Elves | VMin Fanfiction

By kookiesandjiminsjams

93K 6K 1.3K

Jimin is an elf and needs a protector. Taehyung is a human who lives in a fantasy. When the two bump into eac... More

Epilogue Part 1.
Epilogue Part 2.
Thank you!


1.6K 102 52
By kookiesandjiminsjams

"Please let me go!" He heard from one direction, running down there, only for Jimin's voice to come out just as clear in another direction.

"Jimin where are you?!" Taehyung called our, panic rising in him when he realised he was lost in the wolf lair when Jimin was in such danger.
"I'm here Tae!" He heard to the left, running down there, but then it echoed now in two different directions.

Taehyung's hands ran through his hair, gripping onto it as all of a sudden Jimin's voice was all he could hear echoing off each wall and corridor.
"He's going to kill me" "Help!" "Tae where are you?" "Let go of me!" "Tae!"
For a moment, he was convinced his mind was playing tricks on him as the voice were surrounding him and he was slowly losing his focus and panicking more and more, tears brimming in his eyes.
But he remembered Hoseok's words.

Don't play the game.

Taehyung stopped as he thought, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He knew Namjoon just wanted him to follow wherever Jimin's voice was heard from and trick him, giving him more time to play with Taehyung and hurt Jimin.

He had no idea how he was supposed to go about this. He didn't even know where Namjoon had run to with Jimin and he could hear the wolves coming after him as their barking and growling was getting closer and closer.

But that's when the light bulb went off in Taehyung's head.
He was a werewolf with advanced powers for a new born.

He tried sniffing in to pick up Namjoon's scent, but of course Namjoon had been smart and covered his scent. However, Taehyung picked up another one that seemed like it had tried to be covered, but it was so distinctive that was impossible.

It was a sweet smell compared to all the rest of them, like fresh fruit, and Taehyung knew in an instant that it was Jimin's.

He blocked out the echoes in his head as he jumped into wolf form and ran off following Jimin's scent. If anything, the voices that seemed louder with the wolves sensitive hearing gave him something to strive for and made him determined to get his little elf back.

He soon arrived in a small room which he found odd amongst all of the tunnels, stopping to look around. It wasn't much use as it was dark, the only source of light pouring in being from some torches along the dark brick walls.

But that's when he saw the walls were odd. The bricks were all perfectly in place besides the odd one which stuck out more. They ran all along the walls as Taehyung followed them, seeing they were leading upwards.

Looking up, he saw a hole with light through it as he realised that to avoid Namjoon's game like Hoseok said, he had to jump up there.

Just as he was about to run to the first brick to give him a boost, three wolves came out of nowhere, rugby tackling him to the floor as he rolled over, snarling at them before he began to fight all three of them.

He attacked one, throwing him at the wall as he bounched off it, cracking his head on one of the bricks as he was instantly knocked out. The two growled as he'd hurt their friend, both pouncing at the same time as they pinned Taehyung down.

He managed to shove one off, the wolf literally about to attack again whilst Taehyung was preoccupied with the other before he was tackled to the wall by Jungkook who pinned the wolf against it, squeezing his arms around it as he managed to crush its ribs, making it yelp in pain before falling limp.

Jungkook grabbed the other off of Taehyung, throwing him off.
"Go now! I'll hold them off!" Jungkook shouted as he fought with the other wolves that had got through Jin and Hoseok who were fighting downstairs.

Taehyung nodded as he leapt onto the wall, realising they were wet on purpose so he would slip as his paws and claws clung to the slippery surface.

Clambering up each brick, he could see the hole in sight as he began to slip, realising it was more slippy the further up he got. He began to really lose his grip as before he let go, he leapt up as far as he could, flying up and onto the ledge as he threw himself into the hole.

As he entered, his anger bubbled over and he had reached his pinnacle Of livid.

Namjoon had a hold of Jimin as he smirked at Taehyung, Jimin whimpering out of fear, his hands on Namjoon's arm that tried to pull it away from enclosing around his neck anymore than it was.

"Well done, you're smarter than everybody else" He spoke. He had to admit he was impressed by Taehyung.
"It is a real shame you're not really one of us, you'd make such a good addition" Namjoon spoke quite kindly and calmly.

"Why would I want to be like you? You hurt innocent people like Jimin?" Taehyung growled before he turned back to his human form, talking to Namjoon man to man.
"Innocent people? Jimin stole the pearl of Zemblanity" he lifted his hand, running a long Jimin's face who flinched away.
"The one thing elves are meant to protect"

"And you want it to do bad things with it" Taehyung snapped as Namjoon burst out laughing before turning to Jimin.
"You never told him why we wanted the pearl? Well maybe I should" He spoke, Jimin looking down at the floor.

"I was only young when I discovered I was a werewolf, I want to say I was about thirteen" Namjoon admitted.
"Nobody else was like me and everybody else noticed that. So they bullied me"

"Now I couldn't get angry because if I did I'd lose control and I'd kill them all. I didn't want to go to prison so here I am, the person today" Namjoon presented himself with a smug smile.
"They picked on me everyday until I showed them what I truly am" He smirked
"That's when Yoongi and Hoseok decided they wanted to join me"

Taehyung was shocked by this.
Namjoon seemed to rely on them. They did everything he said, or was it out of fear?

"I made them what they are and we formed our pack" Namjoon gestured around the place with one arm, the other still tightly around Jimin.
"If it wasn't for me then this amazing place wouldn't exist"

Taehyung had to admit that this place was amazing and so well built. If this was all Namjoon and his two side bitches then he was impressed.

"I remember all the leaders were called to a meeting one day and that's when we were given our pearls" he pulled the pearl of Serendipity out of his pocket.
"It seems like we were given the most boring pearl since we were not trusted and elves were given the most dangerous since it was assumed they wouldn't use it" Namjoon spoke as he gave Jimin a deadly stare.

"I read up on these pearls and found out when opposites were put together they were more powerful than ever and that is what I wanted since I was little... power" Namjoon explained.

"My whole life I was powerless. My parents disowning me at nine years old.. bullied at school for being different.. my grandparents, the only people who took me in, dying in a car crash I couldn't help.." Namjoon seemed to get emotional as Taehyung was surprised to see this side to him. But he didn't know if it was all still apart of his game.

"I wanted power that I couldn't have!" He screamed
"And now something as worthless as a weak elf is stopping me having it!" He shouted as he shoved Jimin to the floor.

"I will rip it off your dead body if I have to! Now give me the pearl!" Namjoon jumped as he turned into his wolf mode, Taehyung instantly jumping into his as he spoke.
"Not if I kill you first!" He ran at Namjoon before he even had a chance to touch Jimin who was cowering in the corner.

He tackled him as the final fight began.

This was it.

Only one of them was coming out alive.

For a while the two tossed and turned as the rolled over one another, fighting for power over the other as one moment, Namjoon had Taehyung pinned down, biting at his neck but the next Taehyung would use all the strength he had to flip Namjoon over and scratch at his face.

Jimin sat in the corner, worried for Taehyung's life as it was painful to see him getting as hurt as he was.

That's when he felt the bump in his pocket as he remembered what he had. Pulling out the pearl he contemplated using it. He remembered what had happened to Yoongi and how injured he got. What if he used it and it hurt Taehyung by accident? He would never ever forgive himself.

Suddenly Taehyung went flying through the air, his back hitting the wall as it made the whole room shake before he fell to the floor with a thud.

"Tae!" Jimin yelped out as he stood up, trying to get to him, only he was pulled back against something.
"You're not going anywhere" Yoongi smirked as he had a hold of Jimin who tried fighting back but it was no use.

"Let him go" Jungkook walked up to him as Yoongi laughed in a mocking manner, shaking his head.
"You really think you can beat me?" He laughed once again as Jungkook smirked.
"No, but he can..." suddenly Hoseok came to Jungkook's side and Yoongi didn't look so smug, but his pride was too big.

"I don't want to do this Hoseok" Yoongi warned him
"You should know better-"
"No you should" Hoseok answered back quickly
"I learned that what I'd been doing my whole life was wrong and thank god these guys went easy on me" He turned to Jungkook with a smile.
"With you, you'll have to learn the hard way" He glared as Yoongi shoved Jimin out of his way before he changed into his wolf form, signalling he was ready before the three ran at one another and began the fight.

Jimin crawled to Taehyung as he was now in his human form, completely unconscious as Jimin began to cry more. He tried thinking of a way to help as he picked up Taehyung in his arms with all the strength he had and held him against him, kissing his forehead.

For a moment, Jimin just held him as he tried to block out all the fighting going on and he tried to imagine the world with just the two of them in it and how much he would adore that world. It was all he wanted right now, but it could never come true.

Suddenly, Taehyung coughed as Jimin helped him sit up against the wall, his eyes opening slowly as he groaned in pain. Just as Jimin was about to speak to him, a shadow was seen hovering over them.

He turned and instantly backed up to the wall next to Taehyung, his hand flying to Taehyung's as he gripped it so tightly. Namjoon smirked at it as he began to walk closer, grabbing Taehyung's collar as he lifted him up in his weak state and pinned him to the wall.

"No! Hurt me! Not him!" Jimin screamed as he stood, only for Namjoon to swat him away like a fly as he went flying to the side and hitting the ground.

Namjoon turned to Taehyung who was barely awake, glaring at him.
"Like I said, it's a shame you're not one of us" Namjoon sighed
"Guess I'll just have to kill you, but know that I genuinely liked you Tae" Namjoon told him as squeezed his hands around Taehyung's neck, slowly choking him before he heard a voice.

"That's enough Namjoon!"

He was shocked by the authoritative order he never normally got around here since he was the higher power, turning around as he dropped Taehyung to the floor when he saw who it was.

"Kim Seokjin..." he smirked
"Well ain't you a sight for sorry eyes" He mocked
"Namjoon we both know how this is gonna end, so let the kid go, let one of my elves go and I'll be on my merry way as well" Jin patronised him, knowing how much Namjoon hated it, smirking when he saw it bothered him as he straightened up and walked towards him.

"I want that pearl and Jimin has it, besides he was banished was he not?" Namjoon asked, trying to get under Jin's skin.
"He will always be an elf in my eyes. And elf and best friend" Jin told Namjoon who pouted.
"Aw how cute" He mocked

"You should know the rules of best friends, shouldn't you Namjoon? Although you weren't exactly popular at school were you?" Jin laughed and Namjoon seemed to push over the edge as he leapt at Jin, only for him to get his magic wand and use it to blast Namjoon back.

"If there's one thing to being a best friend it's that rule" Jin told him as Namjoon stood up from the floor.
"What is that?" He asked and Jin seemed to completely switch into battle mode.

"You kick his ass, I kick yours harder" Jin used his wand to blast Namjoon back into the corner as Namjoon's strength was useless against that wand no matter how much he tried.

Though the pain and damage wasn't that great, it wasn't exactly the point as Jin looked over at Taehyung who stood up, shaking off whatever pain he was in. Jin was buying him time as Taehyung nodded at him before he ran and jumped into his wolf form.

Jin stopped pushing Namjoon into the corner who instantly began to run at Jin, only for Taehyung to tackle him out of nowhere as they both went rolling, biting and scratching one another once again.

Jin suddenly realised the other wolves that were approaching the entrance to the door as he ran to it and using his magic created a forcefield block that as they ran at it, they all bounced back off it.

Jimin watched once again in horror as Taehyung was brawling with Namjoon, but all of a sudden he seemed stronger, but maybe not strong enough for Namjoon who still had such power over him, pinning him down.

Jimin once again thought of the pearl, holding it in his hand as he stared at it and thought about how much damage it could actually do. But could he risk using it?

But he snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Taehyung get pinned down, scratched across the face as he yelped and began bleeding from his cheek.

Jimin's instincts leapt in as he held the pearl out in front of him, squeezing his eyes shut as he prayed it wouldn't hit Taehyung.

The earth seemed to move around them as the room went that familiar bright blue, Namjoon looking to his side as before he could dodge it, the beam of light hit him in his side, sending him flying across the room as Taehyung stayed on the ground to avoid the light hitting him.

Jimin stopped as he opened his eyes to see Namjoon on the ground, trying to get up as he weakly stood, his legs giving way despite his eyes being filled with anger and determination to win.

His side was all burnt like it was with Yoongi's as he limped, Taehyung pouncing on him before he could barely move as Namjoon seemed to fight back but not as much as he did before by any cost.

Taehyung went into rage mode.

He was so angry for what Namjoon has done to Jimin. How he treated him and how he's hurt him to get what he wanted. Just because it happened to him it does not mean he should do it.

Taehyung couldn't control his anger anymore as he bit Namjoon on his neck, his claws digging into his sides on his burn as Namjoon cried out in pain but Taehyung ignored it. He wanted Namjoon to suffer as much as Jimin has.

Jimin saw this as he began to worry Taehyung was taking it too far. He saw a lot of Namjoon in Taehyung which worried him as he stood from his place, running over.

"Stop Taehyung!" He cried but Taehyung didn't listen as he bit even deeper into Namjoon's neck. At any moment Namjoon could die as Jimin shoved Taehyung away and off Namjoon, running over to him as he grabbed his face and forced Taehyung's red eyes to look into his own.

The purple tint seemed to calm Taehyung as his eyes went from a burning fire to a sizzled out one in a matter of minutes, his eyes relaxing as the angry wrinkles faded away.

Jimin patted down the fur on top of his head as he pressed his forehead against Taehyung's, closing his eyes. It all seemed very soothing for Taehyung as he listened to Jimin's sweet voice that was slowly bringing him down from his anger.

"It's okay Tae, I'm here and I'm alive" he whispered as Taehyung came down from his anger, Jimin feeling him shrink as when he opened his eyes, Taehyung was back to his human form, his forehead pressed against Jimin's as his breathing was heavy, his face having a huge cut in it as well as multiple bruises.

Jimin's hand was patting down his hair as he ran his fingers through his locks, noticing that all over his body were scratches and bite marks.
He wanted to cry that Taehyung had been hurt like he had because of what Jimin has done, the guilt eating him alive but he was just so glad Taehyung was alive.

"Jimin..." Taehyung breathed as he looked him in the eyes.
"I was afraid I'll lose you again" He spoke with a shake as he was still breathing very heavily, Jimin smiling up at him as he still ran a hand through Taehyung's hair.
"So was I"

Namjoon sat up as he looked at the pair and he saw what was going on between them. He could feel it. He could feel what they had and he realised in that moment that this was more than a protector and his elf or two people in love. It was a mixture of both which creates something way more powerful than any pearl. The best part about it was that it was pure and Namjoon realised that he could try all he wanted to get this pearl, but the bond between the two of them was stronger and he was never going to get it.

Jimin was here to protect Taehyung and Taehyung was here to protect Jimin. That was never going to change.

He was filled with grief as he failed what he wanted to do, all the power he wanted he couldn't have. Jimin turned when he heard Namjoon sit up, smiling sweetly.

He began to walk over as Taehyung grabbed him, shaking his head with a worried expression, scared to lose him.
"It's okay" Jimin whispered
"I'm not leaving you"

Taehyung loosened his grip as Jimin went and knelt next to Namjoon, taking the pearl of Zamblanity out of his pocket.

"It's not even a pretty pearl" Jimin spoke with a laugh as he had never liked the dark blue colour of it.
"I suppose you're right" Namjoon smirked as he pulled out the pearl of Serendipity, smiling at its beautiful light yellow contrasted the dark blue.

Namjoon tried sitting up, only to fall back down as he gripped his side from where the pearl had hurt him, Jimin feeling bad as he had an idea.

"Here" he took Namjoon's hand, placing the pearls next to one another as they both lit up before turning a light green colour. Jimin's hand held Namjoon's as he pressed it to his body, onto his wound as Namjoon flinched at first from the excruciating pain but it faded quickly as he felt a sense of relief flush through him.

His body seemed to grow strong once again as he looked down, seeing the wound was lit up the light shade of green as within a minute, his wound was healing by the second and he no longer felt any pain.

Namjoon looked at Jimin as he smiled, grabbing his hand.
"Thank you" he whispered as he was shocked when Jimin wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug, although he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms back around the small elf.

Taehyung soon came and sat down next to him, Namjoon turning to him.
"I-I'm sorry that-"
"Don't apologise to me for anything" Taehyung spoke
"I was just doing my job" he looked at Jimin as Jimin smiled at him, Namjoon turning to Jimin once again.
"I'm sorry Jimin..." he spoke sheepishly as Jimin smiled.
"All is forgiven"

Jimin was too kind and forgiving for this world, it made Namjoon wonder how he could have done this to such a sweet and small elf like him.

The other guys seemed to regroup with them, tensity in the air as they seemed confused by what was going on.

"Are you guys okay?" Jungkook ran over to them as they all gathered in a group hug, Jimin sighing with relief that both of his friends were okay.
"I thought I was gonna lose you both" Jimin spoke as they pulled away and smiled.

Jimin looked over Taehyung's shoulder, seeing Jin stood with a sheepish smile as he ran over and the two of them hugged as tightly as they could hug one another.
"I'm so sorry Jimin.. I never should have got rid of you" He spoke as Jimin sighed into his shoulder.
"We're both outcasts now" He spoke

"Not for much longer" Namjoon stood as they looked at him.
"I'm gonna contact the leaders and make sure Jin is made leader again" He spoke as he smiled at Jin.
"You're a good strong leader" He complimented as Jin smiled at the comment
"I do try" He shrugged, making them laugh before Namjoon turned to his two werewolf sidekicks.

"Y-you don't have to follow my rules anymore, I'm-"
"You're our leader Namjoon" Hoseok spoke up.
"You're a good one too" Yoongi added. There was a small pause as both looked at one another.
"Y-You're a good friend too" Yoongi admitted
"We're sorry for everything we've ever put you through, can you forgive us?" Hoseok apologised as Namjoon smiled
"You're my best friends and I'm sorry too" Namjoon told them

"We're sorry to you guys too" Yoongi turned to Taehyung, Jungkook and Jin as they smiled at him, and that was enough to know there was no bad blood. Both suddenly turned to Jimin.

"We're especially sorry to you" Jimin smiled as he ran over and to them, wrapping his tiny arms around them. Hoseok instantly hugged back, but Yoongi seemed reluctant as his body stiffened before he finally allowed himself to relax into the hug, his arms wrapping around the small elf.

"As much as I appreciate the role of being leader, I think somebody else would do a much better job than me"
Namjoon turned to Taehyung.

Taehyung's eyes widened.
"W-what?!" He shouted in shock, making everyone laugh at his surprise.
"You have every quality a werewolf needs that it's so rare" Namjoon stepped forward.
"It would be an honour to have you as our leader"

Taehyung looked around.

He loved being a werewolf and he loved this place. He felt like everything felt right as a werewolf, like he was who he truly was but at the same time, being human was the one thing he'd always been and it was all he knew.

Could he let it all go?

"I can't" Taehyung spoke
"I'm not ready" Taehyung looked at Namjoon.
"Then I'm willing to help out, I mean-"
"No I mean I don't know if I'm ready to be a werewolf all together" he looked at Jungkook.
"I'm still human and I'm not sure if I'm ready to say goodbye to that"

The wolves nodded as they respected his decision.
"Just know, we'll welcome you with open arms any day" Namjoon told him as suddenly, Taehyung felt his head go dizzy, Jungkook doing the same.

"It's the spell it's wearing off" Jin spoke as he ran to Taehyung.
"If you want to be a werewolf you need to decide now" Jin warned as Taehyung looked at Jungkook, fighting his change off as Jungkook was already back to his human form. He looked at Jimin who was holding his hand tightly to get him through this.

"What about my mom and Ailee? What about you Jungkook?" He shouted over the buzzing that was in his head.
"Tae, we'll all support you no matter what" Jungkook told him.
"You can go see your family any time you need!" Namjoon told him.

Taehyung turned to Jimin, knowing he had a fear of wolves after all of this.
"What about you? You're still scared of wolves" He was hit with another wave as he hunched over, Jimin cupping his face as he looked at him.
"I'll love you no matter what you are"

Taehyung paused.

He'd just said it. The L word.

"Y-you l-love me?" Taehyung nearly choked.
Jimin giggled at his response.
"I always will" He told him as Taehyung seemed to forget the dizziness, kissing Jimin on the lips.

He melted into the kiss as he decided to just let whatever was to happen happen. He could feel very little change in his body but he wasn't focusing on that. He was focused on the pure ecstasy he was feeling from Jimin saying the L word. He knew where his heart belonged and he knew he felt the same.

Pulling away, Jimin smiled when he saw Taehyung's eyes, his path had been chosen.

"I love you too Jimin"

This book is nearly done 😔 I've loved doing this book so much, especially this chapter.

Anyway, your girl is on holiday and it's so damn hot lmao

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