Angel + Demon (Skylox fanfic)

By minecraftguy101

7.6K 72 48

Two people live among the humans one is a angel and one is a demon. they live average lives with the humans... More

Chapter 1: The Greeting
Chapter 2 : The team
Chapter 3 : Partners
Chapter 4 : The past...the next move
Chapter 5: Realizing my feelings then confronting them....
Chapter 6 :The New Life
Chapter 8 : The New place
Chapter 9 : Assumption....
Chapter 10 : Black out
Chapter 11 : Coma...
Chapter 12 : Awoken & Taken home
Chapter 13: Proposal
Chapter 14: Little bundle
Chapter 15: Evil Strikes
Chapter 16 : Vampire...
Chapter 17: Love
Chapter 18 : Merome Wedding
Chapter 19: Our Blessing
Chapter 20 : Snuggle
Chapter 21: New Body
Chapter 22: Hybrid
Chapter 23: Her...
Chapter 24: Revenge
Chapter 25 : Memories
Chapter 26 : Disaster
Chapter 27 : Brendon
Chapter 27 continued
Chapter 28: Sarah...
~Not a Chaper UPDATE!~
10/11/2019 Update!!

chapter 7 : Our selves and something new

360 3 4
By minecraftguy101

Adam'a P.O.V

It was mid summer 2 years after the graduation we both had good paying jobs and we were happy as can be. Ty was sitting on my lap, snuggling his neck into mine. We were on out patio watching the trees sway in the wind.

RING RING i heard the phone go off so i pecked ty's cheek and said

" I'll get it "

  I slide ty off me gently and walked into to get the phone. I picked up the phone and started speaking into it.

"hello" I asked

" Hey Sky it's me Seto!!! " he screamed inot the phone.

" Oh hey whats up man " i answered

" hey I know we have not talked in a while and I would like to catch up with you it it's ok" he asked quitely.

" Yea it is fine you can come over it would be nice to see you again. hey are you still with brice"? I asked

" Yea and he is still my heart and im his" he sighed happily

"ok cool I guess I meet you at my house around 7-ish" i asked

" Yea just text me your adress you have  my number right"

"Yea 234-4335 right..? "

"yea u got it "he said happlily

" ok i will see you later" I said and I hung up the phone

I smiled and I got a glass of water and walked back out to the patio were ty was sitting quietly.

" who was it adam" he said sweetly

" It was seto an old friend of mine, he is visiting me later to catch up. he will be here around 7-ish s that ok " i asked smiling

Ty raised his head in a small nod and kept watching the tree sway. I still had not told him that i was and angel. I was just so worried he would leave me because im different than everyone.

Ty's P.O.V

Adam came back to the patio after talking on the phone. I spoke up

"Who was it" i asked quietly.

" It was seto an old friend of mine" he smiled

 I nodded slightly in response he sat down next to me and i intincly cuddled his arm. I sighed happily, but in my mind I knew I had to tell him who I actually was. Actually what I am. I was still confused about that day when he leaned onto me in art class and he shocked me. It had never happened before. I looked at Adam his glasses were off i saw his beautiful hazel budder-ish eyes. I blushed and looked away.

~~~Time skip~~~

It was around Noon  Adam and I were a little hungry so I was in the kitchen making sandwiches for Adam and I he came behind me and and went to move the hair out of my eyes and he brushed my headphones around my neck and it shocked him.

"A! " he screamed pulling his arm back

"ADAM!!!" I screamed I turned around and caught his hand before he hit the wall. He held his hand and walked to the freezer and pulled out a bag of frozen peas and put it on his hand.

" I'm so sorry Adam I did not m-mean to I started to sniffle and tears formed in my eyes. He looked down then grabbed my hand with his free hand and led me upstairs. I was so sonfused so I just followed him sniffleing softly.

Adam's P.O.V

 I had to tell him what  Iwas it has een almost 4 years of us being together and I had not told him.         I walked into our room and I told him sit on the bed . He sat on the bed and i began to talk

" Ty I have to tell you something and I have been meaning to tell you for a long time now" I said quitely

Ty's eye watered and i continued

" Ty you will love even after I tell you this right...?"

" Of course I will Adam i love you no matter what" he said happily

" I-i ...I'm an Angel..."

Ty's P.O.V

I-i... I'm an angel ... he said with a stutter 

My eyes widen and tears flowed from my eyes... how could I be so stupid.... IM SO STUPID!! I screamed in my head.

I shook my head and  I ran down the stairs and run down to the basement my hiding place

"TY!!" I hear as I run away

I'm balling tears and im hiding in the shadows.

Adam's P.O.V

TY!!! I yelled as he ran away. 

I ran after him and saw him run to the basement. 

" Ty..." I said and I could not see anything but,  I heard sniffleing and sobbing I knew it was Ty...

Ty... I said again...

"yea "  Iheard him sniffle 

I know this is alot but, we still love each other and you are my angel...

" I'm not an angel Adam im the opposite.. he mumbled

" What do you mean Ty...." i asked

" Adam I'm a demon ..." he said with a mumble.

My eyes widen for a second then i calmed down and I grabbed a flash light and found Ty  sitting curled up leaning on the wall of the basement.  I sat next to him. 

" We can get threw this Ty I know it ..." I said reassuring him

" I-i should have t-told you ealrier" Ty sobbed

Ty's P.O.V

I thought in my head i wonder if I need these stupid headphones so i dont shock him anymore. I lifted my hands and I wrapped my fingers around the and I slipped them off . Adam's eyes widen and told me to put them back on. I was always told they were my life source. I threw the headphone across the room, them breking into 3 pieces. I looked at adam and I fell to the ground breathing heavily.

Adam's P.O.V

I watched ty throw the headphones then him fall the the basement floor. 

"why ty you love me dont you.?" he asked crying

"I-i do love you Adam and i will meet you on the other.. o-other......"

he trailed off and stopped breathing 

" I never got to say goodbye "D**M IT GOD WHY WHY MUST YOU DO THIS!!!" i screamed to the ceiling of the basement.

Ty's P.O.V 

I held my breath as long as  I could and then I opened my eyes to see Adam cryying into my shirt I pulled my hand up and I put my hand on his head . He pulled his head up and I could see the anger and fear in his eyes rise.

" Oh S**T" i said 

GOD D**N IT TY WHY DID YOU DO THST YOU SCARED THE S**T OUT OF ME !!! THAT WAS NOT FUNNY D**M IT he started to cry again i hugged him and he hugged me back

" I'm sorry... I wanted to see how much you loved me"  Isaid with a small smile

He looked at me and pushed me to the basement floor and kissed me making me gasp suddenly then closed my eyes sky stopped kissing my lips and started to kiss along my cheek then going over to my neck. he was kissing near my sweet spot and he lowers his lips to the right place and nipping it gently and i gave a small gasp. he heard my gasp and started to nip and kiss  my sweet spot and i was so into it i forgot where i was 

~~~Time skip (  smut stuff not my thing to  describe  :P)~~~

 We had traveled from the basemeant to our bedroom and we had taken a little nap. I felt Adam's arm around my waist and i blushed a little then turn and faced him. he was snoring slightly and i giggled  and he woke up slowly I saw his eyes slit open and I smiled.

"morning sleepy" I smiled and pecked him on the nose and I got up and walked down the stairs sat on the couch wating for Sleepy to shuffle down and sit and cuddle. Which he did he yawned and he sat on the couch he had a minecraft t-shirt that said Keep calm and play minecraft in bold budder colored words and a budder sword on the back and budder colored shorts. I giggled and  cuddled next to him on the couch. I heard the dorr knock and I got up and answered it. 

" Hi I'm seto nice to meet you . This is Brice my boyfriend.The other guy waved. Is Adam home !"  he said loudly

"Yea he is here  please come in i said." and both men walked in and sat in the living room on the love seat.  I  was about to close the door until jerome ran threw the door; the door flinging back hitting me in the face. mitch  walked threw the door slowly and eligent  and saw me on the floor 

"UGH !! i held my head where the door hit me. I was picked up by mitch and he helped me stand. 

" you ok ?" he asked 

"yea im fine" i sighed

  Mitch stared at me for a little while and pointed to his forehead. I was confused so I shook my head and I went to the restroom and sawl the gash on my forehead. 

"Great ..." i said sarcasticly i wiped the gash with a towl and put a pandage on it and walked out to the living room. jerome was hoping filled with energy mitch stood next to him quitely and not moving so much. 

"  Ty are you ok " Adam saw the bandage on my forehead.

"Yea im fine Adam" i said quitely. Adam kissed my forehead and we sat on the couch and Adam looked at jerome hopping.

"Why are you so happy fluffy?" Adam asked

Jerome did not aswer and just kept hopping.

Everyone was confused except jerome and mitch of course.

My eyes widen as mitch moved his hand over his stomach slowly while everyone was staring at jerome was jumping. 

"NO WAY !!" i screamed making everyone jump

mitch looked at me and moved his hands quickly behind his back. Jerome looked at me and gave me the shut your face look.

mitch spoke up 

" Jerome and I have something to tell y'all" he said with a blush.

"What is it" Seto and Adam said in unison 

" Were pregnant" Mitch and jerome said together

Adam's eyes widen and so did seto's brice fell asleep on seto's shoulder.

That is amazing guys im so happy for you too." Adam said with passion in his voice

Me being me I started to tear up and I got up and I hugged mitch gently he too was tearing up and he hugged me back jerome joined the hug and we all laughed and were smiling with the news.

 Thanks for reading chapter 7 of angel + demon (skylox fanfic) i hope u liked it i made it longer. Let me know in the commentc if you liked it. Also i would aprecciate suggestions from you readers on how the book Fanific might go ... and again Thanks for reading (sorry for any errors)


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