Game Of Thrones Preference

By alertIamafangirl

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Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Theon Greyjoy, Margaery Tyr... More

How you meet pt.1 your point of view (Male Character (Game of Thrones)
How you meet pt. 1 your point of view (female characters) (Game of throne)
How you meet pt. 2 his point of view (male)
How you meet pt.2 her point of view (female)
how he asks you on a date
how she asked you on a date
Your first date (male)
your first date (female)
what he calls you
what she calls you
What you call him
what you call her
your first kiss (male)
your first kiss (female)
who says I love you first plus how it happened (male)
who says I love you first and how it happened (female)
How he asked you to be his girlfriend
How she asks you to be her girlfriend
why you keep your relationship a secret (male)
why you keep your relationship secret (female)
your first fight (male)
your first fight (female)
you guys break up pt. 1 (male)
you guys break up pt. 1 (female)
Ramsay Bolton
how you react to the break up pt. 2 (male)
how you react to the break up pt. 2 (female)
you guys get back together (male)
you guys get back together (female)
Person he gets jealous of
person she gets jealous of
person your jealous of (male)
person you are jealous of (female)
Jamie Lannister
Cersei Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Myrcella Bratheon
Gendry Waters
Oberyn Martell
Yara Greyjoy
brienne of tarth
Viserys Targaryn
Obara Sand
What there family thinks of you (male)
How your family reacts to finding out about your relationship with her
Their favorite dress on you (Male)
There favorite dress on you (Female)
His favorite physical and personality feature (male)
Her favorite physical and personality feature (female)
They ask someone close to you for your hand in marriage
The moment you realized you loved her
He proposes
Your ring
His ring
Your matching Necklace
Your wedding ceremony
Your wedding Feast
2 Words to describe your wedding night
2 words to describe Your first time (female)
Ellaria Sand
How he protects you
How she protects you
Sandor "The Hound" Clegane
Tywin Lannister
Lyanna Stark
Ashara Dayne
You find out your with child
You find a child/children you want to adopt
You tell them your pregnant
You agree to adopt the child/children
How they act during your pregnancy
Tormund Giantsbane
I'm back

You tell the children you are adopting them

4.3K 34 6
By alertIamafangirl

Sansa Stark-

You bounced in excitement next to your lover as you walked down the streets of Wintertown. Sansa laughed at your behavior. "It is not funny I am just so happy we are adopting him," You squeal with childlike excitement.  Sansa didn't have time to reply before one of the guards accompanying you turned and asked, "When will you like us to return?" "Wait outside It shouldn't take us long," Sansa orders. You quickly entered the building being greeted with children running everyone. You and Sansa both laughed before you heard the orphanage owner yell, "Bloody hell I told you not to leave but they don't listen." "None of them left lady Y/L/N (Your Last Name) and Lady Stark are here," An older girl who sat in the corner reading a book explained. "Oh, my apologies my ladies I have just been awfully busy sorry to keep you waiting for my ladies," The orphanage owner apologizes as she walks from the back. "Your fine do not worry," Sansa calmed the woman. "Anyways what can I help you with I was just putting down the younger kids down actually that reminds me," The lady asked before pausing and turning towards the older children all around the common room doing various activities and hollering, "Children please head to your beds lights out in an hour and quite time starts now thank you children!" "Goodnight madam Goodnight Lady Stark Goodnight Lady Y/L/N," The kids said as they went through the door. "Earlier today you introduced my lover to a child she simply adores and has told me about him I was wondering if I could meet him," Sansa asks politely with a wide smile as she took your soft hand in hers? "Of course right this way," The older woman directed leading you through the black curtain into a room full of wooden cribs. In the back, crib laid the familiar infant. He looked so peaceful lying there asleep. You and Sansa stood there you tucked under her arm watching his chest lift up and down with his shallow breaths. "See Sans he is perfect," You squealed quietly in awe. "We want to take him home my lover and I are in love with the child already," Sansa declares. "Of course my ladies you could take him now if you wish," The older woman agrees with a friendly smile. "Thank you snowflake grab our son the guards are waiting," Sansa directs. You picked up the tiny babe in your arms before whispering, "Let's go home Ivar you mothers have you now."

Arya Stark-

You awoke and got ready for the day before gliding next door to Gyda's chambers. You knocked on the thick wooden door before you heard a small voice yell, "Come in!" You opened the door with a smile that instantly dropped when you noticed she had all her things packed and was sitting there with tears slipping down her face as she choked back sobs. You ran to her and questioned, "What is wrong sweetling." "Can I keep the things you bought me or do I leave them I packed just in case I could take them," She asked with hopeful eyes. "That doesn't matter at the moment tell me what is a matter Gyda," You asked softly crouching in front of her and taking her hands in yours? "I overheard Arya and Sandor Clegane this morning they found my parents dead so I figured that means I am going to the Orphanage I heard you talking with the Orphanage owner yesterday about me leaving at mid-day," She broke down sobbing throwing herself into your arms. You wrapped your arms around her and stood shifting so you could sit on your bed with the green-eyed child on your lap. "Shh darling listen yes you were going to be going to the orphanage today but keyword was I have grown to love you as my own child in this short time and I couldn't bear to let you go I understand you are going to need time but I want you to stay here I want you Arya and I to be a family but I understand if that isn't what you want," You calmed. "Really I could stay here with you," The little girl asked with hope. "Yes I would love you to stay in fact nothing would make me happier but you should know if you stay you have to not only be trained as a lady because I am not only a runaway princess and my lover is a lady but you will have to train with weapons when you are a little older," You reply. "I want to stay," She squeals hugging you.

Daenerys Targaryen-  

You all sat at the table eating your evening meal. The children were very quiet. "Rolla Aslaug is everything fine," You asked in concern. "Yes my queens everything is more than alright and we are so very grateful for all the things you have done for us," Aslaug answered rush. "I was wondering if it was okay if I asked you guys something as our new mothers and not our queens," Rollo asked? "Of course what is it?" Daenerys asked? "We appreciate everything you both have done for us but how long until you are done with us do we have years to prepare or is it only a few days," Rollo asked?  "We will never be tired of you Rollo when I saw you a piece of me clicked and I realized it was my maternal instinct I have only know you guys six months now but I already feel like I would kill for you the only time you have to leave Aslaug is when you fall in love with a man or a woman and move to them and I understand Rollo it must be hard to wrap your head around the fact that six moons ago you thought you were going to be executed now you are the next king in fact Dany and I talked and she would like to make you guys officially Crowned prince Rollo and princess Aslaug Targaryen first of there name of house Targaryen," You rambled. "What do you say?" The dragon queen asked? "Yes of course," Aslaug agreed for her and her brother.

Margaery Tyrell-  

The door opened and pushed in was the teen followed by your husband. "Is this him," Loras asked?  "My queen My lady I do not understand I haven't done anything wrong please leave me be," Begged the scared boy. "Ragnar dear relax come sit by us we have something to discuss with you," You instruct pouring him a glass of wine and passing it to him as he sat down. Loras just stood silently by the now closed door.  "How good are you at keeping a secret," Asked the queen of the seven kingdoms asked? "I don't know good I suppose," He answered questioningly. "What about at following directions," You interrogate? "Not very well," The blonde answered. "What about lying can you lie well remember your lie make people believe it can you do that," The Tyrell asked? "Yes your grace," The blue-eyed orphan answered. "Good," You both say in unison. "We have a secret can you keep it," You asked? "Yes of course," The orphan agreed taking a sip of his wine. "This is my brother's wife but she is also my lover my brother is a homosexual so he doesn't mind but you see my lover is filling incomplete she wants a family together Lady Tyrell wants to adopt a child but that would be very difficult because I am a queen married to the king she is a lady married to a lord no one can know of our relations but then we saw you we decide you would be perfect so what do you say would you want to be our secret son will pay the orphanage owner well to keep it a secret you will tell everyone you are Y/N younger cousin from her mother side her mother sister Anna's son to be exact she met a commoner name Angus and fell in love she ran away one night and hasn't been seen since there won't be anyone to correct your story the reason you are here is you found out your parents lied to you and confronted them so they kicked you out or you can go back to the orphanage you would be paid well to keep our secret but if you stay you would be the son of a queen and a lady you would be spoild," Margaery explained before giving the ultimatum. "So what do I call you your titles, your names, or do I call you both mom," He asked with a smirk. "Whatever you want around there grandmother and the three of us but keep it to our names when around others," You answered. "Well then Let's go to the orphanage," He accepts with a smile.

Cersei Lannister- 

You held Gisela rocking her in your arms while singing to her when the door opened an in walked Astrid. She jumped when she saw you. "My lady, what are you doing here," Questioned the wetnurse? "Playing with my daughter," You answer. "Your daughter my lady what are you talking about Lord Skull will not be happy if he hears you speaking this non since," She rambles. "Lord Alfred Skull of Skull Island died during the dragon queen's attack Gisela has no relatives to take her and seeing as how my lover is the queen I am taking her as my daughter the question Astrid is will you stay with her or will you gather your things and leave friend," You explained before asking? "Of course I will stay I need the income and I love Gisela and you are the best friend I have ever had," Astrid accepted. "Do you hear that Gisela Astrid is staying that doesn't that make mommy and you happy princess," You cooed to your daughter.

 Mrycella Baratheon-

Mrycella did get you a job as her handmaiden. You and the twins had the room next to her. One day you all sat in the room the twins playing on the floor and you and Mrycella cuddling in her bed. "Auntie Y/N where is mommy," Ubbe asked. "Come here children," You called and they came and crawled cuddling between you and your lover. "Mommy isn't coming home she was in the market buying food when a bad man or a group of bad men killed her your mother was strong and kind she was brave and beautiful she loved you too more than she had ever loved anything she would have done anything for you I miss your mother but having you two here is almost like having her here so mommy is gone but auntie Y/N and auntie Mrycella are going to take care of you and love you and be your new moms just like Raina would have wanted." You explained. "We love you," The kids said in unison. "I love you too Lagertha and Ubbe," You say kissing both of there heads.

Yara Greyjoy- 

"Hvitserk wake-up darling," You instructed. He rolled over yawning. "Are you hungry," You asked? "famished," He replied. "Then let's eat but first I would like to give you an option you can stay here as mine and Yara's son that would make you heir to the iron islands you will have to convert to the drown god and you will have to be baptized in his honor but you will have two mothers and an uncle that cherishes you and people who worship you as not only a lord but a king or we dock tomorrow not for a raid but to get a good nights to rest on our way to meet the dragon queen you can get off there and figure out how to survive," You gave the ultimatum. "If I stay I will stay with you and be safe right," He asked? "Of course Hvitty," You agreed. "Then I want to stay I want to stay with you," He chooses. "Well then let's go I am starving," You accepted with a smile.

 Brienne of Tarth-

You and Brienne walked into the orphanage being met by the orphanage worker at the door. "Welcome, how can I help you," The older woman asked? "I met a girl named Torvi I wish to adopt her," You answer plainly. "I would not recomend that Torvi is trouble and wild also she is a dreamer constantly coming up with silly fantasies she is not the type of child I would suggest adopting," The orphanage owner denies before insulting. "My lover and I didn't ask who you suggested we came for Torvi we are leaving with Torvi," Brienne growled. "Sorry very well," She agreed akwardly before turning and yelling, "Torvi you are being adopted." "Really," cheered Torvi bouncing over there. "Yes now come on if you want to it is your choice," You explain. "Of course I wouldn't want anything else," She agrees as the three of you left.

Obara Sand- 

"Freydis Bjorn come here," You called as they were swimming in the water gardens. Obara had an arm draped on your shoulder as you cuddled in her side. "Coming," the six-year-olds yell in unison running to you. "Come let's go for a walk children," You suggest. "Okay," The children agree. You all began walking. "So has Ellaria explained why you are here," Obara asked? "Yes," Freydis answers. "So you know you can't go home," You asked? "Yeah but this is our new home," Bjorn replies. "How would you like to stay with us permanently as our child we could be your new moms you would still be allowed to see your mother in fact I would like to set up a visit a week with her here for you guys," You asked? "I would love that," Freydis says with a smile. "Me too," Bjorn agrees with a smile. "Go play don't be late for dinner," Obara dismisses before the children ran off back to go play in the water gardens.


You were sitting there eating evening meal when the door opened and a cold breeze blew through the tavern. The boy came in dressed in new attire and ordered a steaming bowl of stew and a chunk of bread and a glass of water. He came and sat across from you. "Evening Y/N and Melisandre," He greets with a wide smile. "Evening Floki," You both welcomed in unison. "Thank you guys for everything no one has ever shown me such kindness so thank you thanks to you too I was able to sleep safely and comfortably for a week I was able to bath and wash my clothes as well as by a new change of clothes also I was able to buy me a loaf of bread and a pale of water," he explains. "That is wonderful," You compliment. His food was placed in front of him and he went to pay but Melisandre paid for it instead. "Thank you," Floki thanks. "You are welcome," Melisandre accepts. "So Floki how old are you," You asked? "I am nine almost ten," He answers shoving his face with stew. "Where are your parents," Melisandre interrogated? "Well my parents we were travelers I was only traveled they had no family from what I know of but one day we were traveling to the next city I don't remember but we were attacked and robbed I managed to get away but my mom and dad didn't," he explains. You studied his curly his fiery hair it was a mixture of yellows, oranges, red, and even blue his eyes also a flame matching his hair and skin that was a shimmering chocolate brown. (A/N I am so sorry if this sounds offensive to African Americans I was not aware of how to describe dark skin colors I researched for an hour to try to find how but I couldn't so my apologies if you have a better less offensive term please tell me it and I will change it thank you) "We haven't known each other for long but if you could trust us or if you want to you can come with us we leave tomorrow she is a priestess for the lord of light R'hllor," You explain. "You want me to come with you," He asked questioningly? "Yes look into the flame in the fireplace and tell me what you see," The red woman asked? "Flames," He answered plainly. "Clear your head close your eyes take a deep breath open your eyes and concentrate on the flame," You instructed knowing having memorized what she was going to say next. She turned to you with a proud smile as Floki did what you said. "I see myself in a red robe you are both behind me I have aged but you two haven't I look to be in my twenties I am wearing bracelets like your necklace and you two are behind me you are both in blood red dresses and necklaces like the one she is wearing now were on a hill there are people as far as I can see there listening to us eating every word as we like preach I think my lips are saying R'hllor brought my mothers to me and together all three saved me," He explains before turning to yours confused. "Our god the one true God showed you your fate," Melisandre explained. "Then I guess I must go with you R'hllor has united me with my moms now the three of them must save me," Floki agrees.

Ellaria Sand-

It had been a month since Margrethe had arrived a fantastic month. You were standing around talking to Ellaria when your daughter came running to you sobbing. You clutched her in your arms as she sobbed. "What is a matter," You asked softly. "Grandmother and Grandfather they sent me a note they said I needed to return to that dreadful place they called you an abomination they said you went against the gods in loving woman they said they should have never let father marry you they said you abandon me once you would do it again they said you were a terrible mother they said I was a traitor they said over there dead bodies would they allow me to stay they said they will storm sunspear with all their power and murder you like they should have done years ago and murder me too for going against our house," She sobbed. "Shh look at me you are not going anywhere never you are staying here forever your not even going to leave after you find a man or woman you love they can think I am disgusting they can hate me their opinions do not matter to me and they shouldn't matter to you either I went against there gods, not mine I worship the Lysene love goddess which knows no gender only what is in our hearts so I don't care about the gods and you don't have to either not if you don't want to I used to say the same thing I didn't want to be married to your father I didn't love him I was always attracted to woman but I met you I got to be your mother so I say thank you I never abadoned you I abadoned your cruel family and they refused to let me go unless I left you and this is our home were both not going anywhere we are staying here in our home with our family so I am not going anywhere and your not either the only opinion on my mothering skills that matter to me are yours you are not a traitor they are terrible hurtful cruel people and you wanted your mother there is nothing bad about that so you were not a traitor it is not their choice it is yours and if they try to take me from you they will be dead let them storm dorne they won't be succesful we will take out everyone of them let them try to murder me I am a princess of Dorne they won't get far  and if they go near you I will watch them choke on your own blood your my daughter and I am your mother and your stuck with me for all of enterity," You sooth.


"So Siggyv Porunn you have decided to stay but here are the rules if I find you breaking them I will send you away my lover and I am paying very well she is the queens translator and best friend and I am her closest advisor and her lifelong best friend but besides the point I don't want you to mention my family ever again Sigurd and Helga are mine and Missandei's children they have no siblings I am going to raise them but in order to do so I need them to think they are just my son and daughter and not my siblings also first priority always keep themselves put there lives before your own and that is it thank you I look forward to spending many many years with both of you," You ordered coming to terms with the fact you were a  mom now.

 Lyanna Stark-

"Mangus we need to talk," You say. "Is there something wrong," He asked? "I got a letter today from your father he was sentenced to be executed he is probably already gone by now but he said he wants you to stay with me until you are older I think that is best too I was wondering if you wanted to stay you could help with the bakery make some extra money you can stay here we can figure out everything as we go," You ask and reason. "Of course I will stay and don't worry about the money I would just help with the bakery because it helps you and thank you-you are amazing and you have done so much for me," He thanks hugging you.

Ashara Dayne-  

You sat next to her bed reading a book about a king falling for a commoner. "Your really nice your children are lucky to have a mom like you," Angrboda compliments softly. "I don't have any children being in love with a woman took that from me but thank you," You thank sadly. "Why don't you adopt," She interrogates. "We didn't really think about kids until a teen girl came into our lives," You confess. "What is stopping you then," The girl confesses. "I haven't talked to her about if she would be okay with it," You answered. "If I were her I would feel like the luckiest girl in the universe my mom was horrible she never talked to us unless it was screaming because my father gave my sister and me his attention and not her," She spilled. "I am so sorry to hear that but I am glad to you say you would want to stay my lover and I  want to adopt you make you our daughter the future lady of Starfall," You ask? "Of course," She agreed with a smile.

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