The Unknown Road

By rachyrach39

14.2K 465 66

Love is hard when it's one sided... For Tessa Granger, life is one complication after another as she battles... More

Prologue - Matt
1 - Tessa
2 - Tessa
3 - Archie
4 - Archie
5 - Tessa
6 - Tessa
7 - Archie
8 - Tessa
9 - Archie
10 - Tessa
11 - Tessa
12 - Archie
13 - Tessa
14 - Archie
15 - Archie
16 - Tessa
17 - Archie
18 - Archie
19 - Tessa
20 - Archie
21 - Archie
23 - Tessa
24 - Archie
25 - Tessa
26 - Tessa
27 - Archie
28 - Archie
29 - Tessa
30 - Tessa
31 - Tessa
32 - Tessa
33 - Archie
34 - Tessa
35 - Archie
36 - Archie
37 - Tessa
38 - Tessa
39 - Tessa
40 - Archie
41 - Archie
42 - Archie
43 - Tessa
44 - Tessa
45 - Archie
46 - Archie
47 - Tessa
48 - Tessa
49 - Archie
50 - Archie
51 - Tessa
52 - Tessa
53 - Tessa
54 - Archie
55 - Archie
56 - Archie
57 - Tessa
58 - Tessa
59 - Tessa
60 - Archie
61 - Archie
62 - Tessa
63 - Archie
64 - Tessa
65 - Tessa
66 - Archie
67 - Archie
68 - Tessa
69 - Archie
70 - Tessa
Epilogue - Tessa

22 - Tessa

197 6 0
By rachyrach39

"SO YOU GUYS ARE together, together?" I hear Millie's voice.

I answer, as Archie seems to be daydreaming. "Well... Yes? But I think Arch has some stuff to sort first," I look at him.

Archie's cheeks redden as I remember this afternoon and he nods. I know he needs to have a proper talk with Dee, that's for sure. He needed to sort through his issues so he didn't explode at Callum at school and get suspended or something.

I didn't want to rush into this either. And I think we both wanted him to be in the right headspace, for the start of our relationship but also for how we wanted it to be going forwards.

I just hope I could compare to Dee. She was a lot to contend with on all fronts, but from the way he's been looking at me and the way we've both been acting, it's all very different for us. All very new, raw and exciting.

"Yeah... I have some... issues... to sort, but you'll be the first to know," he says to Millie, making me laugh.

"This is so exciting!" Millie yells as she gets up to bounce on the bed.

He touches his forehead to mine as we let Millie have her fun.

Now that I know the others are coming round, I know we won't be able to hang out with each other like we'd want to. We'll have to pretend we don't know what it's like to feel the way we do, and the thought makes me deflate slightly.

"I love you," he whispers.

I smile in return and push my lips to his as I grip the back of my head with her fingers, putting my other hand on her cheek. I scratch at the stubble beneath his chin and his fingers grip me tighter.

Millie does a front drop and a moment later I look to my right and her head is about three inches from mine.

"You guys are seriously the cutest already," she beams, before pushing up from the bed and dashing out the room, probably to call Matt again to tell him to come round, thus starting our charade.

"Have I ever mentioned that I love your sister?" I ask, pushing myself off his lap and offering him my hands to pull him up.

He takes them and I heave, pulling me up hard enough that he almost slams straight into her and knocks me onto the bed, but he catches me.

"She has her moments," he says, kissing me one final time before putting his arm around me as we head down the stairs.


THE REST OF THE afternoon was torture for Archie and me.

We only had one more hour of bliss before Matt, Dad and Wendy arrived, so Millie left us to it downstairs in front of a movie, which was amazing. But when they came in the door we had to go back to pretending. And it was incredibly difficult to keep my hands off him.

After deciding to keep our relationship a secret, except for Millie, we agreed to stick close to the opposite sibling all night, and so far it seemed to be working.

I sat next to Millie at dinner, opposite Archie, which actually turned out to be a bad idea because he was playing footsie under the table. Then we settled in to watch another movie. For that we sat on opposite sides of the room, me sitting in between Millie and Wendy, and Archie on the large beanbag in the centre of the living room floor. And he was distracting me, big time.

I couldn't concentrate on anything other than his fingers playing with his hair, and my insides felt like they were vibrating with this newfound energy I never knew I had. I felt like I was floating, and that I had to be careful to keep a hold of myself, otherwise I'd find myself quite happily letting myself float away.

So in that spirit, when Wendy asks if anyone wanted tea, I get up to help her in the kitchen. I can feel Archie's eyes on my back, but I resist the pull of them and turn the corner into the kitchen.

Sorting through cupboards to find the larger mug as Wendy boils the kettle and rests against the kitchen island.

"What's going on with you two?" She asks, looking at me.

I almost drop the mug I'm holding as I fumble in shock at how she just came out and said it.

"Me and who?" I ask, feigning innocence as I carefully put Millie's mug back down on the tray. She'd never forgive me if I broke it.

"You and Archie. You've been repelling each other like mismatching magnets. Has he said something to you?" She looks at me concerned as she crosses her arms in front of her. "You're not fighting are you?"

We didn't think about there being a flip side, where it looked like we'd had an argument and were now ignoring each other. It makes me want to roll my eyes because we can't seem to win with anything, no matter what we did.

I shake my head, "No, he hasn't really said anything since we got home." I try to be as nonchalant as possible. "He mentioned something about Dee earlier, though, so they must have had an argument?"

I wince at myself. I'm so bad at lying. I always go too far.

"Well... between us girls..." She comes over to stand next to me as the kettle starts to sing. "I never really liked her anyway."

I turn to look at her. "Oh?"

She nods. "Yeah, I just think she was never as into it as he was. You know he was worrying all summer about her. Got a bit annoying actually... And she didn't even have the decency to reply... I mean how rude is that?" She huffs and raises her arms in disgust.

It was rude. I'd replied to all his messages, even if they were few and far between. And if I was in Dee's shoes, I would have texted him every day, rather than let him worry.

"If they are finally done, then to be honest I'd be glad to see the back of her."

She sighs as she goes to fill up the teapot on the tray.

"That boy has way too big a heart for his own good sometimes. One of these days that girl is going to break it, and it'll ruin him the next sweet, amazing girl that comes around that corner."

When we spoke last night, both at the library and in the kitchen, it seemed he already had a good idea about what he was going to do. But it definitely didn't make seeing that confrontation earlier any easier to bear.

No matter what he says, he was in pain. He had felt something for Dee, so I didn't blame him. And it was absolutely heartbreaking to watch him go through that when I couldn't do anything to help.

Not only that, but it felt even more awful that I hadn't said anything about her and Callum before now. I had seen her as far back as end of September, or at least I thought I had, and I wouldn't blame Archie if he didn't want to speak to me ever again if he ever found out.

Matt hadn't mentioned it yet today - mainly because I hadn't seen him - but I wouldn't be surprised if he's forgotten our conversation completely after how much he drank yesterday. I'd talk to him later, or tomorrow, to see what we should do. But either way, I think we should do it as delicately as possible.

"I suppose he'll talk to her at school?" I suggest, shrugging as I run the scenario through in my head. That wouldn't go well.

"Maybe," she sighs. "Ah well, I suppose we'll see."

I nod, giving her as big a smile as I can manage.

"Would you mind taking that through? I'm just popping to the loo."

I smile, more genuinely this time. "Yeah, sure."

I didn't want to think or talk about Dee anymore, so I push her out of my mind as I pick the tray up. I want to enjoy the last hour I have with Archie, before we had to pretend in front of even more people that nothing had happened between us.

I was absolutely screwed. For someone who couldn't hide any form of emotion, I was going to have to work three times as hard. Right now, he could just grin at me and I'd combust and become a melted mess in the middle of the floor.

Putting down the tray on the table near Archie's head, I remember what Wendy had said about Archie and me ignoring each other. So instead of sitting next to Millie, I slot in next to him on the beanbag. I sit by his feet, my shoulders resting purposefully by his fingers.

I'm calling it practice for tomorrow...

He gives me a look as I make myself comfortable, draping my arm comfortably over his knees so I can see the TV. He's probably wondering what I'm doing, but I note he doesn't ask me to move or to get off, so we shuffle until we're both in more comfortable positions. We bend so that he has his hand around my shoulders and that our feet are tangled together.

When Wendy comes in, I notice she's smiling as she see I've changed position. Millie has stretched out, giving me a kind of alibi, and I swear I see Wendy wink at me as she takes a seat next to Millie as she restarts the movie.

After a few minutes she hands out mugs of tea and homemade biscuits, and I can feel my cheeks heating under her gaze, and I'm regretting my decision to move. I ignore it as I attempt to concentrate on what's in front of me, as the movie has nearly finished.

But it wasn't the film that's making my heart race.

Archie was now holding my hand in his between us, playing with my fingers, and I was glad people couldn't see my face. I could never have wiped the smile from it, even if I'd tried. Nope, this smile was here to stay.

When the credits start to roll, I look behind and see Dad and Matt have fallen asleep and I chuckle softly. Archie looks round to see what I'm laughing at and he shakes his head, putting his arm around me in a more friendly gesture so we could both sit up better. At least I thought that's what he was doing.

It wasn't so much friendly, so much as purely distracting. His minute touch was sending electricity up my arms and legs, making me feel like I was connected to a battery. The smooth feeling of his fingers on mine were genuinely making me dizzy. I wanted so badly to know if I was affecting him as much as he was affecting me, but I had no way of knowing that.

As much as I wanted to scream it out loud that we were together, being self-conscious was a good idea for the early days. I knew that keeping this between us would be worth it in the end.

Having said that, we'd been snuggled up on the beanbag for nearly an hour now, and no one had said anything. But now that I thought about it, this wasn't the first time we'd snuggled up on the beanbag together for a movie like this.

When Matt and I stay over, which was rarely these days, we'd end up lounging in front of the TV in a similar fashion. Millie and Matt would stretch out on the sofas whilst Archie and I would curl up together on here, fitting into each other like a jigsaw puzzle, and no one ever batted an eyelid.

So as the credits continue to roll, soft crooning piano music fills the room, I look at Matt and Dad, still completely fast asleep. I'm not surprised at Matt, who is definitely still hungover, but its Dad that always makes me laugh when he falls asleep because he does it every time. A warm, dark room with a movie he's not fully checked into and he's gone.

After another minute, I can see Millie and Wendy both checking their phones, so I nudge Archie and gesture with my head to the door, asking if we should give ourselves a few more moments alone before I have to go home.

He grins in response and clears his throat.

"We're just going to get Tessa's stuff," he says. It's only Millie that looks up, and she gives us a knowing smile and a wink.

Archie gets up first, but it makes me sink into the beanbag, meaning I can't pick myself up very easily. Every time I go to put my hand down it moves, and after my third attempt I  admit defeat, giggling too much to use my limbs properly anyway.

"Little help?" I ask, tears filling my eyes.

He laughs and takes two steps back, shaking his head. He bends down and puts a hand on either side of my waist and hoists me up, throwing me over his shoulder as if I was as light as a feather.

I scramble for a second, almost squealing, but as we reach the door he puts me down, chuckling to himself as he closes the door behind him and dashes up the stairs in front of me and down the corridor.

I run up after him, but I almost crash into him as he suddenly stops outside his room and catches me, hands on my waist again, grinning before he puts his lips on mine, taking me by surprise.

He pushes the door open with his butt and as soon as the door closes behind him, he puts both hands under my thighs and lifts me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. The last two and bit hours have been torture, and now all that tension can be released into one of the most amazing kisses I have ever had in my life.

"Man..." he pulls his lips away and I wrap my arms gently around his neck as he continues to turn in a slow circle in the middle of his floor. "Tess, I don't think I can hold this in another day... let alone a week," he whispers, pushing his lips briefly back to mine before lowering me gently back to the floor.

I knew exactly how he felt. I was the only one who could. But standing here on our own in his room I felt like I could rule the world.

He's gazing down at me, looking at me with loving eyes, holding me tight as if I would disappear the moment he lets me go. He was looking at me so intensely I could feel my cheeks go red, and for once I didn't care that he saw.

I pull away from him and take two steps backwards, falling on the bed, my legs dangling over the edge.

"Has today really happened?" I ask quietly, propping myself up on my elbows.

He grins. "I bloody hope so, because it's been the best day I've had in a long while. Ever really."

Walking over towards where our bags are, he leans down and starts rifling through them.

"What are you looking for?" I ask. He takes a seat in the middle of the bags and starts looking through them more thoroughly.

"Arch, there's a bag there."

I point to my bag behind him and he looks to his left.

"No, I... I went back and got that jumper for you... the one you put back," he says, his voice small as if he's embarrassed.

"What?" I cup my mouth at how unbelievably sweet that was.

It was such a small gesture but it meant the world to me. He must have seen how disappointed I was that I had to put it back, and went back for it while I was in the bathroom.

"You looked amazing in it. Then you returned it and we left." He flicks at something on his trousers as I take a seat in front of him. "So I went back to Gap and got it for you."

I smile. "Archie."

He doesn't say anything for a few seconds, but then lifts his head. "Yeah?"

"You are so cute," I wink, and he grins, his cheeks reddening slightly.

"Well... I'm also an idiot because I think I went and left the bag at Stratford when I punched Callum." He looks down at his hand where I could see a purple bruise forming on his knuckles already.

I take his hand, but as he moves it I see a white string and a navy blue bag behind him, which makes me giggle.

"What?" He asks, looking behind him.

"What's that behind you?" I point again.

I laugh as he turns around and lifts his bum. It seems he sat on the bag in his urgency to find it.

He rolls his eyes and shifts awkwardly to get it and, after fluffing it up slightly, he hands it to me.

When I open it, I'm a bit confused as I pull out the contents, which were the jeans and t-shirt I'd bought originally.


He laughs and falls backwards, covering his face with his hands.

"Christ, I'm making a meal out of this one, aren't I?" He then looks behind him and realises the jumper had actually fallen out.

He leans forward and grabs the jumper and hands it to me. His cheeks were now definitely aflame and it was the most adorable thing ever.

"There," he places it gently in my hands and kisses my nose.

I chuckle, feeling the familiar warm softness I loved, bringing a content smile to my lips.

"I love it," I lean forward slightly to kiss the corner of his mouth lightly. "Thank you."

He beams at me, but then he sighs as he looks forlornly at the door, his smile dissipating slightly.

"We should be heading back down really... They'll be wondering what we're doing."

His face falls, and I know he's thinking the same as me. He's thinking about tomorrow.

Tomorrow means going back to 'normal' but for him it also meant seeing Dee and Callum again. Everyone was bound to be talking about Callum's black eye, so I just hoped the painful part for Archie was over as soon as possible, and that he could talk to Dee sooner rather than later. I hated to see him suffer, and despite being happy with me here, I knew he was suffering because of what Dee had done to him.

"We'll be fine tomorrow," I say, scratching the stubble on his chin as I kiss him quickly before standing.

I offer him my hands and he takes them, pulling himself up awkwardly whilst trying not to pull me over.

When he stands he catches my lips as he does so, using one of his hands to cup my neck and entangle the tips of his fingers in my hair, craning his neck down as I stand on tiptoes, hands on his waist.

When he pulls away, his eyes are sparkling, filled with brightness despite such a difficult day.

"I love you," he says without a shadow of a doubt

I grin up into his caramel eyes and tears of happiness come to mine. "I love you too."


WHEN WE GET HOME, we all pretty much head straight on up to bed.

Dad and Matt look wrecked, and Matt can barely keep his eyes open. I was actually worried he had alcohol poisoning or something.

Hugging them both before grabbing a glass of water, I go up to my room grinning like an idiot as I look at booking Dad's birthday meal for next week, before I forgot and whilst I had it on my mind.

He loves going to a place not far away, The Bluebell, but we do that every year. He may like a surprise, or a change in scenery.

Taking out my phone, I text Matt quickly, to put the idea in his head, see what he thought before he falls asleep.

Hey. Texting cos I don't want to be annoying.. 😝 Bluebell for Dad's? Or shall I book somewhere else? xxx

He texts back almost immediately. Usually he doesn't, so he must want to text back now, before he forgets. He's usually useless.

Nah Bluebell. He loves it there... Count me in for whatever. I'm shattered so I'm turning in.. 😓 night x

I giggle at his honesty.

I know the only day he can definitely do is a Wednesday, even though I have hockey, so I aim for then. He has Essex League training, and they don't let you miss any training sessions, not even if you're sick as a dog. I was more likely to be able to get out of hockey, and it would be easier next week, because we didn't have a match.

I'll tell you about plans tomorrow 😃 xx

I load the website and book the restaurant for 8pm next Wednesday evening, which gives me time to change if I can't get out of hockey, and for Dad to finish work. I also put in a request for us in the back corner, and order a birthday dessert, despite Dad always saying he doesn't want a fuss.

He says that every year, but every year we do it anyway and I know he appreciates it. The people know him there, and I think that's part of the reason why he loves it there so much.

I smile as I send a group text to Archie and Millie, laughing at the last message which had been Archie's picture of Matt asleep at the beginning of term.

Hey guys! So I've booked the Bluebell for 6 people next Wednesday.. 8pm. You guys can all make it right? 😬 xxx

The first response is from Millie, but is followed close behind by Archie.

Wednesday? Noooooooo I have plans! 😲

Definitely! We'll just come back with you guys after school that day? Millie cancel them! Andrew's will be more fun! 😃 xxx
Also Mum just said she's in too ☺️

I grin. That's five out of six. Now we're just waiting for Millie.

I hoped she could come because it really wouldn't be the same without her.

And that she's paying... No ifs or buts! 😜

I was about to type out a reply, protesting when I see that message and roll my eyes. Dad would insist, just like he did every year, even though it's his birthday and he deserves to be spoiled. But that's just the way he is, and I've learnt not to argue over the years.

Okay, okay! Thank you Wendy! 😍 xxx

Are going this Wednesday or next?

Next week! 😄

Amazing! Yes I can come. Mary said plans are this Wednesday. So count me in! 😎


I celebrated to myself when that message came through. Full house. Dad would be so stoked.

Putting down my phone I go to brush my teeth, but I stop in my tracks when another beep signals another message.

I start brushing as it beeps again and curiosity gets the better of me. I come back to my phone to look at them.

Toothpaste dribbles down my chin as I grin at the new messages.

So yeah we'll just come back with you and Mum says she'll meet us there..
Don't mind being designated driver if your dad wants a drink?

He's so thoughtful, and I really appreciate him thinking of Dad, allowing him to let his  metaphorical hair down if he wanted.

I'm about to type back to him, saying I can't stop thinking about him, when I realise I'm still on the group message.

I delete the letters with one hand and spit out my toothpaste as I change to my most recent conversation with him, smiling as I type.

Proving he can read my mind, even from afar, his message comes through first, and it's pretty much exactly what I'm about to type myself.

I cannot get you out of my head... Call me if you're just as awake as I am... xxxxxxxxx

The number of kisses makes my stomach do a backflip.

I rinse my mouth out before I call him, but when I do, he picks up after one ring, and his responding voice makes me weak at the knees, so much so that I have to sit down on my bed.

"Hey beautiful," he purrs.

My stomach flips again and I catch my breath at him calling me that.

"That won't help me sleep either," I giggle, trying to keep quiet knowing Dad was right next door.

He chuckles. "Man, my heart is racing..." His voice goes serious. "It's so fast, and I feel like I'm going to explode... in a good way."

Even through the seriousness I can hear how happy he is. He's talking and smiling at the same time, and it warms me to my core that I have something to do with it.

"My heart's doing the same," I say, putting my hand on my chest, feeling in hammering underneath my ribcage, trying to escape.

"How can I feel this way so quickly? I just... it's completely new to me."

I wanted to tell him that I'd felt this way for years.

I say I've felt this way since I was eleven, but the truth is my heart has been his ever since he smiled at me with his missing two front teeth, that first day we met him.

"I'm definitely speaking to Dee tomorrow," he says after we've both been quiet for a minute.

I shake my head, "Arch... You don't have to do it this week. You need time to cool down from it... and I know you're still upset before you try to say you're not," he sighs.

"Besides," I shuffle backwards on my bed, crossing my legs. "I'll still be here for you, even if it takes you a month to talk to her," I smile, although my smile disappears briefly as it sinks in that he could actually take that long.

"I won't take that long. I won't. Everyone needs to know it was her that's in the wrong, not me." He chuckles and his words puts my mind at ease.

I sink slightly in relief, but his voice sounds angry, and I think he's worrying about how Dee would react.

"Archie, please don't worry about me. I know how to handle myself, and I know that any rumours she spreads won't be true."

"That's not what I'm worried about. Tess I know you can handle anything."

"What is it then?" I ask.

"I don't know..."

I roll my eyes and lean back on my bed.

He sighs before continuing. "I just, I want to do it right this time. I don't want to muck it up. Dee did this because I wasn't paying attention and I don't want to do the same to you."

I sit up and my clutch my chest, my heart warming.

"That won't happen, Archie. You could make me wait a year and I'd still be there waiting. I'm not going anywhere."

He's quiet for a moment and I think the line may have gone dead.


"I can't," he says immediately, and my heart drops. "I can't wait until tomorrow. I'm coming over. I'll be there soon."

The line goes dead and I'm left squirming, staring at my phone in disbelief.

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