School Love Affair (BTS FanFi...

By Jungxmbr

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Please see the prologue :) More

Prologue (BTS FanFiction)
Chapter 1: 2 Cool 4 Skool
Chapter 2 : I'm Doomed, You're Dead.
Chapter 3: A Conversation With the "Mianhabnida" Boy
Chapter 4: I Hate You, Blondie
Chapter 5: Consequence Cancelled
Chapter 6: Stop, I'm Hurt
Chapter 7: Kaye-V Moments
Chapter 8 : Ji Min, Waeyo?!
Chapter 9: My Jagiya
Chapter 10: Hospital Bloopers
Chapter 11: Kaye-Jin's Turn
Chapter 12: Jeju Love Part 1
Chapter 13: Jeju Love Part 2
Chapter 14: How About Me?
Chapter 15: Namja Chingu?
Chapter 16: His Sweetness
Chapter 17: She Finally Fell
Author's Note
Chapter 18: The Alterer Part 1
Chapter 19 : The Alterer Part 2
Must Read
Chapter 20: Seven Days to Six
Chapter 21: He Left
Chapter 22: Kookie's Enemy
Chapter 23: Love Web
Author's Note
Chapter 24: August Escapade
Chapter 25: Missing Her
Chapter 26 : The Fieldtrip Part 1
Author's Story
Chapter 27 : The Fieldtrip Part 2
Author's Feels
Another Author's Note
Chapter 29: Rationale
Chapter 30: You Gotta Be Kidding Me (Part 1)
Chapter 31: You Gotta Be Kidding Me (Part 2)
Chapter 32: The Monkey Gossiped
Chapter 33: Goodbye, Korea
Chapter 34: New Phase
Chapter 35: He Changed
Questions and Answers
From Author

Chapter 28: Aftermaths, Secrets, Confession

3.8K 125 23
By Jungxmbr

Recap :

It was when Seoul High's Educational trip turned out to be a dilemma for the families of many innocent students who lost their lives just because of a stupid mistake of a mysterious man who was told to play a game on Park Kae Il, their boss' daughter.

"Affirmative, boss. I'm waiting for my reward."

"Kae Il-aah. Park Kae Il! Park Kae Il! Kaye! I know you're in here. Kaye. Please respond. I'm begging you."

"You're getting near me, Jin. Jebal.. Ppali. I can't take it anymore."

"Aish. Why won't it work? Don't worry, Kae Il. I'll find a way for us to get out in here. I promise."

Chapter 28: Aftermaths, Secrets, Confession

"Wooah.. The greatest (idiot), the most good-looking (ugly, long-faced), you-know-it-all (yeah, that chic-magnet from CLASS Z! Hahaha!), the noble (stupid), Jung Ho Seok.... Hospitalized?" Suga teased his friend as he entered his room while waving a torn sheet of newspaper on his hand. J Hope's parents are outside so there's no reason to hide his nuisance. "Hahahaha. The face, dude!"

"Are you done kidding me? Why didn't the fireworks casted at your rebarbative mouth, Min Yoongi? Uggh." J Hope brassily said. Yeah, it's more of a statement.

'Another nonsense conversation.' They both thought, wondering why they always talk to each other in that way every time they meet. Too cute.


"Psh. Just when did the fireworks became a bullet, huh?"

"Ask Rihanna.." Then Suga came into singing the singer's Titanium song. "I'm bulletproof!! Nothing to lose! FIREworks away.. FIREworks away.."

J Hope lifted his eyebrows like.. "What the??"

"Hahahhaha." Suga just laughed seeing his friend extending his long face.

"You forgot to say you're joking, Sugarboy. I didn't laugh."

"But the fact that you're in class Z literally tells me you can't underst~ Ouch!" Suga said massaging his head hit by J Hope.

"Tsk. The class O student said. I won't help you in your love life anymore!"

"Aiish. You know I'm kidding, right? Aigoo, J Hope, you're really sensitive. Or is it just its daytime today and I forgot that you're active at night? (That's why you didn't get my joke?) Hahahha."

"So you went here to say tha~~" Ho Seok was in the middle of his sentence when Suga interrupted him.

"A-actually, J Hope.. Uhm.. Uhmm.."

"Aish. If you don't have anything important to say~"

"Park Kae Il."

It has been two months after the incident has happened. J Hope was pinned at his bed for a long time not even knowing of what is going on with him. The reason why Suga went inside his room and why he went only just now is that the doctors won't allow people to enter his room while J Hope is still on the process of returning back his memories. Even his parents are prohibited to see him when he's awake. Their presence might cause to something that would make their son forget them. They'll surely regret it.

Good thing he can be visited now.

"Park Kae Il." Suga uttered again. No reaction was traced in Ho Seok's face.

"Park Kae Il? Uh-oh.. Your new girlfriend, isn't it? Psh, the last time I checked, too much infatuation arose when you saw that New Zealander. And now? I knew it. You're a chicboy in disguise. Psh. I bet you don't need a help from me anymore. I'm too cool for that, anyways."

"Aaah. Y-Yeah.. Y-you're cool. That's why you got selected in BigHit, right?"

"BigHit? BigHit what? Ahh.. You mean biscuit? There, just open the fridge and get some."

"Pabo." (Stupid) Suga sighed.

And there followed another topic for their conversation.

"Blaah. Blaah. Blaah."

"I'll visit you later,J Hope. I think you need to have some rest now."

As soon as Suga closed the white door, he faced J Hope's parents..

"No progress, ma'am. He still thinks that the accident happened last night. Also, he can't remember some of his friends,his favorite movies, and more stuffs. Sorry... But I'll never stop to help. He's a good friend." Suga saw J Hope's mother, she looked hopeless. "Good thing, he didn't forget about us, ma'am." He cheered her up but then, someone popped out in his mind. The student president.


On the other hand, Kae Il is at Incheon International Airport, together with her friends who accompany her and her mother's trusted friend who will take her to Munich.

Jin Hee, walking beside Kae Il, is with her exaggeration feels again and hugged her bestfriend like she's gonna die because of suffocation. "I'm gonna miss you, Kaye! If I know this would happen, I should have been nicer to you the past months."

"Too late, Jin Hee. You're still my bestfriend, though." Jin Hee felt flattered. "My annoying bestfriend. Haha."

"Err." Jin Hee muttered as she noticed that the tripple Js (Ji Min, Jungkook and Jin) Are laughing at her, too. "I know. But before you leave, can I ask you one thing?"

"If you want me to get you a boyfriend in Germany, well, I prefer you... them." Kae Il said pointing at the guys behind them who were laughing a while ago, but when they realized that Kae Il was referring them to be a candidate for Jin Hee's dreamboy, everyone avoided.... EYE CONTACT.

'You need to feed me new gadgets first.' JungKook.

'My girlfriend might rise up from her grave and hunt you, girl.' Ji Min.

'I'm sorry. My heart only beats for Kae Il.' Jin.

"Aiish! It's not that! You're outfit! You're outfit is little bit weird. You know?" Jin Hee said. "I thought you're a blue lady?"

Today, Kae Il wears a black skinny pants and a black long sleeved shirt with a hood, a pair of red high cut on her feet, and a red sling bag around her body. It's one of her plans, her mom's rather.

Two months ago, Mrs. Park Hee Sun (Kae Il's mother) had a fight with her husband. It was because she misses her daughter so much but he won't allow her to go back to Seoul. There's always a stingy feeling, a guilt, and she feels like her conscience might eat her alive that she can do nothing but to follow him.

"One wrong move, yeobo, I wouldn't think twice killing your daughter."

Upon hearing her husband's evil statement, she clutched into her chest. Tears came running from her eyes. She only made the situation worse. Her poor daughter suffers because of the greatest mistakes she ever did. That one night at Sohom, and.. marrying the person she never loved. Fvck to whoever invented that so called arranged marriage, more fvck to whoever agreed for it to be legalized and most fvck must be given to their parents.

She did everything for him to accept Kae Il but he never did loved her daughter. After he knew that Hee Sun, his wife, got pregnant by someone else, an image of a good and caring husband became a sordid, dangerous beast.

Why Kae Il was trapped in one of the rooms in Bokgo two time ago, it's because her step father planned it to warn his wife. The moment he knew that Hee Sun booked a flight to Korea, he then made her remember the stupid things she has done.

"That child of yours is a slip-up! Only if you didn't.... Tsk. I warned you already, woman."

This made Hee Sun feel horrible, remembering the time when she was forced to choose between aborting the baby and her husband will forget all of her blunders or she'll let her baby live but the baby will be separated after she turned 13. Hee Sun chose the latter, thinking that, maybe, her husband will smoothly accept Kae Il as the days pass by. And abortion is a sin, don't deny. But none of her expectations happened.


"So, you're really gonna leave?" Kae Il shifted her head to the person who just spoke - Jin. Only the two of them were left after the three decided to buy foods. They still have 34 minutes before Kae Il would leave, though. Also, her mother's friend went to the comfort room.

"Hmm." She nodded a yes. "But we can still communi~"

"I shouldn't have met you." Jin's voice sounded so serious, he even doesn't know what he is talking right now. This is not a fifteen year old Jin anymore. Yikes!

"Jin.." Kae Il said. She was shocked. What made him say that?

"Park Kae Il.. let me say this before I regret it." He held her hand and looked directly into her eyes.

I wanna let you know how much I love you but hell, why do those words won't come out from my mouth? He shouted at the back of his mind. "I... I..."

"Errhm?" She shortly asked. It's very awkward, you know? They're holding hands, they're staring at each other and Jin is acting weird all of a sudden. 'Eottoke?' She keeps on screaming inside her head.




[insert cricket sounds, yah! Jin!! Speak up!]

"Park Kae Il, I.. I.. I l~"

"Kaye-ah, I forgot your ice cream flavor! What is it again?" Jin Hee suddenly popped out of nowhere and ruined Jin's momentum.

"Aigoo, Jin Hee. Bubblegum." Kae Il said, Jin sighed. "Thanks!"

"No problem. Hihihihihi." Jin Hee smiled meaningfully and before she left the two, she glanced at Jin and flashed a more meaningful creepy smile. "Fighting!!" She mouthed with exaggerated hand gestures, add the facial expression.

Kae Il then tilted her head back to the boy beside her. "J-jin?" She felt awkward again knowing that they're holding hands in public and her bestfriend saw it. This isn't their first time, though. But still.

She looked at Jin who held her hands even more tighter. "Jin-ah.."

"Azul would be lonely if you'll leave." He said not looking at her anymore, but his hand are still intertwined with hers. An image then of a cute puppy flashed in her mind. Azul, her only family after her nanny died.

'Why do you look so serious, Jin? I'm getting scared.'

"Y-yeah. But you won't let him be, r-right? He's yours, too." She said.

"If Jin Hee will take your position, I doubt if we could always have our morning ceremony in Seoul High." He added.

'Stop staring at the air, Jin. Please. You're totally scary now.'

"Y-yeah. That girl never came early to school."

"If you'll leave.... I'll... I'll... I'll.." Think, Jin, Think! "I'll have no rival for being the smartest student in school anymore." Jin said which made Kae Il laugh a bit through her agony at the moment.

"Y-yah. Jin. Hahah~~"

With no any other thoughts, Jin suddenly wrapped his arms around his long time crush. He pushed her towards himself to let her feel his heartbeat. To let her realize that it is her, Park Kae Il, that Jin is getting crazy with. But he knows she only looks at him like a brother. He knows she already closed her heart to accept someone's love as love and affection as affection. But, what if she change her mind?

Kae Il could feel her heart beating abnormally as he continued to caress her with his hands on her back. The feeling is unexplainable. She liked it, a warm hug from a good brother. But then, she stiffened after she heard a thing.. "If you'll leave, I'll die missing you."

She pulled herself from the hug and.. "J-jin.."

"If you'll leave, I might~"

"I'll miss you, too, Jin. Our four months of friendship will be treasured in my heart foreve~"

"I love you, Park Kae Il." Jin is under a rapid perspiration right now. He's afraid of how Kae Il will respond to his I Love You. He's afraid of rejection. Rejection from the one he loves. Kae Il didn't blink an eye. She was caught off guard by what he has said. She felt guilty. Yes, Jin is her friend but his confession today made her think if he's serious or just joking around to mess her plan, her mother's plan. Afterall, Tae Hyung is still his friend and he might have contacted him to play on Kae Il once again.

'You're only fifteen, we're only fifteen. We don't know love yet. Love is a sweet feeling, they say. Love is like a sugar that blends with your saliva until your brain admits that yes, it is sweet. But that sugar, if taken in too much, will cause you diabetes and will hurt you more in the end, Or worse, will kill you. Love tricks. Love hates. Love is not good. If it is, then I must have not been played by the boy I first loved, V. And if it truly is, I must be together with my loving family now.' She thought.

As what Jin expected, Kae Il didn't say a word.

"Don't get me wrong, Kaye. I need to be honest. I've been keeping this feeling for the whole time but I just can't stand it anymore. I don't want you to leave not knowing my insides. I don't want you to answer, either. I didn't even asked. I just want you to know that I really lo~~"

"Oh, dear, sorry for the long wait. I had a hard time finding an empty cubicle at the comfort room." Startstruck, the two went silent as Kae Il's mother's friend appeared.


Author's Note: We call it good timing. And I mean it by sarcasm. Hello, readers! Thank you for waiting my update. This chapter might have confused you, but don't worry because I'll state the reasons in the next chapter why all of these happened. Thaank you for reading! *bows


Will Kae Il leave? Will Jin stop her? Or will J-hope rush out of his room and give Suga some biscuits? Comment below! :)

Korean Words Used:

Yeobo -honey

Eottoke? -what to do?

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