Dream a Little Dream // Danie...

By AutumnsFl0wers

27.4K 1.1K 728

"Who's Daniel Howell?" You've never really been interested in YouTube. Quite frankly, you don't really care f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39*
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Biggest News!
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: Turning Point

Chapter 32

359 18 10
By AutumnsFl0wers

"Aww, we aren't allowed to meet her?"

(Y/N) shook her head sympathetically, her eyes apologetic as she shrugged sheepishly towards Phil. The following day— after a long awaited call with her friend Hailey— (Y/N) had come over to explain the situation with the two Brits. Hailey would be arriving tomorrow, her friend making herself at home for a couple days at (Y/N)'s place. Unfortunately that meant (Y/N) had to stay with Hailey for those select days, keeping an eye on her and touring her around the town. But that wasn't all; Hailey wasn't allowed to know about (Y/N)'s friendship with either Dan or Phil. "Please don't take offence! It's just that she's a little..." (Y/N) waved her hands in the air frantically, moving them in the direction of the two boys. "She's a little obsessive when it comes to Youtube. And I can't guarantee a mellow reaction from her. She may be a little overwhelmed."

Phil stood beside the couch, folding his arms and nodding as he understood where (Y/N) was coming from. Dan sat close to (Y/N), mirroring Phil's display. The raven haired man began to play with his quiff absentmindedly, flicking away a few stray strands. "I guess it can't be helped. If that's your decision, then we respect it." He shook his head free of any remaining strands, looking down at (Y/N) once again. "So I take it she doesn't know about us?" His words weren't meant to be harsh, he was just curious.

(Y/N) visibly cringed either way, most likely taking his curiosity as a negative thing. "Yeah, she doesn't know I've been hanging out with anyone. She just assumes that I've been a house hermit these past months." She looked a little ashamed with her explanation. "It's not that I don't want anyone to know! It's just that—"

"Trust me (Y/N), we get it." piped Dan, his tone feathered with gentle understanding. "You want to respect our privacy, therefore it's best if Hailey doesn't know quite yet." (Y/N) nodded, her tension loosening once she realized they weren't mad about her reasonings.

"Thanks for understanding guys. Hailey's great, really. But I will admit that she can get a little carried away with things she's obsessed with, and I don't want her spreading any information she shouldn't be. You know, location, addresses, attempting to wean facts from me. All that stuff."

Both Dan and Phil cracked smiles of admiration. Phil came over to the couch and plopped himself down beside (Y/N), reaching over and fluffing at her hair humorously. "(Y/N), you're great! We really appreciate you keeping our personal lives on the down low. The amount of times we've had people try and figure our private info has been a little disheartening. I'm glad you're so respectful of our lives."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, giving Phil's arm a playful shove. "Well duh, it's common courtesy! I can't believe people would go all out to find out where people live and stalk them. That's just beyond creepy and rude."

Dan sputtered slightly, snickering to himself as (Y/N) looked over with a questioning glance. "I mean, my initial thought of you when you moved here was that you were actually a stalker who had managed to find me again. Glad to know you're not actually a creepy follower, (Y/N)." This earned Dan a flying pillow to his face, followed by cackles of triumph.

Phil rolled his eyes, placing himself between the two giggling adults. "Alright children, don't be throwing things at each other. You might break something—" Dan's aim was slightly off, nailing Phil straight in the face. After the fluffy impact, Phil's expression was unreadable, his face dull and void. His eyes lazed over to Dan, his expression darkening. "So that's how you want to play, huh?"

Dan gulped, grasping for another pillow on the couch, "(Y-Y/N), help me out, will you?"

(Y/N) nodded quickly, her eyes wide as she broke out into a nervous sweat. Without breaking eye contact with the back of Phil's head, she began palming the couch in search for a defense against his wrath. Luckily, there was still a blanket on the couch after their marathon nights. The girl quickly bunched the fabric in her arms and threw it over Phil's head, momentarily blinding him from their dual attack. "Now's your chance, Dan!"

With great speed, Dan plucked a pillow from the couch and began relentlessly hitting Phil's blanketed figure with the cushion. Underneath the fabric were Phil's muffled screams of defiance. "For honor!" screeched Dan, landing continuous blows on his flatmate. (Y/N) took this as an opportunity to do that same, reaching for a pillow on the floor and wacking her friend like a noisy pinata. By this point, they were all screaming incoherently, faux bloodlust filling their souls as they engaged in a mighty battle to calm the blanketed beast.

Despite the situation he was in, Phil was practically dying of laughter as his friend's attacked him. Wiggling beneath the sheet, crackles of static crinkled across his hair. The tiny zaps surprised him, causing him to let out small exclamations of shock. With each new movement, his hair became even more charged. When he was finally able to free himself, his hair was spiked in all different directions; it was electrifying! Feeling mischievous, Phil lunged for Dan. He grazed his outstretched finger against Dan's exposed skin, pleased when a small spark erupted from his fingertip. Dan yelped in surprise, throwing his pillow away in alarm.

Phil snickered loudly, wiggling around in the blanket as he charged himself more. This time, he aimed his attack towards (Y/N), the girl trying her best to avoid the attack she had seen preformed moments ago. Unfortunately for her, Phil was quick enough to land a blow on her, the shock more powerful than the last. (Y/N) hissed in annoyance, holding her pillow in front of her chest. "Okay! I yield!" With a look of triumph, Phil brought his attention to Dan who lowered his head in submission. Phil gave a snarky smirk; he had won this battle.

The trio sat for a while as they waited for Phil's hair to calm down, the occasional crackle gracing his fingertips as he tried to control his locks. Once he was dethroned of his lightning powers, Phil let out a wistful sigh. "Are you sure you can't visit us sometime during those couple of days? We get awfully bored without you hanging around."

(Y/N) smiled, shaking her head sadly. "Sorry guys, but I have to be with Hailey for a while. Afterall, I need to be a good host!" She fiddled around in her pocket, bringing out her phone and waving it in front of the boys. "We can keep each other updated through text, okay? It'll be like I never left. Besides," She stood up, gently folding the blanket into a neat pile. "Maybe while I'm gone you guys can get some actual work done! I keep distracting you with movie watching and stuff."

Phil gave an unhappy pout while Dan groaned, reclining himself off the side of the couch; he was upside down by this point. "But we like having you around. You make everything so much better." Phil's eyes trailed over (Y/N), observing her for a reaction to Dan's words. She averted her eyes ever so slightly, the tiniest crack of a smile wobbling at the corners. It was a small response, but it was definitely there. I can't interfere. I just can't.

No matter how infuriating it was to observe their painfully strained exchanges, Phil promised himself not to interfere. Sure, he had caved a little and questioned Dan to confession. But that was as far as he could go. Maybe his calling-out of Dan would push his friend a little further, to make him act upon his feelings. Because if there was no action taken, Phil felt like their uncanny connection would fizzle away, that special ingredient becoming stale and useless. It would be an unimaginable shame; a true loss. Yes, he could spoil the surprise, but that wouldn't create the same affect.

This was their story. He wouldn't dream of hijacking it.


You said goodbye to your friends rather early in the afternoon, explaining that you needed some time to clean up before Hailey's visit the following morning. She informed you that she would be coming in the morning; 6:00am to be precise. On top of that, she would most likely be jet-lagged when she arrived, so you had to make sure she had a comfortable place to sleep when she inevitably crashed from exhaustion.

Unfortunately, you only had one bed available in the apartment. You did have a guest room, but there wasn't really anything in that room as of yet. You figured you'd get around to furnishing that room when you had more money on hand. Specifically a well paying job. Being the good friend that you were, you would sacrifice your fluffy oasis for the creaky futon in the living room. It wasn't all that bad, just a little stiff. You hoped that a few nights sleeping on it would engrave a cozy sleeping spot for you.

For the remainder of your night, you spent it tidying up around the apartment. Dishes were put away, shelves dusted and shined, every surface vacuumed— Hell, you even cleaned your room at an extreme level! You were determined to make it spotless for Hailey, to impress her with your new found cleanliness. Hopefully she would take notice and give you praise instead of her normal scornful tone. She knew how messy your room could get, yet she also knew you loved it either way.

Checking the time, you sighed when you saw how late it was getting. You figured it was about time that you head to bed. Besides, you might as well relish in the softness while you still can. Hailey was going to have the privilege of sleeping in the most luxurious fabrics that have ever graced your gentle skin. You headed towards your room, stifling a large yawn as you stripped from your morning clothes into your pajamas. The fuzzy clothes gently brushed against your skin, the light fabric soothing as they helped you along into the land of dreams.

Feeling positively cozy, you wiggled under the covers, nuzzling your head into the pillows with a peaceful sigh. The air made your stray hairs lift up in fantastical swirls, eventually falling onto your face. The strands tickled your face, making you rub them away in annoyance. Once everything was the way you wanted it, you let yourself relax into the bed. Within a few minutes your mind had come to a staggering halt, all the stresses of the day melting away as you welcomed the warmth of sleep.

Even though you were content in bed, you couldn't help but feel a nagging sense of loneliness as you lay beneath the covers' embrace.


Since your early morning wake-up, you had been nervously pacing around your apartment, anxiously touching anything that seemed even slightly out of order. The sun hadn't even risen, the outside world still blissfully unaware of you internal meltdown. You felt a cold sweat break out all over your body, each passing minute making you feel even more sick. Where was she? Had she made it to the airport? Did she tell the taxi driver the right address? Was she alive?

You kept sending her hasty texts, wondering how she was and when she thought she'd make it to the apartment. Then— when she didn't answer immediately— you switched to frantically texting Phil about your worries. Luckily, he was awake and ready to return your texts with his welcomed reason.

MSG from Phil L

Stop worrying! I'm sure she'll be there soon. She's probably really tried from her plane ride and isn't able to text you right away.

You stared at your phone for a bit, finding yourself nodding in agreement. He was most likely right; you were probably so tired that your anxieties were at their peaks. You texted back a short 'thank you' to Phil before placing your phone down on a nearby counter. There was no use in excessively worrying, she would be here soon. You just had to wait it out.

Looking towards the kitchen, you decided to make yourself a cup of hot chocolate to calm your frantic nerves. Then if the kettle was still hot by the time she arrived, you could offer your friend a hot beverage of her liking. It would most likely be an herbal tea seeing as she would need immediate rest. Coffee would do nothing but ruin her sleeping schedule even more.

When the water came to a boil, you prepared the hot chocolate solution in your favorite mug and poured the scaling liquid into it. With practiced precision, you mixed the powder until it was one with the water. You lifted the spoon out, gently tapping it against the rim of the mug before placing it in the sink. With an experimental huff, you blew away the steam that was slinking upwards from the mug. You decided to give the cup a little taste, keeping in mind how hot the beverage was at the moment. You brought your lips to the rim, slowly tipping a minuscule amount into your mouth.

Suddenly, the sound of rambunctious knocking filled your apartment. You jumped back with a start, a ludicrous amount of hot chocolate pouring into your mouth. Keeping your wits, you quickly paced the cup on the counter before painfully clutching your throat, eyes watering as you coughed forcefully. God, why did this always happen with your drinks?

After a few moments of practically retching up you drink, you yelled out a raspy response. "Coming!" you called, the words coming out in more of a hiss then you intended. You quickly reached for a cup and filled it with ice cold water, hastily downing it as the freezing temperatures soothed your burning mouth. You wiped the water from your lips,  gasping for air. With no time to spare, you briskly patted your clothes and composed yourself, urgently running towards the door.

At first, you didn't know what to expect. Your palms were sweaty, your heartbeat a thundering chorus in your ears. As you reached for the doorknob, you couldn't help but notice how much you were shaking. Why were you shaking? Were you scared to see your best friend again after all this time? Maybe it wasn't fear; excitement perhaps? Swallowing your worries, you reached for the door and opened it, revealing who was on the other side.

Standing in front of you was an eerily familiar face, her tired eyes hidden behind her black rimmed glasses. At her side was the large pink suitcase she had brought with her, a nametag with the word "Hailey" scribbled in a fancy font. She was wearing what appeared to be a new raincoat. The coat was sleek with rain; it must have been raining this morning. You smiled broadly, extending your arms out to the girl. "Hailey!"

Hailey's eyes immediately brightened, her smile as large as yours. "(Y/N)!" She lunged towards you, engulfing you in her forceful hugs. Her coat left damp spots on your shirt, but you could care less. "Holy fuck, it's really you! How are you, girl?"

You hugged her tighter, laughing as her blond curls tickled your face. "I'm great! It's so good to see you again!"

She laughed, untangling herself from your arms. "I have to admit, your apartment looked like shit on the outside. But the inside looks really pleasant! I'm glad you snagged a nice place like this."

"So am I. I could've gotten myself a real dump." You gestured to the inside of your home. "Please, come inside."

Hailey nodded, grabbing her suitcase and rolling the large object into the living room. Before you even had time to offer her a drink, she had already stripped out of her damp coat, flinging herself onto you futon. "I'm so fucking tired..."

You rolled your eyes, walking over to Hailey and shaking her gently. "Alright, come on. I've got a nice bed for you to sleep in. Trust me, it beats this creaky old thing."

In her dazed state, Hailey gave a weak smile, leaning against you as she let her words purr out in utter exhaustion. "(Y/N), you're a saint~" She nuzzled into your side, muttering incoherent words of praise.

"You know it. Now get your sorry ass into bed!"

A/N: Hello! Hope you are doing fantastic in your everyday lives!

So here is Hailey. I wonder... what are your impressions of her? Just curious is all. She'll be here for a little bit so get ready to learn about her.

That's all for now! Thanks for the continuous support!


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