping Marriage
One Last Moment pt.1
One Last Moment pt.2
How it Begins is How it Ends
Prompts 2
Ready to Leave
Scared to Eat
Mannequins Don't Smile
I Thought It Was Bromance
My Little Bird
Thank the Janitor
Back Again
When I'm peaceful
She's Right
Count Your Sheep

Cupid pt.2

219 9 5
By Mamuah10

We headed out of the cafeteria to our first class. Defense.


I took my seat but not even a second later a voice boomed beside me. 

"Students, go against the wall today I'm assigning seats." 

I groaned quietly in frustration, knowing this will not end well. 

"Potts, Rogers," The teacher droned on, pointing to a table at the back. Smith sent Rogers a small grin, which he kindly returned. It kinda wrenched my insides.

"Carsons, Stark." The whole class looked at each other exchanging wide-eyed glances. We all knew this meant 'oooohhhhh sh*t.' I grinned amused at the annoyed look that Elijah had on his face. Stark smirked to himself, knowing it would be fun taunting Elijah. Stark and Elijah sat right in front of Potts and Rogers. Stark made sure to sit directly in front of the redhead.

"Quill, Barnes." The cocky grin on my face immediately vanished. I snapped my head in the direction of the said Avenger, who had the same expression I had on his face. I groaned on the inside, knowing this was going to be a hell of a year having to be seated next to Peter Quill. Aka one of the most arrogant, F**k-boyish kids in this damn school. I scowled at him as we took our seats opposite side of Rogers and Potts.

As the teacher continued through the names I was expecting Quill to snarl at me while the teacher wasn't looking or something like that. But, surprisingly that never happened. Quill and I went through the entire class not clawing each other's eyes out. Definitely an improvement. At the end of class, I gathered my stuff and headed out of the room my friends trailing behind me. Then there was a hand on my shoulder making me jump and turn around.

"What?" I glared at Stark. He was surrounded by his entourage: The Avengers. 

"F**k Barnes, chill," He said raising his arms in defeat, "I just wanted to say, I'd like it if you asked some of your friends to join the soccer team."

"Honestly Stark. Look, I'm already one of your defenders, as well as Elijah is a center midfielder. Pierson has no intent on joining as he is way to busy studying anyways. As for everyone else in this school, I hate them so this order is pointless. Goodbye." I twirled on my heels with Elijah sniggering beside me. Pierson's probably already in class.

Also if you're wondering why I'm friends with Pierson Archen if all he is, is a studying nerd then let me explain. Yes, Pierson does study and loves coding but when he isn't he is one of the evilest people you will ever meet. Once a couple of years ago he was working on homework for our Powers Control class and a new kid spilled a smoothie on it. Power Control homework is also very time-consuming so having your work destroyed in front of you makes you want to tear someone limb from limb. Obviously, he couldn't do that so instead he shaved off all his hair including his eyebrows. But he played it off so terribly well that he didn't even get detention but the new kid did. 

"So not changing your position?" Elijah asked 

"Course not. Being able to knock people down because you're the strongest on the field and you have hundreds of fans cheering you on. Wouldn't ever change it for the world." I said nonchalantly. I was the best defender, Quill being the second. Surprisingly we made a really good team.

"So what's going on with Rogers?" Elijah asked as we entered our living room on our floor.

If I had a drink I would have spilled it right then and there. I looked at Elijah arguably. 

"Excuse me? There is nothing between us!" I exclaimed my arms crossing. He snorted rolling his eyes.

"Stop lying. There is sexual tension between you two. Everyone is painfully watching you two." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world

"Watching who?" Every single one of my limbs froze. The sudden sound of Rogers' voice made my eyes widen. I turned staring at him as well as Elijah. It was if I heard the light bulb go off in her brain because suddenly his signature mischevious smirk was on his face. 


My body froze. I cannot believe that b*tch just did that.


Elijah turned and walked away sending me a knowing wink over his shoulder, which said 'go-get-some.'

"Uhm. W-what?" Rogers looked at me absolutely confused. My breath quickened when his icy blue eyes stared back into my blue eyes. 


"Don't lie Barnes. I've known you for like 6 years. I know when you lie." Oh dear God, Rogers. What are you doing to me? How do you even know? Are you stalking me? I'm so confused

"What did Carsons mean by 'sexual tension?'" I cringed at the sound of Elijah's last name. It's so basic. (Sorry if your last name is Carsons) Uhg, focus Bucky. I need to answer his question. 

Uhm. OH! Totally got it!

"So you know when I told you, Elijah and Pierson,  said they want us to end up together? Weeeeellll, Elijah thinks we actually do like each other, so yeah. That's it." I tried playing it off nonchalantly but I knew it came out awkward as f*ck. I hope he couldn't hear the thumping in my chest. Rogers laughed scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, yeah, okay."

I almost did a double take. If I wasn't so good at noticing even the smallest details, I would have missed the slight disappointment in his voice. Interesting, very interesting.

Disregarding that small detail to save later for my friends, I flashed a small smile at Rogers, whose face turned a light shade of pink. I almost laughed. Flustering Steven Grant Rogers was way to fun for me.

Everything was soon becoming awkward. I was fidgeting on the spot while Rogers was sneaking glances of me. Did he really think he was that sneaky? I hope not. He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Well," I drawled on, "I'm gonna go..." I swear to God, this is the most awkward thing I've experienced. With a small jog, I left our floor in search to find Pierson. My first guess is probably the library, but there was no way in hell I was going to that sh*t hole of stupid books and papers. 

I stopped in front of the library entrance trying to figure out how to get Pierson without actually entering the library. I then saw a girl in her younger year pass by me so I tugged her arm and pulled her close enough so my mouth was by her ear.

"Hey! What do you th-" I covered her mouth with my hand, ignoring the fact she licked my hand. I'll get her another day.

"Hush child. Listen, go into the library and get Pierson Archen. She's probably doing homework. Tell her that her main bitch is waiting for her." I didn't care I used follow language around her, most kids here probably use worse so it didn't matter. Confused, she walked in and closed the door in my face.

How rude!

Nevermind. Who am I to talk.

Not even a minute later my small blonde haired friend burst through the doors looking quite happy.

"A little birdie just told me what happened with you and Rogers. You guys are so my OTP."

"Did you just-"

"Yes. I dared to speak the word 'OTP.'" He said with a smug smirk. 

"I f*cking hate Eli right now. I mean seriously! Rogers and I? No way. No freakin way, that's way too weird." I started pulling at my hair in frustration. Pierson, on the other hand, was grinning and her eyes were twinkling with amusement.

"Well if you say so," He said with a shrug and a sly wink. He was acting as if he knew something I didn't. I just ignored the odd behavior and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Seriously though. What do you see in him that drives you to want him to get with me?" I cried

"I think the real question is," Pierson paused for dramatic effect and walked in taunting circles around me, "what do you see in him?"

"Excuse me!?" I yelled. I stared at him with a face that said 'bitch what you trying to say.' She rolled her eyes at me.

"Oh please. It's obvious. I'm pretty sure the entire school knows you like him."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, flabbergasted. I crossed my arms and cocked my head.

"Well... let's see, yo-"

"Well if it isn't Barnes and Archen!" I cursed under my breath and places a snarl on my face as I turned to see the annoyance. Stark and Quill. They both had matching smirks as if they were twins.

"We couldn't help but overhear your conversation, because, well, we were trying to," I groaned. Here comes the teasing, "But we too also agree that you two would make a great couple."

My face turned a dark red color that contrasted with my hair. This was beyond embarrassing on so, so, so, many levels. I groaned and tried to hide my face behind my hands.

"I mean you'd be a better hit then Stark and Potts if they ever got together!"


"Guys! Drop it. Face the facts, you dimwits. I don't like him. Even if, and I said if, I did, I highly doubt he would return the feeling so just stop. It's never happening! Got it?" I growled. I rolled my eyes and groaned then turned and walked away.

>Pov change! WOAH! K. Pierson's Pov!<

I groaned leaning against the wall. The other to boys chuckled and I sent them the finger. 

"I wish they just realized their feelings for each other." I let out a sigh and the 2 Avengers nodded silently agreeing with me.

"I mean," I say turning to them, "they'd be a great couple. If they did get together they probably would be better then Stark and Potts." I pointed to Tony who was smacking Peter. 

"Are you f*ckers even listening?" I snarled at them.

"Yes, of course. We both agree, but what can we do. They're both to friken awkward."

"Fine from this day forward, me, Pierson Archen, Peter Quill, and Tony Stark will sign a verbal contract to get our best friends, James Barnes and Steve Rogers, to get together and hopefully make me maid of honor and one of you two best mean. Do you two agree to this contract?"

"I agree."

"I agree."

"Then starting today, we play Cupid."

~~~ Time skip a few days later brought to you by me getting distracted for 2 hours by dogs :) ~~~

I puffed out my chest and crossed my arms looking at the 2 Avengers in front of me.

"So, how exactly are we going to do this?"

"Well isn't it obvious?" Stark started rolling his eyes

"We fake a date." Quill finished, leaning on his palm grinning at me. I raised a brow in curiosity.

"Oh? And how so?"

"Well, we don't have permission to leave campus for the mall yet," Quill looked at Stark for affirmation, while he just simply shrugged, "how about we," he gestured to himself and Stark, "call Steve here to Study and you get, Barnes, to come here and study, then like midway through we leave on some sort of fake emergency or detention?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Obviously you two thought of this before." I smirked, "but will this really work?"  I questioned 

"Archen, don't doubt us. We're professionals." I snorted before connecting my eyes with the rich brown ones.

"Don't f*ck this up."


"TONY! What the hell did you do!?" I screeched, bursting into the common room finding the said Avenger playing chess with Quill. They both looked at me.

"You f*cked up!"

"What?" He asked almost insulted, "If anything I made it better."

Anger boiled inside me and I wanted to choke him. I slowly walked in his direction and spoke in a calm quiet voice. "You told Rogers flirt and then proceeded to tell Bucky to get in Rogers' pants."


"'SO?' this was supposed to be a plan to get them together, Stark." I grabbed his tie and pulled him close to my face, our skin barely making contact, "Not to turn Rogers into a f*ckboy."

I swear his heart stopped beating. I felt his breath on my neck and his chest hammering against mine. His dark brown eyes stared into my emerald green ones and yet for a split second, they flickered down. 

Then something clicked in me realizing out closeness. 

I pulled away.

"Just," I sighed, "Leave it to me and Eli next time."

"There won't be a 'next' time."

> Bucky POV <

My fingers curled into a fist so tightly my nails were digging crevices in my palms. My teeth bitting on my bottom lip.  The floor seemed to tilt in my direction and my aura seemed to darken the faces of the people in front of me.

The three people in the room slowly turned to me, fear laced in each and every one of their features.

"You were trying to set me up!?" My voice barely controlled as it was dripping with venom. I started tapping my foot. "WHY?"

"We-- We thought you and Steve would make a good couple..." Pierson said trailing off fiddling with his sleeves awkwardly looking back at Quill and Stark

"What of it? If one of us liked the other we can start dating ourselves." 

Their faces lit up.

"So you do li-"

"NO!" I took a deep breath crossing my arms, "Sure, he's cute and smart, and you know irresistible in a nerdy kinda way like Tony is. I just don't think of him that way. He's my dork friend and that's all I think of him. So stop harassing both of us, because it will never happen!"

"But people cha-"

"Well, then that will happen when it will. Currently, I have purely platonic feelings for Steve and although that may or may not change, it is what it is. I admit feelings can change, but so far mine haven't. So stop trying to make something happen between us because it never will. Stop wasting your energy. It's not worth it!"

Each of them seemed so crestfallen and depressed that no one of them noticed the mess of the boy hiding behind the walls leading to the dormitories. His palms turned sweaty and he couldn't seem to see correctly.

It wouldn't happen, he reminded himself, he said so himself.

He couldn't take it anymore.

He broke down.


He hasn't spoken to us for months. It's been driving me insane. Ever since Tony, Peter,  and I tried setting her up with Steve, his barriers have been on high security. He wouldn't even give us a look.

And what hurt the worst was he was, he seemed to be having more fun without our foolishness. His eyes seemed to shine with an emotion I'd never seen on him. Granted, he only hung out with Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, yet he seemed so much happier. As much as Bucky being preppy and having school spirit is terrifying, it makes me feel better knowing he isn't dead or anything.

It's as if he cut us out of his life or something and replaced us with more proper versions of Elijah and I. It drove me insane, knowing she was having fun with others.

Perhaps it was the twinges of jealousy but I felt incomplete without him. It just didn't feel right to not have fun with him. But, I mean we've been best friends since we first came.

We weren't used to having fallouts...

> Tony POV <

Ever since I tried setting up James and Steve, the two drifted away from me. I mean I was never close with James, but he didn't even glare at me anymore.

Cap either spent most of his time in the library and I would never enter there or doing his quote-unquote "Floor duties," which is the worst lie he's told since "My dog fell down the stairs and my mom needs help caring for him."

Now back to Barnes, the only way I did get attention from him was when he was trying to deliberately hurt me, mentally or physically. For example at dinner a couple weeks ago she flung her fork at me on purpose. It accidentally hit another kid our year, but he charmed himself out of detention and instead put the blame on me. I may hate the dude, but I need to learn that skill.

Which means right now, at this point in my life, I lost one of my best friends, but have one whos playing cupid along with me, along with one of Barnes' best friends, another one of Barnes' best friends, and Potts; who by the way still currently isn't in love with me.


> Quill POV < 

Honestly, I don't even know what the f*ck happened between Barnes and Steve, but for God's sake, it is annoying. Even during classes, you can see them exchanging looks. Perhaps they do not catch each other doing it, but the rest of us do.


I guess opposites really do attract.

I mean no one and I mean NO ONE in this school can find a person so different from Steve then James motherf*cking Buchanan Barnes, and nobody can find someone else so different from James then Steve Goddamnit Grant Rogers.

They have both really separated from us. I mean Steve is one of my best pals! Nothing is the same without him. If Tony or I get detention he can not use his Floor Ruler powers to help us get out.

And for James, he was still forced to sit next to me in Defence. So he refused to talk to me the whole time and made it really awkward.

Jesus Christ, can't they get together already.

< I guess 3rd person POV >

It was so sudden.

After ignoring them for about 3 months, he just goes back to her old self, glaring yet still having fun times. It was different though, his attitude changed. As much as he was the same, he was so far from the old Bucky Barnes.

He wasn't scowling as much and he was actually smiling. Then his b*tchy person was lacking... well, the b*tch part.

It was definitely weird but they made peace with the new behavior and went on as if they had not noticed the change.


All seven of them were currently gathered in their floors living room after a soccer match, all of them were drunk and playing around of truth or dare. A classic but with a twist. It was dirty Truth or Dare.

"Hmm. AH! Steve!" Elijah smirked at the timid blonde, who looked up at the sound of his name. His eyes widened at the sight of the person who chose what his truth or dare was.

"... Truth..." He answered hesitantly, slightly scared at the devilish aura the boy was giving off.

"Who would be top, Bucky or you?" He smirked

Both Steve and Bucky's face lit up.

"I- um... I mean it's - it's just that--"

"Well, if you guys want to know so badly," Bucky said with an impish smirk, "why don't we find out?" 

Everyone took in a sharp breath. Everything was so still you could hear someone drop a glass all the way down in the cafeteria. All eyes widened at his words, even Steve's. 

Steve seemed a bit overwhelmed but also really f*cking thrilled. Bucky bit his lips a bit feeling bad for messing with his emotions so he came up with a plan. 

"Cap," the blonde's heart filled with joy at the sound of his nickname by his crush. "Let's go out to the mall together? Okay with you?"

A/N: Ayy. Again it's late at night. Sorry. Anyways, here is part two. Hope you enjoy. Part three should be up tomorrow. Also, I know the pairings are all weird but I needed someone arrogant like Iron Man and Star-Lord was the perfect person. Still, hope you enjoyed though!

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